SpaceX Rocket...Explodes

Do me a favor and shut the fuck up.
Gee, Jack, if this were Communist China, you could just make me disappear, huh? Bet that makes your dick hard. If you have a dick. Whatever it is people like you have down there.

Go back to bloviating about your "stolen election".
Sure, if you just go back to blowing me.

I personally don't have a stake in the success or failure of Elon's private space boners
There you go thinking of little pee pees again. You see Jack, the idea, was that the Starship was supposed to go up, then turn around, separate and the 2nd stage come back down and land sweet as pie right where it took off, good to go for another mission, but something went wrong with the 1st stage separation. If you think that was a boner, why don't you show us you can do better?

(something you should explore a little more of).
You need someone to explore your boner for you?

It's his ego and arrogance on display and I have no interest in promoting that.
Maybe it is just the ego and arrogance you imagine in that dirty little garageless mind of yours? Elon has every right to have any ego he damn well pleases. He's the richest man in the world doing good for humanity, while you haven't done, well, JACK.
Gee, Jack, if this were Communist China, you could just make me disappear, huh? Bet that makes your dick hard. If you have a dick. Whatever it is people like you have down there.

Sure, if you just go back to blowing me.

There you go thinking of little pee pees again. You see Jack, the idea, was that the Starship was supposed to go up, then turn around, separate and the 2nd stage come back down and land sweet as pie right where it took off, good to go for another mission, but something went wrong with the 1st stage separation. If you think that was a boner, why don't you show us you can do better?

You need someone to explore your boner for you?

Maybe it is just the ego and arrogance you imagine in that dirty little garageless mind of yours? Elon has every right to have any ego he damn well pleases. He's the richest man in the world doing good for humanity, while you haven't done, well, JACK.
Maybe you didn't hear me. Shut..the..fuck..up. Your posts are worthless.
Maybe you didn't hear me. Shut..the..fuck..up. Your posts are worthless.

Sure Jack, for 787 million dollars. That's what my price is to buy me off.
If you want a cheaper deal, go ask Joe Biden. Maybe he can fit you in as his chief ashtray emptier.

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Your link is 6 months old. Not booming by any stretch of the imagination.
Again, Twitter was always a right wing cesspool. Now, it'll be an alt-right cesspool.

Hey Jack, you're way off topic again. Try to keep your dick in your pants and stay on the topic of SpaceX rather than anguishing how much Elon jacks you off with all his billions!

Apparently, what makes Twitter a "cesspool" to you is both sides of a topic having the freedom again to express their views---- how very sad for you.
When they have a rocket blow up, even as a testbed, NASA has to explain to congress why the money spent was "wasted" on a failed launch. Same with a company like Boeing having to explain it to their shareholders.

Except the problem here is that SpaceX has accepted over $1 billion from NASA to complete Starship and make an ultimate version to launch people.

That is Government money, and they are going to have to explain that to the Government.

And the thing is, I knew this was going to happen. It is literally like they took the design for the crappiest heavy launch rocket ever built, and made it even crappier.
So, an open chat forum like Twitter was before the fascists took it over.

You mean leftwing snowflakes trying to hurt him for representing free speech.
Musk doesn’t represent free speech. He claimed to be, but he’s not.

Without adequate rules, the trolls always take over online platforms.
You mean like Solyndra?

Or Hyperloop, or a slew of other failures that the government has funded that in the end were utter failures.

And this one was easy to see at the start it would fail. But they and the taxpayers will likely sink billions more into it before they finally throw in the towel.
Or Hyperloop, or a slew of other failures that the government has funded that in the end were utter failures.
All by democrats.

And this one was easy to see at the start it would fail. But they and the taxpayers will likely sink billions more into it before they finally throw in the towel.
Starship won't fail. It will be carrying crews to the Moon and Mars.
I wouldn't bet that unless you want to lose.

Tell me, what has been the results in the past with building heavy lift rockets with even less engines?

What, do you think I was just joking when I said it looks like they took the crappiest heavy launch vehicle ever designed, and made it even crappier?

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