South Dakota Lawmaker Says Businesses Should Be Allowed To Ban Colored People

You know no such thing, you ignorant poster that come on here thinking you know what the position of every person on here is a testimony to your bigotry and just wanting to troll. I real hate bigots such as yourself.

Oh, I see you shut the fuck up about that link --- I guess you must have read it huh? Adorable.

And what did I say you were going to do? Keep deflecting...

Right again...

Humans 7, Racists 0

Nope haven’t read the link, I tend to treat bigots with no respect.
So a sitting South Dakota lawmaker recently voiced his belief that businesses should be able to discriminate against people of color. Obviously this guy saw the recent Supreme Court ruling as a green light to go full racist -- and more and more openly racist/bigoted people are feeling more embolden to run for office (mainly as Republicans).

so my question is -- How many people here wish the Civil Rights bill was never passed?

Because essentially, to try to argue that businesses should be allowed to discriminate on the basis of race is saying you are against the Civil Rights Act.

From the article:
In an interview with the Leader, Clark said he believed that business owners should be able to turn away certain customers if they would otherwise violate their religious beliefs.

"If it’s truly his strongly based belief, he should be able to turn them away," Clark told the Leader. "People shouldn’t be able to use their minority status to bully a business."

It's stunning to me that an elected state lawmaker- no matter what the state - can be so ignorant as to not know what the Civil Rights Act is and does.


"Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material.
Clearly we need to urgently invent a time machine so that we can transport individuals like him, back to pre-Civil War days, so they can be happy.
So a sitting South Dakota lawmaker recently voiced his belief that businesses should be able to discriminate against people of color. Obviously this guy saw the recent Supreme Court ruling as a green light to go full racist -- and more and more openly racist/bigoted people are feeling more embolden to run for office (mainly as Republicans).

so my question is -- How many people here wish the Civil Rights bill was never passed?

Because essentially, to try to argue that businesses should be allowed to discriminate on the basis of race is saying you are against the Civil Rights Act.

From the article:
In an interview with the Leader, Clark said he believed that business owners should be able to turn away certain customers if they would otherwise violate their religious beliefs.

"If it’s truly his strongly based belief, he should be able to turn them away," Clark told the Leader. "People shouldn’t be able to use their minority status to bully a business."

It's stunning to me that an elected state lawmaker- no matter what the state - can be so ignorant as to not know what the Civil Rights Act is and does.


"Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material.
This was decided fifty years ago

Trying to use your religious beliefs to discriminate should not be tolerated
Here in my state, a company can hire you for any reason. They can also fire you for any reason. Blacks ban white people all the time. Don't say why. Businesses can ban you for no shirt, no shoes, no business, no money, bad language, foul odor. If any business don't want me as their customer, then I don't want them for my business, don't need a reason why. I'm sick and tired of 50,000 laws telling everyone what they can and can't do right down to how they choose to run their business or lives. You gotta figure that if someone needs a law to FORCE you to do business with them, then the problem must be WITH YOU.
Still waiting for the link of black businesses banning whites

Also waiting for the link of businesses firing people for being black, Hispanic, etc?

Until then, this is just more desperate reaching by racists -- no wonder yall hate threads like this -- you can't help but to look stupid on them.

Are you an IDIOT, Pointydexter? I never said nor promised any of the things you're waiting for, so before you try copying and pasting my old text trying to prove that, consider that maybe you just need to go back and learn to read better without reading between the lines things that were never there.
Here in my state, a company can hire you for any reason. They can also fire you for any reason. Blacks ban white people all the time. Don't say why. Businesses can ban you for no shirt, no shoes, no business, no money, bad language, foul odor. If any business don't want me as their customer, then I don't want them for my business, don't need a reason why. I'm sick and tired of 50,000 laws telling everyone what they can and can't do right down to how they choose to run their business or lives. You gotta figure that if someone needs a law to FORCE you to do business with them, then the problem must be WITH YOU.
Still waiting for the link of black businesses banning whites

Also waiting for the link of businesses firing people for being black, Hispanic, etc?

