South Carolina Democratic Primary: February 27, 2016

Apparently, Hillary cleaned up with the negro vote, winning the category 80-20. Communists Sanders supporters are baffled.

Clinton thunders to big win over Sanders in South Carolina

It's more like 87 to 13 of the black vote and she is also winning the white vote.
Never underestimate the stupidity of white liberals.

that's really funny given that you morons are going to run trump.

Trump is the most pro-white candidate that has run for president since Buchanan.

that's right, he's a bigot who is loved by bigots.

which is why he's going to lose.

Everyone who has a problem with a pro-white platform is by definition a racist.

Thanks for showing your true colors retard.
She was carried by the black vote. She is the first female Santa Claus. Free shit rules!

Democrats voting in South Carolina primary

As always, I keep hearing all this stuff about free stuff. Would you elaborate on that a little more and tell me what the free stuff is, and where I can go pick some up?

Easy, something that someone else pays for. Like Obamaphones. Like free Obamacare. Like will be free college. I can't imagine how much college will cost once it is free.

Obamaphones? That's still funny.

Soon they will be Trumphones. But for now they are Obamaphones, which are free to those who get them.
can't you tell that from their constant barrage of posts that are more appropriate for storefront than for this board... or at least what used to be this board.
Which storefront are you talking about, Walmart?
Clinton won pretty much nothing but older white liberals, not even the youth that Sanders is winning.

In South Carolina? Clinton won almost every demographic but the white youth.
Where is your data? The friggin election was today for Christ's sake.
The demographic data has not been released because not enough time has passed in order to compile any data..
Therefore, you made up this shit

Exit polls and the news.
Care to post a link or two?...
BTW, we are reminded that exit polls can be highly unreliable.
"The news"?
Your claims require links. No links, it didn't happen.
That's how it's done here....
Oh, don't bother posting a link to an opinion piece either.

exit polls are generally accurate
yes..Only when they agree with your point of view though...
And you know this how?

He hasn't even hinted at it.
And the for that reasons are painfully obvious

How about if Sanders loses the primary and does not run 3rd party you have to leave the board? I'll leave if he does.
Yes. Once again a liberal exposes their true colors. That no one with a viewpoint other than liberal is permitted to have an opinion..

Who said you can't have an opinion? I'm offering you a wager, stop crying.
No..You are rendering a demand...And a very stupid one at that....
"stop crying"....Or what?....
From what I've seen most Democrats like both candidates.

Bernie has a lot of independent supporters that would take Trump over Clinton. Also a lot of young Democrats will be upset by Bernie's loss and not vote.
Good points there.
I think Sanders has energized younger people to reactivate their political interests that waned in 2012 when many who were stoked about Obama were disappointed in the results of Obama's first term.
Should Sanders not win the Dem nomination and decide to forego any idea of an Independent candidacy, those young people may very well tune out and stay home

What if *gasp* Sanders campaigns for Clinton? Do you need to reach for yet a third path to victory?
Don't ask "what if" questions
He hasn't even hinted at it.
And the for that reasons are painfully obvious

How about if Sanders loses the primary and does not run 3rd party you have to leave the board? I'll leave if he does.
Yes. Once again a liberal exposes their true colors. That no one with a viewpoint other than liberal is permitted to have an opinion..

Who said you can't have an opinion? I'm offering you a wager, stop crying.
No..You are rendering a demand...And a very stupid one at that....
"stop crying"....Or what?....

No, it was a bet, nothing more. Obviously you don't have to accept it, cry baby.
From what I've seen most Democrats like both candidates.

Bernie has a lot of independent supporters that would take Trump over Clinton. Also a lot of young Democrats will be upset by Bernie's loss and not vote.
Good points there.
I think Sanders has energized younger people to reactivate their political interests that waned in 2012 when many who were stoked about Obama were disappointed in the results of Obama's first term.
Should Sanders not win the Dem nomination and decide to forego any idea of an Independent candidacy, those young people may very well tune out and stay home

What if *gasp* Sanders campaigns for Clinton? Do you need to reach for yet a third path to victory?
Don't ask "what if" questions

What if I do? :banana:
She's supposed to win handily in all of the Southern states on March 1. I hope she does pummel him. He's a good Democrat but she's going to make the better president.

