Southern cop shoots man running away in the back..

Here's the sequence I've got in stills at DM.


Here's where the cop starts to draw his weapon


Opens fire here. This is being threatened? Kiss my ass.


Eighth shot to take him out.


Cop is charged with black man s murder after opening fire eight times and shooting him in the back as he ran away... and saying he did it because he felt threatened Daily Mail Online

Problem is your stills don't show what happened prior to the first one.
Yeah, shot for the tail light.

Not for resisting arrest, and running from warrants for the lowest crime of all, failure to support children he fathered.

It's all about the tail light, yeah, right.

It is all about karma.

Pay your fuckin' child support, and you don't have these problems.
Notice how the lefties turn it into about being about a tail light. They also missed the part about Michael Brown attacking Darren Wilson. It's about convenience to them.

I'm no fucking leftie.

When it quacks like a duck . .

Go blow dead bears asshole.

Go fuck yourself bitch.

Call me a leftie and it's fighting words buddy. You can call me a bitch, a douche bag, whatever you want.

But call me a leftie and I'll never forgive you.

Notice how the lefties turn it into about being about a tail light. They also missed the part about Michael Brown attacking Darren Wilson. It's about convenience to them.

I'm no fucking leftie.

When it quacks like a duck . .

Go blow dead bears asshole.

Go fuck yourself bitch.

Call me a leftie and it's fighting words buddy. You can call me a bitch, a douche bag, whatever you want.

But call me a leftie and I'll never forgive you.

Since I don't care about you, I don't care what you do toward me. I don't need your forgiveness nor care for it to start with. Don't ask like anything you do is of value to me.

By the way, as far as the bitch comment, I repeat, if it quacks like a duck . . .
Whole video... New York Times

The officer shoots him, then runs over to him, handcuffs him, then runs back 15 feet to where they began, picks up the taser, then runs back to where the dead victim is, and drops the taser to the ground next to him.
Whole video... New York Times

The officer shoots him, then runs over to him, handcuffs him, then runs back 15 feet to where they began, picks up the taser, then runs back to where the dead victim is, and drops the taser to the ground next to him.

Holy toledo! I'm on dial up and it takes 3 days to load a video so this is gold what you're telling me.

Thank you. And wow just wow.
I'm no fucking leftie.

When it quacks like a duck . .

Go blow dead bears asshole.

Go fuck yourself bitch.

Call me a leftie and it's fighting words buddy. You can call me a bitch, a douche bag, whatever you want.

But call me a leftie and I'll never forgive you.

Since I don't care about you, I don't care what you do toward me. I don't need your forgiveness nor care for it to start with. Don't ask like anything you do is of value to me.

By the way, as far as the bitch comment, I repeat, if it quacks like a duck . . .

Seriously if you want to think of me as a leftie by all means do so. But try decaff. It's just a message board.
When it quacks like a duck . .

Go blow dead bears asshole.

Go fuck yourself bitch.

Call me a leftie and it's fighting words buddy. You can call me a bitch, a douche bag, whatever you want.

But call me a leftie and I'll never forgive you.

Since I don't care about you, I don't care what you do toward me. I don't need your forgiveness nor care for it to start with. Don't ask like anything you do is of value to me.

By the way, as far as the bitch comment, I repeat, if it quacks like a duck . . .

Seriously if you want to think of me as a leftie by all means do so. But try decaff. It's just a message board.

I don't drink coffee.
When you shoot eight times, you aren't protecting the public, you are out to kill.

I didn't see the offender get down on the ground, put his hands up or even stop running...until he could no longer run.

I suppose waiting until backup arrived before engaging the person was not an option. Oh wait, we were knee deep in cops within seconds of the shooting.

I'll have to rewatch the video, but I only remember seeing one other officer...and there is no telling if he/she was visible at the time of the shooting.

Officers have to make split second decisions, while we have the luxury of second guessing them for months after the fact.

I'm reading one of the first statements when the officer was still trying to spin that he felt threatened. Back up came after the shooting from what I can tell.

Bottom line is that there was an eyewitness who kept filming.

And Scott was 10 feet away running for his freaking life when he started firing from what I can tell from the stills but the officer still claimed that when he fired seven times as the man was running away from him that he felt "threatened".

Yet all shots were in his back. And he paused before he hit him with the eighth shot.

Here's another link for you Missourian.

Attorney North Charleston police officer felt threatened before fatal shooting - Post and Courier

A police officer can legally shoot a dangerous fleeing felon in the back to prevent their escape in most states. A citizen has to be in fear for life or grievous bodily at the time of the shooting. An officer only must feel threatened during the encounter, and believe that allowing the dangerous individual to escape would put at risk the lives or safety of himself or others.

It's a different standard that that of a citizen.

I've posted it a few times already...the constitutionality of the Fleeing Felon Rule was affirmed in a modified form in Tennessee v Garner.

This incident absolutely fits that threshold.

IOW, an officer is justified in using lethal force, including shooting a fleeing suspect from behind IF the offender has committed a violent felony and the officer believes the offender is a danger to himself or others.
Call me a leftie and it's fighting words buddy. You can call me a bitch, a douche bag, whatever you want.

