"Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick"

You know, if we had just won a major conflict, or if it was inauguration, I wouldn't have a problem with a parade. Why? Those are major events in the history of this country, and showing our military power then is an appropriate display.

Not just because Trump needs his ego stroked.
That's pure spin.
Trump loves the military and he wants to show them the respect he thinks they deserve.

Wrong, Trump pays lip service to the military and uses them as a prop because it appeals to his base.
You only feel that's the case. You don't know.
Obviously you cannot give him any credit because of your hatred for the man.

Even I gave Obama credit when he deserved it. I know it was rare when he did, but I actually did.
You cannot give Trump the benefit of the doubt on anything.

If you can provide a credible link to show me what he has done for the military, I will change my tone a bit. But, like I said, I have yet to hear or see of anything he has done to benefit them. Provide a link if you have one, please.
You know, if we had just won a major conflict, or if it was inauguration, I wouldn't have a problem with a parade. Why? Those are major events in the history of this country, and showing our military power then is an appropriate display.

Not just because Trump needs his ego stroked.
That's pure spin.
Trump loves the military and he wants to show them the respect he thinks they deserve.

Wrong, Trump pays lip service to the military and uses them as a prop because it appeals to his base.

Trump sought and received deferments during the Vietnam Conflict. Total dishonesty, he could have been a cook, or a clerk with his excuse for a deferment.
Somehow that rings hollow when you can look back and remember that Bill Clinton got one.....and Hillary never had to get one cuz she was a woman.
Walk softly and carry a big stick. It doesn’t say to hide the stick does it?

Only democrats could get upset over a military parade. July 4th must damn near kill you people.

What the fuck is Vets and Memorial day for, very childish to want a parade any other time just so you can get an orange woodie. Not to mention the cost and if they have military hardware on display the cost to repair the streets in D.C. If your fucking President wants a parade let him pay for it and bring in actors he won't know the damn difference.
How many days a year does our military provide you the freedom to act like a spoiled piece of shit? That’s how many days you need to see a parade.
Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!

he wants to be the a**hole sitting on the reviewing stand wearing medals he didn't earn and talking about how big his "button" is.

Have you noticed the economy since your 'messiah' was jettisoned????

yeah, I now get to pay taxes on my state and local taxes.

so do you.

now be quiet. because that isn't what this thread is about.

it's about your loser draft dodger boy wanting a disgusting military parade that's going to cost millions.
So pay your damn taxes. You left wing idiots like to say someone else isn’t paying their fair share so fuck off and pay up. It’s you not paying your fair share. Maybe you should consider how much your state is taxing you now that you don’t get to shirk what you owe to the feds.
I do pay my taxes, dumbass I don’t see any reason that I should pay for the deadbeat orange sociopaths’s taxes.

So you should probably save that BS for Donald.

And I certainly don’t have to pay for the sexual predator in chief to feel like a third world nation despot. You people are such dupes.
Walk softly and carry a big stick. It doesn’t say to hide the stick does it?

Only democrats could get upset over a military parade. July 4th must damn near kill you people.

What the fuck is Vets and Memorial day for, very childish to want a parade any other time just so you can get an orange woodie. Not to mention the cost and if they have military hardware on display the cost to repair the streets in D.C. If your fucking President wants a parade let him pay for it and bring in actors he won't know the damn difference.
----------------------------------------------- Go TRUMP , Lets provide a Parade , a Military Parade to impress on young Americans some pride in the MIGHT and Goodness of their Country / America .
A parade like that may actually show these liberal women, and their cuckhold little boys what men actually look like.
Walk softly and carry a big stick. It doesn’t say to hide the stick does it?

Only democrats could get upset over a military parade. July 4th must damn near kill you people.

What the fuck is Vets and Memorial day for, very childish to want a parade any other time just so you can get an orange woodie. Not to mention the cost and if they have military hardware on display the cost to repair the streets in D.C. If your fucking President wants a parade let him pay for it and bring in actors he won't know the damn difference.
How many days a year does our military provide you the freedom to act like a spoiled piece of shit? That’s how many days you need to see a parade.

