Sort of a simple question

It's likely that low information lefties only voted for Hillary because they didn't believe all the good things Trump had to say about the United States. When did you ever hear Hillary say "America is great" ? When did you ever see Hillary supporters show respect for the Flag? They threw Old Glory on the floor after her rallies and today former Clinton voters are showing their disappointment by burning the Flag in the streets.

Obviously you never saw a Hillary rally or heard a Hillary speech . You statement is asinine .
We've seen vids of her speeches and 'rallys'. :laugh:

Did you honestly think she had a chance at winning? lol
Trump is going to rubber stamp whatever plutocratic treason lands on his desk. Anyone who expected a billionaire to give a shit about the rabble is a fool. Conservatives, get ready to defend more trickle down bullshit than we have ever seen.

Is that basically a "no"? No matter what, you will see his actions as opposing the democrats point of view?
If you voted for Trump or not, for good or worse, he only expressed one really coherent thing: He wants to make America great. Again. (Like it isn't?)

If anything, he seems pragmatic.

Most likely he will engage in environmental issues, side with unexpected minorities, nations or what ever seems beneficial for the US to him. It might cause problems - or solve problems. It might be a "right" move or a "left" move.

As much as you support him or "unsupport" him, will you be able to look beyond the left/right party boundaries?
America hasn't been great in a long time. Thanks in part mostly to our government, the media, and media fed fools also known as liberals.

When was it "great" ? Should be easy for you to answer that question .
Most people believe the Ike Era was "greatness".

This was followed by the Viet Nam Era which was marked by frustration and culminated in Richard Milhous Nixon. Harry Truman suffered the same frustration at the hands of the N.Koreans, Chinese, and Russians.

The Reagan Era seemed like a brief period of "greatness" due to the temporary economic recovery due to Reagan's deficit spending skyrocket for military/defense initiatives.

The Clinton Era seemed like a long period of "greatness" due to the long economic speculative bubble due to the Dot-Com bubble and the real estate junk mortgage bubble.

Those are the periods of so called greatness that Trump was lulling the non college educated blue collar voters with in Mich, Wisc, Ohio, Pa, NC, and Florida.

It worked for him !!
America hasn't been great in a long time. Thanks in part mostly to our government, the media, and media fed fools also known as liberals.
"... in a long time" means you must be referring back to the Ike Era which was a long time ago.

This is just simply Macroeconomics.

If you went to college and you took Macro then all this would make perfect sense to you.

If not then you just fall into the non college educated blue collar workforce that Trump managed able to harness to his own purposes in order for him to defeat Hillary.

Good for him though !!!

Thank God that Hillary is not the POTUS now.
No, not really, but nevertheless - he seems less intent on following a party line than do... well, whatever he does.

So even if you didn't support him, would you recognise actions you do like?
Is this English ??

Are you even speaking English ??

Or are you translating your own native foreign language into English ??

What banana republic are you from ??
I voted for him because he addresses quite a few things I agree with. Knowing that a candidate makes some promises he won't be able to fulfill, I'll wait and see what he does and the paths he takes. I'm hoping he works well with and can sway the Democrats to his side. If he fails, well.....................he has a phone and a pen too.
You voted for him because you are a non college educated blue collar worker.

Confess !!!

If you voted for Trump or not, for good or worse, he only expressed one really coherent thing: He wants to make America great. Again. (Like it isn't?)

If anything, he seems pragmatic.

Most likely he will engage in environmental issues, side with unexpected minorities, nations or what ever seems beneficial for the US to him. It might cause problems - or solve problems. It might be a "right" move or a "left" move.

As much as you support him or "unsupport" him, will you be able to look beyond the left/right party boundaries?
While I did not vote for either Trump nor Hillary, I am happy as a pig in slop that Trump beat Hillary and I could kiss his ugly azz for it.

You seem to be really confused about Trump however. He does not seem to be interested in "environmental issues" -- he is a businessman and they are interested in making money NOT in the environment.

You mentioned "minorities" however neither Trump nor the GOP is interested in minorities, so where did you dream up this crap from ??

