Speaker Pelosi will launch her own partisan insurrection investigation

Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee

Well now we know why the Dems didn't run an honest election and pulled back police at the capitol: Nancy WANTED this to all happen so she could spend the next three years "investigating" it.

That is one riot that lasted about 4 hours.

Trump got only 6 weeks to investigate 100 cases of fraud in six states then to try to get the courts to get involved.

Nancy's on a new witch-hunt for anti-Trump material and lots of RINOs are jumping in as usual to help her.
Try harder puffy
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

As if she and her minions haven't WASTED enough money in the last two years chase frivolous partisan bullshit.
Are you concerned, american?
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

Based on the teams she put together for her 2 failed Impeachments attempts, her committee will primarily consist of felons, perjurers, politicians who Censure US AGs for refusing to break US laws, facilitators of CCP espionage, and criminals who manufacture false evidence and attempt to submit it as legitimate evidence.

BS. Trump was impeached twice by the house. History making psychopath.
Pelosi & Democrats carried out 1/2 of an Impeachnent & both times proved they had no crime, no evidence, & no witnesses - they even claimed those things were not needed to Impeach a President. They were also exposed both times as having committed crimes themselves during their attempts - perjury, manufacturing evidence...

They failed and made historical laughing stocks of themselves.

Again, they sacrificed all credibility in their sick, TDS-suffering failed attempt to Impeach Trump.
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

Based on the teams she put together for her 2 failed Impeachments attempts, her committee will primarily consist of felons, perjurers, politicians who Censure US AGs for refusing to break US laws, facilitators of CCP espionage, and criminals who manufacture false evidence and attempt to submit it as legitimate evidence.

BS. Trump was impeached twice by the house. History making psychopath.
Impeached (charged) twice via partisan votes in Kangaroo courts in the House of Liars. ACQUITTED twice by the Senate.

The history-making psychopaths are Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and Nadler.
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Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

Based on the teams she put together for her 2 failed Impeachments attempts, her committee will primarily consist of felons, perjurers, politicians who Censure US AGs for refusing to break US laws, facilitators of CCP espionage, and criminals who manufacture false evidence and attempt to submit it as legitimate evidence.

BS. Trump was impeached twice by the house. History making psychopath.
Impeached (charged) twice via partisan votes in Kangaroo courts in the House of Liars. Voted NOT GUILTY twice by the Senate.

The history-making psychopaths are Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and Nadler.
You should have corrected your brother's reply. The laptop boy.
Pelosi's continuous failures also spelled blood in the water for the new liberal extremists who came for her due to her weakness...she is barely holding AOC off

Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

Good. Hopefully, the House will eject a number of hyper-right-wing filth who aided and abetted the Insurrection of January 6th.

And if the Pubs don'l like it... phukk 'em.
There was no insurrection. However, the Democrat Party has managed to arrest a grandmother for "parading in the Capitol".

Democrats are so full of shit that all of their seats in the House and the Senate should be equipped with lids and flush valves.
Wrong. There was, indeed, an Insurrection. Let the crucifixions begin.
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

As if she and her minions haven't WASTED enough money in the last two years chase frivolous partisan bullshit.
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

Based on the teams she put together for her 2 failed Impeachments attempts, her committee will primarily consist of felons, perjurers, politicians who Censure US AGs for refusing to break US laws, facilitators of CCP espionage, and criminals who manufacture false evidence and attempt to submit it as legitimate evidence.

BS. Trump was impeached twice by the house. History making psychopath.
Impeached (charged) twice via partisan votes in Kangaroo courts in the House of Liars. Voted NOT GUILTY twice by the Senate.

The history-making psychopaths are Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and Nadler.
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

Based on the teams she put together for her 2 failed Impeachments attempts, her committee will primarily consist of felons, perjurers, politicians who Censure US AGs for refusing to break US laws, facilitators of CCP espionage, and criminals who manufacture false evidence and attempt to submit it as legitimate evidence.

BS. Trump was impeached twice by the house. History making psychopath.
Pelosi & Democrats carried out 1/2 of an Impeachnent & both times proved they had no crime, no evidence, & no witnesses - they even claimed those things were not needed to Impeach a President. They were also exposed both times as having committed crimes themselves during their attempts - perjury, manufacturing evidence...