I agree! America is NOT ready for Bernie - but IS ready for Hillary!
just more of the same old yea i guess America is ready....

70% of the country said they'd never vote for a socialist. i always said they wouldn't vote for a jew. i still think that's true
Jill with all the Democrat politicians in this Country i just find it amazing that those 2 are the best they could come up old woman that is not that well liked with a ton of baggage dragging behind her and an even older guy who wants to do good but is promising stuff that wont happen....and that party knew that from day one.....and dont even get me started on the other party...

hillary wanted it in 2008. she should have had it in 2008. he numbers were rock solid going in and it would have been silly for anyone serious to take her on. she also has more experience than anyone running. you can like her or not, but no one has been through what she has.
wont even consider her.....but then i aint considering anyone of these people....i am getting used to this country having half-assed presidents....local politicians have more of an effect on your life anyway so ill concentrate on them....
It will soon be over for Bernie.
It was a pipe dream of his supporters to ever believe he had a serious chance.

I agree, but let's not forget Sen. Sanders has resurrected the OWS movement and put it on the front burner. The greed of Wall Street, and by that I mean the financial services industry, the insurance and banking interests and corporate America are not the Master's of the Universe and as invincible as they once thought.

Of course they still own The Congress and ALEC continues in its hidden agenda to transform America into a Plutocracy by writing state legislation to benefit the few and not the many. Once again we will see the power elite fund, with nearly unlimited dollars, attack ads against Democrats, reformers, labor unions and the progressive / liberals who see civil rights - in terms of access to voting access and collective bargaining under an assault to protect the Golden Geese of the few at the expense of the many.
A very encouraging sign...twice as many republicans came out to vote for their candidates as did democrats. We could call that the enthusiasm gap. Bodes well for November.

South Carolina Primary Election Results

it can happen this election cycle. Both the Bush family and the Clinton family can be put out to pasture. Then the country MIGHT come together. If either of those were to win, we will have at least 4 more years of the same BS.
Trump might not be perfect but either of those two are detriments.
It's more like 87 to 13 of the black vote and she is also winning the white vote.
Never underestimate the stupidity of white liberals.

that's really funny given that you morons are going to run trump.

Trump is the most pro-white candidate that has run for president since Buchanan.

that's right, he's a bigot who is loved by bigots.

which is why he's going to lose.

Everyone who has a problem with a pro-white platform is by definition a racist.

Thanks for showing your true colors retard.

no, nut bar... anyone who has a problem with white supremacist scum is far more decent than you.

funny how the internet makes pond scum like you stick their heads out. usually losers like you at least had to walk outside and put on a hood.

A very encouraging sign...twice as many republicans came out to vote for their candidates as did democrats. We could call that the enthusiasm gap. Bodes well for November.

South Carolina Primary Election Results

That would be interesting if S. Carolina had equal, or close to it, numbers in both parties. In the General, it will be very interesting to see how the vote in such a red state is cast. Will the wedge issues once again decide, or will economics and the realpolitik begin to change the hue of S. Carolina and other Red States?
Bernie travels South................gets smacked...............

Never underestimate the stupidity of white liberals.

that's really funny given that you morons are going to run trump.

Trump is the most pro-white candidate that has run for president since Buchanan.

that's right, he's a bigot who is loved by bigots.

which is why he's going to lose.

Everyone who has a problem with a pro-white platform is by definition a racist.

Thanks for showing your true colors retard.

no, nut bar... anyone who has a problem with white supremacist scum is far more decent than you.

funny how the internet makes pond scum like you stick their heads out. usually losers like you at least had to walk outside and put on a hood.


We should shun racists.

Why Hillary Clinton’s ‘super-predator’ concession is such a big moment for political protest
Bernie needs to run a genuine 3rd Party Socialist campaign and give Progressive a real choice

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