SpaceX Rocket...Explodes

That you are attacking Musk for some reason unknown to me puts you on the current side of the left.

I am not "Attacking Musk". I am simply dissecting the reality of what his companies create, as compared to the promises made.

I can't think of ever "attacking" him, other than I simply see him as a con man and scam artist. Not the first one we have had, not the last one we have had. Personally, I do not think much of him at al in one way or another. Kinda like Elizabeth Holmes or so many others. Personally does not matter to me one way or another, but I also do not comprehend the slavish way that some pant after them and believe everything that they say.

But it is easy to tell those that worship him, because they all try to portray him as perfect and everything he says is true.

But funny, do things like bring up his many-many failures, and they grow amazingly hostile and attack.

His politics, don't know and don't care. That is so far down on my list of things I care about it can barely even be measured. He can be an anarcho-socialist, a believer that the UK should take back the US, a far left or right Libertarian, I really could not give a frack in any way as that does not matter.

Is Musk ahead? SLS shot the Orion capsule around the moon 6 months ago. Starship is grounded after blowing up its own launchpad.

How long has SLS been in development for?

Also Starship has double the 1st stage thrust.

Space travel and exploration isn't going to be just a government thing going forward. Is that's what you are mad about?
I am not "Attacking Musk". I am simply dissecting the reality of what his companies create, as compared to the promises made.

I can't think of ever "attacking" him, other than I simply see him as a con man and scam artist. Not the first one we have had, not the last one we have had. Personally, I do not think much of him at al in one way or another. Kinda like Elizabeth Holmes or so many others. Personally does not matter to me one way or another, but I also do not comprehend the slavish way that some pant after them and believe everything that they say.

But it is easy to tell those that worship him, because they all try to portray him as perfect and everything he says is true.

But funny, do things like bring up his many-many failures, and they grow amazingly hostile and attack.

His politics, don't know and don't care. That is so far down on my list of things I care about it can barely even be measured. He can be an anarcho-socialist, a believer that the UK should take back the US, a far left or right Libertarian, I really could not give a frack in any way as that does not matter.

Did he promise this rocket would succeed the first launch?

He put it at 50/50 for total success.
How long has SLS been in development for?

Also Starship has double the 1st stage thrust.

Space travel and exploration isn't going to be just a government thing going forward. Is that's what you are mad about?
SLS was in development for a long time, which is irrelevant. It works now. Starship doesn’t.

I’m mad about two things.

One, Musk spending tens of billions destroying Twitter for no reason rather than focusing on space exploration.

Two, the government making a moronic decision to fund Starship lunar lander instead a solution that actually has a snowball’s chance in hell at launching anytime in the next decade.
SLS was in development for a long time, which is irrelevant. It works now. Starship doesn’t.

I’m mad about two things.

One, Musk spending tens of billions destroying Twitter for no reason rather than focusing on space exploration.

Two, the government making a moronic decision to fund Starship lunar lander instead a solution that actually has a snowball’s chance in hell at launching anytime in the next decade.

He destroyed twitter?


Sorry you felt your safe space taken away from you like your wibble safety blanket.

Space isn't just government launchers anymore, it's private industry. Sorry about your socialist dreams, twat.
Musk fanboys are the biggest bunch of groupthink losers there are.

He's still a lefty on many social issues, just like Maher.

What he isn't is a silencing controlling censoring twat like you want to be.

Did Tucker Carson getting fired from Fox give you a stiffy?
He destroyed twitter?


Sorry you felt your safe space taken away from you like your wibble safety blanket.

Space isn't just government launchers anymore, it's private industry. Sorry about your socialist dreams, twat.
I remember the fanboys telling us how brilliantly Musk was negotiating with Twitter, who ended up having to pay way too much money for it anyway because he knew he was going to lose in court. The people who criticized Musk then were also called haters but they were right.

Musk is the one surviving off government money but I’m the socialist? He wants to burn his cash on this project, no objection. I think it’s stupid that the government is burning taxpayer dollars on it.
I remember the fanboys telling us how brilliantly Musk was negotiating with Twitter, who ended up having to pay way too much money for it anyway because he knew he was going to lose in court. The people who criticized Musk then were also called haters but they were right.

Musk is the one surviving off government money but I’m the socialist? He wants to burn his cash on this project, no objection. I think it’s stupid that the government is burning taxpayer dollars on it.

Who do you think manufactures the SLS? A government entity?