Hey, I'm a military retiree with over 20 years of service, and I think the only times a parade would be needed would be Memorial Day, Veteran's Day, the inauguration of a new president, or a recent military victory.

ISIL is still in operation over in the ME, so no, we haven't "won" over there yet.
Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!

he wants to be the a**hole sitting on the reviewing stand wearing medals he didn't earn and talking about how big his "button" is.

Have you noticed the economy since your 'messiah' was jettisoned????

yeah, I now get to pay taxes on my state and local taxes.

so do you.

now be quiet. because that isn't what this thread is about.

it's about your loser draft dodger boy wanting a disgusting military parade that's going to cost millions.
So pay your damn taxes. You left wing idiots like to say someone else isn’t paying their fair share so fuck off and pay up. It’s you not paying your fair share. Maybe you should consider how much your state is taxing you now that you don’t get to shirk what you owe to the feds.
I do pay my taxes, dumbass I don’t see any reason that I should pay for the deadbeat orange sociopaths’s taxes.

So you should probably save that BS for Donald.
Keep paying then. Your high tax state is your problem. The rest of us fall well below the deduction allowed. I can’t believe you actually found a tax you don’t like. Since it’s you and not someone else paying it now you’re upset.
Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!
Now, now... it's just that the Imperial Cheeto has a bad case of Champs Elysee Envy...
If you can provide a credible link to show me what he has done for the military, I will change my tone a bit ...

... Blah-Blah-Blah

Take a gander at his budget plan and who gets increases instead of cuts.
There's a graph if you have trouble reading the article ... :thup:

I am assuming you would consider the Washington Post credible enough.
I mean I think they suck ... But it couldn't be argued they are on the President's side in anything.

What Trump cut in his agency budgets

You know, if we had just won a major conflict, or if it was inauguration, I wouldn't have a problem with a parade. Why? Those are major events in the history of this country, and showing our military power then is an appropriate display.

Not just because Trump needs his ego stroked.
That's pure spin.
Trump loves the military and he wants to show them the respect he thinks they deserve.

Wrong, Trump pays lip service to the military and uses them as a prop because it appeals to his base.
You only feel that's the case. You don't know.
Obviously you cannot give him any credit because of your hatred for the man.

Even I gave Obama credit when he deserved it. I know it was rare when he did, but I actually did.
You cannot give Trump the benefit of the doubt on anything.

If you can provide a credible link to show me what he has done for the military, I will change my tone a bit. But, like I said, I have yet to hear or see of anything he has done to benefit them. Provide a link if you have one, please.
No problem.
Oh.....and Trump wants to sign the new budget as soon as Nancy Pelosi stops screeching on the House floor. A budget that will remove most of the Sequestration cuts Obama signed into law. Donald Trump calls for military spending increase - CNNPolitics

Turns Out Trump May Have Done More to Help Veterans' Causes Than Previously Thought
Veterans Day Parade Tries for a Comeback
Media SILENT Over What Trump Did To NYC Veterans In 90’s, Secret’s Out Now
Trump offers to help NY veterans group with money struggles
Walk softly and carry a big stick. It doesn’t say to hide the stick does it?

Only democrats could get upset over a military parade. July 4th must damn near kill you people.

What the fuck is Vets and Memorial day for, very childish to want a parade any other time just so you can get an orange woodie. Not to mention the cost and if they have military hardware on display the cost to repair the streets in D.C. If your fucking President wants a parade let him pay for it and bring in actors he won't know the damn difference.
How many days a year does our military provide you the freedom to act like a spoiled piece of shit? That’s how many days you need to see a parade.

Hey, I'm a military retiree with over 20 years of service, and I think the only times a parade would be needed would be Memorial Day, Veteran's Day, the inauguration of a new president, or a recent military victory.

