"Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick"

Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!

I've been keeping a list on the reasons why Trump is the anti-christ per libs like you
we are up to # 13 I think
13. he is the anti-christ because he wants a parade

Don't lie! You've proved one thing to be true, just one thing: You don't think!
they probably think it was a racist fleet

Who is they?

You probably thin ... um believe Syntax is a fine levied by a pastor for dong something wrong.

the blacks/leftist/dems/white guilters

It's awfully hard not to patronize posters like you, unless I add a footnote. Thus:

Thanks so much for sharing*

*Sarcasm Alert
blacks are offended by anything because they are so obsessed with race
I just got off a thread where a black got upset at the word ''blackhole''
BLM “issues” warning
also'' fried chicken''
Zoeller: My Tiger comment was joke gone awry
etc etc

Not all blacks are offended by anything based on race or skin color, many whites are too, but not all of us.

Some blacks are racists, some whites are racists but most human beings are not.

Racism is learned, as anyone who has watched children under the age of 6 play together, without any concern for the color of another child's skin color or ethnicity. Racism is learned from a parent, who learned from his or her parent. That is true in every race, ethnicity and creed.
blacks are worried about more
Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!

I've been keeping a list on the reasons why Trump is the anti-christ per libs like you
we are up to # 13 I think
13. he is the anti-christ because he wants a parade

Don't lie! You've proved one thing to be true, just one thing: You don't think!
if you hate America so much--go somewhere else
Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!

I've been keeping a list on the reasons why Trump is the anti-christ per libs like you
we are up to # 13 I think
13. he is the anti-christ because he wants a parade

Don't lie! You've proved one thing to be true, just one thing: You don't think!
if you hate America so much--go somewhere else

I don't hate America, I don't hate Americans - only racists and all around bigots do.
Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!

I've been keeping a list on the reasons why Trump is the anti-christ per libs like you
we are up to # 13 I think
13. he is the anti-christ because he wants a parade

Don't lie! You've proved one thing to be true, just one thing: You don't think!
if you hate America so much--go somewhere else

I don't hate America, I don't hate Americans - only racists and all around bigots do.
the POTUS wants a parade and you hate that
you hate Amerrica

'''OMG a PARADE!! how terrible/stupid/anti-christ/anti-American'''
Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!

I've been keeping a list on the reasons why Trump is the anti-christ per libs like you
we are up to # 13 I think
13. he is the anti-christ because he wants a parade

Don't lie! You've proved one thing to be true, just one thing: You don't think!
if you hate America so much--go somewhere else

I don't hate America, I don't hate Americans - only racists and all around bigots do.
this is another DUMBASS anti- Trump thread

Trump wants a parade

that's make him the anti-christ????!!!!!!!!!!!???!!!!!!!
and what is there to defend , President MAY want a USA Military Parade and thats the end of the story in my opinion . And it may happen . Personally i think that the TRUMP is just baiting YOU guys and girls WCatcher . [who knows]

Are you familiar with this photo, considered by some to be provocative:


Why don't the same people who view this as provocative, feel the same about Trump's proposed parade?

" Harvard Study: July 4th Parades Energize Only GOP Voters, Increase Likelihood Kids Will Vote Republican…
"The left detests all forms of patriotism, if you instill a love of America in a child it’s extremely unlikely they will identify with the Democratic party when they grow up.

(US News)— Democratic political candidates can skip this weekend’s July 4th parades. A new Harvard University studyfinds that July 4th parades energize only Republicans,turn kids into Republicans, and help to boost the GOP turnout of adults on Election Day.

Survey evidence also confirms that Republicans consider themselves more patriotic than Democrats.According to this interpretation, there is a political congruence between the patriotism promoted on Fourth of July and the values associated with the Republican party. "
Harvard Study: July 4th Parades Energize Only GOP Voters, Increase Likelihood Kids Will Vote Republican… | Weasel Zippers

"Survey evidence also confirms that Republicans consider themselves more patriotic than Democrats."

No doubt.
Walk softly and carry a big stick. It doesn’t say to hide the stick does it?

Only democrats could get upset over a military parade. July 4th must damn near kill you people.

It does not. If you knew history you would know TR did not hide the stick:

TR Center - Great White Fleet
Nicely done. You just blew up your own thread.

The difference is enormous. That you can't comprehend this difference amazes me.
Your belly button probably amazes you. You made a dumb point in a dumb way. There’s nothing wrong with a military parade. Not a single damn thing to bitch about.

To a fascist, there is nothing wrong to cheer for weapons of mass destruction. So don't deny what you are, and what Trump is.
Those weapons kept unappreciative assholes like you speaking English so yeah I’m pretty fond of them.
Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!
Jade Helm was Obama's military parade

Covert Idiot-gram ^^^; a new iteration of the years old genre.

Leave it to Frank the progenitor of the Original set of Idiot-Grams.

Poor baby. Obama used Jade Helm to get the peasants used to living in a Progressive dictatorship.

Trump will have a pro-American parade that celebrates our freedoms and reminds us how closely we just came to losing everything
Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!
How much do you know about TR? How about his stand on immigrants(legal ones).
“In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American … There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag … We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language … and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”

Theodore Roosevelt 1907
Theodore Roosevelt on Immigration
Very similar if not exactly Trumps view.

