Speaker Mike Johnson Endorsed Trump

Yes demand

Trump tried that whole "demand" thing the first time. And he found out that it doesn't work. 3 equal branches of government, all elected by we the people, who give them the the authority to tell each other, including the president, to go pound sand, when the situation arises.

This is constitutional. Most of us don't want a dictator or a chancellor. If you do, then fuck you pal. Move to North Korea.
Stefanik of recent Claudine Gay fame was first. Nice of Johnson to do it in November. More recently, we have Majority Leader Scalise, Whip Emmer, and Tom Cotton.

I like DeSantis, too, but he did not receive a warm reception in Iowa on Jan 1. It went nothing like a Trump appearance...

A whiff of Trump's ass must be really enticing to that crew.
Trump tried that whole "demand" thing the first time. And he found out that it doesn't work. 3 equal branches of government, all elected by we the people, who give them the the authority to tell each other, including the president, to go pound sand, when the situation arises.

This is constitutional. Most of us don't want a dictator or a chancellor. If you do, then fuck you pal. Move to North Korea.
You're in for a ride awakening
Less than two weeks after being pardoned, retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn took to the airwaves to suggest President Trump could impose martial law and deploy the military to re-run the election.

Just because it hasn't been done before doesn't mean it's not possible.
You're in for a ride awakening

The awakening should've came for you in 2018, when Trumps losing streak started. Actually before that. He couldn't "demand" they repeal and replace Obamacare, make Mexico pay for the wall. Hell, he couldn't even demand that we pay for it.
But his flock just keeps on getting their asses handed to them (by Trump) on every single issue. It seems like you Trumpcucks love Trump slapping you in the face with all his losing.
The awakening should've came for you in 2018, when Trumps losing streak started. Actually before that. He couldn't "demand" they repeal and replace Obamacare, make Mexico pay for the wall. Hell, he couldn't even demand that we pay for it.
But his flock just keeps on getting their asses handed to them (by Trump) on every single issue. It seems like you Trumpcucks love Trump slapping you in the face with all his losing.
Ok dumbass

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