Spare a Minute for the Kids

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That's my point, Marion. You get it yet? We are making him.

For the last time: Love will never conquer Islam, only high velocity lead.

We're not making him, Islamic radicals are. We don't teach kids to go out and kill, Islamists do.

It's a shame, but that's how it is.
We are human beings and it is our job to defeat evil like ISIS; to prevent little guys like this. I don't know that shooting Muslims in America with no provocation is the best idea. The vast majority of Muslims have nothing to do with this. Going through Minneapolis and shooting them all or anything remotely similar will create more of the children above. Including ours.

I doubt routing returned ISIS fighters and jailing, deporting, or killing them will. They are people that been let into this country that should not have been.

Something needs to be done with the education system as well.

Just in case anyone forgot:

Minnesota mall attack: ISIS wing claims responsibility -
What education system? What's this got to do with that?

Some public education curriculums have been teaching more tolerance to Islam than should be. Even going as far as having children recite the pillars of Islam.
No, Marion. Not agreeing with this in the least. Taking away teaching tolerance from kids? No.
Only we can change it
How so
Tell me.
You said it
Everyone has different circumstances. Everyone has different ideas and different ways of approaching solutions. That's why it isn't up to me to tell you what to do. It's about thinking "How do we make this a better place, not a place more filled with hate?"
I just don't understand what you are expecting me to do about refugees and savagery on the other side of the planet.
It's not only on the other side of the planet. Hate is everywhere. You and me can't do much about the Middle East or even refugees (except I'll keep bitching about the travel ban--lotta good that will do). You're not a big hater, so maybe you don't need to do anything. Just take a minute to think about what world you would want for every kid, if every kid everywhere were yours. We got hungry kids here, too. We got kids growing up who feel rejected and as if no future exists for them because they weren't born "American" enough. Or white enough. Or whatever. There's always some little thing we can teach our kids to make it a better world for them.

Which is one big reason why I don't want to saddle those kids with a huge debt and large interest payments to make into perpetuity. And we aren't exactly setting the example for how to deal with our issues and problems are we?
Everyone has different circumstances. Everyone has different ideas and different ways of approaching solutions. That's why it isn't up to me to tell you what to do. It's about thinking "How do we make this a better place, not a place more filled with hate?"
I just don't understand what you are expecting me to do about refugees and savagery on the other side of the planet.
It's not only on the other side of the planet. Hate is everywhere. You and me can't do much about the Middle East or even refugees (except I'll keep bitching about the travel ban--lotta good that will do). You're not a big hater, so maybe you don't need to do anything. Just take a minute to think about what world you would want for every kid, if every kid everywhere were yours. We got hungry kids here, too. We got kids growing up who feel rejected and as if no future exists for them because they weren't born "American" enough. Or white enough. Or whatever. There's always some little thing we can teach our kids to make it a better world for them.

Which is one big reason why I don't want to saddle those kids with a huge debt and large interest payments to make into perpetuity. And we aren't exactly setting the example for how to deal with our issues and problems are we?
No, we're not. I don't know about the budget or the economy, but if its adherents either way have to approach it with hate for those who disagree, it's not setting very good examples at all.
For the last time: Love will never conquer Islam, only high velocity lead.

We're not making him, Islamic radicals are. We don't teach kids to go out and kill, Islamists do.

It's a shame, but that's how it is.
We are human beings and it is our job to defeat evil like ISIS; to prevent little guys like this. I don't know that shooting Muslims in America with no provocation is the best idea. The vast majority of Muslims have nothing to do with this. Going through Minneapolis and shooting them all or anything remotely similar will create more of the children above. Including ours.

I doubt routing returned ISIS fighters and jailing, deporting, or killing them will. They are people that been let into this country that should not have been.

Something needs to be done with the education system as well.

Just in case anyone forgot:

Minnesota mall attack: ISIS wing claims responsibility -
What education system? What's this got to do with that?

