SOTU Thread

I've been watching this since 9:30. All it is a right-wing trash fest. The wall, terrible illegal aliens, how wonderful ICE is, terrible sanctuary cities, anti-choice, the "award" of the Medal of Freedom to a famous scumbag, the terrible cities run by terrible people, Islamist terrorism but nothing about domestic terrorism, "religious liberty" for some people, even if it is a thin disguise for attacks on the rights of other Americans, any and all guns, prayer in schools, which we have always had, simply planting trees to help the environment, socialism, the great people of the Alamo. Is there a point to shitting in the Capitol like this?

Where's the guy on USMB who was complaining about Democrats remaining seated at "inappropriate" moments last year. The republicans are acting like a bunch of bobble-headed jack-in-the-boxes right now, jumping up every two seconds to cheer their Dear Leader.

Now I've just seen him going back down the aisle accepting the adulation of the usual bunch of grey-haired white male sycophants.

This was a total waste of time.
Too long did not read.
I've been watching this since 9:30. All it is a right-wing trash fest. The wall, terrible illegal aliens, how wonderful ICE is, terrible sanctuary cities, anti-choice, the "award" of the Medal of Freedom to a famous scumbag, the terrible cities run by terrible people, Islamist terrorism but nothing about domestic terrorism, "religious liberty" for some people, even if it is a thin disguise for attacks on the rights of other Americans, any and all guns, prayer in schools, which we have always had, simply planting trees to help the environment, socialism, the great people of the Alamo. Is there a point to shitting in the Capitol like this?

Where's the guy on USMB who was complaining about Democrats remaining seated at "inappropriate" moments last year. The republicans are acting like a bunch of bobble-headed jack-in-the-boxes right now, jumping up every two seconds to cheer their Dear Leader.

Now I've just seen him going back down the aisle accepting the adulation of the usual bunch of grey-haired white male sycophants.

This was a total waste of time.
How about that. That woman of canine lineage just tore up the President's speech behind his back as soon as he finished.
There it is, she hasn't learned and is still back-stabbing our Commander-in-Chief.
What a piece of work.
Just curious.... remind me did bob menendez stay out of prison?

Shouldn't he be waking up every morning with flaccid convict dick in his mouth in a federal lockup?
Haha, he disses her handshake and he’s a hero. She rips the speech and she’s a bitch. Nice one
She's a petty little ****.
She didn't deserve a handshake....after trying to get him booted out of office.
Then like a petulant child she rips his speech up after he's done.
She needs a serious ass-whipping.


The Republicans walked out of Obama's SOTU, turned his back on him.

It's just politics.

Walked out? I must have missed it.

According to my Google search, only one Republican walked out. Why do you lie, dumbass?

More than one dumbass. Fix your google.

Republicans Are So Over Obama That They Started Leaving Before He Was Done With the State of the Uni

Obama is not President any more.

Actually, it's almost like he never was. :laughing0301:
America thanks you for your renouncing of your citizenship.
I've been watching this since 9:30. All it is a right-wing trash fest. The wall, terrible illegal aliens, how wonderful ICE is, terrible sanctuary cities, anti-choice, the "award" of the Medal of Freedom to a famous scumbag, the terrible cities run by terrible people, Islamist terrorism but nothing about domestic terrorism, "religious liberty" for some people, even if it is a thin disguise for attacks on the rights of other Americans, any and all guns, prayer in schools, which we have always had, simply planting trees to help the environment, socialism, the great people of the Alamo. Is there a point to shitting in the Capitol like this?

Where's the guy on USMB who was complaining about Democrats remaining seated at "inappropriate" moments last year. The republicans are acting like a bunch of bobble-headed jack-in-the-boxes right now, jumping up every two seconds to cheer their Dear Leader.

Now I've just seen him going back down the aisle accepting the adulation of the usual bunch of grey-haired white male sycophants.

This was a total waste of time.

Glad you liked it. Just wait, four more years coming right up.
I've been watching this since 9:30. All it is a right-wing trash fest. The wall, terrible illegal aliens, how wonderful ICE is, terrible sanctuary cities, anti-choice, the "award" of the Medal of Freedom to a famous scumbag, the terrible cities run by terrible people, Islamist terrorism but nothing about domestic terrorism, "religious liberty" for some people, even if it is a thin disguise for attacks on the rights of other Americans, any and all guns, prayer in schools, which we have always had, simply planting trees to help the environment, socialism, the great people of the Alamo. Is there a point to shitting in the Capitol like this?

Where's the guy on USMB who was complaining about Democrats remaining seated at "inappropriate" moments last year. The republicans are acting like a bunch of bobble-headed jack-in-the-boxes right now, jumping up every two seconds to cheer their Dear Leader.

Now I've just seen him going back down the aisle accepting the adulation of the usual bunch of grey-haired white male sycophants.

This was a total waste of time.
Glad you enjoyed it.
Seriously, is Pelosi looking at a menu or wine list?

What the fuck is she doing?

Does she even know?

She's thinking, "Thank god that verbal diarrhea is over".

The below is a picture of the alcoholic Nancy Pelosi taken 10 minutes after that SOTU, she had a quick change from white into orange and then went out to hit the Booze Aisle:

View attachment 304658
Well she should get some Kentucky corn or some other pure 200 proof grain alcohol, douce herself with it, then strike a match.
We can all bring hotdogs and marshmallows and that bitch could finally do something useful.

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