SOTU Thread

Ohh, Nancy tears up the speech after he finishes. A little counterpunch for ol Nanc
Yeah not even adolescent but truly childish and a sure sign of a classless ****.
Yup. As was Trump dissing her handshake at the beginning. Right?

A bit of hypocrisy playing out here....good for Pelosi.
Obama was a traitor to My Country and should have been tried for treason over his midnight flight to Iran!

Nancy just ripped up the speech behind Trump... what a bitch...
Haha, he disses her handshake and he’s a hero. She rips the speech and she’s a bitch. Nice one
She's a petty little ****.
She didn't deserve a handshake....after trying to get him booted out of office.
Then like a petulant child she rips his speech up after he's done.
She needs a serious ass-whipping.


The Republicans walked out of Obama's SOTU, turned his back on him.

It's just politics.

Good grief. That right there is exactly what is wrong with us.
You never could handle THE TRUTH!
Trump is carpet bombing the Communists.

It is glorious.

This is why they wanted to Impeach him and remove him from office because they are frightened that The Donald is going to win again in November 2020.

Er, no. He tried to undermine the electoral process. Interesting in that the above person you replied to talks about Communists. Trump's tactics are exactly that used by the Commies and other totalitarian types. Too funny that you guys champion that kind of person all the while saying they are the bogey man.

How did The Donald try to undermine the electoral process?
Ohh, Nancy tears up the speech after he finishes. A little counterpunch for ol Nanc

The sea of resting bitch faces in white was a horrible plan. The optics were terrible.

I never saw bunch of people who looked so ugly dressed in white before tonight. That was a disgusting display that proved nothing except how vile those people were.
She refused to introduce the President Properly. She slighted him intentionally at the beginning and made faces behind him while he spoke. She’s disgusting.

Ohh, Nancy tears up the speech after he finishes. A little counterpunch for ol Nanc
Yeah not even adolescent but truly childish and a sure sign of a classless ****.
Yup. As was Trump dissing her handshake at the beginning. Right?

A bit of hypocrisy playing out here....good for Pelosi.
Obama was a traitor to My Country and should have been tried for treason over his midnight flight to Iran!

Nancy just ripped up the speech behind Trump... what a bitch...
Haha, he disses her handshake and he’s a hero. She rips the speech and she’s a bitch. Nice one
She's a petty little ****.
She didn't deserve a handshake....after trying to get him booted out of office.
Then like a petulant child she rips his speech up after he's done.
She needs a serious ass-whipping.


The Republicans walked out of Obama's SOTU, turned his back on him.

It's just politics.

Good grief. That right there is exactly what is wrong with us.
Ohh, Nancy tears up the speech after he finishes. A little counterpunch for ol Nanc

The sea of resting bitch faces in white was a horrible plan. The optics were terrible.

I never saw bunch of people who looked so ugly dressed in white before tonight. That was a disgusting display that proved nothing except how vile those people were.

May God have Mercy upon your soul.

LOL, just kidding, rot in Hell Fuccktard.
Ohh, Nancy tears up the speech after he finishes. A little counterpunch for ol Nanc
Yeah not even adolescent but truly childish and a sure sign of a classless ****.
Yup. As was Trump dissing her handshake at the beginning. Right?

A bit of hypocrisy playing out here....good for Pelosi.
Obama was a traitor to My Country and should have been tried for treason over his midnight flight to Iran!

Nancy just ripped up the speech behind Trump... what a bitch...
Haha, he disses her handshake and he’s a hero. She rips the speech and she’s a bitch. Nice one
She's a petty little ****.
She didn't deserve a handshake....after trying to get him booted out of office.
Then like a petulant child she rips his speech up after he's done.
She needs a serious ass-whipping.


The Republicans walked out of Obama's SOTU, turned his back on him.

It's just politics.

Good grief. That right there is exactly what is wrong with us.
Sure....let's shake the hand of the person that tried to destroy you and your family....has been undermining your administration at every turn....gone overseas and made deals with foreign leaders behind your back.

Yeah....shake that bitch's hand.
She probably has the Coronavirus on her paws.
Donald Trump has turned the medal of freedom into an award for brown-nosers.

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