"Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick"

Walk softly and carry a big stick. It doesn’t say to hide the stick does it?

Only democrats could get upset over a military parade. July 4th must damn near kill you people.
Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!

He was at the FRENCH military parade, silly boy. It has nothing to do with your hero pootin, or the fat twerp from NK.

Once again, you spin to defend Trump, I post what I think given all the facts.

Q. What facts are they

A. Trump has not one bone of diplomacy in his head, he negotiates using Brinkmanship and he is a bully.

And yet after trump broke ALL of the rules the short twerp from NK called the South Koreans. ISIS is no longer raking in half a billion dollars a year to spend on exporting their terror as they were being allowed o do under your hero, the obummer. So, based on just those two factors I would have to say that your analysis is faulty.

Did Kim Jong-un blink? We won't know, but if he continues on the nuclear path we may have some evidence that your cheers for the Commander-in-chief were premature.

NK was ignoring everything the "experts" were doing. He didn't do ANYTHING in a diplomatic way till trump started talking just like the short fat twerp in NK was talking. Within a week the twerp was on the phone to South Korea. Something that he hadn't done for years. Ignore reality all you want, but it is obvious to anyone capable of thinking.

Two points for the reader to consider:
  1. WW has devolved to personal attacks ("silly boy", "obvious to anyone who is thinking)
  2. His one week comment was in fact a year. The two bullies - Donald and Kim - are little different. Both are bullies, both are narcissistic and both play the zero sum game.
I say again, Kim Jong-un maybe playing a game. I doubt his goals have changed by Trump's bluster.
Progressives are notorious for their lack of historic perspective. It wasn't that long ago that one of the favorite democrats of all time "give 'em hell" Harry Truman was blindsided by the N.K. invasion of the South and sent Americans on an illegal executive order to fight under the U.N. flag. The mission was bungled to such an extent that China entered the war and turned a year into a three year quagmire at the cost of 50,000 Troops (more than were lost in VietNam). Today we have a strong smart President who negotiated with China to sanction their former ally and join the U.S. in condemning N.K. instead of shooting at us. It was Bill Clinton who authorized the sale of nuclear technology to N.K. for his own peculiar reasons and Barry Hussein's foreign policy consisted of "speak softly and carry a limp stick" while he and the MSM pretend N.K. wasn't a threat until a republican was elected.
Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!
A truly ridiculous waste of time and money.

Yup all the fireworks going off around the country on July 4th every year is a waste of money, it would be better spent to give it to the IRS so they can fund selling baby parts through PP
and what is there to defend , President MAY want a USA Military Parade and thats the end of the story in my opinion . And it may happen . Personally i think that the TRUMP is just baiting YOU guys and girls WCatcher . [who knows]

Are you familiar with this photo, considered by some to be provocative:


Why don't the same people who view this as provocative, feel the same about Trump's proposed parade?
------------------------------------------- how do 'mrobamas' and 'holders' goons have anything to do with USA Military having a Parade WCatcher ??

Good grief, somethings are self evident.
Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!
whatever --I just totally agree with the title
feck the people of the world , its America FIRST . That being said , a Military Parade is fine with me , last we had a Military Parade was in 1991 i think . Military Parade will honor USA Military and maybe make the 'feckers' of the world like or love us more WCatcher .
pismoe if you are going to say FUCK than say it.....
Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!

He was at the FRENCH military parade, silly boy. It has nothing to do with your hero pootin, or the fat twerp from NK.

Once again, you spin to defend Trump, I post what I think given all the facts.

Q. What facts are they

A. Trump has not one bone of diplomacy in his head, he negotiates using Brinkmanship and he is a bully.

And yet after trump broke ALL of the rules the short twerp from NK called the South Koreans. ISIS is no longer raking in half a billion dollars a year to spend on exporting their terror as they were being allowed o do under your hero, the obummer. So, based on just those two factors I would have to say that your analysis is faulty.