Would you also like to see how he felt about other things?
“No man should receive a dollar unless that dollar has been fairly earned.”
Theodore Roosevelt
“The teachings of the Bible are so interwoven and entwined with our whole civic and social life that it would be literally impossible for us to figure to ourselves what that life would be if these teaching were removed.”
Theodore Roosevelt
Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!
How much do you know about TR? How about his stand on immigrants(legal ones).
“In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American … There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag … We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language … and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”

Theodore Roosevelt 1907
Theodore Roosevelt on Immigration
Very similar if not exactly Trumps view.

Would you also like to see how he felt about other things?
“No man should receive a dollar unless that dollar has been fairly earned.”
Theodore Roosevelt
“The teachings of the Bible are so interwoven and entwined with our whole civic and social life that it would be literally impossible for us to figure to ourselves what that life would be if these teaching were removed.”
Theodore Roosevelt

He didn't value the Constitution, either.
And his view of the Constitution? ‘Well known is TR's outburst, when told the Constitution did not permit the confiscation of private property: "To hell with the Constitution when the people want coal!"

Less well known is that at one point TR summoned General John M. Schofield, instructing him: "I bid you pay no heed to any other authority, no heed to a writ from a judge, or anything else except my commands."’
33 Questions About American History You're Not Supposed to Ask. By Thomas E. Woods, Jr. (p. 139) see http://mises.org/misesreview_detail.aspx?control=317
Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!

he wants to be the a**hole sitting on the reviewing stand wearing medals he didn't earn and talking about how big his "button" is.
“The death-knell of the republic had rung as soon as the active power became lodged in the hands of those who sought, not to do justice to all citizens, rich and poor alike, but to stand for one special class and for its interests as opposed to the interests of others.”
Theodore Roosevelt

Hmm. He is not talking about Trump.
Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!
How much do you know about TR? How about his stand on immigrants(legal ones).
“In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American … There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag … We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language … and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”

Theodore Roosevelt 1907
Theodore Roosevelt on Immigration
Very similar if not exactly Trumps view.

Would you also like to see how he felt about other things?
“No man should receive a dollar unless that dollar has been fairly earned.”
Theodore Roosevelt
“The teachings of the Bible are so interwoven and entwined with our whole civic and social life that it would be literally impossible for us to figure to ourselves what that life would be if these teaching were removed.”
Theodore Roosevelt

He didn't value the Constitution, either.
And his view of the Constitution? ‘Well known is TR's outburst, when told the Constitution did not permit the confiscation of private property: "To hell with the Constitution when the people want coal!"

Less well known is that at one point TR summoned General John M. Schofield, instructing him: "I bid you pay no heed to any other authority, no heed to a writ from a judge, or anything else except my commands."’
33 Questions About American History You're Not Supposed to Ask. By Thomas E. Woods, Jr. (p. 139) see http://mises.org/misesreview_detail.aspx?control=317

I'm sure you'd be spewing the same insane gibberish if President Obama asked for a military parade.

but thanks for the useless BS.
Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!

he wants to be the a**hole sitting on the reviewing stand wearing medals he didn't earn and talking about how big his "button" is.

Have you noticed the economy since your 'messiah' was jettisoned????
Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!
How much do you know about TR? How about his stand on immigrants(legal ones).
“In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American … There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag … We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language … and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”

Theodore Roosevelt 1907
Theodore Roosevelt on Immigration
Very similar if not exactly Trumps view.

Would you also like to see how he felt about other things?
“No man should receive a dollar unless that dollar has been fairly earned.”
Theodore Roosevelt
“The teachings of the Bible are so interwoven and entwined with our whole civic and social life that it would be literally impossible for us to figure to ourselves what that life would be if these teaching were removed.”
Theodore Roosevelt

He didn't value the Constitution, either.
And his view of the Constitution? ‘Well known is TR's outburst, when told the Constitution did not permit the confiscation of private property: "To hell with the Constitution when the people want coal!"

Less well known is that at one point TR summoned General John M. Schofield, instructing him: "I bid you pay no heed to any other authority, no heed to a writ from a judge, or anything else except my commands."’
33 Questions About American History You're Not Supposed to Ask. By Thomas E. Woods, Jr. (p. 139) see http://mises.org/misesreview_detail.aspx?control=317

I'm sure you'd be spewing the same insane gibberish if President Obama asked for a military parade.

but thanks for the useless BS.

Since you're here.....

A simple question....so simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.
Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!

he wants to be the a**hole sitting on the reviewing stand wearing medals he didn't earn and talking about how big his "button" is.

Have you noticed the economy since your 'messiah' was jettisoned????

yeah, I now get to pay taxes on my state and local taxes.

so do you.

now be quiet. because that isn't what this thread is about.

it's about your loser draft dodger boy wanting a disgusting military parade that's going to cost millions.
Trump has not only worked to undo much of Obama's legacy, he is also ignoring much of TR's work.

Today it was announced he wants a big military parade to show off American's Arsenal.

What road is he following, the road in Moscow or Pyongyang where goose stepping soldiers and giant missiles are on display? Does he see himself as a Strong Man such as Putin or Kim Jong-un?

It appears so.

One more check mark to prove the current President of the United States is unfit to hold that office. And one more data point to point out that Pence, Ryan and McConnell, along with Kelly and other members of Trump&Co, put Trump before our nation, it's people and the world!

he wants to be the a**hole sitting on the reviewing stand wearing medals he didn't earn and talking about how big his "button" is.

Have you noticed the economy since your 'messiah' was jettisoned????

yeah, I now get to pay taxes on my state and local taxes.

so do you.

now be quiet. because that isn't what this thread is about.

it's about your loser draft dodger boy wanting a disgusting military parade that's going to cost millions.

A simple question....so simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.

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