"Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick"

Hey asshole, I will respond to your final sentence first. Trump is unfit to be POTUS; Trump is incompetent; Trump is a liar; Trump is a divider; Trump is a pervert; and Trump, like you, is an asshole. Got that?

Trump should be impeached. We are a nation of laws, and I spent a career, after serving our nation (during the period of 1967 - 1969 in the US NAVY), supporting and defending the CONSTITUTION; as a sailor and as a member of the LE Community. Trump never did either, he had bone spurs and a million of daddy's dollars to protect him.

I served with a Warrant Officer who had chronic sea sickness; the first three days out of port he would be sick, but he stood his watch even on the bridge, even though large swells and being on the O3 level made greater his misery.

Something Trump would never known. He's a con man, and he's made a fool out of you and other Trumpanzees.
This is possibly the funniest fucking rant in USMB history. I actually hope this is second best. You can top this one I'm betting on ya.

Missing from your post is a rebuttal of my first paragraph. Please, first defend Trump's behavior and offer proof he is honest, a uniter, not a pervert, and not a callous conservative, i.e. an asshole.

BTW asshole, which branch of our Military did you enlist in when I did, 1967? A time when we were at war.
I picture you posting this while stomping your feet. Trumps doing just fine. If putting our interests first is calloused then I guess that’s what it takes to slap you left wingers down. I’m good with that.

In ‘67 I was one year old. And probably still had a better handle on my emotions than you.

So when did you enlist in the military?

I doubt he served, most who are so militant and see war as a solution have never seen the elephant.

Intelligent ex-military would have learned that War is a business and nothing more. Intelligent ex-military would be happy for every soul that never had go into one. Bankers make money and men and women die. That's it.

Honor and glory as portrayed in the movies is pure bullshit. The ONLY honor and glory that exists is between the men and women who get up everyday with one thought, that thought is protecting that man or woman next to him or her. Getting through the next breath, getting through that day and knowing that you and your buddies will live to see another day. Then one day you (if you're lucky) you wake up and you get to go home.
That's pure spin.
Trump loves the military and he wants to show them the respect he thinks they deserve.

Wrong, Trump pays lip service to the military and uses them as a prop because it appeals to his base.
You only feel that's the case. You don't know.
Obviously you cannot give him any credit because of your hatred for the man.

Even I gave Obama credit when he deserved it. I know it was rare when he did, but I actually did.
You cannot give Trump the benefit of the doubt on anything.

If you can provide a credible link to show me what he has done for the military, I will change my tone a bit. But, like I said, I have yet to hear or see of anything he has done to benefit them. Provide a link if you have one, please.
No problem.
Oh.....and Trump wants to sign the new budget as soon as Nancy Pelosi stops screeching on the House floor. A budget that will remove most of the Sequestration cuts Obama signed into law. Donald Trump calls for military spending increase - CNNPolitics

Turns Out Trump May Have Done More to Help Veterans' Causes Than Previously Thought
Veterans Day Parade Tries for a Comeback
Media SILENT Over What Trump Did To NYC Veterans In 90’s, Secret’s Out Now
Trump offers to help NY veterans group with money struggles

I don't really care about what he did to get himself named Grand Marshall for a veterans parade because even though he gave money to save the parade, he still made the parade about him.

I'm asking what has Trump done as president that benefits veterans? Nothing. And, even if he does increase the amount of money we spend on the military, if he doesn't also ask for an increase in recruiting quotas, he's gonna make the same mistake that Reagan did with his push for a 500 ship Navy. Reagan increased the budget, and built more ships, but he forgot to increase the recruiting quotas so that they could be properly manned.
You asked for me to show you a link to something Trump has done for the military and all you can do is twist what happened into another nasty rant on what you think Trump did if for....not why he actually did it.

So I proved my point and essentially exposed you to be the fake you appear to be.

The only veterans that I know of that vote Democrat are one or more of the following:

  • Black
  • Hispanic
  • Female
  • LGBT
When a white guy in the military starts going off about how fucked up Trump is they usually start telling me about how they Love Satan and I begin to question their sexuality.
It usually proves out that they are hiding a secret.
Trump hasn't done squat for the military since he's been elected Mudwhistle. What he did as a private citizen doesn't count, because now he is in a position to do actual long term benefits for the military. What has Trump done as president for the military?
Wrong, Trump pays lip service to the military and uses them as a prop because it appeals to his base.
You only feel that's the case. You don't know.
Obviously you cannot give him any credit because of your hatred for the man.