Did Kim Jong-un blink? We won't know, but if he continues on the nuclear path we may have some evidence that your cheers for the Commander-in-chief were premature.
------------------------ maybe , its yet to be determined . But if 'kim' isn't destroyed its the next generations of Americans and others that will have to live with it WCatcher .

History tell us that times and relationships change. Germany and the US have fought two wars and today are allies - the Marshall Plan had much to do with that single data point.

Diplomacy works, not as fast as a nuclear bomb, but it is cheaper and not horrific.
He was at the FRENCH military parade, silly boy. It has nothing to do with your hero pootin, or the fat twerp from NK.

Once again, you spin to defend Trump, I post what I think given all the facts.

Q. What facts are they

A. Trump has not one bone of diplomacy in his head, he negotiates using Brinkmanship and he is a bully.

And yet after trump broke ALL of the rules the short twerp from NK called the South Koreans. ISIS is no longer raking in half a billion dollars a year to spend on exporting their terror as they were being allowed o do under your hero, the obummer. So, based on just those two factors I would have to say that your analysis is faulty.

Did Kim Jong-un blink? We won't know, but if he continues on the nuclear path we may have some evidence that your cheers for the Commander-in-chief were premature.
------------------------ maybe , its yet to be determined . But if 'kim' isn't destroyed its the next generations of Americans and others that will have to live with it WCatcher .

History tell us that times and relationships change. Germany and the US have fought two wars and today are allies - the Marshall Plan had much to do with that single data point.

Diplomacy works, not as fast as a nuclear bomb, but it is cheaper and not horrific.

Tell that to poland....

He was at the FRENCH military parade, silly boy. It has nothing to do with your hero pootin, or the fat twerp from NK.

Once again, you spin to defend Trump, I post what I think given all the facts.

Q. What facts are they

A. Trump has not one bone of diplomacy in his head, he negotiates using Brinkmanship and he is a bully.

And yet after trump broke ALL of the rules the short twerp from NK called the South Koreans. ISIS is no longer raking in half a billion dollars a year to spend on exporting their terror as they were being allowed o do under your hero, the obummer. So, based on just those two factors I would have to say that your analysis is faulty.

Did Kim Jong-un blink? We won't know, but if he continues on the nuclear path we may have some evidence that your cheers for the Commander-in-chief were premature.
------------------------ maybe , its yet to be determined . But if 'kim' isn't destroyed its the next generations of Americans and others that will have to live with it WCatcher .

History tell us that times and relationships change. Germany and the US have fought two wars and today are allies - the Marshall Plan had much to do with that single data point.

Diplomacy works, not as fast as a nuclear bomb, but it is cheaper and not horrific.

And you idiot our military is still in Germany and japan.
He was at the FRENCH military parade, silly boy. It has nothing to do with your hero pootin, or the fat twerp from NK.

Once again, you spin to defend Trump, I post what I think given all the facts.

Q. What facts are they

A. Trump has not one bone of diplomacy in his head, he negotiates using Brinkmanship and he is a bully.

And yet after trump broke ALL of the rules the short twerp from NK called the South Koreans. ISIS is no longer raking in half a billion dollars a year to spend on exporting their terror as they were being allowed o do under your hero, the obummer. So, based on just those two factors I would have to say that your analysis is faulty.

Did Kim Jong-un blink? We won't know, but if he continues on the nuclear path we may have some evidence that your cheers for the Commander-in-chief were premature.
------------------------ maybe , its yet to be determined . But if 'kim' isn't destroyed its the next generations of Americans and others that will have to live with it WCatcher .

History tell us that times and relationships change. Germany and the US have fought two wars and today are allies - the Marshall Plan had much to do with that single data point.

Diplomacy works, not as fast as a nuclear bomb, but it is cheaper and not horrific.

You stupid ....

Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!
/——/ Libs hate the military
feck the people of the world , its America FIRST . That being said , a Military Parade is fine with me , last we had a Military Parade was in 1991 i think . Military Parade will honor USA Military and maybe make the 'feckers' of the world like or love us more WCatcher .
pismoe if you are going to say FUCK than say it.....
-------------------------------------- i like 'feck' better but thanks fer the advice Harry !!
diplomacy doesn't work sometimes:
--Carter and the Iranian Hostages where he tried diplomacy and the Iranians kept using it [ diplomacy ] to their great advantage/esteem while making the US look like crap
..then he tried a puny, idiotic military operation instead of a ''big stick''
--Chamberlain and hitler
--Gulf War
then, as now, we took no position on these Arab affairs'."[58]Glaspie similarly believed that war was not imminent.
Gulf War - Wikipedia
he is an America FIRST Bully perhaps and that is fine with me WCatcher .

It seems Hitler was a Germany First Bully too. Consider that.

He is not Hitler and I wish those like you would stop with the Comparison. When George W. Bush was President I read those like you calling him Hitler and would declare Martial Law, so let just end the debate and I will state the Hitler comparison make those like you look foolish.

As for the Military Parade, well I disagree with Trump and see it as a waste of tax dollars. It does nothing but fluff the ego of the President, his loyal voters and the top brass of the Military.

So for me it is pointless...
feck the people of the world , its America FIRST . That being said , a Military Parade is fine with me , last we had a Military Parade was in 1991 i think . Military Parade will honor USA Military and maybe make the 'feckers' of the world like or love us more WCatcher .
pismoe if you are going to say FUCK than say it.....
-------------------------------------- i like 'feck' better but thanks fer the advice Harry !!

I like phuck better!
he is an America FIRST Bully perhaps and that is fine with me WCatcher .

It seems Hitler was a Germany First Bully too. Consider that.
Churchill was Britain First. DeGaulle was France first. Mandela was Africa first. obama was Europe first. A national leader that puts other nations above his own should be removed.

If France can have a military parade, so can we. We are not limited to parades of naked men bending over to display stretched out assholes.
he is an America FIRST Bully perhaps and that is fine with me WCatcher .

It seems Hitler was a Germany First Bully too. Consider that.
Churchill was Britain First. DeGaulle was France first. Mandela was Africa first. obama was Europe first. A national leader that puts other nations above his own should be removed.

If France can have a military parade, so can we. We are not limited to parades of naked men bending over to display stretched out assholes.
if anything, the US is the BIGGEST charity giver to the world
1. we have hundreds of thousands of immigrants come to the US--every YEAR
2. financial aid--to even people that hate us--the Palestinians
3.private companies/citizens giving money and/or their time to other countries
4. we are one of the very, very few countries that can and do help on a big scale in natural disasters
---those carriers/ships/LCACs/choppers/etc that help in natural disasters cost mucho--MUCHO dolarino--not to mention the highly trained operators
--Somalia/Haiti/Beirut TWICE/2004 Tsunami/etc
5. immigrants/ ''etc'' [ ha ] send MILLIONS of US $$$ to their families/etc overseas
Last edited:
and what is there to defend , President MAY want a USA Military Parade and thats the end of the story in my opinion . And it may happen . Personally i think that the TRUMP is just baiting YOU guys and girls WCatcher . [who knows]

Are you familiar with this photo, considered by some to be provocative:


Why don't the same people who view this as provocative, feel the same about Trump's proposed parade?

While I don't like the parade idea, the two are fundamentally different. A parade celebrates our military strength, while the black panther you show here was threatening to physically assault anyone who was white who wanted to vote there. Color me unsurprised that you're incapable of figuring that little tid bit out.

"the black panther you show here was threatening to physically assault anyone who was white who wanted to vote there"; seems the evidence to make this allegation is missing.

Do you have the evidence? Or is it your opinion based on your prejudice and fears? Even if it was meant as intimidation, how would that be different than Trump's desire to have a military parade?

Yes, we do. There were police reports filed at the time. Funny how you forget that fact.

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