Is Boeing sucking off the government tit as well?

Twitter is going through a rough patch because the haters feel it's cool to drop their checkmark and pretend they are quitting the platform. But get back to me a year from now.
Who do you think manufactures the SLS? A government entity?

Is Boeing sucking off the government tit as well?

Twitter is going through a rough patch because the haters feel it's cool to drop their checkmark and pretend they are quitting the platform. But get back to me a year from now.
Twitter is going through a rough patch because Musk is barely capable of meaningful human interaction and is the worst person to run a social media platform.

I’m not pissed the government is using contractors, I’m pissed they’re finding starship as a lunar lander when it’s so clearly unfit for the task and is so incredibly early in development. NASA throws away far too much money and it just pisses me off when they continue to do so.

NASA should have chosen a rational lander design. They reason they didn’t was because Musk undercut the bids so much since he was desperate for funding, but it’s pretty clear that he’ll never be able to deliver in any reasonable timeline so NASA had to go back to Congress and ask for more money to fund another project.

It’s so stupid it hurts.
Twitter is going through a rough patch because Musk is barely capable of meaningful human interaction and is the worst person to run a social media platform.

I’m not pissed the government is using contractors, I’m pissed they’re finding starship as a lunar lander when it’s so clearly unfit for the task and is so incredibly early in development. NASA throws away far too much money and it just pisses me off when they continue to do so.

NASA should have chosen a rational lander design. They reason they didn’t was because Musk undercut the bids so much since he was desperate for funding, but it’s pretty clear that he’ll never be able to deliver in any reasonable timeline so NASA had to go back to Congress and ask for more money to fund another project.

It’s so stupid it hurts.

Lefty groupthink demands them to give it up because their safe space is being removed and they actually have to interact with people they disagree with.

There must be something wrong with SLS if NASA doesn't think it's a go, or maybe they are just hedging their bets.


Not even close.

But keep up thinking censorship is the way to go, you fascist fuck.
Musk is great at censoring, except the only rules on Twitter is don’t piss off Elon Musk.

He promised free and open speech but now he’s only promoting and amplifying Tweets from people who pay him money, which clearly demonstrates he has no idea that content creators are a resource he needs to nurture, not plunder.

He’s a liar and none of you fanboys will ever admit it.
Lefty groupthink demands them to give it up because their safe space is being removed and they actually have to interact with people they disagree with.

There must be something wrong with SLS if NASA doesn't think it's a go, or maybe they are just hedging their bets.


Dipshit. Why don’t you shit your mouth and listen so you can learn something.

The current mission profile for Starship lunar lander still requires SLS and Orion to ferry astronauts out to the moon and back since Starship lunar lander is incapable of atmospheric re-entry.

What NASA needs is a reliable, lightweight lunar lander specially defined for this exact mission. They don’t need a 150 foot behemoth that was never intended to go anywhere near the moon’s surface and was only hastily repurposed as a lunar lander to prop up Musk’s money hole of a project.
Musk is great at censoring, except the only rules on Twitter is don’t piss off Elon Musk.

He promised free and open speech but now he’s only promoting and amplifying Tweets from people who pay him money, which clearly demonstrates he has no idea that content creators are a resource he needs to nurture, not plunder.

He’s a liar and none of you fanboys will ever admit it.

Wow, 8 bucks a head. that's gonna get em rich!

He wasn't until he turned on your censoring hackery.
Dipshit. Why don’t you shit your mouth and listen so you can learn something.

The current mission profile for Starship lunar lander still requires SLS and Orion to ferry astronauts out to the moon and back since Starship lunar lander is incapable of atmospheric re-entry.

What NASA needs is a reliable, lightweight lunar lander specially defined for this exact mission. They don’t need a 150 foot behemoth that was never intended to go anywhere near the moon’s surface and was only hastily repurposed as a lunar lander to prop up Musk’s money hole of a project.

Said lightweight lander could easily fit in starship's cargo module.

Fucktard, why don't you just admit you now hate Musk because your prog twat "betters" told you to?
Looks like the despicable Biden administration is going to punish Elon from stopping Twitter from being a tool of the Democrat Party.

SOURCE: Biden is considering the unprecedented move of grounding the Starship space program. The FAA & EPA will reportedly ground the program for investigations and studies that could take years. Democrats see @elonmusk as a threat to their survival.The FAA let SpaceX launch Starship without the usual pad protections
— @amuse (@amuse) April 25, 2023

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