Even I gave Obama credit when he deserved it. I know it was rare when he did, but I actually did.
You cannot give Trump the benefit of the doubt on anything.

If you can provide a credible link to show me what he has done for the military, I will change my tone a bit. But, like I said, I have yet to hear or see of anything he has done to benefit them. Provide a link if you have one, please.
No problem.
Oh.....and Trump wants to sign the new budget as soon as Nancy Pelosi stops screeching on the House floor. A budget that will remove most of the Sequestration cuts Obama signed into law. Donald Trump calls for military spending increase - CNNPolitics

Turns Out Trump May Have Done More to Help Veterans' Causes Than Previously Thought
Veterans Day Parade Tries for a Comeback
Media SILENT Over What Trump Did To NYC Veterans In 90’s, Secret’s Out Now
Trump offers to help NY veterans group with money struggles

I don't really care about what he did to get himself named Grand Marshall for a veterans parade because even though he gave money to save the parade, he still made the parade about him.

I'm asking what has Trump done as president that benefits veterans? Nothing. And, even if he does increase the amount of money we spend on the military, if he doesn't also ask for an increase in recruiting quotas, he's gonna make the same mistake that Reagan did with his push for a 500 ship Navy. Reagan increased the budget, and built more ships, but he forgot to increase the recruiting quotas so that they could be properly manned.
too bad he didn't speak softly about the stock market DOW off another 600 as I write this Braggart gets his words shoved back in his yapper
Hate to break it to you but the stock market reacts differently to strength in the economy.
Usually when the Fed starts jacking up interest rates you can count on a drop in the market.
But why didn't the Fed raise interest rates once during the Obama Administration?
Because the Fed starts talking about raising interest rates due to a robust economy.
When did we ever have a robust economy under Obama?
Why does the Fed raise interest rates?
To slow down the economy.
Raising interest rates is not under Trump's control.
Strange how Fed Chair Janet Yellen left the Fed and immediately we start talking about raising rates.
Weird how this shit starts happening right when we're being flooded with great economic news........as if the rigged system we had under Obama is suddenly gone.
Trump hasn't done squat for the military since he's been elected Mudwhistle. What he did as a private citizen doesn't count, because now he is in a position to do actual long term benefits for the military. What has Trump done as president for the military?

The top thing Trump has done is changed the ROEs so that our troops can defend themselves, and it has turned the tide against al Qaeda and ISIS.
But here's a few more things he's done:
Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed
Helping veterans

  • Signed the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to allow senior officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs to fire failing employees and establish safeguards to protect whistleblowers.
  • Signed the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act.
  • Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act, to provide support.
  • Signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017 to authorize $2.1 billion in additional funds for the Veterans Choice Program.
  • Created a VA hotline.
  • Had the VA launch an online “Access and Quality Tool,” providing veterans with a way to access wait time and quality of care data.
  • With VA Secretary Dr. David Shulkin, announced three initiatives to expand access to healthcare for veterans using telehealth technology.
Promoting peace through strength

  • Directed the rebuilding of the military and ordered a new national strategy and nuclear posture review.
  • Worked to increase defense spending.
  • Empowered military leaders to “seize the initiative and win,” reducing the need for a White House sign off on every mission.
  • Directed the revival of the National Space Council to develop space war strategies.
  • Elevated U.S. Cyber Command into a major warfighting command.
  • Withdrew from the U.N. Global Compact on Migration, which Trump saw as a threat to borders.
  • Imposed a travel ban on nations that lack border and anti-terrorism security.
  • Saw ISIS lose virtually all of its territory.
  • Pushed for strong action against global outlaw North Korea and its development of nuclear weapons.
  • Announced a new Afghanistan strategy that strengthens support for U.S. forces at war with terrorism.
  • NATO increased support for the war in Afghanistan.
  • Approved a new Iran strategy plan focused on neutralizing the country’s influence in the region.
  • Ordered missile strikes against a Syrian airbase used in a chemical weapons attack.
  • Prevented subsequent chemical attacks by announcing a plan to detect them better and warned of future strikes if they were used.
  • Ordered new sanctions on the dictatorship in Venezuela.
Trump hasn't done squat for the military since he's been elected Mudwhistle. What he did as a private citizen doesn't count, because now he is in a position to do actual long term benefits for the military. What has Trump done as president for the military?

