Southern cop shoots man running away in the back..

The good thing he won't get out of prison alive, he was filmed red handed and then trying to plant something near the victim, shooting someone in the back 8 times just won't cut it as self defense, the police department did the right thing after they witnessed the tape. Before the tape they were defending him. Wonder how many times out of control pigs do it and get away with it who aren't being filmed
The good thing he won't get out of prison alive, he was filmed red handed and then trying to plant something near the victim, shooting someone in the back 8 times just won't cut it as self defense, the police department did the right thing after they witnessed the tape. Before the tape they were defending him. Wonder how many times out of control pigs do it and get away with it who aren't being filmed
Imagine how many times they get away with simple abuse of power that doesnt end in fatalities. Then you have your answer as to why a lot of Black/Mexican guys resist arrest.
Conservative5's attempted intimidation makes the reader laugh. The fool believes himself to be bad ass.

I would love to see him try this in certain places in East Texas.
Conservative5's attempted intimidation makes the reader laugh. The fool believes himself to be bad ass.

I would love to see him try this in certain places in East Texas.
Conservative is softer than womans ass after a month on a ice cream diet and no exercise. He does make me laugh with his insecurities. :laugh:
Yeah, pretty sure the cop murdered the guy, but Big Mike Brown had it coming. Brown got justice and so should this cop.
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If you accept it, there is no difference than if you had made it.

Why don't we test your theory boy?
There is a difference monkey. I didnt make the claim. The police chief made it.

We dont have to test theories when its already a proven fact.

When you accepted it, there is no difference than if you made it yourself. If I quote someone, what I'm doing is saying this is what I would have said had this person not said it first.

Proven theories are called laws. Things that haven't been proven are called theories.

Scared? Sounds like it. I offered you the chance to prove your claim and who refuses to do so? You coward.
Just because you are too dumb to put what you think in your own words dont assume everyone else is like that especially someone like me thats your intellectual superior. You claimed I made the quote monkey. That means you are claiming that Norm Stamper did not make the quote. He has it in his book which means your flea ridden ass is wrong again.

Offering me a chance to make you piss yourself online is not a challenge. You are safe on the internet. Thats why you only talk to Black people "tough" on the internet. Youre safe.
Why do you have to be such a....., well I won't say it, everyone knows you are what you are.
Dominant Black man? Genes boy. Its all in the genes.
Way off base as you usually are, boy!
Im struggling to see why this is STILL a story. A man murdered someone...and got arrested.

People are saying he would've gone free without video. Not so sure. I live in Charleston. Rumors were already swirling BEFORE the video that something wasnt right.

The state police had 8 bullet wounds in the back. And shell casings 20-30 yards away from the body...far out of a tazers range even with the false allegations of him having the tazer.

Unlike Mike Brown...the forensics of this would've come back WAY different. All wounds in the back. Blood splatter showing flight away...not towards...the officer. Distance being large and growing.

This cop.may have been arrested even without it.

But...he is now among the 0.1% of cops who will shoot someone....and part of an even smaller group who did it as a murder...which it appears clearly it was.

I.feel worst for the dead man and his family. And for the other Charleston area cops who will be smeared as a result...even though they did nothing wrong.
These laws?


GS 15A-401

(2) A law-enforcement officer is justified in using deadly physical force upon another person for a purpose specified in subdivision (1) of this subsection only when it is or appears to be reasonably necessary thereby:

a. To defend himself or a third person from what he reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of deadly physical force;

b. To effect an arrest or to prevent the escape from custody of a person who he reasonably believes is attempting to escape by means of a deadly weapon, or who by his conduct or any other means indicates that he presents an imminent threat of death or serious physical injury to others unless apprehended without delay; or

c. To prevent the escape of a person from custody imposed upon him as a result of conviction for a felony.

Yes, those laws.

Did you read them?

Specifically subsection b.

b. To effect an arrest or to prevent the escape from custody of a person who he reasonably believes is attempting to escape by means of a deadly weapon, or who by his conduct or any other means indicates that he presents an imminent threat of death or serious physical injury to others unless apprehended without delay;

Sounds exactly like what I posted in post #4 of this thread.

