South Dakota Lawmaker Says Businesses Should Be Allowed To Ban Colored People

Wait. Are you trying to tell us these people attacking the civil rights activists in this photo are liberals? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Oh, man. Priceless.


Definitely democrats.....and democrats have been progressive since at least Woodrow tell me.

Progressive in terms of economic policies -- arguing for a stronger central government and fighting for anti-trust legislation and labor rights -- but as far as Civil Rights -- neither party cared too much about changing that until much later -- and yes, it was the progressives who pushed that.

All I ask one of you conservatives to do is just find me one prominent conservative politician during that time who was outspoken against Jim Crow laws

Anyways, the ruling has nothing to do with black people or the civil rights act, doofus.
Ban colored people? Oh, you mean like when blacks ban white people?
Ban colored people? Oh, you mean like when blacks ban white people?

Provide a link to the black owned business that banned white people -- I'll wait while you deflect
Doesn't have to be a business. How about a prom? A movie? You can deflect all you wish, but it happens on the other end of the spectrum as well and if you claim otherwise....yer a liar.
Oh noes! The republicans and libertarians want to bring back slavery! :rolleyes-41: Quit being such a douche, will ya?
Typical leftist troll thread.
In other words, stop making threads that makes us conservatives say racist stuff -- perhaps its their own personal problem

The reason why slavery and attitudes towards slavery and black people changed is because people's attitudes in general changed - MOST PEOPLE - including those of your rival party, you hacktard.
No it's not, those people voted for FDR, Adalii Stephenson, and JFK......they are NOT republicans nor really have no clue about

here is a video that shuts down your lies

Why did the chairman of the GOP apologize for using the southern strategy?

Did he just make it up?
Melhman? The guy that's basically a democrat....sorry man, it didn't happen

what proof do you have of it happening?

I have tons that it didn't......its good to have the truth no propaganda on your side.
Typical leftist troll thread.
In other words, stop making threads that makes us conservatives say racist stuff -- perhaps its their own personal problem

So you are just upset that a man wasn't further ruined by your temper tantrum over his personal belief system when he has not harmed anyone. That's what this is about. Leftist hatred and anger.
The fact of the matter is that the ruling has nothing to do with violating civil rights but does have to do with violating a person's religious rights.

Funny how you fail to address what this fucking post is about...nor have you addressed anything the lawmaker ACTUALLY said --

Do you need me to give you the quote to refresh your memory??

"He should have the opportunity to run his business the way he wants," Clark wrote. "If he wants to turn away people of color, then that('s) his choice."

Now continue on with your deflecting for racists crusade.
Doesn't have to be a business. How about a prom? A movie? You can deflect all you wish, but it happens on the other end of the spectrum as well and if you claim otherwise....yer a liar.

Still waiting for the link.....
Typical leftist troll thread.
In other words, stop making threads that makes us conservatives say racist stuff -- perhaps its their own personal problem

The fact of the matter is that the ruling has nothing to do with violating civil rights but does have to do with violating a person's religious rights.[/QUOTE]

Funny how you fail to address what this fucking post is about...nor have you addressed anything the lawmaker ACTUALLY said --

Do you need me to give you the quote to refresh your memory??

"He should have the opportunity to run his business the way he wants," Clark wrote. "If he wants to turn away people of color, then that('s) his choice."

Now continue on with your deflecting for racists crusade.[/QUOTE]

It's about nothing. It's about something you made up in your paranoid delusional mind. The Supreme Court ruling says nothing about it, douche.
Typical leftist troll thread.
In other words, stop making threads that makes us conservatives say racist stuff -- perhaps its their own personal problem

The fact of the matter is that the ruling has nothing to do with violating civil rights but does have to do with violating a person's religious rights.[/QUOTE]

Funny how you fail to address what this fucking post is about...nor have you addressed anything the lawmaker ACTUALLY said --

Do you need me to give you the quote to refresh your memory??

"He should have the opportunity to run his business the way he wants," Clark wrote. "If he wants to turn away people of color, then that('s) his choice."

Now continue on with your deflecting for racists crusade.[/QUOTE]

Learn how to quote properly. It doesn't take an Einstein or a Poindexter for that matter.
"He should have the opportunity to run his business the way he wants," Clark wrote. "If he wants to turn away people of color, then that('s) his choice."
I agree with that statement. Dude doing it is a dumbass, though....losing money because of his idiocy...but...his beach, his waves, says I.
The fact of the matter is that the ruling has nothing to do with violating civil rights but does have to do with violating a person's religious rights.

Funny how you fail to address what this fucking post is about...nor have you addressed anything the lawmaker ACTUALLY said --

Do you need me to give you the quote to refresh your memory??

"He should have the opportunity to run his business the way he wants," Clark wrote. "If he wants to turn away people of color, then that('s) his choice."

Now continue on with your deflecting for racists crusade.

Trying to act as if you are some moral crusader when you can't even get the quote function right on a simple to use messageboard. Pretty fucking sad.
Who is more preachy and annoying, leftists or religious fundamentalists? It's a toss up.
Business owners can ban homeless people. People that are loud and obnoxious. Smelly people. People with dogs. People with kids that scream nonstop or change their pampers on the floor, smokers, drug addicts, etc. Its their business. They should be allowed to ban whomever they want since they are the ones paying the overhead.

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