Speaker Pelosi will launch her own partisan insurrection investigation

Republicans were offered a chance to participate equally in the investigation

They seem to prefer that Nancy Pelosi handle it
Because it is not an investigation and everyone damn well knows it. There is absolutely nothing for congress to actually investigate, the facts are already known and there is no process that needs to be reviewed like there was on 9-11. This is a partisan move to extend the narrative for as long as humanly possible.

Moronic but it is how Washington now operates,
Plenty to investigate

Who contacted the Trump mob
Was there any leadership
What was their intent once they breached the Capitol
Why wasn’t it better defended
What was Trump doing once the attack began
Who was advising the President
What were they going to do if they captured a Congressman
Why did Trump attack Mike Pence while he was in jeopardy
Who contacted the Trump mob
That is the job of the FBI

Was there any leadership
Again, the job of the FBI. And they have done a lot of legwork in this area getting all the records across social media that was used to organize those that had violent intentions.

What was their intent once they breached the Capitol
Again, FBI. It is almost as though you do not know what congress' role in investigating actually is.

Why wasn’t it better defended
Already known. Security was offered and turned down. Likely because the optics. If congress is trying to determine the motives of... congress than consider my trust in that 'investigation' at zero.

What was Trump doing once the attack began
Irrelevant no matter how much you hate Trump.

Who was advising the President
Irrelevant no matter how much you hate Trump.

What were they going to do if they captured a Congressman
Irrelevant to congress as, once again, this is the job of the FBI and does not effect process in any way.

Why did Trump attack Mike Pence while he was in jeopardy
More simple hatred of Trump.

Essentially, all you want is partisan talking points. Well, at least you did get the actual intent of the 'investigation.' Nothing but partisan talking points.

Congress is supposed to investigate with the intent of actually doing something. The information required for legislative action is already known - that there was a substandard response in security. The potential attack was known, the information communicated and congress or the executive branch failed to act. An investigation is useless, they can actually address the substandard response OR they can go on a partisan witch hunt to help them in the next election. We of course know what action they are going to take.

As I said before, asinine but it is how Washington operates.

Congress was the one attacked. The FBI can investigate all they want and support Congress

There are a lot of unanswered questions. We need witnesses subpoenaed to testify.
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

As if she and her minions haven't WASTED enough money in the last two years chase frivolous partisan bullshit.
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee

Well now we know why the Dems didn't run an honest election and pulled back police at the capitol: Nancy WANTED this to all happen so she could spend the next three years "investigating" it.

That is one riot that lasted about 4 hours.

Trump got only 6 weeks to investigate 100 cases of fraud in six states then to try to get the courts to get involved.

Nancy's on a new witch-hunt for anti-Trump material and lots of RINOs are jumping in as usual to help her.
And in those 6 weeks went 0 for 60+ court cases and now his attorney is being disbarred.

You sure do have a warped perception of reality.
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

Good....what are the Republicans afraid of?
Lying Democrat Party members.
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

You republicans had the chance to have bipartisan commission without any politicians on that commission.

You republicans said no.

So you only have yourselves to blame for the select committee.

You don't like it?

Tough. Take responsibility for the consequences of your actions. You caused this and brought it on all by yourselves.
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

You republicans had the chance to have bipartisan commission without any politicians on that commission.

You republicans said no.

So you only have yourselves to blame for the select committee.

You don't like it?

Tough. Take responsibility for the consequences of your actions. You caused this and brought it on all by yourselves.
I'm sure it won't be a big deal.

It was just a tour, I'm told.

They can just talk to a few tour guides to be sure everyone stayed within the ropes 'n stuff.
And you guys ran and hid.

Too bad.
never, from you? hahahahahahahahahahaha you only imagined I did, but I addressed your sorry ass and you caved to ignorance.
No, Einstein. Your party ran from participating in the investigation.

You can't possibly be this dense. I'll assume you're just spinning.

That pleases me.
my party? I own no party. you asked I answered. it's obvious you didn't want my answer I see.

Let's investigate Hunter Biden and his dad, let's see what's on that lap top? why are you against that?

That investigation has already been done by the republicans who controlled the Senate in the trump years.

They released their report that their was no crimes or anything you people have accused the Biden's of doing.

Are you saying that you want to turn that into endless investigations just as you did with Benghazi?

Yes the republicans use investigations as political weapons over and over and over again for decades.

You already got your investigation into Hunter and Joe Biden. It just didn't say what you wanted it to say.

You aren't going to get another investigation as long as democrats control the government. If the republicans get control back, then we will see endless investigations used as a political weapon to try to destroy the Bidens.

Deal with it.
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

You insurrectionists should have agreed to the bi-partisan committee before. Now you have lost control of everything.

I'm buying popcorn for the summer and fall show.
Any committee formed by the bitch Nancy Pelosi will be partisan. Her first proposed committee was 1/2 Dems, 1/2 Repubs and 100% Democratic staff.

You'd best prepare more popcorn. This circus will last for at least 2 years, maybe 3.
The fact remains that a bipartisan committee has already investigated and released their report.

Why would anyone give any credibility to a proven partisan loser who will go down in history as the 1st and only Speaker to ever attempt 2 Impeachments based on zero crime, zero evidence, & zero witnesses....the 1st & only Speaker to have lost both of those Impeachment attempts?!

She has zero credibility, a proven partisan hack, a proven LIAR -promised not to proceed with Impeachment unless she had undeniable evidence and Partisanship but had neither, and appropriately lost both Impeavhments.
And you guys ran and hid.