Some public education curriculums have been teaching more tolerance to Islam than should be. Even going as far as having children recite the pillars of Islam.
No, Marion. Not agreeing with this in the least. Taking away teaching tolerance from kids? No.

This is America. A country founded upon personal liberty provided you abide by Christian principles.

Sure we said Mohammedans could worship. We never said we promoted it, though.

Research "New England primer" sometime.
"...tell with your life the bloody story, teach to they're dreams not burning steel.
It's not in bombs where lies the glory but in what's shattered on the field.
The potter's wheel takes love and caring, skill and patience fast and slow.
The works it makes are easily broken once they survive the potter's throw..."


Would you want to meet that kid? I wouldn't.
That's my point, Marion. You get it yet? We are making him.

For the last time: Love will never conquer Islam, only high velocity lead.

We're not making him, Islamic radicals are. We don't teach kids to go out and kill, Islamists do.

It's a shame, but that's how it is.
We are human beings and it is our job to defeat evil like ISIS; to prevent little guys like this. I don't know that shooting Muslims in America with no provocation is the best idea. The vast majority of Muslims have nothing to do with this. Going through Minneapolis and shooting them all or anything remotely similar will create more of the children above. Including ours.

Isis is a recently formed group. muslims have been terrorizing since the 7th century. "The rage and the pride" by Oriana Fallaci is a pretty good read about these monsters.
For the last time: Love will never conquer Islam, only high velocity lead.

We're not making him, Islamic radicals are. We don't teach kids to go out and kill, Islamists do.

It's a shame, but that's how it is.
We are human beings and it is our job to defeat evil like ISIS; to prevent little guys like this. I don't know that shooting Muslims in America with no provocation is the best idea. The vast majority of Muslims have nothing to do with this. Going through Minneapolis and shooting them all or anything remotely similar will create more of the children above. Including ours.

I doubt routing returned ISIS fighters and jailing, deporting, or killing them will. They are people that been let into this country that should not have been.

Something needs to be done with the education system as well.

Just in case anyone forgot:

Minnesota mall attack: ISIS wing claims responsibility -
What education system? What's this got to do with that?

Some public education curriculums have been teaching more tolerance to Islam than should be. Even going as far as having children recite the pillars of Islam.
No, Marion. Not agreeing with this in the least. Taking away teaching tolerance from kids? No.

I knew you'd disagree at the mention of "tolerance".

Do you think public schools should be having children recite the pillars of Islam?

How about to balance that out, they recite the Lord's Prayer and Nicene creed?
That's my point, Marion. You get it yet? We are making him.

For the last time: Love will never conquer Islam, only high velocity lead.

We're not making him, Islamic radicals are. We don't teach kids to go out and kill, Islamists do.

It's a shame, but that's how it is.
We are human beings and it is our job to defeat evil like ISIS; to prevent little guys like this. I don't know that shooting Muslims in America with no provocation is the best idea. The vast majority of Muslims have nothing to do with this. Going through Minneapolis and shooting them all or anything remotely similar will create more of the children above. Including ours.

I doubt routing returned ISIS fighters and jailing, deporting, or killing them will. They are people that been let into this country that should not have been.

Something needs to be done with the education system as well.

Just in case anyone forgot:

Minnesota mall attack: ISIS wing claims responsibility -
What education system? What's this got to do with that?

Some public education curriculums have been teaching more tolerance to Islam than should be. Even going as far as having children recite the pillars of Islam.

Tolerance as practiced by the insane left will be the death of this country.
For the last time: Love will never conquer Islam, only high velocity lead.

We're not making him, Islamic radicals are. We don't teach kids to go out and kill, Islamists do.

It's a shame, but that's how it is.
We are human beings and it is our job to defeat evil like ISIS; to prevent little guys like this. I don't know that shooting Muslims in America with no provocation is the best idea. The vast majority of Muslims have nothing to do with this. Going through Minneapolis and shooting them all or anything remotely similar will create more of the children above. Including ours.

I doubt routing returned ISIS fighters and jailing, deporting, or killing them will. They are people that been let into this country that should not have been.