Until then, this is just more desperate reaching by racists -- no wonder yall hate threads like this -- you can't help but to look stupid on them.

Are you an IDIOT, Pointydexter? I never said nor promised any of the things you're waiting for, so before you try copying and pasting my old text trying to prove that, consider that maybe you just need to go back and learn to read better without reading between the lines things that were never there.

A newbie coming here and accusing everyone who posts on his stupid made up scenario thread racists. As if this is something new and constructive. Yet another race baiting whacko to join the ranks of USMB, as if those aren't a dime a dozen.
So a sitting South Dakota lawmaker recently voiced his belief that businesses should be able to discriminate against people of color. Obviously this guy saw the recent Supreme Court ruling as a green light to go full racist -- and more and more openly racist/bigoted people are feeling more embolden to run for office (mainly as Republicans).

so my question is -- How many people here wish the Civil Rights bill was never passed?

Because essentially, to try to argue that businesses should be allowed to discriminate on the basis of race is saying you are against the Civil Rights Act.

From the article:
In an interview with the Leader, Clark said he believed that business owners should be able to turn away certain customers if they would otherwise violate their religious beliefs.

"If it’s truly his strongly based belief, he should be able to turn them away," Clark told the Leader. "People shouldn’t be able to use their minority status to bully a business."

It's stunning to me that an elected state lawmaker- no matter what the state - can be so ignorant as to not know what the Civil Rights Act is and does.

Here in my state, a company can hire you for any reason. They can also fire you for any reason. Blacks ban white people all the time. Don't say why. Businesses can ban you for no shirt, no shoes, no business, no money, bad language, foul odor. If any business don't want me as their customer, then I don't want them for my business, don't need a reason why. I'm sick and tired of 50,000 laws telling everyone what they can and can't do right down to how they choose to run their business or lives. You gotta figure that if someone needs a law to FORCE you to do business with them, then the problem must be WITH YOU.
The laws were made for a reason

They are not frivolous regulations on businesses trying to make a buck. Businesses specifically coordinated to ban blacks. Come around the back and we will serve you.....don’t want you offending our white customers. They were the heart and soul of Jim of the saddest times in our history
ANYWAYS, nobody is going to be banning black people from businesses, so cut the crap. It is getting SO OLD. :rolleyes: No, Trump is not Hitler reincarnated. No, he is not going to enslave black people. We also won't stone gay people to death like they might do in Iran or something. Stop accusing everyone who disagrees with you and your opinions on matters of being a racist. It is just idiotic at this point. :yapyapyapf:
So a sitting South Dakota lawmaker recently voiced his belief that businesses should be able to discriminate against people of color. Obviously this guy saw the recent Supreme Court ruling as a green light to go full racist -- and more and more openly racist/bigoted people are feeling more embolden to run for office (mainly as Republicans).

so my question is -- How many people here wish the Civil Rights bill was never passed?

Because essentially, to try to argue that businesses should be allowed to discriminate on the basis of race is saying you are against the Civil Rights Act.

From the article:
In an interview with the Leader, Clark said he believed that business owners should be able to turn away certain customers if they would otherwise violate their religious beliefs.

"If it’s truly his strongly based belief, he should be able to turn them away," Clark told the Leader. "People shouldn’t be able to use their minority status to bully a business."

It's stunning to me that an elected state lawmaker- no matter what the state - can be so ignorant as to not know what the Civil Rights Act is and does.


"Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material.

Umm... where in the article does Clark mention race? You didn't provide a link and you did not provide any quotes that have to do with race.
ANYWAYS, nobody is going to be banning black people from businesses, so cut the crap. It is getting SO OLD. :rolleyes: No, Trump is not Hitler reincarnated. No, he is not going to enslave black people. We also won't stone gay people to death like they might do in Iran or something. Stop accusing everyone who disagrees with you and your opinions on matters of being a racist. It is just idiotic at this point. :yapyapyapf:

The OP is an idiot, if you don’t agree with him and kiss his ass you are a hateful racist. His tactics have been used by others that could not debate honestly, so his BS is nothing new.
So a sitting South Dakota lawmaker recently voiced his belief that businesses should be able to discriminate against people of color. Obviously this guy saw the recent Supreme Court ruling as a green light to go full racist -- and more and more openly racist/bigoted people are feeling more embolden to run for office (mainly as Republicans).

so my question is -- How many people here wish the Civil Rights bill was never passed?

