Sorry to Disappoint You Muslim-Loving Libberhoids....

Awwww, poor baby. You and your cowardly buddies can't use the chicken shit neg rep system to bully those who kick you ass in regular debate.

IMO most posters should opt out, then the bullies and cowards will only have each other to chicken shit neg rep.

that's from that big bad long winded ass, ALFLIE the doofus

you see here folks, here's the CHICKEN SHITS...they turn off their rep so can BULLY and be nothing but asses to everyone else with no repercussions...

Only whiney babies even care about rep points.

They way I look at it I some times get carried away and some things I regret so the neg is fine for that reason. Personally I think people should keep it turned on if they're being honest.
Awwww, poor baby. You and your cowardly buddies can't use the chicken shit neg rep system to bully those who kick you ass in regular debate.

IMO most posters should opt out, then the bullies and cowards will only have each other to chicken shit neg rep.

that's from that big bad long winded ass, ALFLIE the doofus^^^^

you see, they are the CHICKEN SHITS...they turn off their rep so they can BULLY, spew their shit and be asses to everyone else with no repercussions...

that's pretty typical of a COWARD

Those 3 words pretty much say it all AND prove my point...heheh.

Steph is the dumbest bitch on this site.
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Awwww, poor baby. You and your cowardly buddies can't use the chicken shit neg rep system to bully those who kick you ass in regular debate.

IMO most posters should opt out, then the bullies and cowards will only have each other to chicken shit neg rep.

That would be fun to watch.

Another opted-out whiner-loser.
Why are we talking about Muslims here? Who brought that topic up?
This is about KICK STAND "UP" IN D.C. TOMORROW !!!!!

We'll be honoring those who were killed on 9/11 and the brave men and women who serve our nation - in the military and law enforcement - as well as the families of all who have fallen and all who have served.

If you have a bike - get to HD Washington, D.C. tomorrow and let's ride.

Here's the meet up site - Fort Washington, Maryland, Harley-Davidson, Motorocycle, Dealer, Used Parts, Apparel Accessories, Gifts

Route (currently classified) will be announced prior-to "Kickstands Up."

Yup. When they're done riding to Washington, they'll head straightaway to Sturgis to get drunk, do drugs, smuggle illegal firearms, and swap wives.

Great bunch of self-proclaimed "patriots," that.
Why are we talking about Muslims here? Who brought that topic up?
This is about KICK STAND "UP" IN D.C. TOMORROW !!!!!

We'll be honoring those who were killed on 9/11 and the brave men and women who serve our nation - in the military and law enforcement - as well as the families of all who have fallen and all who have served.

If you have a bike - get to HD Washington, D.C. tomorrow and let's ride.

Here's the meet up site - Fort Washington, Maryland, Harley-Davidson, Motorocycle, Dealer, Used Parts, Apparel Accessories, Gifts

Route (currently classified) will be announced prior-to "Kickstands Up."

Yup. When they're done riding to Washington, they'll head straightaway to Sturgis to get drunk, do drugs, smuggle illegal firearms, and swap wives.

Great bunch of self-proclaimed "patriots," that.

Eat shit, dumbass
Why are we talking about Muslims here? Who brought that topic up?
This is about KICK STAND "UP" IN D.C. TOMORROW !!!!!

We'll be honoring those who were killed on 9/11 and the brave men and women who serve our nation - in the military and law enforcement - as well as the families of all who have fallen and all who have served.

If you have a bike - get to HD Washington, D.C. tomorrow and let's ride.

Here's the meet up site - Fort Washington, Maryland, Harley-Davidson, Motorocycle, Dealer, Used Parts, Apparel Accessories, Gifts

Route (currently classified) will be announced prior-to "Kickstands Up."

Yup. When they're done riding to Washington, they'll head straightaway to Sturgis to get drunk, do drugs, smuggle illegal firearms, and swap wives.

