Southwest Airlines Faces Boycott Threats After Pilot's Reported Use of 'Let's Go Brandon'

Not worth a shit, but not due to his politics--he was a lousy excuse for a QB.

Have you seen some of the back up QBs in the league today? Kap was not all that great, but he was better than half the back ups in the league.

Could've been from one of your posts when you said something about your nurse wife working there.

Wife is a nurse, but not in Chicago. We do live in Illinois, but there is more to the state than Chicago .
Have you seen some of the back up QBs in the league today? Kap was not all that great, but he was better than half the back ups in the league.
He wasn't a back-up. He kicked starter, Alex Smith out of the position and promptly lost the SB. The POS has never been oppressed in his entire miserable life. He was raised in a lily white family in strictly middle class, Turlock, CA and went to Nevada Reno.
He wasn't a back-up. He kicked starter, Alex Smith out of the position and promptly lost the SB. The POS has never been oppressed in his entire miserable life. He was raised in a lily white family in strictly middle class, Turlock, CA and went to Nevada Reno.

Yes, he was a starter. Lots of QBs get a chance to be a starter and then get regulated to back up roll.
was his record worse than Geno Smith? Or worse than Blain Gabbert? or worse than Chase Daniels?
I wouldn't call them starters either. For the record, the NFL hasn't been worth wasting my time on since Kaepernick ruined it single-handedly. As far as I'm concerned, he and the NFL leadership killed the goose that lays the golden eggs. Like Joe Biden, Fuck the NFL.
Have you seen some of the back up QBs in the league today? Kap was not all that great, but he was better than half the back ups in the league.

Wife is a nurse, but not in Chicago. We do live in Illinois, but there is more to the state than Chicago .
We’ve heard a lot about her employment but never yours. Wonder why?
I wouldn't call them starters either.

They are not, they are back ups. My whole point is that based just on just results Kap would be a back up somewhere. But he is not good enough to be worth the headache and baggage he brings with him

or the record, the NFL hasn't been worth wasting my time on since Kaepernick ruined it single-handedly. As far as I'm concerned, he and the NFL leadership killed the goose that lays the golden eggs. Like Joe Biden, Fuck the NFL.

I still enjoy it and fantasy football. I do not watch the start of the games so I do not see all the extra stuff people are so worried about.
Liberal media got it wrong and lied so the chant could be what they felt it ought to be. They brought this upon themselves and now suffer the consequences.
They are not, they are back ups. My whole point is that based just on just results Kap would be a back up somewhere. But he is not good enough to be worth the headache and baggage he brings with him

I still enjoy it and fantasy football. I do not watch the start of the games so I do not see all the extra stuff people are so worried about.
Yeah hiding is your resolution to everything.
We’ve heard a lot about her employment but never yours. Wonder why?

I am a data analyst working with agricultural statistics. I do like the job and it pays exceedingly well, but even I have to admit it is pretty darn boring to talk about. I do mention it from time to time when the topic is relevant, but how often do we talk about such things on here?
They are not, they are back ups. My whole point is that based just on just results Kap would be a back up somewhere. But he is not good enough to be worth the headache and baggage he brings with him
The NFL gave Kaepernick an opportunity to re-enter the league and the dumb punk wanted to show his ass again and not follow the rules--so now he is a "never was"
The NFL gave Kaepernick an opportunity to re-enter the league and the dumb punk wanted to show his ass again and not follow the rules--so now he is a "never was"

Yes they did, and he could not help himself, he had to be an ass. Which has sort of been my point the whole time, it is not really his skill that is keeping him out of the NFL, it is the baggage and problems he causes. I sure as hell would not want him on my team if I was an owner or a coach
Colin K had one great year and one good one and then fell victim to being a victim of how bad his life had been,
Colin K had one great year and one good one and then fell victim to being a victim of how bad his life had been,
We'll have to agree to disagree--his first year he was lousy but the league was not geared to defend his style of run and gun. If he was worth a shit to begin with, he wouldn't have had to run. The second year, the league had him figured out--end of story.
I'd probably be able to enjoy flying if all the easily offended, soft, weak willed dipshits we're flying with someone else.

That would be a marketing tool for me "fly with us because all the pussy ass bitches are on another airline".
I keep waiting for an airlines to come out with:

Unvaccinated flights only due to current medical information about Delta!

Too bad it’s impossible for a commercial airlines to get away from the current politically driven ignorance, otherwise that could have happened.
No, it's definitely your choice even though what you are doing is extremely unpatriotic. And my odds are are 11 times better than yours.

Your BMI is too high. 4 million Americans a year die from obesity related issues.
You’re unpatriotic for being fat.

“I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration.”

Hillary Clinton
Your BMI is too high. 4 million Americans a year die from obesity related issues.
You’re unpatriotic for being fat.

“I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration.”

Hillary Clinton

Yes, you are unpatriotic, you only care about yourself, and you are fat. :)

Yes, you are unpatriotic, you only care about yourself, and you are fat. :)

I’m centerline on my BMI index. Therefore per your logic im patriotic.

And per your logic, I must force you to do the same.

Lives must be saved.

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