"A police officer may not seize an unarmed, nondangerous suspect by shooting him dead...however...Where the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a threat of serious physical harm, either to the officer or to others, it is not constitutionally unreasonable to prevent escape by using deadly force."

—Justice Byron White, Tennessee v. Garner[3]

Fleeing felon rule - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
There is a difference monkey. I didnt make the claim. The police chief made it.

We dont have to test theories when its already a proven fact.

When you accepted it, there is no difference than if you made it yourself. If I quote someone, what I'm doing is saying this is what I would have said had this person not said it first.

Proven theories are called laws. Things that haven't been proven are called theories.

Scared? Sounds like it. I offered you the chance to prove your claim and who refuses to do so? You coward.
Just because you are too dumb to put what you think in your own words dont assume everyone else is like that especially someone like me thats your intellectual superior. You claimed I made the quote monkey. That means you are claiming that Norm Stamper did not make the quote. He has it in his book which means your flea ridden ass is wrong again.

Offering me a chance to make you piss yourself online is not a challenge. You are safe on the internet. Thats why you only talk to Black people "tough" on the internet. Youre safe.
Why do you have to be such a....., well I won't say it, everyone knows you are what you are.
Dominant Black man? Genes boy. Its all in the genes.
Way off base as you usually are, boy!
Youre just another timid white boy that feels threatened. Its ok but just know I know. :itsok:
White's opinion will not hold in this case, Missourian.

The reasons have been explained clearly and competently why that is so.
Im struggling to see why this is STILL a story. A man murdered someone...and got arrested.

A man...yes..who is a cop...

And the reason its news is because of how often this has been coming up.

Plus it was released last night....what do you mean "Still" a story?
Im struggling to see why this is STILL a story. A man murdered someone...and got arrested.

A man...yes..who is a cop...

And the reason its news is because of how often this has been coming up.

Plus it was released last night....what do you mean "Still" a story?
Buc has personal reasons to put this behind us as quickly as possible. Move along. Nothing to see here.
When you accepted it, there is no difference than if you made it yourself. If I quote someone, what I'm doing is saying this is what I would have said had this person not said it first.

Proven theories are called laws. Things that haven't been proven are called theories.

Scared? Sounds like it. I offered you the chance to prove your claim and who refuses to do so? You coward.
Just because you are too dumb to put what you think in your own words dont assume everyone else is like that especially someone like me thats your intellectual superior. You claimed I made the quote monkey. That means you are claiming that Norm Stamper did not make the quote. He has it in his book which means your flea ridden ass is wrong again.

Offering me a chance to make you piss yourself online is not a challenge. You are safe on the internet. Thats why you only talk to Black people "tough" on the internet. Youre safe.
Why do you have to be such a....., well I won't say it, everyone knows you are what you are.
Dominant Black man? Genes boy. Its all in the genes.
Way off base as you usually are, boy!
Youre just another timid white boy that feels threatened. Its ok but just know I know. :itsok:
Way off base again. I haven't felt threatened since retiring from Prison System as a officer. Remember guys like you, usually didn't go well for them.
I'm reading one of the first statements when the officer was still trying to spin that he felt threatened. Back up came after the shooting from what I can tell.

Bottom line is that there was an eyewitness who kept filming.

And Scott was 10 feet away running for his freaking life when he started firing from what I can tell from the stills but the officer still claimed that when he fired seven times as the man was running away from him that he felt "threatened".

Yet all shots were in his back. And he paused before he hit him with the eighth shot.

Here's another link for you Missourian.

Attorney North Charleston police officer felt threatened before fatal shooting - Post and Courier
For all you know, the dead guy could have said "I'm going get a gun and come back and kill you".

Nobody here is on any jury in this case.

I will never sympathize with any deadbeat dad running away after resisting arrest.

Tough shit.

When are fools going to learn you cannot outrun a bullet.

Another case of a long string of bad decisions costing a fool his life.