The top thing Trump has done is changed the ROEs so that our troops can defend themselves, and it has turned the tide against al Qaeda and ISIS.
But here's a few more things he's done:
Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed
Helping veterans

  • Signed the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to allow senior officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs to fire failing employees and establish safeguards to protect whistleblowers.
  • Signed the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act.
  • Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act, to provide support.
  • Signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017 to authorize $2.1 billion in additional funds for the Veterans Choice Program.
  • Created a VA hotline.
  • Had the VA launch an online “Access and Quality Tool,” providing veterans with a way to access wait time and quality of care data.
  • With VA Secretary Dr. David Shulkin, announced three initiatives to expand access to healthcare for veterans using telehealth technology.
Promoting peace through strength

  • Directed the rebuilding of the military and ordered a new national strategy and nuclear posture review.
  • Worked to increase defense spending.
  • Empowered military leaders to “seize the initiative and win,” reducing the need for a White House sign off on every mission.
  • Directed the revival of the National Space Council to develop space war strategies.
  • Elevated U.S. Cyber Command into a major warfighting command.
  • Withdrew from the U.N. Global Compact on Migration, which Trump saw as a threat to borders.
  • Imposed a travel ban on nations that lack border and anti-terrorism security.
  • Saw ISIS lose virtually all of its territory.
  • Pushed for strong action against global outlaw North Korea and its development of nuclear weapons.
  • Announced a new Afghanistan strategy that strengthens support for U.S. forces at war with terrorism.
  • NATO increased support for the war in Afghanistan.
  • Approved a new Iran strategy plan focused on neutralizing the country’s influence in the region.
  • Ordered missile strikes against a Syrian airbase used in a chemical weapons attack.
  • Prevented subsequent chemical attacks by announcing a plan to detect them better and warned of future strikes if they were used.
  • Ordered new sanctions on the dictatorship in Venezuela.

Hate to tell you, but the Veteran's Choice Act was started under Obama after the Phoenix debacle. How do I know? Because they sent me my Veteran's Choice card shortly after Obama got the ball rolling.

Try again. What has Trump done that substantially benefits the military? Increasing spending won't do much if he's not willing to increase recruiting quotas as well. Reagan already made that mistake with his 500 ship Navy. He built some ships, but didn't increase the recruiting goals to keep up with them.

I remember back in the 80's, people would go up and down the waterfront asking if there were any volunteers that wanted to cross deck to a ship that was getting ready to deploy, because they were only at about 85 percent manning.
Trump hasn't done squat for the military since he's been elected Mudwhistle. What he did as a private citizen doesn't count, because now he is in a position to do actual long term benefits for the military. What has Trump done as president for the military?

The top thing Trump has done is changed the ROEs so that our troops can defend themselves, and it has turned the tide against al Qaeda and ISIS.
But here's a few more things he's done:
Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed
Helping veterans

  • Signed the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to allow senior officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs to fire failing employees and establish safeguards to protect whistleblowers.
  • Signed the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act.
  • Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act, to provide support.
  • Signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017 to authorize $2.1 billion in additional funds for the Veterans Choice Program.
  • Created a VA hotline.
  • Had the VA launch an online “Access and Quality Tool,” providing veterans with a way to access wait time and quality of care data.
  • With VA Secretary Dr. David Shulkin, announced three initiatives to expand access to healthcare for veterans using telehealth technology.
Promoting peace through strength

  • Directed the rebuilding of the military and ordered a new national strategy and nuclear posture review.
  • Worked to increase defense spending.
  • Empowered military leaders to “seize the initiative and win,” reducing the need for a White House sign off on every mission.
  • Directed the revival of the National Space Council to develop space war strategies.
  • Elevated U.S. Cyber Command into a major warfighting command.
  • Withdrew from the U.N. Global Compact on Migration, which Trump saw as a threat to borders.
  • Imposed a travel ban on nations that lack border and anti-terrorism security.
  • Saw ISIS lose virtually all of its territory.
  • Pushed for strong action against global outlaw North Korea and its development of nuclear weapons.
  • Announced a new Afghanistan strategy that strengthens support for U.S. forces at war with terrorism.
  • NATO increased support for the war in Afghanistan.
  • Approved a new Iran strategy plan focused on neutralizing the country’s influence in the region.
  • Ordered missile strikes against a Syrian airbase used in a chemical weapons attack.
  • Prevented subsequent chemical attacks by announcing a plan to detect them better and warned of future strikes if they were used.
  • Ordered new sanctions on the dictatorship in Venezuela.

Hate to tell you, but the Veteran's Choice Act was started under Obama after the Phoenix debacle. How do I know? Because they sent me my Veteran's Choice card shortly after Obama got the ball rolling.

