Sorry, the Hollywood strike appears over

That's right everyone. Now Hollywood will be back to help get Mr. Potato head back into office and promote their gender thingys.

Darn shame. But, the leftists got wanted they wanted, higher prices on top of the high prices we already have. As soon as the UAW strike is over we can look forward to even higher prices.
Darn shame. But, the leftists got wanted they wanted, higher prices on top of the high prices we already have. As soon as the UAW strike is over we can look forward to even higher prices.

If raising wages to something close to minimum wage adjusted for real inflation is going to 'bankrupt every body' then you got no one to blame but the corporations themselves for loading their companies down with debt and off-shoring their factories where they're vulnerable to shakedowns and out right seizures by those labor racketeering gangsters they love so much. You mooches hoping to leech off cheap slave labor via your day trading and 401K scams are just shit out of luck. Try getting jobs if your gambling returns aren't enough. Nobody else is obligated to work for nothing and starve so you can live large.

Biden isn't the only reason we're a banana republic; Reagan took it a long way too.
Landlines aren't extinct. I have two, and my wi-fi is hooked to a cable as well. Fiber optics are actually faster than wi-fi.
Ahh....well I'm sure some people still do have them; But by and large the era of the wall phone has been pushed aside by cell technology. It was rather inevitable.

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