Because essentially, to try to argue that businesses should be allowed to discriminate on the basis of race is saying you are against the Civil Rights Act.

From the article:
In an interview with the Leader, Clark said he believed that business owners should be able to turn away certain customers if they would otherwise violate their religious beliefs.

"If it’s truly his strongly based belief, he should be able to turn them away," Clark told the Leader. "People shouldn’t be able to use their minority status to bully a business."

It's stunning to me that an elected state lawmaker- no matter what the state - can be so ignorant as to not know what the Civil Rights Act is and does.


"Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material.

Umm... where in the article does Clark mention race? You didn't provide a link and you did not provide any quotes that have to do with race.

He is a dishonest piece of crap.
ANYWAYS, nobody is going to be banning black people from businesses, so cut the crap. It is getting SO OLD. :rolleyes: No, Trump is not Hitler reincarnated. No, he is not going to enslave black people. We also won't stone gay people to death like they might do in Iran or something. Stop accusing everyone who disagrees with you and your opinions on matters of being a racist. It is just idiotic at this point. :yapyapyapf:

The OP is an idiot, if you don’t agree with him and kiss his ass you are a hateful racist. His tactics have been used by others that could not debate honestly, so his BS is nothing new.

They are all the same with the same stupid tactics.
So a sitting South Dakota lawmaker recently voiced his belief that businesses should be able to discriminate against people of color. Obviously this guy saw the recent Supreme Court ruling as a green light to go full racist -- and more and more openly racist/bigoted people are feeling more embolden to run for office (mainly as Republicans).

so my question is -- How many people here wish the Civil Rights bill was never passed?

Because essentially, to try to argue that businesses should be allowed to discriminate on the basis of race is saying you are against the Civil Rights Act.

From the article:
In an interview with the Leader, Clark said he believed that business owners should be able to turn away certain customers if they would otherwise violate their religious beliefs.

"If it’s truly his strongly based belief, he should be able to turn them away," Clark told the Leader. "People shouldn’t be able to use their minority status to bully a business."

It's stunning to me that an elected state lawmaker- no matter what the state - can be so ignorant as to not know what the Civil Rights Act is and does.


"Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material.

Umm... where in the article does Clark mention race? You didn't provide a link and you did not provide any quotes that have to do with race.

He is a dishonest piece of crap.
Lots of liberal loons have been making up all sorts of fantasies lately. It helps them cope with the ass kicking they received in 2016.

So a sitting South Dakota lawmaker recently voiced his belief that businesses should be able to discriminate against people of color. Obviously this guy saw the recent Supreme Court ruling as a green light to go full racist -- and more and more openly racist/bigoted people are feeling more embolden to run for office (mainly as Republicans).

so my question is -- How many people here wish the Civil Rights bill was never passed?

Because essentially, to try to argue that businesses should be allowed to discriminate on the basis of race is saying you are against the Civil Rights Act.

From the article:
In an interview with the Leader, Clark said he believed that business owners should be able to turn away certain customers if they would otherwise violate their religious beliefs.

"If it’s truly his strongly based belief, he should be able to turn them away," Clark told the Leader. "People shouldn’t be able to use their minority status to bully a business."

It's stunning to me that an elected state lawmaker- no matter what the state - can be so ignorant as to not know what the Civil Rights Act is and does.


"Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material.

Once again, in America, we talk about “allowing”.
What business refused you service?

What "leftist" policy is making businesses refuse service to you?

I'll wait while you don't answer the question...
You guys implemented Jim Crow
Wait. Are you trying to tell us these people attacking the negroes in this photo are liberals? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Oh, man. Priceless.


They're most likely Democrats, bub.
But they are not leftists, are they.

So that makes them...what?

Go ahead. Be brave and say it.

