Southern cop shoots man running away in the back..

The way I heard it, the officer used his tazer first, It either misfired, or wasn't effective. The man who was shot then attacked the officer, either stripping the tazer away, or knocking it to the ground and was grappling with the officer. when the officer broke free and went for his gun, the a dangerous fleeing felon then attempted to escape again.

That is when the officer, stripped of his tazer, resorted to deadly force to prevent escape.

"A police officer may not seize an unarmed, nondangerous suspect by shooting him dead...however...Where the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a threat of serious physical harm, either to the officer or to others, it is not constitutionally unreasonable to prevent escape by using deadly force."

—Justice Byron White, Tennessee v. Garner[3]

Fleeing felon rule - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
This cop MURDERED that man. Period. I don't give a rats ass if he had 30 kids he didn't help pay for. Takes two to tango. If the mother can't afford to raise the kids on her own she shoulda kept her fucking legs shut knowing this guy is a deadbeat dad. But he shouldn't be DEAD by being shot in the back 8 fucking times.
The video clearly shows the officer had no fear for his life or others. Yup, the video is a just view of the event.

The man who was shot attacked the officer and stripped him of his tazer.

"A police officer may not seize an unarmed, nondangerous suspect by shooting him dead...however...Where the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a threat of serious physical harm, either to the officer or to others, it is not constitutionally unreasonable to prevent escape by using deadly force."

—Justice Byron White, Tennessee v. Garner[3]

Fleeing felon rule - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
A valid criticism would be that the officer tampered with evidence. But the is nothing unlawful in shooting a dangerous fleeing felon...back front or sideways, armed or unarmed, in most states.
White would convict him. Video shows there was no dangerous fleeing suspect, clearly. Life for the cop, easily. Better keep his back to the wall at all times.

Probably...because he moved the Tazer. Dumb. Other than that, I bet he would walk.

The law is the law...and the fleeing felon rule as modified by under Tennessee v. Garner is the threshold for justified deadly force in most states.

Don't run from the police, don't fight with the police. It seems pretty simple.
This cop MURDERED that man. Period. I don't give a rats ass if he had 30 kids he didn't help pay for. Takes two to tango. If the mother can't afford to raise the kids on her own she shoulda kept her fucking legs shut knowing this guy is a deadbeat dad. But he shouldn't be DEAD by being shot in the back 8 fucking times.

I just don't get why he handcuffed the corpse.
The way I heard it, the officer used his tazer first, It either misfired, or wasn't effective. The man who was shot then attacked the officer, either stripping the tazer away, or knocking it to the ground and was grappling with the officer. when the officer broke free and went for his gun, the a dangerous fleeing felon then attempted to escape again.

That is when the officer, stripped of his tazer, resorted to deadly force to prevent escape.

"A police officer may not seize an unarmed, nondangerous suspect by shooting him dead...however...Where the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a threat of serious physical harm, either to the officer or to others, it is not constitutionally unreasonable to prevent escape by using deadly force."

—Justice Byron White, Tennessee v. Garner[3]

Fleeing felon rule - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Then I guess a jury will find him innocent. I think we need to put more police on trial, we would be in many of these situations, why does a law enforcement officer get a review of his police peers only?
If policemen fear for his life, fine, shoot him. But once he flees policemen is not defending anything.
He is in many cases defending the public.

In this case, an arrest has been made, the cop has been charged, a grand jury will convene, and if the cop is indicted, a jury will decide his fate.

Is there a problem here?

Or, should we just return to lynching based on internet outrage?
Despite the assumption that the Police Officer is guilty it seems that he was charged with a crime and the system works. So what the hell have anarchists been whining about?
If policemen fear for his life, fine, shoot him. But once he flees policemen is not defending anything.
He is in many cases defending the public.

In this case, an arrest has been made, the cop has been charged, a grand jury will convene, and if the cop is indicted, a jury will decide his fate.

Is there a problem here?

Or, should we just return to lynching based on internet outrage?

If that's the case, no argument here.

However, I think our cops are too easy on the trigger. Not this case only, most of them.

Why shoot to kill anyways. Wounding him would prevent many other things.
If policemen fear for his life, fine, shoot him. But once he flees policemen is not defending anything.
He is in many cases defending the public.

In this case, an arrest has been made, the cop has been charged, a grand jury will convene, and if the cop is indicted, a jury will decide his fate.

Is there a problem here?

Or, should we just return to lynching based on internet outrage?

If that's the case, no argument here.

However, I think our cops are too easy on the trigger. Not this case only, most of them.

Why shoot to kill anyways. Wounding him would prevent many other things.
How do you shoot to wound?

Have you ever actually seen what a bullet does?

This ain't Roy Rogers, where you just "wing 'em with a flesh wound".

Most likely that was a .40 caliber HP.

A hit in the elbow or wrist can blow enough arteries and veins to bleed a guy out.

Shoot to wound is a hippy dream.
If policemen fear for his life, fine, shoot him. But once he flees policemen is not defending anything.
He is in many cases defending the public.

In this case, an arrest has been made, the cop has been charged, a grand jury will convene, and if the cop is indicted, a jury will decide his fate.

Is there a problem here?

Or, should we just return to lynching based on internet outrage?

If that's the case, no argument here.

However, I think our cops are too easy on the trigger. Not this case only, most of them.

Why shoot to kill anyways. Wounding him would prevent many other things.
How do you shoot to wound?

Have you ever actually seen what a bullet does?

This ain't Roy Rogers, where you just "wing 'em with a flesh wound".

Most likely that was a .40 caliber HP.

A hit in the elbow or wrist can blow enough arteries and veins to bleed a guy out.

Shoot to wound is a hippy dream.

I have seen it way too many times. I felt it two times.

Sure, you can bleed out from one wound. From eight you bleed much faster. Was it necessary?
The suspect did not "now a dangerous fleeing felon [who] then attempted to escape again."

The video is as good as any eye witness and better than almost all of them.

Once the the motion to suppress the video as evidence is dismissed by the Judge, a plea deal will probably occur. No defense attorney wants that video in evidence before a jury.

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