You don't seem to know much about Mr. Trump. He is what we call a RINO. Means "republican in name only".

So where in the heck are you from -- what banana republic do you live in ??

A rather common view on this particular message board is that there is a direct link between environment and money and minorities influence regarding political support.
A rather common view on this particular message board is that there is a direct link between environment and money and minorities influence regarding political support.
I still want to know what banana republic you are from.

You're not American.

You can hardly speak intelligible English.
You know, there have been times in my life that I have voted for someone and the other person won. One such instance was in 2004 when Jr. got elected again. Not only was I upset, but I thought that he was wrong for the country, and I was right.

No, I didn't move to Canada or Mexico when Jr. got his second term, I just said lets wait and see if he can fix what he screwed up. And yeah, even though I didn't like him or his policies, he was still my president from 2004 to 2008.

Now, it's happened again, and Trump has been elected. I don't agree with lots of his policies, nor do I think that he has what it takes to run the country effectively, but he WAS elected, and therefore is going to be my president after Jan 20th.

That being said, I think that waiting to see how he actually does is warranted. Being president is a job that is unlike just about every other job in the world, there is very little that a person can do prior to be completely qualified for the job from day one. Most of it is what we in the Navy called "on the job training".

However..............watching him flip flop on the campaign trail, as well as watching him flip flop on his policies in his transition period, as well as seeing some of the people he has appointed to his cabinet, it gives me doubts about how good he's gonna be, but I'll give him 6 months to see, and then will comment on how he is as a president.

But it doesn't look very promising. He's already managed to piss off China because he didn't understand our foreign policy with China and Taiwan, because we don't recognize officially the government of Taiwan being separate from China, we view them as being part of China under our "One China" policy. And, it doesn't really matter who called first, him or Taiwan's leader, because he STILL called her the president of Taiwan, and with him being president, that is a serious breach of policy on our side. Not only did Trump call her president, but Pence did as well on "Meet the Press".
America hasn't been great in a long time. Thanks in part mostly to our government, the media, and media fed fools also known as liberals.
"... in a long time" means you must be referring back to the Ike Era which was a long time ago.

This is just simply Macroeconomics.

If you went to college and you took Macro then all this would make perfect sense to you.

If not then you just fall into the non college educated blue collar workforce that Trump managed able to harness to his own purposes in order for him to defeat Hillary.

Good for him though !!!

Thank God that Hillary is not the POTUS now.

ASSuming things makes you something.
A rather common view on this particular message board is that there is a direct link between environment and money and minorities influence regarding political support.
I still want to know what banana republic you are from.

You're not American.

You can hardly speak intelligible English.

It's very exotic.

I come from a republic where we buy media products and then blame them for lying to us. Then we buy some more it.

At Election Day a handful of us go voting, but since not everyone is happy with the outcome we count the votes a couple of times again.

If we still aren't all happy we blame the media. And watch some more commercials.
Trump is going to rubber stamp whatever plutocratic treason lands on his desk. Anyone who expected a billionaire to give a shit about the rabble is a fool. Conservatives, get ready to defend more trickle down bullshit than we have ever seen.

Is that basically a "no"? No matter what, you will see his actions as opposing the democrats point of view?
His actions will be whatever congress tells him to do. If you have not yet figured out who congress actually serves I'll give you a hint: it ain't you. He will put up a show of telling them to serve the people for a change but in the end nothing is going to change for the better. The super rich will get their super expensive tax cuts, the banks will be released to build another giant bubble, and you will be poorer when it all blows up. The real tragedy is that you will find some way to blame democrats and poor people for all of it and continue to vote these people in.
Trump is going to rubber stamp whatever plutocratic treason lands on his desk. Anyone who expected a billionaire to give a shit about the rabble is a fool. Conservatives, get ready to defend more trickle down bullshit than we have ever seen.

