Speaker Johnson tells Mayorkas to start looking for another job.

I lasted about 90 seconds before dismissing it as propaganda full of lies and misinformation.

So you were too fucking lazy to watch the part where ICE, on orders from the subverter in chief at DHS, remove physical barriers and allow illegals to flood in. And like the typical commie propagandist, you're telling everyone to not believe their lying eyes. You're not fooling anyone commie and commies mayors requesting 5 billion to deal with those illegals are proving your lies to be the misinformation.

Please stay ON TOPIC going forward, thanks in advance
Speaker Johnson is saying what NEEDS TO BE SAID. Myorkas is a traitor in every sense of the word and should be removed immediately.

Given the record of job security for Republican Speakers of the House, Johnson should be the one looking for HIS next job. No Republican Speakers has lasted a full 2 years as House Speaker since Newt Gingerich was forced from office by his Caucus.

And Johnson is the guy who got his ass handed to him on a plate at this Hearing. Republicans aren't offering a single solution to your immigration crisis. You have 11 million job openings and 3 million unemployed workers. This is fuelling inflation and causing supply shortages in some industries.

Then there's your obligation to the refugees your own policies created. Instead of the usual Republican lies about immigration guaranteed to jack up the base, it is 40 years past time for your legislators to come up with a workable immigration system.

But Johnson isn't capable of doing more than howling at the moon and blaming others for the crisis he has helped create.
Given the record of job security for Republican Speakers of the House, Johnson should be the one looking for HIS next job. No Republican Speakers has lasted a full 2 years as House Speaker since Newt Gingerich was forced from office by his Caucus.

And Johnson is the guy who got his ass handed to him on a plate at this Hearing. Republicans aren't offering a single solution to your immigration crisis. You have 11 million job openings and 3 million unemployed workers. This is fuelling inflation and causing supply shortages in some industries.

Then there's your obligation to the refugees your own policies created. Instead of the usual Republican lies about immigration guaranteed to jack up the base, it is 40 years past time for your legislators to come up with a workable immigration system.

But Johnson isn't capable of doing more than howling at the moon and blaming others for the crisis he has helped create.
Are you talking about the illegal invasion that's going on, or that you're butthurt that the republicans voted on Johnson for Speaker of the House?
I'm confused.
Like I said peckerwood Johnson has the balls to tell Mayorkas to look for a job which is what Johnson should have done considering the fact that as a member of the House that fuck never accomplished a goddam thing except keep the seat warm & grab a paycheck.

Tell do nothing Johnson to look in the mirror.

Yet he is now Speaker of the House, LMAO.

It's more than 10 million, not 8.

I was giving the benefit of the doubt.

Mayorkas thinks that his job is to manage the invasion. To him and other vermin like him, the system is broken because these millions should have already been here. He needs to go and anyone who thinks like him needs to go.
200,000+ DEAD Americans KILLED by illegals flooding our country with Fentanyl wish Biden had done his f'ing job and secured OUR borders.
I lasted about 90 seconds before dismissing it as propaganda full of lies and misinformation.
It seems I was taught things in school different than what Progs push beyond extremism and it has affected our nation in a declining way. All the wins will be removed when poverty grows and people become more and more pissed off. The worst part is just seeing the massive pro Islam response to the latest war in the middle east. Oh, what you have introduced here.
He wouldn't have to be a douchebag if Biden weren't such a determined-to-break-the-American-people-in-the-wallet spendaholic. :eusa_hand:

And FYI, one incapable man destroyed the border along with bankrupting small border towns who have more students than former residents who were forced to overpay local taxes to meet the demands of Biden's freeloading illegals.

You're calling the wrong person a douchebag, imho.

Trump bragged his border wall was a joke. Fine employers who hire illegals if you actually want to solve the problem.
Given the record of job security for Republican Speakers of the House, Johnson should be the one looking for HIS next job. No Republican Speakers has lasted a full 2 years as House Speaker since Newt Gingerich was forced from office by his Caucus.

And Johnson is the guy who got his ass handed to him on a plate at this Hearing. Republicans aren't offering a single solution to your immigration crisis. You have 11 million job openings and 3 million unemployed workers. This is fuelling inflation and causing supply shortages in some industries.

Then there's your obligation to the refugees your own policies created. Instead of the usual Republican lies about immigration guaranteed to jack up the base, it is 40 years past time for your legislators to come up with a workable immigration system.

But Johnson isn't capable of doing more than howling at the moon and blaming others for the crisis he has helped create.

We have a workable immigration system, all the needed laws are in place, the people in charge just need to enforce them. Just the opposite is happening under the xiden regime. That's the whole point of the thread.

Trump bragged his border wall was a joke. Fine employers who hire illegals if you actually want to solve the problem.
Now that Trump is gone, and Biden opened the border to millions of illegals, your solution is pathetically outdated
wouldn't you say???? :rolleyes-41:
Trump bragged his border wall was a joke. Fine employers who hire illegals if you actually want to solve the problem.
yeah yeah…there you go…lets make employers responsible for our immigration policy and for securing our border.
We as a nation can only secure Ukraines border…FUCK it, our employers should be responsible for Ukraines border policy as well huh?
Trump bragged his border wall was a joke. Fine employers who hire illegals if you actually want to solve the problem.

BS, xiden is giving them work permits, in violation of the law.


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