Southern cop shoots man running away in the back..

You DO know what the "normal fashion" is when it comes to convicting cops dont you?

I'm referring to the legal process. This being the system where we grant a charged individual their day in court.
Hopefully these people and you are not calling for the man to be dragged from his cell and lynched in the public square.

I asked you if you know what the normal fashion is when it comes to convicting cops?

Because you seem to believe that people should wait and see...but if you know what the "normal fashion" is we can predict it pretty easily

Regardless of outcomes in the past, this guy will still get his day to defend himself, and right now he's in jail and has been properly charged. That's the most we can do for now, unless you are calling for a new system that allows instantaneous punishments.
For cases like this and pedophiles I dont see a problem.
You referring to the deadbeat dad, or the cop?
What deadbeat dad? The cop was a deadbeat dad?
Since 100% of those I see living in the Section 8 housing in my city are black, it's not an assumption but proof based on my experience. Should I think differently than what I see.

See? Now tell me again about the unfairness of broad brushing...then present your defense for broad brushing.

The broad brush was made by stating that this cop reduced credibility for all cops. You had no problem with that yet when you claim someone else does it, suddenly it's wrong.

Dude did you just join today? You act like broad brushing blacks is new and unusual.

You're trying to accuse me of doing the same thing you did.

You act like broad brushing cops is new and unusual.

When I see 100% of the Section 8 housing filled with blacks, am I supposed to say it's not 100% in order to appease those who get their feelings hurt with the experience I have.

You've inspected the racial make up of every single Section 8 housing tenant in the nation?

Wow. That's incredible. How long did it take you?

BTW - you failed.

Follow along retard. I clearly stated above that 100% of those I see where I live are.

Since you can't read and have to ask a question that wouldn't have been asked if you did, you failed at this and at life. You're probably the kind that lives in those shitholes.
I'm referring to the legal process. This being the system where we grant a charged individual their day in court.
Hopefully these people and you are not calling for the man to be dragged from his cell and lynched in the public square.

I asked you if you know what the normal fashion is when it comes to convicting cops?

Because you seem to believe that people should wait and see...but if you know what the "normal fashion" is we can predict it pretty easily

Regardless of outcomes in the past, this guy will still get his day to defend himself, and right now he's in jail and has been properly charged. That's the most we can do for now, unless you are calling for a new system that allows instantaneous punishments.
For cases like this and pedophiles I dont see a problem.
You referring to the deadbeat dad, or the cop?
What deadbeat dad? The cop was a deadbeat dad?

The one that had a warrant out for failure to pay his child support.
I asked you if you know what the normal fashion is when it comes to convicting cops?

Because you seem to believe that people should wait and see...but if you know what the "normal fashion" is we can predict it pretty easily

Regardless of outcomes in the past, this guy will still get his day to defend himself, and right now he's in jail and has been properly charged. That's the most we can do for now, unless you are calling for a new system that allows instantaneous punishments.
For cases like this and pedophiles I dont see a problem.
You referring to the deadbeat dad, or the cop?
What deadbeat dad? The cop was a deadbeat dad?

The one that had a warrant out for failure to pay his child support.
You must not have heard the warrant was old. He had custody of his son.
Hmmm...not sure what the issue is.....the cop who did the shooting is being held and charged with what is the issue....?

That's a good point. Earlier I already heard a group yelling the inevitable "No-Justice-N-Peace-!!" cliche chant.
He's been arrested, and charged. The process will now move forward in the normal fashion. That's all that can be done at this point.

You DO know what the "normal fashion" is when it comes to convicting cops dont you?

I'm referring to the legal process. This being the system where we grant a charged individual their day in court.
Hopefully these people and you are not calling for the man to be dragged from his cell and lynched in the public square.

I asked you if you know what the normal fashion is when it comes to convicting cops?

Because you seem to believe that people should wait and see...but if you know what the "normal fashion" is we can predict it pretty easily

Regardless of outcomes in the past, this guy will still get his day to defend himself, and right now he's in jail and has been properly charged. That's the most we can do for now, unless you are calling for a new system that allows instantaneous punishments.

Well thats the only way you can avoid answering what the "normal fashion" is when it comes to killer cops. Ignore the past.
I've offered you twice to prove your claim about my fear of blacks. TWICE you've refused. Easy to see who is timid and runs like a coward.
Your fear of blacks screams loudly and clearly.

I bet you think his failure to prove his claim is a sign of strength. That damn n*gger doesn't scare me nor do you you piece of white trash.
Your fear is obvious Conservative. Practically everyone can see it.

Says the one that has now been offered three opportunities to prove your claim. Make it four n*gger. I could make a hundred offers and you'll still hide. I'm here. Where are you? I wouldn't expect anything more from someone that's the byproduct of two monkeys butt fucking.
I've offered you twice to prove your claim about my fear of blacks. TWICE you've refused. Easy to see who is timid and runs like a coward.
Your fear of blacks screams loudly and clearly.