Hint: The opposite of leftists.

Not so sorry to disappoint, bub. You are using the words liberal and conservative out of context with the definitions of that era.

They are likely Democrats, who in the B&W era were the party of Jim Crow and the KKK.

A pretty interesting wiki explanation of how a lot of democrats became Goldwater republicans rather than go along with the party's progressive move to fight for the civil rights of the black people. So this is how racist democrats became racist republicans and why blacks overwhelmingly vote democrat to this day.

Southern Democrats - Wikipedia
In theory, yes, a person who runs a business should be able to serve whom s/he wishes.

But in reality, discrimination because of ethnicity, gender, religion, or sexuality is very cruel.

It only creates a deep feeling of hurt and anger and rage that is bound to be reflected in the behavior of the group that is kept out.


I have never forgotten the sad and pathetic comments from one prominent actor of color who said that many years before the Civil Rights laws, he wanted to eat seafood at a restaurant in, I think, Boston. He knew that only Caucasian people were served there. (In the North, segregation was de facto, not de jure.) What did he do? One day, he gathered his courage, walked right into the restaurant, and sat down. (I forget the outcome.)
In theory, yes, a person who runs a business should be able to serve whom s/he wishes.

But in reality, discrimination because of ethnicity, gender, religion, or sexuality is very cruel.

It only creates a deep feeling of hurt and anger and rage that is bound to be reflected in the behavior of the group that is kept out.


I have never forgotten the sad and pathetic comments from one prominent actor of color who said that many years before the Civil Rights laws, he wanted to eat seafood at a restaurant in, I think, Boston. He knew that only Caucasian people were served there. (In the North, segregation was de facto, not de jure.) What did he do? One day, he gathered his courage, walked right into the restaurant, and sat down. (I forget the outcome.)

I agree that it is cruel, but SOME religion people don't want to harm gay people or anything. They feel as if their immortal soul is in danger if they go against their god. Whether or not you personally think that is stupid is irrelevant. That is apparently a part of the Abrahamic belief system, which includes the Muslim and Jewish people. The government has to be careful here because they have to CHOOSE a side and whichever side they choose, the other will have hard feelings.
So a sitting South Dakota lawmaker recently voiced his belief that businesses should be able to discriminate against people of color. Obviously this guy saw the recent Supreme Court ruling as a green light to go full racist -- and more and more openly racist/bigoted people are feeling more embolden to run for office (mainly as Republicans).

so my question is -- How many people here wish the Civil Rights bill was never passed?

Because essentially, to try to argue that businesses should be allowed to discriminate on the basis of race is saying you are against the Civil Rights Act.

From the article:
In an interview with the Leader, Clark said he believed that business owners should be able to turn away certain customers if they would otherwise violate their religious beliefs.

"If it’s truly his strongly based belief, he should be able to turn them away," Clark told the Leader. "People shouldn’t be able to use their minority status to bully a business."

It's stunning to me that an elected state lawmaker- no matter what the state - can be so ignorant as to not know what the Civil Rights Act is and does.


"Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material.
This was decided fifty years ago

Trying to use your religious beliefs to discriminate should not be tolerated


Newman v. Piggie Park Enterprises, Inc. - Wikipedia.
In a truely free country business owners would be free to decide who their customers would be. If people did not like the owners choices, the business would go bust. Let the free market decide the business's fate not the government.
Last edited:
So a sitting South Dakota lawmaker recently voiced his belief that businesses should be able to discriminate against people of color. Obviously this guy saw the recent Supreme Court ruling as a green light to go full racist -- and more and more openly racist/bigoted people are feeling more embolden to run for office (mainly as Republicans).

Looks like Kabuki theater from where I'm sitting. This actor won't have a chance because race has protection. Sexual orientation does not, and cannot because if one sexual orientation is granted protection, then all sexual orientations/lifestyles get the same protections. The Constitution can't abide by inequality dontcha know.

Have you carefully looked at the OP in this thread and the lack of a proper link or the full name of the politician it claims to have said the things the OP claims?

Nice try rainbow cult. Next.

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