"Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick"

You know, if we had just won a major conflict, or if it was inauguration, I wouldn't have a problem with a parade. Why? Those are major events in the history of this country, and showing our military power then is an appropriate display.

Not just because Trump needs his ego stroked.
That's pure spin.
Trump loves the military and he wants to show them the respect he thinks they deserve.

Wrong, Trump pays lip service to the military and uses them as a prop because it appeals to his base.
Walk softly and carry a big stick. It doesn’t say to hide the stick does it?

Only democrats could get upset over a military parade. July 4th must damn near kill you people.

What the fuck is Vets and Memorial day for, very childish to want a parade any other time just so you can get an orange woodie. Not to mention the cost and if they have military hardware on display the cost to repair the streets in D.C. If your fucking President wants a parade let him pay for it and bring in actors he won't know the damn difference.
----------------------------------------------- Go TRUMP , Lets provide a Parade , a Military Parade to impress on young Americans some pride in the MIGHT and Goodness of their Country / America .

On second thought what an idea, yea have one big parade once a year and let them throw out beads and candy and have floats, that's all kids wants when they go to parades anyway. You can combine vets, memorial, independence day not to mention mardi gras and Christmas parades. This would be great. Whoops forgot moon pies.
You know, if we had just won a major conflict, or if it was inauguration, I wouldn't have a problem with a parade. Why? Those are major events in the history of this country, and showing our military power then is an appropriate display.

Not just because Trump needs his ego stroked.
That's pure spin.
Trump loves the military and he wants to show them the respect he thinks they deserve.

Wrong, Trump pays lip service to the military and uses them as a prop because it appeals to his base.

That's all he does the goddamn draft dodger.
You know, if we had just won a major conflict, or if it was inauguration, I wouldn't have a problem with a parade. Why? Those are major events in the history of this country, and showing our military power then is an appropriate display.

Not just because Trump needs his ego stroked.
--------------------------------------- don't forget , The Trump killed 'islamic state' / isis when 'mrobama' couldn't so thats a Victory . Also , see the info on the sailing of the Great White Fleet which i think set sail to inform the world of Americas MIGHT , new Navy and er , to INTIMIDATE the world . A well done USA Military Parade is likely to do the same intimidation thing to the world as America starts feeling or rediscovering its nutz . Besides that a Parade will give young Americans something to be proud of after 8 years of 'mrobama' BSailor .
Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!
Being patriotic and loving the military is a bad thing now?

No, being patriotic and loving the military is a good thing in my book. I'm retired Navy with 20 years of service.

However, doing it just because Trump wants one is kinda stupid. Things like that should only be done on military holidays (Memorial and Veterans days), or when we have won a major conflict, or in the case of inauguration of a president.

Someone posted that the last time we had a military parade was in 1991. Yes, that is correct, and the reason it happened was because we had just won Desert Storm.

We've been kicking the shit out of ISIS. Okay? What's wrong with showing respect to the folks that have been doing it while you've been safe here at home?? After all, we are still at war.

Obama decided that he was gonna give about a million illegals the right to stay here and collect benefits.....he also brought hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees here to collect benefits.....just cuz he wanted to. He also gave billions to our enemies....just cuz he wanted to.
You don't seem to have issues with that.
You know, if we had just won a major conflict, or if it was inauguration, I wouldn't have a problem with a parade. Why? Those are major events in the history of this country, and showing our military power then is an appropriate display.

Not just because Trump needs his ego stroked.
That's pure spin.
Trump loves the military and he wants to show them the respect he thinks they deserve.

Wrong, Trump pays lip service to the military and uses them as a prop because it appeals to his base.

Trump sought and received deferments during the Vietnam Conflict. Total dishonesty, he could have been a cook, or a clerk with his excuse for a deferment.
You know, if we had just won a major conflict, or if it was inauguration, I wouldn't have a problem with a parade. Why? Those are major events in the history of this country, and showing our military power then is an appropriate display.

Not just because Trump needs his ego stroked.
That's pure spin.
Trump loves the military and he wants to show them the respect he thinks they deserve.

Wrong, Trump pays lip service to the military and uses them as a prop because it appeals to his base.

That's all he does the goddamn draft dodger.
---------------------------------- You pretty mad eh Deb [chuckle] ??
You know, if we had just won a major conflict, or if it was inauguration, I wouldn't have a problem with a parade. Why? Those are major events in the history of this country, and showing our military power then is an appropriate display.