They failed and made historical laughing stocks of themselves.

Again, they sacrificed all credibility in their sick, TDS-suffering failed attempt to Impeach Trump.
Actually, impeachment (charging) is done in the House of Representatives. Trump was indeed impeached twice by partisan votes in a Democrat majority House. He was ACQUITTED by the Senate in both cases. Their claim that they impeached Trump twice is true...but a really weak argument that he should have been subjected to impeachment proceedings at all.

Both times, the procedures were a shameful display of not following rules, lying (with immunity) to the public, and railroading a false impeachment through with 100% partisan voting by committees and the full House.

The only thing that was proved beyond all doubt is that the Democrat Party is full of shithead politicians.
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Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

Good. Hopefully, the House will eject a number of hyper-right-wing filth who aided and abetted the Insurrection of January 6th.

And if the Pubs don'l like it... phukk 'em.
There was no insurrection. However, the Democrat Party has managed to arrest a grandmother for "parading in the Capitol".

Democrats are so full of shit that all of their seats in the House and the Senate should be equipped with lids and flush valves.
If you have to lie to yourself, everyone in your life hates you.
The GOP wimped out.

Why didn't Trumpsters want to prove it was the FBI or Antifa or BLM?

We know why.

So now we'll find out what happened. Tough shit.
Since pelosi is writing the summary we already know what it will say
They've already begun making veiled accusations about Republican members of Congress being part of a conspiracy to cause this riot they bleat constantly about. They're sowing the wind...
Pelosi launching her own investigation of the insurrection is exactly like the fox guarding the henhouse,

What a stupid circus, this must be a joke !:mad-61:

Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

Good. Hopefully, the House will eject a number of hyper-right-wing filth who aided and abetted the Insurrection of January 6th.

And if the Pubs don'l like it... phukk 'em.
There was no insurrection. However, the Democrat Party has managed to arrest a grandmother for "parading in the Capitol".

Democrats are so full of shit that all of their seats in the House and the Senate should be equipped with lids and flush valves.
If you have to lie to yourself, everyone in your life hates you.
You and your demented liberal friends should look up the definition of insurrection.
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

You nitwits had your chance for a bipartisan investigation.

You turned it down.

You don't get to whine about it now.

Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

Good. Hopefully, the House will eject a number of hyper-right-wing filth who aided and abetted the Insurrection of January 6th.

And if the Pubs don'l like it... phukk 'em.
There was no insurrection. However, the Democrat Party has managed to arrest a grandmother for "parading in the Capitol".

Democrats are so full of shit that all of their seats in the House and the Senate should be equipped with lids and flush valves.
Wrong. There was, indeed, an Insurrection. Let the crucifixions begin.
Biden announced yesterday is wasn't an attempt to takeover the Govt.

Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

You nitwits had your chance for a bipartisan investigation.

You turned it down.

You don't get to whine about it now.

Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

You nitwits had your chance for a bipartisan investigation.

You turned it down.

You don't get to whine about it now.

Why don't you read the entire thread before posting your idiocy? See reply #116.

We don't need another investigation...especially one with an outcome controlled by the bitch that caused the problem of LACK OF SUFFICIENT SECURITY. Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands.
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

You nitwits had your chance for a bipartisan investigation.

You turned it down.

You don't get to whine about it now.

And yet these retards whine about number of and cost of investigations after the dozens of Benghazi investigations and tens of millions spent.

Are ya fucking kidding?
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

Well sure. Its one of the most shocking and embarrassing moments in our history, and lawmakers were in on it. Maybe if the GQP pussies weren't sucking on Trump's butthole, they could have some input.
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

Why doesn't that nasty bitch just die?
She'll be around long enough to twist your nuts, Ace. And that ape you support.
Impeached (charged) twice via partisan votes in Kangaroo courts in the House of Liars. ACQUITTED twice by the Senate.
Uh...you know...the first time, the GQP pussies in the Senate admitted he was guilty of the charges. They just didn't feel he should be removed for office. So now the bar is low for everyone. Enjoy.

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