Southern Baptists Present At Private Cruz Rally

Religionists have every right to participate in the process, as do silly atheists and anti-Godists.
Religionists have every right to participate in the process, as do silly atheists and anti-Godists.

I've gottcher "Silly" a schwangin
Here is a typical anti-Godist at play.

OMG, it's the end of the world now. I hear Hillary is attending a fundraiser at some millionaire Muslins place. You think you'll see wailing over that?

some people need to get a life
Yes. Those mean old Southern Baptists are just into everything. Here they are with a truckload of shingles and building materials headed to Texas to aid the tornado victims. I know Guno sent his own truck out there to help those poor folks:

Human_Being needs to read 1 John 2:9 and do some praying.

Maybe Human_Being is like me.......thinks all that ancient god stuff is a bill of goods written by sheep and camel herders who shit on the ground and wiped on their hands.
Southern Baptists present at private Cruz rally

Current and former leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention were reportedly in attendance for a two-day meeting in Texas to galvanize the Religious Right behind Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in the 2016 presidential election.

Maybe Hey Zeus can get the Canadian elected!

We both have views on religion. Should you also be prohibited from choosing a candidate to vote for, or should I be the only one prevented from having a choice?
Southern Baptists present at private Cruz rally

Current and former leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention were reportedly in attendance for a two-day meeting in Texas to galvanize the Religious Right behind Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in the 2016 presidential election.

Maybe Hey Zeus can get the Canadian elected!

We both have views on religion. Should you also be prohibited from choosing a candidate to vote for, or should I be the only one prevented from having a choice?

I don't think it's a big deal. Looks like his praying and carrying on has paid off for him. I wonder if he believes
Mark 16:

17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

............................................................TWIN RATTLERS.............................................................
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Would the OP please report on the number of atheists present also? How about the number of Masons and Shriners? How about the number of members of unions and the number of non-union members. Hell, I'd even like to know how many Democrats were present.
Ted Cruz has made too many enemies. He should stay in the Senate and make even more enemies. This is what he is good at.
Cruz is pretty creepy when he quotes the jewish/christian bible. Too bad the MSM is ZOG controlled or an educated reported could quote some of the more bizarre and evil stuff yahweh/jesus said, right back at him.

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