Not just because Trump needs his ego stroked.
That's pure spin.
Trump loves the military and he wants to show them the respect he thinks they deserve.

Wrong, Trump pays lip service to the military and uses them as a prop because it appeals to his base.

Prove it squid.
You know, if we had just won a major conflict, or if it was inauguration, I wouldn't have a problem with a parade. Why? Those are major events in the history of this country, and showing our military power then is an appropriate display.

Not just because Trump needs his ego stroked.
That's pure spin.
Trump loves the military and he wants to show them the respect he thinks they deserve.

Wrong, Trump pays lip service to the military and uses them as a prop because it appeals to his base.

Trump sought and received deferments during the Vietnam Conflict. Total dishonesty, he could have been a cook, or a clerk with his excuse for a deferment.

You're a hack twit. Your boy Bill stated VERY plainly that he LOATHED the military.
You know, if we had just won a major conflict, or if it was inauguration, I wouldn't have a problem with a parade. Why? Those are major events in the history of this country, and showing our military power then is an appropriate display.

Not just because Trump needs his ego stroked.
--------------------------------------- don't forget , The Trump killed 'islamic state' / isis when 'mrobama' couldn't so thats a Victory . Also , see the info on the sailing of the Great White Fleet which i think set sail to inform the world of Americas MIGHT , new Navy and er , to INTIMIDATE the world . A well done USA Military Parade is likely to do the same intimidation thing to the world as America starts feeling or rediscovering its nutz . Besides that a Parade will give young Americans something to be proud of after 8 years of 'mrobama' BSailor .

Well, generally when we commission a new ship like an aircraft carrier, we send it out on an initial cruise to all our allies to show it off. Matter of fact, I missed out on a world cruise when the USS GEORGE WASHINGTON was commissioned, because I transferred to Newport RI about 3 months before they were due to leave.
You know, if we had just won a major conflict, or if it was inauguration, I wouldn't have a problem with a parade. Why? Those are major events in the history of this country, and showing our military power then is an appropriate display.

Not just because Trump needs his ego stroked.
That's pure spin.
Trump loves the military and he wants to show them the respect he thinks they deserve.

Wrong, Trump pays lip service to the military and uses them as a prop because it appeals to his base.

Prove it squid.

What has Trump done for the military this year? We are still over in the ME, GITMO is still open, and Trump is rattling a saber at N. Korea.

If you try to say that Trump passed a bill that benefited people in the VA by allowing them to visit a civilian doctor if the appointment took too long, hate to tell you but that was started by Obama after the Phoenix VA debacle.
You know, if we had just won a major conflict, or if it was inauguration, I wouldn't have a problem with a parade. Why? Those are major events in the history of this country, and showing our military power then is an appropriate display.

Not just because Trump needs his ego stroked.
That's pure spin.
Trump loves the military and he wants to show them the respect he thinks they deserve.

Wrong, Trump pays lip service to the military and uses them as a prop because it appeals to his base.

Prove it squid.

What has Trump done for the military this year? We are still over in the ME, GITMO is still open, and Trump is rattling a saber at N. Korea.

If you try to say that Trump passed a bill that benefited people in the VA by allowing them to visit a civilian doctor if the appointment took too long, hate to tell you but that was started by Obama after the Phoenix VA debacle.

I don't even like Trump, but you're just being another Leftwing Hack. You can't "prove" shit so just be honest and say that your stupid post was just your opinion.
You know, if we had just won a major conflict, or if it was inauguration, I wouldn't have a problem with a parade. Why? Those are major events in the history of this country, and showing our military power then is an appropriate display.

Not just because Trump needs his ego stroked.
That's pure spin.
Trump loves the military and he wants to show them the respect he thinks they deserve.

Wrong, Trump pays lip service to the military and uses them as a prop because it appeals to his base.

Prove it squid.

What has Trump done for the military this year? We are still over in the ME, GITMO is still open, and Trump is rattling a saber at N. Korea.

If you try to say that Trump passed a bill that benefited people in the VA by allowing them to visit a civilian doctor if the appointment took too long, hate to tell you but that was started by Obama after the Phoenix VA debacle.

I don't even like Trump, but you're just being another Leftwing Hack. You can't "prove" shit so just be honest and say that your stupid post was just your opinion.

