Southwest Airlines Faces Boycott Threats After Pilot's Reported Use of 'Let's Go Brandon'

You cannot in any way demonstrate any rational basis for your belief I do not know what "plenary" means.
I accept your concession.
I asked you to explain why you used that word. You chickened out. But, go ahead, claim victory. That's what you trumptards are famous for. Claiming victory when faced with a loss.
You can disagree all you want to DrLove it is a medically ESTABLISHED FACT that the death rate is that low.

Age GroupDeaths (29 June 2020 to 31 January 2021)Morality rate (per capita)Chance of dying from COVID (%)
<5<100.03 0.00003%
5-9<100.01 0.00001%
10-191.80.05 0.00005%
20-298.90.21 0.00021%
30-3933.10.74 0.00074%
40-4996.22.28 0.00228%
50-59295.56.59 0.00659%
60-69674.619.29 0.01929%
70-791547.355.39 0.05539%
80+3989.7237.64 0.23764%
You do know the amount of people that died during the pandemic wasn't that much higher than the total of deaths the year prior?
Incorrect Gomer

The U.S. death rate in 2020 was the highest above normal since the early 1900s — even surpassing the calamity of the 1918 flu pandemic.

I asked you to explain why you used that word. You chickened out. But, go ahead, claim victory. That's what you trumptards are famous for. Claiming victory when faced with a loss.
As I said: You cannot demonstrate a rational basis for your belief.
I used the term -exactly- as it is meant to be used,; you cannot demonstrate how I used it in error.
Incorrect Gomer

The U.S. death rate in 2020 was the highest above normal since the early 1900s — even surpassing the calamity of the 1918 flu pandemic.

Not what I read, not as much as you would think with as many covid deaths there were.
So cut the crap on Shes the most hated...

Or is it Whitmer? You guys hate a lot of women.

Age GroupDeaths (29 June 2020 to 31 January 2021)Morality rate (per capita)Chance of dying from COVID (%)
Out of the Whitehouse and to a nursing home, where he will go soon.
Donald will beat Uncle Joe into the nursing home.
Hell, Donnie needs a full time psychoanalyst right now! :)

No, if you’re vaccinated you won’t be hospitalized or die. That doesn’t mean you’re safe. And if you’re asymptotic, it could also kill your Trump loving Granny.
You don't REALLY believe that, do you? Because that would be sad.

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