I bet you think his failure to prove his claim is a sign of strength. That damn n*gger doesn't scare me nor do you you piece of white trash.
Your fear is obvious Conservative. Practically everyone can see it.

Says the one that has now been offered three opportunities to prove your claim. Make it four n*gger. I could make a hundred offers and you'll still hide. I'm here. Where are you? I wouldn't expect anything more from someone that's the byproduct of two monkeys butt fucking.
Youre here? Where is here? Youre a pink timid little monkey conservative. :laugh:
Why do you have to be such a....., well I won't say it, everyone knows you are what you are.
Dominant Black man? Genes boy. Its all in the genes.
Way off base as you usually are, boy!
Youre just another timid white boy that feels threatened. Its ok but just know I know. :itsok:

I've offered you twice to prove your claim about my fear of blacks. TWICE you've refused. Easy to see who is timid and runs like a coward.
Go back to sleep monkey. You know what would happen if the internet suddenly transported you next to me. :laugh:
Nothing, you would run like a scared little that you are.
I've offered you twice to prove your claim about my fear of blacks. TWICE you've refused. Easy to see who is timid and runs like a coward.
Your fear of blacks screams loudly and clearly.

I bet you think his failure to prove his claim is a sign of strength. That damn n*gger doesn't scare me nor do you you piece of white trash.
Your fear is obvious Conservative. Practically everyone can see it.

Says the one that has now been offered three opportunities to prove your claim. Make it four n*gger. I could make a hundred offers and you'll still hide. I'm here. Where are you? I wouldn't expect anything more from someone that's the byproduct of two monkeys butt fucking.
Youre here? Where is here? Youre a pink timid little monkey conservative. :laugh:

Where you're afraid to come boy. You call me timid but have already said you won't prove what you say is true. You're not timid, you're just a plain old pussy.
Dominant Black man? Genes boy. Its all in the genes.
Way off base as you usually are, boy!
Youre just another timid white boy that feels threatened. Its ok but just know I know. :itsok:

I've offered you twice to prove your claim about my fear of blacks. TWICE you've refused. Easy to see who is timid and runs like a coward.
Go back to sleep monkey. You know what would happen if the internet suddenly transported you next to me. :laugh:
Nothing, you would run like a scared little that you are.
We all know both you pink pig skinned monkeys together wouldnt be brave enough to look me in the eye. You would ten of you monkeys with guns before you would even give me a stern look.
Your fear of blacks screams loudly and clearly.

I bet you think his failure to prove his claim is a sign of strength. That damn n*gger doesn't scare me nor do you you piece of white trash.
Your fear is obvious Conservative. Practically everyone can see it.

Says the one that has now been offered three opportunities to prove your claim. Make it four n*gger. I could make a hundred offers and you'll still hide. I'm here. Where are you? I wouldn't expect anything more from someone that's the byproduct of two monkeys butt fucking.
Youre here? Where is here? Youre a pink timid little monkey conservative. :laugh:

Where you're afraid to come boy. You call me timid but have already said you won't prove what you say is true. You're not timid, you're just a plain old pussy.
Figures you wont step up. I told you that you were a timid little stringy haired monkey.
How often it has been coming up.....but in all those other cases the attacker attacked the cop or resisted arrest and brought on their own death....then the left went nuts about the criminal bringing about his own death...........and blamed the cops....

In this case it looks like the cop lost control and killed this guy....he has been arrested, fired, and now faces murder charges....end of story......

"bringing on his own death" as if the cops werent even there. The cop didnt lose control he aim and controlled well enough to shoot him in the back then had enough control to plant the evidence.

Before the video came out the police were defending him the same way. Until the vid came out then they were caught red handed

I would have to see where they said he didn't do it because they were covering up the evidence....or did they simply stand by his testimony until the investigation showed guys really need to learn what "reality," "the truth," and "thinking" are.......and once the evidence came back......considering the ballistics are all bad for the cop...
they arrested him didn't they....

What? And the fact that someone shoots someone in the back on video and gets arrested is something to be applauded? That should be the norm..

Would you applaud the arrest of someone caught with a bloody knife in their hand?

I get are a lefty and rationality is beyond just isn't in your DNA....did I say it was a good I say it should be the yes if someone was caught at the scene of a murder with the murder weapon and had done the murder I would applaud the arrest....

Enough of the insults. Enough about what you arent saying. You said "they arrested him didnt they" for a reason. What was that reason? repeat the simple truth...the cop shot a fleeing suspect in the back 8 times...this is wrong and because of that he was arrested, fired and now faces murder charges.....please try to overcome your leftiness and see that I have simply stated a conservative/libertarian/tea party supporter, I support arresting cops who commit murder.....and I also believe if they are convicted of murder they should get the death penalty...not life in prison....

What is my leftiness? LMAO...You said "they arrested him didnt they" for a reason...what was that reason?

So please, take your left wing emotionality somewhere else.......