Great bunch of self-proclaimed "patriots," that.

well, it's a stupid crystal ball you have, so you should toss it along with trying to be cute or something...and with post you have no room to talk about who are patriots..
you're just a classless bigot
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Yup. When they're done riding to Washington, they'll head straightaway to Sturgis to get drunk, do drugs, smuggle illegal firearms, and swap wives.

Great bunch of self-proclaimed "patriots," that.

You've been watching too much Hollywood, nutsack. 99.9% of us are professionals, great citizens, very pro-American, pro-miltary/law-enforcement, family men and women. The 1-percenters you're referring to don't bother us - however, they seem to bother you left-winged pole-smokers like yourself.
Yup. When they're done riding to Washington, they'll head straightaway to Sturgis to get drunk, do drugs, smuggle illegal firearms, and swap wives.

Great bunch of self-proclaimed "patriots," that.

You've been watching too much Hollywood, nutsack. 99.9% of us are professionals, great citizens, very pro-American, pro-miltary/law-enforcement, family men and women. The 1-percenters you're referring to don't bother us - however, they seem to bother you left-winged pole-smokers like yourself.

you have more patience than I do my dear....:lol:
Yup. When they're done riding to Washington, they'll head straightaway to Sturgis to get drunk, do drugs, smuggle illegal firearms, and swap wives.

Great bunch of self-proclaimed "patriots," that.

You've been watching too much Hollywood, nutsack. 99.9% of us are professionals, great citizens, very pro-American, pro-miltary/law-enforcement, family men and women. The 1-percenters you're referring to don't bother us - however, they seem to bother you left-winged pole-smokers like yourself.

Nope, not this bunch. I know quite a lot about them. I happen to commute every day along a main interstate to Sturgis. I know bikers that go there every year. They are mainly older, overweight, and in poor general health. They are strongly bigotted.

Also, biker women are usually quite unattractive and fat.
Yup. When they're done riding to Washington, they'll head straightaway to Sturgis to get drunk, do drugs, smuggle illegal firearms, and swap wives.

Great bunch of self-proclaimed "patriots," that.

You've been watching too much Hollywood, nutsack. 99.9% of us are professionals, great citizens, very pro-American, pro-miltary/law-enforcement, family men and women. The 1-percenters you're referring to don't bother us - however, they seem to bother you left-winged pole-smokers like yourself.

Nope, not this bunch. I know quite a lot about them. I happen to commute every day along a main interstate to Sturgis. I know bikers that go there every year. They are mainly older, overweight, and in poor general health. They are strongly bigotted.

Also, biker women are usually quite unattractive and fat.

awww, poor thing he has to deal with those bikers.....and you're not STRONGLY BIGOTTED....

zoom zoom :lol:

my guy was in a bunch who went to Sturgis, all worked over 25 years for Ford, had families they loved and care about others...but we see only APPERANCES means anything to such a shallow person like yourself...too bad, your lose
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Warrior102 said:
Eat some shit, ya assfucking little Goddamned beaaaaaaaaaatch

you're a great american.

he's still a free american to speak how he wants...don't you see pop up when others speak this way

sure he's a free american. he's also a butt hurt baby that can't take it when someone disagrees with him.

if bigotry drives dickless to ride his phallic symbol through the streets of DC in some sort of protest against the 5 people that were going to show up for the 'million muslim march' that's his business.

but if he wants to put his towering intellect on display through use of well thought out and very articulate insults he might as well make them for the whole board to see and appreciate.
If some people think it's fair to lump all muslims in with the violent, militant ones then it is also fair to lump all christians in with the westboro baptist church.

I see your rep power has been turned off, asswipe. Enjoyed your blathering yesterday as to how irrelevant it is. Fucking lying sack of shit I see.

That would be a toddler throwing a diaper? Or a computer geek at thirty five living at home and never bathing and throwing his undies onto the wall to make them stick , so they know where to find them in the morning(if your like my sons they don't wear underwear and live in their own house,or semi-truck like one), if they go to bed at all?

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