Something needs to be done with the education system as well.

Just in case anyone forgot:

Minnesota mall attack: ISIS wing claims responsibility -
What education system? What's this got to do with that?

Some public education curriculums have been teaching more tolerance to Islam than should be. Even going as far as having children recite the pillars of Islam.

Tolerance as practiced by the insane left will be the death of this country.

Or their death.
According to reports, the 22 year old suicide bomber was born and raised in Great Britain. His parents were Libyan refugees. On the coverage last night, a couple of commentators mentioned that Great Britain has had over 900 citizens go to join ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Now that ISIS is being driven out of much of that territory, hundreds are coming "home." To Great Britain. They are FROM there. They are from here. That is the problem. Do we bomb Minneapolis/St. Paul or try to find away to undermine the poisonous message of ISIS? We know why it attracts certain young people. Helping the Muslim community, we have to try to convince these young people that this radical violence is not the Way.

Like the government's many layers hasn't been trying to help the community of St. Paul for generations?

Everything you say is the Status Quo that has already failed.

THe message of that bomber is that it was a mistake to let his parents in.
According to reports, the 22 year old suicide bomber was born and raised in Great Britain. His parents were Libyan refugees. On the coverage last night, a couple of commentators mentioned that Great Britain has had over 900 citizens go to join ISIS in Iraq and Syria.
Which SHOULD tell you that foreign culture CANNOT coexist as equals, and they shouldn't. Even if a Muslim renounces Sharia and jihad, I couldn't fully trust them. A person's culture has deep roots. They belong among their own.
We are built of foreign cultures and different religions. It is all we are, what we are made of. Deep roots are a real thing, I agree, but can you not trust them because of what these jihadis are doing? Did we all go back on European white folk because of what Hitler did in WWII? The Japanese? No? It is not sensible to hold all Muslims responsible for what a deranged and violent criminal group are doing.

IF you can't tell which members of a group are going to kill you, letting that group in your home is a stupid idea.

As the families of Manchester can tell you.
Some of us did not need to wait for a day like today to think about the children. We've been saying quite loudly that they are all in danger, and measures need to be taken to protect them, and all our citizens.

But when we do, we're called "bigots" and racist. I'm not saying this as a "I told you so" rant, but rather we don't need to think about it any longer. Action needs to be taken. Enough with the silent moments, the holding hands, and the hash-tag bullshit.

These morons can call us bigots one day for calling for a ban on muslim immigration and watch children die the next, because of muslim immigration, and not a single neuron flickers in their empty fucking skulls.
So it turns out they knew he was a Muslim whack job but they didn't want to hurt the liberal's feelings by feelings so they let it slide. The liberal's feelings are more important than the children's lives then they want us all to participate is meaningless hand wringing. I will never get over how stupid these people are.
We are human beings and it is our job to defeat evil like ISIS; to prevent little guys like this. I don't know that shooting Muslims in America with no provocation is the best idea. The vast majority of Muslims have nothing to do with this. Going through Minneapolis and shooting them all or anything remotely similar will create more of the children above. Including ours.

I doubt routing returned ISIS fighters and jailing, deporting, or killing them will. They are people that been let into this country that should not have been.

Something needs to be done with the education system as well.

Just in case anyone forgot:

Minnesota mall attack: ISIS wing claims responsibility -
What education system? What's this got to do with that?

Some public education curriculums have been teaching more tolerance to Islam than should be. Even going as far as having children recite the pillars of Islam.
No, Marion. Not agreeing with this in the least. Taking away teaching tolerance from kids? No.

I knew you'd disagree at the mention of "tolerance".

Do you think public schools should be having children recite the pillars of Islam?

How about to balance that out, they recite the Lord's Prayer and Nicene creed?
Tolerance just allows others to be different, believe differently. Understanding what Islam believes is pretty darned timely right now, given what a violent sect is doing to the West one bomb and one Ford at a time. Tolerance isn't even acceptance. It's just leaving them be. Now, you'd be happy if the extremists would leave US be, wouldn't you? How is it to be wished for from them, but not promoted by us?
I doubt routing returned ISIS fighters and jailing, deporting, or killing them will. They are people that been let into this country that should not have been.

