Speaker Pelosi will launch her own partisan insurrection investigation

Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

She TRIED to get 10 honest Republicans to help but finding 10 honest Republicans proved impossible.
Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
They want to claim the investigation is a witch hunt. It really is their best political option.

Once this investigation that GOP laundry will be hung in public for all to see.
Remember what Benghazi did to Clinton?
Well, this ain't no Benghazi.
This is more like BenGodzilla!
Can’t wait. Pelosi and the Democrats will step in their own shit to drag out some incident of vandalism at the Capitol. It will be a catalyst for voters to not vote Democrat in the ‘22 Elections. The Republicans know this which is why they are not participating. Democrats know this which is why they pushed hard for Republicans to be part of the investigation.
Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Well you considered Benghazi a waste of time and money. Then you must think Pelousy's investigation is the same. Right??

Behghazi, where Obama and Clinton arranged the kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens and left Stevens and 3 others to die?
Can’t wait. Pelosi and the Democrats will step in their own shit to drag out some incident of vandalism at the Capitol. It will be a catalyst for voters to not vote Democrat in the ‘22 Elections. The Republicans know this which is why they are not participating. Democrats know this which is why they pushed hard for Republicans to be part of the investigation.
Haha, i like watching the cultists lie to themselves out loud. It's like getting a peek behind the curtain.
Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Well you considered Benghazi a waste of time and money. Then you must think Pelousy's investigation is the same. Right??

Behghazi, where Obama and Clinton arranged the kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens and left Stevens and 3 others to die?

Where Republicans seized on a terrorist attack for political gain.
Didn’t see Democrats do that after 9-11 did ya?
What is the problem with having a full investigation of what happened and who was involved? We Americans deserve to know. This is our country. Our government was attacked.
Your government has been attack almost every day in cities across America by Black Lies Matter and Antifa for 18 months

Pelosi should investigate that

I can't believe that you would buy into this BLM Antifa crap. I am talking about an army of traitors attacking the US Government carrying out its constitutional duty. Your whore lost the 2020 election. He is not wanted. Get over it.
Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Well you considered Benghazi a waste of time and money. Then you must think Pelousy's investigation is the same. Right??

Behghazi, where Obama and Clinton arranged the kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens and left Stevens and 3 others to die?

Where Republicans seized on a terrorist attack for political gain.
Didn’t see Democrats do that after 9-11 did ya?
Benghazi! Where the Democrats abandoned a US AMBASSADOR and left him to be tortured to death...while the President prepared for a fund raiser...and the Secretary of State did NOTHING...and the Obubba Admin later claimed multiple times that it was a spontaneous uprising because of a video that offended their buddies, the Muslim murderers.
Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Well you considered Benghazi a waste of time and money. Then you must think Pelousy's investigation is the same. Right??

Behghazi, where Obama and Clinton arranged the kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens and left Stevens and 3 others to die?

Where Republicans seized on a terrorist attack for political gain.
Didn’t see Democrats do that after 9-11 did ya?
Benghazi! Where the Democrats abandoned a US AMBASSADOR and left him to be tortured to death...while the President prepared for a fund raiser...and the Secretary of State did NOTHING...and the Obubba Admin later claimed multiple times that it was a spontaneous uprising because of a video that offended their buddies, the Muslim murderers.
Can you show where Obama sent a terrorist mob to attack the US Embassy like Trump sent to attack the US Capitol?
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

I want her to go to the bitter end and make you repigs suffer. It was the greatest blight on American democracy and you treasonous redneck supported it. Home of the brave my ass.
You don't even respect democracy but call yourselves patriots. Hypocrites is more accurate.
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

Why doesn't that nasty bitch just die?
She'll be around long enough to twist your nuts, Ace. And that ape you support.

Yeah....I'm scared shitless, Ace.
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

I want her to go to the bitter end and make you repigs suffer. It was the greatest blight on American democracy and you treasonous redneck supported it. Home of the brave my ass.
You don't even respect democracy but call yourselves patriots. Hypocrites is more accurate.

Kiss my wrinkled, Lilly white ass fascist.
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee

Well now we know why the Dems didn't run an honest election and pulled back police at the capitol: Nancy WANTED this to all happen so she could spend the next three years "investigating" it.

That is one riot that lasted about 4 hours.

Trump got only 6 weeks to investigate 100 cases of fraud in six states then to try to get the courts to get involved.

Nancy's on a new witch-hunt for anti-Trump material and lots of RINOs are jumping in as usual to help her.
Try harder puffy

You out of breath, okaydokay?
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

When can will execute that fucking kuuuunt?
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

I want her to go to the bitter end and make you repigs suffer. It was the greatest blight on American democracy and you treasonous redneck supported it. Home of the brave my ass.
You don't even respect democracy but call yourselves patriots. Hypocrites is more accurate.
Fuck you. Keep this shit up and there will be no more "America" as we know it.
Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Well you considered Benghazi a waste of time and money. Then you must think Pelousy's investigation is the same. Right??

Behghazi, where Obama and Clinton arranged the kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens and left Stevens and 3 others to die?

Where Republicans seized on a terrorist attack for political gain.
Didn’t see Democrats do that after 9-11 did ya?
Benghazi! Where the Democrats abandoned a US AMBASSADOR and left him to be tortured to death...while the President prepared for a fund raiser...and the Secretary of State did NOTHING...and the Obubba Admin later claimed multiple times that it was a spontaneous uprising because of a video that offended their buddies, the Muslim murderers.
Can you show where Obama sent a terrorist mob to attack the US Embassy like Trump sent to attack the US Capitol?
Link to Trump doing that?

This lie won't fly, Dumbass.
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.


Can you blame her? She proposed a bipartisan investigation comprised of 5 Democrats and 5 Republicans. Republicans told her to fuck off. So now she's moving forward with a partisan investigation and telling Republicans to fuck off.

I fail to see the problem here?
Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Well you considered Benghazi a waste of time and money. Then you must think Pelousy's investigation is the same. Right??

Behghazi, where Obama and Clinton arranged the kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens and left Stevens and 3 others to die?

Where Republicans seized on a terrorist attack for political gain.
Didn’t see Democrats do that after 9-11 did ya?
Benghazi! Where the Democrats abandoned a US AMBASSADOR and left him to be tortured to death...while the President prepared for a fund raiser...and the Secretary of State did NOTHING...and the Obubba Admin later claimed multiple times that it was a spontaneous uprising because of a video that offended their buddies, the Muslim murderers.
Unfortunately, he died from smoke inhalation. He was not tortured to death. The bullshit claims he was tortured to death were lies from your side of the aisle to exacerbate the situation.

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