Yes, so much for prolife. Having more kids than you can pay for,
where you run from a cop to avoid getting jailed for back child support,
and it ends up getting you killed anyway. Where is the prolife support for
parents, kids and families where it's needed? Why is this whole system set up to fail?

It's called TANF...colloquially known as welfare.

The WIFE filed for support. Men can't force women to have abortions. They can use protection. If they don't, they have an obligation to support the children they father.

Nobody, male or female, "has to have sex" when they can't afford children should pregnancy occur.
Since both Carson and Obama actually AGREE on microlending as more sensible support to help people,
how soon can we see welfare replaced with programs that require recipients to pay back through a business plan, similar to the training that comes with microloan programs. That way, people can receive counseling with their FIRST child they can't afford, and require educational and financial planning before having any more kids.

Would you mind posting a link to the fundamentals of the microlending proposal? I am not acquainted with the concept as it pertains to welfare and family planning.

Hi Missourian
The general concepts of successful programs that have also won awards
are to microlend in increments, and require a business plan for paying back the first loan
before moving up to higher amounts to grow the business.

It's not DIRECTLY applied to "family planning" but indirectly, if people are receiving structured Mentorship help to plan financially on a stable sustainable basis, then that would also include what they are doing in their personal life and finances, with transportation, utilities, living expenses etc.

Grameen America
Grameen Foundation Connecting the World s Poor to Their Potential

Grameen Foundation is the most well known program,
where the founder Muhammad Yunus won the Nobel Prize in 2006
for his work to rebuild poverty stricken regions of Bangledesh by
investing in the heads of households and businesses, mostly women.

Another MODEL I recommend for building schools, daycare community centers and jobs in poor areas
is PACE Universal run by Deepa Willingham: PACE Universal - Teach a girl feed a village

Again, this isn't DIRECTLY trying to spell out or "micromanage" social engineering and how to run families.
But the organization and planning it takes to build businesses and schools in areas "indirectly" enforces values of paying for the current needs and planning ahead for the true costs of educating and caring for children, families and communities.

Those issues would automatically HAVE to be addressed in the process of setting up sustainable financial plans for families to take charge of their own economy and communities.

Here is another key model I recommend for community building and business planning:
Home started by Paul Glover of the Greens Paul Glover social entrepreneur
Independent currency that promotes and grows local businesses toward an equalizing self-supportive cooperative economy
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Just because you are too dumb to put what you think in your own words dont assume everyone else is like that especially someone like me thats your intellectual superior. You claimed I made the quote monkey. That means you are claiming that Norm Stamper did not make the quote. He has it in his book which means your flea ridden ass is wrong again.

Offering me a chance to make you piss yourself online is not a challenge. You are safe on the internet. Thats why you only talk to Black people "tough" on the internet. Youre safe.
Why do you have to be such a....., well I won't say it, everyone knows you are what you are.
Dominant Black man? Genes boy. Its all in the genes.
Way off base as you usually are, boy!
Youre just another timid white boy that feels threatened. Its ok but just know I know. :itsok:
Way off base again. I haven't felt threatened since retiring from Prison System as a officer. Remember guys like you, usually didn't go well for them.
My neighbor is an ex CO. Now he is a sheriff and he told me pussies like you flock to the prison system to prove your toughness but somehow you alway end up calling for backup after getting your ass kicked.
These laws?


GS 15A-401

(2) A law-enforcement officer is justified in using deadly physical force upon another person for a purpose specified in subdivision (1) of this subsection only when it is or appears to be reasonably necessary thereby:

a. To defend himself or a third person from what he reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of deadly physical force;

b. To effect an arrest or to prevent the escape from custody of a person who he reasonably believes is attempting to escape by means of a deadly weapon, or who by his conduct or any other means indicates that he presents an imminent threat of death or serious physical injury to others unless apprehended without delay; or

c. To prevent the escape of a person from custody imposed upon him as a result of conviction for a felony.

Yes, those laws.

Did you read them?