Try again. What has Trump done that substantially benefits the military? Increasing spending won't do much if he's not willing to increase recruiting quotas as well. Reagan already made that mistake with his 500 ship Navy. He built some ships, but didn't increase the recruiting goals to keep up with them.

I remember back in the 80's, people would go up and down the waterfront asking if there were any volunteers that wanted to cross deck to a ship that was getting ready to deploy, because they were only at about 85 percent manning.
Guess you have a reading disability.
"Signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017 to authorize $2.1 billion in additional funds for the Veterans Choice Program."
Trump hasn't done squat for the military since he's been elected Mudwhistle. What he did as a private citizen doesn't count, because now he is in a position to do actual long term benefits for the military. What has Trump done as president for the military?

The top thing Trump has done is changed the ROEs so that our troops can defend themselves, and it has turned the tide against al Qaeda and ISIS.
But here's a few more things he's done:
Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed
Helping veterans

  • Signed the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to allow senior officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs to fire failing employees and establish safeguards to protect whistleblowers.
  • Signed the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act.
  • Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act, to provide support.
  • Signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017 to authorize $2.1 billion in additional funds for the Veterans Choice Program.
  • Created a VA hotline.
  • Had the VA launch an online “Access and Quality Tool,” providing veterans with a way to access wait time and quality of care data.
  • With VA Secretary Dr. David Shulkin, announced three initiatives to expand access to healthcare for veterans using telehealth technology.
Promoting peace through strength

  • Directed the rebuilding of the military and ordered a new national strategy and nuclear posture review.
  • Worked to increase defense spending.
  • Empowered military leaders to “seize the initiative and win,” reducing the need for a White House sign off on every mission.
  • Directed the revival of the National Space Council to develop space war strategies.
  • Elevated U.S. Cyber Command into a major warfighting command.
  • Withdrew from the U.N. Global Compact on Migration, which Trump saw as a threat to borders.
  • Imposed a travel ban on nations that lack border and anti-terrorism security.
  • Saw ISIS lose virtually all of its territory.
  • Pushed for strong action against global outlaw North Korea and its development of nuclear weapons.
  • Announced a new Afghanistan strategy that strengthens support for U.S. forces at war with terrorism.
  • NATO increased support for the war in Afghanistan.
  • Approved a new Iran strategy plan focused on neutralizing the country’s influence in the region.
  • Ordered missile strikes against a Syrian airbase used in a chemical weapons attack.
  • Prevented subsequent chemical attacks by announcing a plan to detect them better and warned of future strikes if they were used.
  • Ordered new sanctions on the dictatorship in Venezuela.

Hate to tell you, but the Veteran's Choice Act was started under Obama after the Phoenix debacle. How do I know? Because they sent me my Veteran's Choice card shortly after Obama got the ball rolling.

Try again. What has Trump done that substantially benefits the military? Increasing spending won't do much if he's not willing to increase recruiting quotas as well. Reagan already made that mistake with his 500 ship Navy. He built some ships, but didn't increase the recruiting goals to keep up with them.

I remember back in the 80's, people would go up and down the waterfront asking if there were any volunteers that wanted to cross deck to a ship that was getting ready to deploy, because they were only at about 85 percent manning.
Guess you have a reading disability.
"Signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017 to authorize $2.1 billion in additional funds for the Veterans Choice Program."
Let me explain why changing the ROEs means so much to guys like myself who have been in a combat zone on the ground.

Instead of waiting till your buddy gets his head blown off by a sniper before we're allowed to take out any threat, we now can kill the SOB before he even takes a shot at us.
You have no idea how important it is to our troops to have a president that's not serving them up to the enemy on a silver platter the way Obama did.
Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!
Chuck Schumer called for a military parade in 2014.


Did Chuck Schumer call for a Military Parade?
We honor the service and sacrifice of our armed forces appropriately and cannot msistently. When they return home triumphantly, we honor them. On Veteran's Day and Memorial Day we honor them. We do not strut ever.

Trump struts. He brags, he celebrates himself in superlatives, he applauds himself and says those who do not applaud him are traitors.

Now Trump wants to impose these loathesome qualities he holds on our great American traditions of humble sacrifice and dignified recognition.
Trump has not one bone of diplomacy in his head, he negotiates using Brinkmanship and he is a bully.
When In the last 25 years has diplomacy ever worked for the benefit of the Unted States? Trump using Brinkmanship is not a bad thing for a change.

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