Space news and Exploration II

Hydra! #PlutoFlyby

Overlay of LEISA data on RALPH images from earlier in the week


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Mountains on Pluto: Surface photo reveals surprises
NASA scientists find clues that Pluto could still be alive with geological activity, based on scans from the New Horizons probe.

Pluto is a complex little ice world.

All it took was one photo from the surface of Pluto to spark new questions about the distant dwarf planet. Mountains as high as 11,000 feet were found in the first surface photo released by NASA -- and this could be a sign that it's still geologically active.
As more New Horizons data come in, more and more questions come up.

Latest New Horizons picture of Charon: oddly familiar

The New Horizons team released one more picture from Tuesday's encounter, one of three high-resolution images from a mosaic that crossed the center of Charon's disk, and it took me a while to figure out what it reminded me of.
Planetary Resources finally deploys first spacecraft after explosive setback
By Eric Mack - July 16, 2015 5 Pictures

The asteroid-mining industry has taken a step closer to becoming an actual thing, with the successful deployment of Planetary Resources' Arkyd 3 Reflight (A3R) spacecraft from the International Space Station Wednesday night. The A3R's three-month mission will be used to test and validate some basic technologies that the company hopes to incorporate in future spacecraft that will prospect near-Earth asteroids for potentially valuable resources.

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Several EPIC# stars have been assigned K2-# designations. (No word on Neptune)

EPIC 201367065 = K2-3
EPIC 201208431 = K2-4
EPIC 201338508 = K2-5
EPIC 201384232 = K2-6
EPIC 201393098 = K2-7
EPIC 201445392 = K2-8
EPIC 201465501 = K2-9
EPIC 201577035 = K2-10
EPIC 201596316 = K2-11
EPIC 201613023 = K2-12
EPIC 201629650 = K2-13
EPIC 201635569 = K2-14
EPIC 201736247 = K2-15
EPIC 201754305 = K2-16
EPIC 201855371 = K2-17
EPIC 201912552 = K2-18
EPIC 201505350 = K2-19
China reveals plans for far side Moon landing; calls for international cooperation on “experimental verification for lunar base”
The Chinese National Space Administration (CNSA) has outlined its early plans for putting a lander and rover on the far side of the Moon. No country has attempted such a mission before.

A presentation submitted to the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (pdf) states that the robotic mission, currently named Chang’e-4, will launch in 2018 or 2019 and will include a relay satellite.

The paper notes key objectives as performing the ‘first soft landing on the lunar farside in human history’, demonstrating technologies of lunar data relay, landing and roving on complicated terrains of the lunar farside, and lunar night power generation, and a number of scientific goals.

The project will be open to cooperation with other countries and organisations, at the mission level, regarding equipment used, and telemetry, communication and data.
ESA Wants To Build 'Village' On Dark Side Of The Moon

The new Director General of the European Space Agency (ESA) envisions the building of a lunar village at the far side of the moon.

Quite futuristic for space exploration, but that is exactly why it is called the future.

"A moon village shouldn't just mean some houses, a church and a town hall," said Professor Johann-Dietrich Woerner in his new job for a week. To Woerner, the futuristic moon village calls for the world to bring together partners contributing to the community supported by robotic and astronaut missions, as well as support communication satellites.

The former Chair of the German space agency believes that going back to the moon and building a village on its far side will further help in a deeper exploration of the solar system.

Woerner, who now looks after Europe's new observation, navigation, weather and communication satellites, the International Space Station (ISS), missions to Mercury, Mars and Jupiter and a sleepy lander on a comet shaped like a duck, notes how interesting the lunar village could be.

"The Americans are looking to go to Mars very soon - and I don't see how we can do that - before going to Mars we should test what we could do on Mars on the Moon," added Woerner.

He explained that the giant 3D printer that NASA plans to use on a base in Mars could be better tried out first on the moon. The challenges of learning to live in an alien world could be made easier, especially in an emergency and when the extraterrestrial community is just four days away.

Maybe the esa and china can do this? I wouldn't count on nasa because of the loserterian wanting to cut everything.
I agree....

July 17, 2015: We've more than tripled our K2 confirmed planet count with the addition of 16 systems from Campaign 1. Click to view their respective Overview pages: K2-4 b, K2-5 b & c, K2-6 b, K2-7 b, K2-8 b, K2-9 b, K2-10 b, K2-11 b, K2-12 b, K2-13 b, K2-14 b, K2-15 b, K2-16 b & c, K2-17 b, K2-18 b, and K2-19 b & c. We've also added an additional set of parameters for K2-3 b & c. You can also view their parameters through the Confirmed Planets interactive table.

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