SOTU Thread

So the Shit Show has already started.
Rush, the voice of the Ignorant.

I don't listen to the guy.

But sure sounds like he is the voice of the freedom fighters, the voice of Americans.

While you would rather vote for a socialist.
These imbeciles don't realize they would be the first to get their throats cuts. Real communists just shoot snowflakes without a 2nd thought.
Pelosis tear up tantrum shows the soul, or rather lack of one, of the impeachment effort
Better still, with that one childish, defiant, stick in the eye act, she just swayed 5% of voters to Trump
That bitch from Michigan says Democrats can do thing better. LOL. The idiots can't even count hands and report them. We saw that last night.
Ohh, Nancy tears up the speech after he finishes. A little counterpunch for ol Nanc

The sea of resting bitch faces in white was a horrible plan. The optics were terrible.

I never saw bunch of people who looked so ugly dressed in white before tonight. That was a disgusting display that proved nothing except how vile those people were.

May God have Mercy upon your soul.

LOL, just kidding, rot in Hell Fuccktard.
You Pelosi panty-sniffers are pretty witty tonight!
:113::113::113::113::113: (change year to 2020)

Nancy just ripped up the speech behind Trump... what a bitch...
Haha, he disses her handshake and he’s a hero. She rips the speech and she’s a bitch. Nice one
She's a petty little ****.
She didn't deserve a handshake....after trying to get him booted out of office.
Then like a petulant child she rips his speech up after he's done.
She needs a serious ass-whipping.


The Republicans walked out of Obama's SOTU, turned his back on him.

It's just politics.

Walked out? I must have missed it.

According to my Google search, only one Republican walked out. Why do you lie, dumbass?
Seriously, is Pelosi looking at a menu or wine list?

What the fuck is she doing?

Does she even know?

She's thinking, "Thank god that verbal diarrhea is over".

The below is a picture of the alcoholic Nancy Pelosi taken 10 minutes after that SOTU, she had a quick change from white into orange and then went out to hit the Booze Aisle:


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