ISIL is still in operation over in the ME, so no, we haven't "won" over there yet.
Congrats on your service. ISIS is damn near wiped out no thanks to the floppy eared turd we had in office while they expanded. Trump is taking care of that failure. Enjoy your parade and be proud of what he's done.
Trump calling for more military spending doesn't mean he's supporting veterans by pushing for higher pay and benefits, does it? I doubt it. Give them a couple crummy parades and speeches is what I think he has in mind. More spending on ships and planes to enrich the 'defense' contractors is probably what he's aiming for even though America's still by far the strongest country in the world and is under no danger of being attacked.
Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!

How do you figure he's not following TR.

TR sent America's Great White Fleet on a World Wide Tour of ports
parading American Naval Power.

TR knew the Maine wasn't sunk by any Spaniards, but that didn't
stop him from going up San Juan Hill. Nor did he halt fighting in
the Phillipines after the Spanish-American War.

I'm not sure why anybody thinks a Military Parade is odd. We have them
all the time. Who do y'all think marches on Veteran's Day...BLM? The NAACP? The ACLU? Barak Obama and the Royal Kenyan Guards?

Yeah, TR saved this country from being attacked by the filipinos who were planning an invasion of the USA.
Trump has not one bone of diplomacy in his head, he negotiates using Brinkmanship and he is a bully.

he is an America FIRST Bully perhaps and that is fine with me WCatcher .

oh really?? :doubt:

is that why he is disparaging US agents and agencies for performing their duties to our country, while excusing russian agents and agencies for attacking our country? undermining rule of law in our country is not "putting America first", it's creating a constitutional crisis just to save his own shady ass.

Sorry honey, those Agents have made plain their aims and opinions. They were NOT doing their jobs, they were going after a Candidate, a bad Candidate, but a Candidate none the less.

the facts prove otherwise, so your parroted opinion doesn't mean much. :itsok:

More you say?

"Page wrote to Strzok on Sept. 2, 2016 about prepping Comey because “potus wants to know everything we’re doing.”

Among the newly disclosed texts, Strzok also calls Virginians who voted against then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s wife for a state Senate seat “ignorant hillbillys.” (sic)

I can keep going.

please do, i'm having a good laugh at your lack of understanding.
Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!

How do you figure he's not following TR.

TR sent America's Great White Fleet on a World Wide Tour of ports
parading American Naval Power.

TR knew the Maine wasn't sunk by any Spaniards, but that didn't
stop him from going up San Juan Hill. Nor did he halt fighting in
the Phillipines after the Spanish-American War.

I'm not sure why anybody thinks a Military Parade is odd. We have them
all the time. Who do y'all think marches on Veteran's Day...BLM? The NAACP? The ACLU? Barak Obama and the Royal Kenyan Guards?

Yeah, TR saved this country from being attacked by the filipinos who were planning an invasion of the USA.

Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!

took the bait again i see --LOL

this keeps dummies like you occupied

Trump has not one bone of diplomacy in his head, he negotiates using Brinkmanship and he is a bully.

he is an America FIRST Bully perhaps and that is fine with me WCatcher .

oh really?? :doubt:

is that why he is disparaging US agents and agencies for performing their duties to our country, while excusing russian agents and agencies for attacking our country? undermining rule of law in our country is not "putting America first", it's creating a constitutional crisis just to save his own shady ass.

Sorry honey, those Agents have made plain their aims and opinions. They were NOT doing their jobs, they were going after a Candidate, a bad Candidate, but a Candidate none the less.

the facts prove otherwise, so your parroted opinion doesn't mean much. :itsok:

Let's not forget that Comey was the leak....the Bruce Ohr's wife was working for Fusion GPS....or that Mrs. McCabe (Yes Andy McCabe, the FBI guy) took money from Terry McCauliffe for her campaign....you know...the Clinton's right hand man.

what comey did was not a "leak", perfectly legal and necessary given the context and depth of events, and done with good purpose in honorable fulfillment of a duty to the best interest of his country. the rest of your babbling is relatively meaningless fodder for small minded fools.

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