South Dakota Lawmaker Says Businesses Should Be Allowed To Ban Colored People

ANYWAYS, nobody is going to be banning black people from businesses, so cut the crap. It is getting SO OLD. :rolleyes: No, Trump is not Hitler reincarnated. No, he is not going to enslave black people. We also won't stone gay people to death like they might do in Iran or something. Stop accusing everyone who disagrees with you and your opinions on matters of being a racist. It is just idiotic at this point. :yapyapyapf:
Trump is certainly not Hitler, but he does use racism and bigotry to try to get the upper hand.
Why the feigned outrage when most liberals believe that religious people should be banned from being bakers, florists, and photographers if they won't service gay weddings, even though gays could easily and quickly get those services from other vendors?
He is correct, the anti-discrimination rules of the Constitution apply to the Govt and nobody else.
Protected classes by their very definition violate the equal protection clause.

He may be correct, but reality differs.

The content of the Constitution today, unfortunately is less important than WHO sits on the bench.
Protection apparently is afforded to those who can afford it and those in the favor of those holding power.
We see the Constitution derailed frequently in modern times by the 'Interpretation" of those wishing to ignore it completely.
The Left seems guilty most often.

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