Too bad.
never, from you? hahahahahahahahahahaha you only imagined I did, but I addressed your sorry ass and you caved to ignorance.
No, Einstein. Your party ran from participating in the investigation.

You can't possibly be this dense. I'll assume you're just spinning.

That pleases me.
my party? I own no party. you asked I answered. it's obvious you didn't want my answer I see.

Let's investigate Hunter Biden and his dad, let's see what's on that lap top? why are you against that?

That investigation has already been done by the republicans who controlled the Senate in the trump years.

They released their report that their was no crimes or anything you people have accused the Biden's of doing.

Are you saying that you want to turn that into endless investigations just as you did with Benghazi?

Yes the republicans use investigations as political weapons over and over and over again for decades.

You already got your investigation into Hunter and Joe Biden. It just didn't say what you wanted it to say.

You aren't going to get another investigation as long as democrats control the government. If the republicans get control back, then we will see endless investigations used as a political weapon to try to destroy the Bidens.

Deal with it.
Are you saying that you want to turn that into endless investigations
I’m not a demofk, that’s your Schlick. Read post #110
Her faux investigation is not needed and would be a waste of American tax dollars since a bipartisan committee already conducted an investigation and released their report.

If she procedes with the BS 2nd investigation it will be partisan political theater & everyone knows it because, as she showed in her 2 Impeachnent failures, partisan political theater is all she knows how to do.
What is the problem with having a full investigation of what happened and who was involved? We Americans deserve to know. This is our country. Our government was attacked.
Your government has been attack almost every day in cities across America by Black Lies Matter and Antifa for 18 months

Pelosi should investigate that

They had the full blessing of the Dimm's who failed to speak out against them until most of the Burn, Looting, and Murdering was done.
This is the true nature of the Democrat Party that we continue to wrangle with!
What is the problem with having a full investigation of what happened and who was involved? We Americans deserve to know. This is our country. Our government was attacked.
Your government has been attack almost every day in cities across America by Black Lies Matter and Antifa for 18 months

Pelosi should investigate that

They had the full blessing of the Dimm's who failed to speak out against them until most of the Burn, Looting, and Murdering was done.
This is the true nature of the Democrat Party that we continue to wrangle with!
They - meaning Black Lies Matter and ANTIFA - are the Brown Shirt street thug arm of the Democrat Party
Nancy is dealing with dementia of her own. She really doesn't know what she's doing any more so I'm not surprised she goes back to her old standby of fabricating imaginary disasters and investigating them. This is just another witch hunt by unhinged Trump haters. They'll really go off when the election investigations start coming back with evidence of election changing fraud.
Republicans were offered a chance to participate equally in the investigation

They seem to prefer that Nancy Pelosi handle it
The committee that was voted down would have consisted of 50% Dems, 50% Repubs and a 100% Democrat Staff.

Pelosi's committee will either be stacked with a majority of Democrats or 100% Democrats.

Either way, all votes go whichever way Pelosi wants them to go.
Not true
Democrats conceded to 50/50 staff

Still, No Republicans would vote for an investigation
There are already multiple investigations going on. Pelosi just wanted another committee under her control.

Multiple House committees have been conducting investigations and holding oversight hearings to review the events of Jan. 6, including the House Administration, Oversight and Reform, and Appropriations committees.

There were also investigations going on by Senate Committees.

Pelosi doesn't like the exposure of any security failures that may reflect on her being in control of the Sergeant At Arms and the Capitol Police.

She wants a report that puts all the blame on peaceful Trump supporters rather than the Capitol Police, Anfifa, BLM and her own refusal to enhance the security prior to January 6 in anticipation of a large crowd.

Nancy screwed up and wants a new report that can be edited to make her look like a saint.

The bitch Nancy Pelosi bears more responsibility for the Jan 6 Capitol Event than does Donald Trump. She should not have anything whatsoever to do in the way of controlling any investigation into it.
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

Good. Hopefully, the House will eject a number of hyper-right-wing filth who aided and abetted the Insurrection of January 6th.

And if the Pubs don'l like it... phukk 'em.
The Trumpsters loved Benghazi and the fraudit, but investigating the attack on our nation's Capitol is over the line.

The DOJ is investigating it already, Dumbass.

several trespassing charges have been filed.
Two different types of investigations, Einstein.

Tough shit. You guys could have participated.

You could have proven it was the FBI or BLM or Antifa!

One legit, one farce.
Hey, tell me: This was your big chance to prove that this was the FBI or BLM or Antifa, and you ran.

Why did you do that? That would have been HUGE, HISTORIC NEWS!

Okay, just kidding, I know why.
I ran?

Where? When?

Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

Based on the teams she put together for her 2 failed Impeachments attempts, her committee will primarily consist of felons, perjurers, politicians who Censure US AGs for refusing to break US laws, facilitators of CCP espionage, and criminals who manufacture false evidence and attempt to submit it as legitimate evidence.

BS. Trump was impeached twice by the house. History making psychopath.
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

Good. Hopefully, the House will eject a number of hyper-right-wing filth who aided and abetted the Insurrection of January 6th.

And if the Pubs don'l like it... phukk 'em.
There was no insurrection. However, the Democrat Party has managed to arrest a grandmother for "parading in the Capitol".

Democrats are so full of shit that all of their seats in the House and the Senate should be equipped with lids and flush valves.

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