Thats gonna type another book and tell me about how I"M emotional?
Comprehensive understanding is beyond you libtards.
Way off base as you usually are, boy!
Youre just another timid white boy that feels threatened. Its ok but just know I know. :itsok:

I've offered you twice to prove your claim about my fear of blacks. TWICE you've refused. Easy to see who is timid and runs like a coward.
Go back to sleep monkey. You know what would happen if the internet suddenly transported you next to me. :laugh:
Nothing, you would run like a scared little that you are.
We all know both you pink pig skinned monkeys together wouldnt be brave enough to look me in the eye. You would ten of you monkeys with guns before you would even give me a stern look.
Keep dreaming ape.
Way off base as you usually are, boy!
Youre just another timid white boy that feels threatened. Its ok but just know I know. :itsok:

I've offered you twice to prove your claim about my fear of blacks. TWICE you've refused. Easy to see who is timid and runs like a coward.
Go back to sleep monkey. You know what would happen if the internet suddenly transported you next to me. :laugh:
Nothing, you would run like a scared little that you are.
We all know both you pink pig skinned monkeys together would be brave enough to look me in the eye. You would ten of you monkeys with guns before you would even give me a stern look.

Since you head is up your ass, we wouldn't be able to see your eyes.

All I would need to do is say "boo" and you'd run faster than a black person during a watermelon shortage.
And the white cave chimps are chattering nervously. Rightfully so. They are scared.
Youre just another timid white boy that feels threatened. Its ok but just know I know. :itsok:

I've offered you twice to prove your claim about my fear of blacks. TWICE you've refused. Easy to see who is timid and runs like a coward.
Go back to sleep monkey. You know what would happen if the internet suddenly transported you next to me. :laugh:
Nothing, you would run like a scared little that you are.
We all know both you pink pig skinned monkeys together would be brave enough to look me in the eye. You would ten of you monkeys with guns before you would even give me a stern look.

Since you head is up your ass, we wouldn't be able to see your eyes.

All I would need to do is say "boo" and you'd run faster than a black person during a watermelon shortage.
Typical that a monkey like you would want to say "boo". Thats why cowards like you dress up in white sheets. You really think youre a ghost. Funny how you always mentally give yourself away. Monkeys like you typically cant outsmart humans lilke me.
Youre just another timid white boy that feels threatened. Its ok but just know I know. :itsok:

I've offered you twice to prove your claim about my fear of blacks. TWICE you've refused. Easy to see who is timid and runs like a coward.
Go back to sleep monkey. You know what would happen if the internet suddenly transported you next to me. :laugh:
Nothing, you would run like a scared little that you are.
We all know both you pink pig skinned monkeys together wouldnt be brave enough to look me in the eye. You would ten of you monkeys with guns before you would even give me a stern look.
Keep dreaming ape.
Why would I dream ape? I'm Black and not a cave monkey like you are.
I've offered you twice to prove your claim about my fear of blacks. TWICE you've refused. Easy to see who is timid and runs like a coward.
Go back to sleep monkey. You know what would happen if the internet suddenly transported you next to me. :laugh:
Nothing, you would run like a scared little that you are.
We all know both you pink pig skinned monkeys together would be brave enough to look me in the eye. You would ten of you monkeys with guns before you would even give me a stern look.

Since you head is up your ass, we wouldn't be able to see your eyes.

All I would need to do is say "boo" and you'd run faster than a black person during a watermelon shortage.
Typical that a monkey like you would say "boo". Thats why cowards like you dress up in white sheets. Funny how you always mentally give yourself away. Monkeys like you typically cant outsmart humans lilke me.

Don't own white sheets. Funny how I struck a nerve calling out how you'd move faster when there are less watermelons available than n*ggers that want them than you'd move for a job.

You're subhuman. It's the best you can do.
I've offered you twice to prove your claim about my fear of blacks. TWICE you've refused. Easy to see who is timid and runs like a coward.
Go back to sleep monkey. You know what would happen if the internet suddenly transported you next to me. :laugh:
Nothing, you would run like a scared little that you are.
We all know both you pink pig skinned monkeys together would be brave enough to look me in the eye. You would ten of you monkeys with guns before you would even give me a stern look.

Since you head is up your ass, we wouldn't be able to see your eyes.

All I would need to do is say "boo" and you'd run faster than a black person during a watermelon shortage.
Typical that a monkey like you would say "boo". Thats why cowards like you dress up in white sheets. Funny how you always mentally give yourself away. Monkeys like you typically cant outsmart humans lilke me.
You are not smart and you are not human. Go back to the jungle ape.
I've offered you twice to prove your claim about my fear of blacks. TWICE you've refused. Easy to see who is timid and runs like a coward.
Go back to sleep monkey. You know what would happen if the internet suddenly transported you next to me. :laugh:
Nothing, you would run like a scared little that you are.
We all know both you pink pig skinned monkeys together wouldnt be brave enough to look me in the eye. You would ten of you monkeys with guns before you would even give me a stern look.
Keep dreaming ape.
Why would I dream ape? I'm Black and not a cave monkey like you are.

You're not black. You're a greasy n*gger and there's a difference.

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