Southern cop shoots man running away in the back..

Lying in the after-action report makes it impossible to defend this one. Woulda liked to have seen the whole video to understand events leading up to the shooting. But as happened in Ferguson, if the state law says after physically assaulting an officer lethal force is authorized, that could save the officer. Not like he woke up that morning wanting to kill somebody. Events of the traffic stop and fleeing suspect escalated things to their conclusion.

Charging the officer with murder is ridiculous though. Probably just an overreaction in light of the Ferguson riots. Voluntary manslaughter at worst.
Hopefully by now you've all seen the video. Scott was stopped for a broken tail light. The policeman tazed him and Scott turned and started to run. Cop shoots him 8 times in the back killing him. The tazer is at the cop's feet. Scott did not try to steal it, as the cop later stated.

The cop then goes up to Scott's dead body, handcuffs his hands and throws the tazer down on the ground next to him. Then lies in his statement to the police department.

The person who shot the video is the true 2nd Amendment hero. His weapon of choice to hold government tyranny at bay against its own citizens was not a gun, but a cell phone camera.
Saw the vid.....definitely legit. Cop needs to go down for murder plain and simple.

But CNN and the other shit-stain media outlets are already having guests on pushing the whole mantra of white cops killing blacks..........and of course linking it to Ferguson with lots of Ferguson pics which have zero to do with anything. Surely all the racist haters are heading to this city to stir up shit. Ghey.
The person who shot the video is the true 2nd Amendment hero. His weapon of choice to hold government tyranny at bay against its own citizens was not a gun, but a cell phone camera.

Wait,.......... what ? :dunno:
The comments on this thread are just sickening. What freakin' lowlifes.
How anyone could even try to defend this officer's action is unconsionable.

At least the authorities took it seriously.
The cop then goes up to Scott's dead body, handcuffs his hands and throws the tazer down on the ground next to him. Then lies in his statement to the police department.
The really worrying thing is that the policeman who was there when the taser was dropped apparently didn't say anything. Well I'd be worried.

GS 15A-401

(2) A law-enforcement officer is justified in using deadly physical force upon another person for a purpose specified in subdivision (1) of this subsection only when it is or appears to be reasonably necessary thereby:

a. To defend himself or a third person from what he reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of deadly physical force;

b. To effect an arrest or to prevent the escape from custody of a person who he reasonably believes is attempting to escape by means of a deadly weapon, or who by his conduct or any other means indicates that he presents an imminent threat of death or serious physical injury to others unless apprehended without delay; or

c. To prevent the escape of a person from custody imposed upon him as a result of conviction for a felony.
"the fleeing felon rule as modified by under Tennessee v. Garner is the threshold for justified deadly force in most states" will be ignored by the jury regardless of the judge's instructions
Hopefully by now you've all seen the video. Scott was stopped for a broken tail light. The policeman tazed him and Scott turned and started to run. Cop shoots him 8 times in the back killing him. The tazer is at the cop's feet. Scott did not try to steal it, as the cop later stated.

The cop then goes up to Scott's dead body, handcuffs his hands and throws the tazer down on the ground next to him. Then lies in his statement to the police department.

The person who shot the video is the true 2nd Amendment hero. His weapon of choice to hold government tyranny at bay against its own citizens was not a gun, but a cell phone camera.
Justice served with an ObamaPhone.
So one might say this cracker cop shooting a black man to death is the opposite of, say, the completely exonerated white cop in Ferguson who shot the criminal thug ****** to death.

Hmmm...cracker but no n-word. Got it.
But CNN and the other shit-stain media outlets are already having guests on pushing the whole mantra of white cops killing blacks..........and of course linking it to Ferguson with lots of Ferguson pics which have zero to do with anything. Surely all the racist haters are heading to this city to stir up shit. Ghey.

Yes despite the growing number of videos, complaints and abuses this shooting has nothing to do with police abuse et al.

Every incident is an isolated one...over and over....state by by day. uh ok...

Its not a mantra...white cops are killing blacks. Maybe to you "mantra" means "actual events"
He'll get a light sentence and they'll determine there is "no evidence of racism".

They should check under his bed...I'm sure theres some racism there with his finger prints on it because thats how racism works. :blahblah:
So one might say this cracker cop shooting a black man to death is the opposite of, say, the completely exonerated white cop in Ferguson who shot the criminal thug ****** to death.

Hmmm...cracker but no n-word. Got it.
Michael Brown was running at the cop full tilt after hurting the officer just moments before. This one was running away and was no danger to anyone.

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