My "proof" is that Trump has yet to do anything beneficial for the military. Tell me if you know of anything he's done to help them out?
he is an America FIRST Bully perhaps and that is fine with me WCatcher .

It seems Hitler was a Germany First Bully too. Consider that.

We get it, Trump is the most dangerous man in the world. What would you put up with to get him out of office ?
Marshall Law?

Or are you just another one of those "the sky is falling" crybabies on the internet?

Hey asshole, I will respond to your final sentence first. Trump is unfit to be POTUS; Trump is incompetent; Trump is a liar; Trump is a divider; Trump is a pervert; and Trump, like you, is an asshole. Got that?

Trump should be impeached. We are a nation of laws, and I spent a career, after serving our nation (during the period of 1967 - 1969 in the US NAVY), supporting and defending the CONSTITUTION; as a sailor and as a member of the LE Community. Trump never did either, he had bone spurs and a million of daddy's dollars to protect him.

I served with a Warrant Officer who had chronic sea sickness; the first three days out of port he would be sick, but he stood his watch even on the bridge, even though large swells and being on the O3 level made greater his misery.

Something Trump would never known. He's a con man, and he's made a fool out of you and other Trumpanzees.
he is an America FIRST Bully perhaps and that is fine with me WCatcher .

It seems Hitler was a Germany First Bully too. Consider that.

We get it, Trump is the most dangerous man in the world. What would you put up with to get him out of office ?
Marshall Law?

Or are you just another one of those "the sky is falling" crybabies on the internet?

Hey asshole, I will respond to your final sentence first. Trump is unfit to be POTUS; Trump is incompetent; Trump is a liar; Trump is a divider; Trump is a pervert; and Trump, like you, is an asshole. Got that?

Trump should be impeached. We are a nation of laws, and I spent a career, after serving our nation (during the period of 1967 - 1969 in the US NAVY), supporting and defending the CONSTITUTION as a member of the LE Community. Trump never did, he had bonew spurs.

I served with a Warrant Officer who had chronic sea sickness; the first three days out of port he would be sick, but he stood his watch even on the bridge, even though large swells and being on the O3 level made greater his misery.

Something Trump would never known. He's a con man, and he's made a fool out of you.

Hey also I served too and I wasn't a fucking squid. Trump is indeed an asshole but you're a fucking cowardly prick who thinks too much of himself. You're a fucking coward who wants everyone else to do the dirty work. I was on the fucking ground shooting people and carrying friends out of harms way so fuck off. Your "boy" Bill LOATHED the Military YOU served in but you'd suck his dick because he is one of you.

You didn't answer my question pussy, what are YOU wiling to do to get him out of office, pound away at your fucking keyboard?
You know, if we had just won a major conflict, or if it was inauguration, I wouldn't have a problem with a parade. Why? Those are major events in the history of this country, and showing our military power then is an appropriate display.

Not just because Trump needs his ego stroked.
That's pure spin.
Trump loves the military and he wants to show them the respect he thinks they deserve.

Wrong, Trump pays lip service to the military and uses them as a prop because it appeals to his base.
You only feel that's the case. You don't know.
Obviously you cannot give him any credit because of your hatred for the man.

Even I gave Obama credit when he deserved it. I know it was rare when he did, but I actually did.
You cannot give Trump the benefit of the doubt on anything.
You know, if we had just won a major conflict, or if it was inauguration, I wouldn't have a problem with a parade. Why? Those are major events in the history of this country, and showing our military power then is an appropriate display.

Not just because Trump needs his ego stroked.
That's pure spin.
Trump loves the military and he wants to show them the respect he thinks they deserve.

Wrong, Trump pays lip service to the military and uses them as a prop because it appeals to his base.

That's all he does the goddamn draft dodger.
Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!

he wants to be the a**hole sitting on the reviewing stand wearing medals he didn't earn and talking about how big his "button" is.

Have you noticed the economy since your 'messiah' was jettisoned????

yeah, I now get to pay taxes on my state and local taxes.

so do you.

now be quiet. because that isn't what this thread is about.

it's about your loser draft dodger boy wanting a disgusting military parade that's going to cost millions.
So pay your damn taxes. You left wing idiots like to say someone else isn’t paying their fair share so fuck off and pay up. It’s you not paying your fair share. Maybe you should consider how much your state is taxing you now that you don’t get to shirk what you owe to the feds.

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