Specifically subsection b.

b. To effect an arrest or to prevent the escape from custody of a person who he reasonably believes is attempting to escape by means of a deadly weapon, or who by his conduct or any other means indicates that he presents an imminent threat of death or serious physical injury to others unless apprehended without delay;

Sounds exactly like what I posted in post #4 of this thread.

"A police officer may not seize an unarmed, nondangerous suspect by shooting him dead...however...Where the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a threat of serious physical harm, either to the officer or to others, it is not constitutionally unreasonable to prevent escape by using deadly force."

—Justice Byron White, Tennessee v. Garner[3]

Fleeing felon rule - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I've seen no indication the man shot and killed committed a felony.
Im struggling to see why this is STILL a story. A man murdered someone...and got arrested.

A man...yes..who is a cop...

And the reason its news is because of how often this has been coming up.

Plus it was released last night....what do you mean "Still" a story?

How often it has been coming up.....but in all those other cases the attacker attacked the cop or resisted arrest and brought on their own death....then the left went nuts about the criminal bringing about his own death...........and blamed the cops....

In this case it looks like the cop lost control and killed this guy....he has been arrested, fired, and now faces murder charges....end of story......
Im struggling to see why this is STILL a story. A man murdered someone...and got arrested.

A man...yes..who is a cop...

And the reason its news is because of how often this has been coming up.

Plus it was released last night....what do you mean "Still" a story?

How often it has been coming up.....but in all those other cases the attacker attacked the cop or resisted arrest and brought on their own death....then the left went nuts about the criminal bringing about his own death...........and blamed the cops....

In this case it looks like the cop lost control and killed this guy....he has been arrested, fired, and now faces murder charges....end of story......

"bringing on his own death" as if the cops werent even there. The cop didnt lose control he aim and controlled well enough to shoot him in the back then had enough control to plant the evidence.

Before the video came out the police were defending him the same way. Until the vid came out then they were caught red handed
Im struggling to see why this is STILL a story. A man murdered someone...and got arrested.

A man...yes..who is a cop...

And the reason its news is because of how often this has been coming up.

Plus it was released last night....what do you mean "Still" a story?

How often it has been coming up.....but in all those other cases the attacker attacked the cop or resisted arrest and brought on their own death....then the left went nuts about the criminal bringing about his own death...........and blamed the cops....

In this case it looks like the cop lost control and killed this guy....he has been arrested, fired, and now faces murder charges....end of story......

"bringing on his own death" as if the cops werent even there. The cop didnt lose control he aim and controlled well enough to shoot him in the back then had enough control to plant the evidence.

Before the video came out the police were defending him the same way. Until the vid came out then they were caught red handed

When a cop tells you to stop hitting him in the face and then you charge that same cop....if you get brought it on yourself.....if you are told you are under arrest and then refuse to comply and the officers have to bring you to the ground to cuff you....and then because you are over weight, have diabetes complications and have a heart brought that on yourself.....

Congratulations on this latest might actually have one where the criminal didn't bring on his own death by attacking the officer or resisting arrest....this looks very much like murder....and the cop was arrested, was fired and now is charged with guys finally got one......
Im struggling to see why this is STILL a story. A man murdered someone...and got arrested.

A man...yes..who is a cop...

And the reason its news is because of how often this has been coming up.

Plus it was released last night....what do you mean "Still" a story?

How often it has been coming up.....but in all those other cases the attacker attacked the cop or resisted arrest and brought on their own death....then the left went nuts about the criminal bringing about his own death...........and blamed the cops....

In this case it looks like the cop lost control and killed this guy....he has been arrested, fired, and now faces murder charges....end of story......

"bringing on his own death" as if the cops werent even there. The cop didnt lose control he aim and controlled well enough to shoot him in the back then had enough control to plant the evidence.

Before the video came out the police were defending him the same way. Until the vid came out then they were caught red handed

I would have to see where they said he didn't do it because they were covering up the evidence....or did they simply stand by his testimony until the investigation showed guys really need to learn what "reality," "the truth," and "thinking" are.......and once the evidence came back......considering the ballistics are all bad for the cop...
they arrested him didn't they....

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