But call me a leftie and I'll never forgive you.


:lol: That's funny.

Truth is, I agree with you 99.7% of the time. :thup:

Americano too, and Saveliberty.

P.S.- Can't Admin fix these never-ending quote strings?

I miss Vbulletin.
He is in many cases defending the public.

In this case, an arrest has been made, the cop has been charged, a grand jury will convene, and if the cop is indicted, a jury will decide his fate.

Is there a problem here?

Or, should we just return to lynching based on internet outrage?

If that's the case, no argument here.

However, I think our cops are too easy on the trigger. Not this case only, most of them.

Why shoot to kill anyways. Wounding him would prevent many other things.
How do you shoot to wound?

Have you ever actually seen what a bullet does?

This ain't Roy Rogers, where you just "wing 'em with a flesh wound".

Most likely that was a .40 caliber HP.

A hit in the elbow or wrist can blow enough arteries and veins to bleed a guy out.

Shoot to wound is a hippy dream.

I have seen it way too many times. I felt it two times.

Sure, you can bleed out from one wound. From eight you bleed much faster. Was it necessary?

Was it necessary?

I don't know, I wasn't there.

Would the cop have been reprimanded for letting him get away, if he had done nothing?

Is there a policy in place on when and why you shoot at a man who has physically resisted arrest?

Did the man say something we cannot hear, like a threat?

We do not have the information to make a decision, that is why we have grand juries and juries.

The cop may have only been arrested to protect him and placate the public.

We do not know these things.

What we do know, is the guy was a deadbeat dad not paying his child support.

I won't grieve for him.

I spent several years garnishing deadbeat dads. Every time I got new garnishment papers and found another one it made my day. I had two file cabinets of nothing but garnishments on deadbeat dads. They ranged from cashiers to managers to executives.

Deadbeat dads need to pay their child support.

They DON'T need to be killed.

Now the children don't have a dad and no way to get child support from their dad.

Their dad is dead.

Not because he didn't pay his child support. Because some stupid cop killed him.

I know what it's like for your dad to be dead. Mine died of cancer in 2001 and I still to this day miss him very much. I got to grow up with my dad.

Those children won't have that luxury.

He is dead because he resisted arrest and ran.

Now his kids will probably get a big settlement.

Most of us have dead dads.

Mine supported me.

There is no right to resist arrest and run away.

I bet the cop gets off, and we get riots.
When you shoot eight times, you aren't protecting the public, you are out to kill.

I didn't see the offender get down on the ground, put his hands up or even stop running...until he could no longer run.

I suppose waiting until backup arrived before engaging the person was not an option. Oh wait, we were knee deep in cops within seconds of the shooting.

I'll have to rewatch the video, but I only remember seeing one other officer...and there is no telling if he/she was visible at the time of the shooting.

Officers have to make split second decisions, while we have the luxury of second guessing them for months after the fact.

I'm reading one of the first statements when the officer was still trying to spin that he felt threatened. Back up came after the shooting from what I can tell.

Bottom line is that there was an eyewitness who kept filming.

And Scott was 10 feet away running for his freaking life when he started firing from what I can tell from the stills but the officer still claimed that when he fired seven times as the man was running away from him that he felt "threatened".

Yet all shots were in his back. And he paused before he hit him with the eighth shot.

Here's another link for you Missourian.

Attorney North Charleston police officer felt threatened before fatal shooting - Post and Courier
For all you know, the dead guy could have said "I'm going get a gun and come back and kill you".

Nobody here is on any jury in this case.

I will never sympathize with any deadbeat dad running away after resisting arrest.

Tough shit.

When are fools going to learn you cannot outrun a bullet.

Another case of a long string of bad decisions costing a fool his life.
Seriously if you want to think of me as a leftie by all means do so. But try decaff. It's just a message board.

Look leftie... LOL, Kiddin'

Dial up? WTF?



Middle of nowhere. Not even cell phone service in my region. This old computer is something out of the Flintstones and if I pedal really fast I can get something to load after I've done the laundry and walked the dog.
Seriously if you want to think of me as a leftie by all means do so. But try decaff. It's just a message board.

Look leftie... LOL, Kiddin'

Dial up? WTF?



Middle of nowhere. Not even cell phone service in my region. This old computer is something out of the Flintstones and if I pedal really fast I can get something to load after I've done the laundry and walked the dog.
Same here.

I got hughenet, but it is too expensive, and they have a bandwidth limit that really pisses me off.

Moving before too long, and dropping them, and internet altogether.
Another racist troll thread from the racist troll.
You never heard of the Constitutional right to resist arrest and run when a cop tries to arrest a person on outstanding warrants?

I think it is in the 14th Amendment.
The man wasn't supporting his family.

That is why he is dead.

Nobody runs from a tail light ticket, tens of thousands fail to pay their child support.

When the cops have a warrant, you take the bust like a man, or, risk getting shot if you resist and run.

Some bad choices led to this, and they started with failure to support children that he brought into this world, and ended with resisting a lawful arrest.

And we find why cop supporters should never be taken seriously. They will defend a cop shooting an unarmed black man 8 times in the back.

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