Something needs to be done with the education system as well.

Just in case anyone forgot:

Minnesota mall attack: ISIS wing claims responsibility -
What education system? What's this got to do with that?

Some public education curriculums have been teaching more tolerance to Islam than should be. Even going as far as having children recite the pillars of Islam.
No, Marion. Not agreeing with this in the least. Taking away teaching tolerance from kids? No.

I knew you'd disagree at the mention of "tolerance".

Do you think public schools should be having children recite the pillars of Islam?

How about to balance that out, they recite the Lord's Prayer and Nicene creed?
Tolerance just allows others to be different, believe differently. Understanding what Islam believes is pretty darned timely right now, given what a violent sect is doing to the West one bomb and one Ford at a time. Tolerance isn't even acceptance. It's just leaving them be. Now, you'd be happy if the extremists would leave US be, wouldn't you? How is it to be wished for from them, but not promoted by us?

I'm all out of tolerance. However, America is flush with rope, trees, and crackers that know how to tie nooses.

I refuse to be tolerant of a people who's "preacher" in "church" is telling them to kill me. Sorry, not happening.
I doubt routing returned ISIS fighters and jailing, deporting, or killing them will. They are people that been let into this country that should not have been.

Something needs to be done with the education system as well.

Just in case anyone forgot:

Minnesota mall attack: ISIS wing claims responsibility -
What education system? What's this got to do with that?

Some public education curriculums have been teaching more tolerance to Islam than should be. Even going as far as having children recite the pillars of Islam.
No, Marion. Not agreeing with this in the least. Taking away teaching tolerance from kids? No.

I knew you'd disagree at the mention of "tolerance".

Do you think public schools should be having children recite the pillars of Islam?

How about to balance that out, they recite the Lord's Prayer and Nicene creed?
Tolerance just allows others to be different, believe differently. Understanding what Islam believes is pretty darned timely right now, given what a violent sect is doing to the West one bomb and one Ford at a time. Tolerance isn't even acceptance. It's just leaving them be. Now, you'd be happy if the extremists would leave US be, wouldn't you? How is it to be wished for from them, but not promoted by us?
How do you tolerate someone that wants to kill you?
What education system? What's this got to do with that?

Some public education curriculums have been teaching more tolerance to Islam than should be. Even going as far as having children recite the pillars of Islam.
No, Marion. Not agreeing with this in the least. Taking away teaching tolerance from kids? No.

I knew you'd disagree at the mention of "tolerance".

Do you think public schools should be having children recite the pillars of Islam?

How about to balance that out, they recite the Lord's Prayer and Nicene creed?
Tolerance just allows others to be different, believe differently. Understanding what Islam believes is pretty darned timely right now, given what a violent sect is doing to the West one bomb and one Ford at a time. Tolerance isn't even acceptance. It's just leaving them be. Now, you'd be happy if the extremists would leave US be, wouldn't you? How is it to be wished for from them, but not promoted by us?
How do you tolerate someone that wants to kill you?

You don't.
Tolerance just allows others to be different, believe differently. Understanding what Islam believes is pretty darned timely right now, given what a violent sect is doing to the West one bomb and one Ford at a time. Tolerance isn't even acceptance. It's just leaving them be. Now, you'd be happy if the extremists would leave US be, wouldn't you? How is it to be wished for from them, but not promoted by us?

You are on record as stating that Asians and Jews should be punished for their ethnicity when it comes to educational opportunities, and you talk about tolerance?
How do you tolerate someone that wants to kill you?

She hasn't figured out that the term involves tolerating that which does not cause harm rather than that which does.

When these illiberal leftists tolerate all the gross misogyny, the totalitarianism and the supremacist mind set, they are tolerating the ultimate intolerance.
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