Southwest Airlines Faces Boycott Threats After Pilot's Reported Use of 'Let's Go Brandon'

As I said: You cannot demonstrate a rational basis for your belief.
I used the term -exactly- as it is meant to be used,; you cannot demonstrate how I used it in error.
Thanks for proving you don't know the meaning of the word. Good luck. :itsok:
And sufficient to have people fired from their jobs.
I guess this is why they see no shame in lying.
The route they take is feelings are superior to facts because facts are unkind at times and that’s not fair so feelings are the superior method of dealing with people.
Half the population feels that is the right way and it’s why we have our current messes.
if people are offended, they need to put on their big girl panties.
Let 'em squeal. I've decided to do the outrage thing in reverse. If they fire the pilot, I'll help push a boycott against them. I heard a reference online yesterday saying the pilot might have said "Let's go Braves". People just need to grow the hell up.

we are getting closer, thanks. Someone FBing a bad thing about Trump, and being investigated for it by the airline, does not quite reach the level of an official announcement by the pilot over the intercom of the plane. One does not imply company approval
we are getting closer, thanks. Someone FBing a bad thing about Trump, and being investigated for it by the airline, does not quite reach the level of an official announcement by the pilot over the intercom of the plane. One does not imply company approval
That stewardess trashed a customer. That's worse than a pilot saying LGB over the intercom.

This just shows how stupid Libtards can
That stewardess trashed a customer. That's worse than a pilot saying LGB over the intercom.

Yes and no. Trashing a customer is bad and should cost them their job, but it is no way implies it is the company position. Saying anything over the intercom is implying it is the company position, which is worse.

I am not sure if you have ever worked, but if you had you would know that most employers do not like you doing things that could drive away half of their customers.
Yes and no. Trashing a customer is bad and should cost them their job, but it is no way implies it is the company position. Saying anything over the intercom is implying it is the company position, which is worse.
Neither does a pilot saying LGB imply it's the company's position.

The best part: it's not 100% certain that he said Brandon. Listen to the audio and it sounds like he said braves.
Well, then how about some other examples of people in other professional jobs doing it. There must be a long list of them since you think so many got away with it.
Ever hear of Colin Kaepernick? Where have you been for the past six years? Oh, I get it, his political viewpoints matched yours, so they're OK. Moronic hypocrite, no wonder Chicago is so fucked up.
well...because you said...Apparently, its OK to say whatever you want about Trump, but not Biden - right?

Thus there should be examples of people doing waht this pilot did in regards to Trump and getting in trouble for it. Can you find an even one example of a pilot doing what this pilot did in regards to Trump?
Since you put it that way...


Apparently, its OK to say whatever you want about Trump, but not Biden - right?
So really, whats the outrage here?

Does the pilot have the right to offend you by cheering Brandon, on? Absolutely.
Did the pilot violate some airline policy? Dunno. Maybe. If so, that's up to the airline to take care of.
Can you decide to boycott an airline because one of its employees said something you don't like? Sure. Good luck.
Do you belive the fact you took offense at his opinion justifies this polit losing his job? Really? You're THAT petty?

Who knew the left could be so easily triggered? Oh wait - we all did.
And the passengers weren't "scandalized" as has been suggested...but cheering...

And with a current 71% disapproval rating...not surprising.

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