Is that basically a "no"? No matter what, you will see his actions as opposing the democrats point of view?
His actions will be whatever congress tells him to do. If you have not yet figured out who congress actually serves I'll give you a hint: it ain't you. He will put up a show of telling them to serve the people for a change but in the end nothing is going to change for the better. The super rich will get their super expensive tax cuts, the banks will be released to build another giant bubble, and you will be poorer when it all blows up. The real tragedy is that you will find some way to blame democrats and poor people for all of it and continue to vote these people in.

Wouldn't that be the case regardless of who is President at any given time? (Not saying you're wrong here, just probing the general partisanship)
Trump is going to rubber stamp whatever plutocratic treason lands on his desk. Anyone who expected a billionaire to give a shit about the rabble is a fool. Conservatives, get ready to defend more trickle down bullshit than we have ever seen.

Is that basically a "no"? No matter what, you will see his actions as opposing the democrats point of view?
His actions will be whatever congress tells him to do. If you have not yet figured out who congress actually serves I'll give you a hint: it ain't you. He will put up a show of telling them to serve the people for a change but in the end nothing is going to change for the better. The super rich will get their super expensive tax cuts, the banks will be released to build another giant bubble, and you will be poorer when it all blows up. The real tragedy is that you will find some way to blame democrats and poor people for all of it and continue to vote these people in.

Wouldn't that be the case regardless of who is President at any given time? (Not saying you're wrong here, just probing the general partisanship)
Probably, but if you actually wanted populism where the wage earner/small business owner is put first in government policy you picked the wrong man. We've been suffering under a big business dominated government for a long time and you people go and elect a billionaire who wants to be king.
I voted for him because he addresses quite a few things I agree with. Knowing that a candidate makes some promises he won't be able to fulfill, I'll wait and see what he does and the paths he takes. I'm hoping he works well with and can sway the Democrats to his side. If he fails, well.....................he has a phone and a pen too.
You voted for him because you are a non college educated blue collar worker.

Confess !!!


Well I did go through the third grade. With honors! But my wife made me vote for him. There.
Trump is going to rubber stamp whatever plutocratic treason lands on his desk. Anyone who expected a billionaire to give a shit about the rabble is a fool. Conservatives, get ready to defend more trickle down bullshit than we have ever seen.

Is that basically a "no"? No matter what, you will see his actions as opposing the democrats point of view?
His actions will be whatever congress tells him to do. If you have not yet figured out who congress actually serves I'll give you a hint: it ain't you. He will put up a show of telling them to serve the people for a change but in the end nothing is going to change for the better. The super rich will get their super expensive tax cuts, the banks will be released to build another giant bubble, and you will be poorer when it all blows up. The real tragedy is that you will find some way to blame democrats and poor people for all of it and continue to vote these people in.
Golly, who was in the last eight years?
Trump is going to rubber stamp whatever plutocratic treason lands on his desk. Anyone who expected a billionaire to give a shit about the rabble is a fool. Conservatives, get ready to defend more trickle down bullshit than we have ever seen.

Is that basically a "no"? No matter what, you will see his actions as opposing the democrats point of view?
His actions will be whatever congress tells him to do. If you have not yet figured out who congress actually serves I'll give you a hint: it ain't you. He will put up a show of telling them to serve the people for a change but in the end nothing is going to change for the better. The super rich will get their super expensive tax cuts, the banks will be released to build another giant bubble, and you will be poorer when it all blows up. The real tragedy is that you will find some way to blame democrats and poor people for all of it and continue to vote these people in.

Wouldn't that be the case regardless of who is President at any given time? (Not saying you're wrong here, just probing the general partisanship)
Probably, but if you actually wanted populism where the wage earner/small business owner is put first in government policy you picked the wrong man. We've been suffering under a big business dominated government for a long time and you people go and elect a billionaire who wants to be king.

King? You mean like "I have a pen and I have a cell phone" kind of King?
Trump is going to rubber stamp whatever plutocratic treason lands on his desk. Anyone who expected a billionaire to give a shit about the rabble is a fool. Conservatives, get ready to defend more trickle down bullshit than we have ever seen.

