South Park Characters Explain the Global Warming Scam

That is a logical fallacy.... Appeal to authoritaayyy
Absolutely not.

If investors believed the lies you wouldnt get a mortgage on a property that would literally be under water in 30 years.
That is not proof that global warming is a scam. That is a simple appeal to authority. I would think the flood insurance companies would be more worried and be a better appeal to authority. There may be many reasons that investors don't care about the possibility of global warming.
Belongs in conspiracy theory section....
I think it belongs in the rubber room. This is the OP argument:

Investors are investing in low lying seaside property.
Therefore investors believe sea rise will not happen.
Therefore sea rise will not happen.
Therefore global warming is a scam because investors think so.

This isn't even appeal to authority.
It is appeal to non-authority.

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