Is that basically a "no"? No matter what, you will see his actions as opposing the democrats point of view?
His actions will be whatever congress tells him to do. If you have not yet figured out who congress actually serves I'll give you a hint: it ain't you. He will put up a show of telling them to serve the people for a change but in the end nothing is going to change for the better. The super rich will get their super expensive tax cuts, the banks will be released to build another giant bubble, and you will be poorer when it all blows up. The real tragedy is that you will find some way to blame democrats and poor people for all of it and continue to vote these people in.

In the event you forgot, it was government that created the regulations for banks to create that bubble, in fact they insisted on it.
You know, there have been times in my life that I have voted for someone and the other person won. One such instance was in 2004 when Jr. got elected again. Not only was I upset, but I thought that he was wrong for the country, and I was right.

No, I didn't move to Canada or Mexico when Jr. got his second term, I just said lets wait and see if he can fix what he screwed up. And yeah, even though I didn't like him or his policies, he was still my president from 2004 to 2008.

Now, it's happened again, and Trump has been elected. I don't agree with lots of his policies, nor do I think that he has what it takes to run the country effectively, but he WAS elected, and therefore is going to be my president after Jan 20th.

That being said, I think that waiting to see how he actually does is warranted. Being president is a job that is unlike just about every other job in the world, there is very little that a person can do prior to be completely qualified for the job from day one. Most of it is what we in the Navy called "on the job training".

However..............watching him flip flop on the campaign trail, as well as watching him flip flop on his policies in his transition period, as well as seeing some of the people he has appointed to his cabinet, it gives me doubts about how good he's gonna be, but I'll give him 6 months to see, and then will comment on how he is as a president.

But it doesn't look very promising. He's already managed to piss off China because he didn't understand our foreign policy with China and Taiwan, because we don't recognize officially the government of Taiwan being separate from China, we view them as being part of China under our "One China" policy. And, it doesn't really matter who called first, him or Taiwan's leader, because he STILL called her the president of Taiwan, and with him being president, that is a serious breach of policy on our side. Not only did Trump call her president, but Pence did as well on "Meet the Press".

So Trump is not to have contact with our allies because of the demand by our enemies? They may run the show now based on who is currently in the White House, but it seems that's all going to change next month. Maybe we should call the shots from now on.
You know, there have been times in my life that I have voted for someone and the other person won. One such instance was in 2004 when Jr. got elected again. Not only was I upset, but I thought that he was wrong for the country, and I was right.

No, I didn't move to Canada or Mexico when Jr. got his second term, I just said lets wait and see if he can fix what he screwed up. And yeah, even though I didn't like him or his policies, he was still my president from 2004 to 2008.

Now, it's happened again, and Trump has been elected. I don't agree with lots of his policies, nor do I think that he has what it takes to run the country effectively, but he WAS elected, and therefore is going to be my president after Jan 20th.

That being said, I think that waiting to see how he actually does is warranted. Being president is a job that is unlike just about every other job in the world, there is very little that a person can do prior to be completely qualified for the job from day one. Most of it is what we in the Navy called "on the job training".

However..............watching him flip flop on the campaign trail, as well as watching him flip flop on his policies in his transition period, as well as seeing some of the people he has appointed to his cabinet, it gives me doubts about how good he's gonna be, but I'll give him 6 months to see, and then will comment on how he is as a president.

But it doesn't look very promising. He's already managed to piss off China because he didn't understand our foreign policy with China and Taiwan, because we don't recognize officially the government of Taiwan being separate from China, we view them as being part of China under our "One China" policy. And, it doesn't really matter who called first, him or Taiwan's leader, because he STILL called her the president of Taiwan, and with him being president, that is a serious breach of policy on our side. Not only did Trump call her president, but Pence did as well on "Meet the Press".

So Trump is not to have contact with our allies because of the demand by our enemies? They may run the show now based on who is currently in the White House, but it seems that's all going to change next month. Maybe we should call the shots from now on.

No, he wasn't supposed to take any calls from the government of Taiwan, because according to our policy in dealing with China, the US doesn't officially recognize the government of Taiwan, because they are considered part of China, and therefore we should only talk with China when it comes to official things. If you want to bitch about the one China policy, take it up with Nixon and Reagan.

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