Speaker Pelosi will launch her own partisan insurrection investigation

Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

When can will execute that fucking kuuuunt?
You can't but the FBI will certainly take an interest to this post of yours.
Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Well you considered Benghazi a waste of time and money. Then you must think Pelousy's investigation is the same. Right??

Behghazi, where Obama and Clinton arranged the kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens and left Stevens and 3 others to die?

Where Republicans seized on a terrorist attack for political gain.
Didn’t see Democrats do that after 9-11 did ya?
Benghazi! Where the Democrats abandoned a US AMBASSADOR and left him to be tortured to death...while the President prepared for a fund raiser...and the Secretary of State did NOTHING...and the Obubba Admin later claimed multiple times that it was a spontaneous uprising because of a video that offended their buddies, the Muslim murderers.
Can you show where Obama sent a terrorist mob to attack the US Embassy like Trump sent to attack the US Capitol?

Show where Trump sent a terrorist mob. Did any Trump supporter go and shoot up an open field of Democrat Congressional Reps? See Bernie Sanders.
Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Well you considered Benghazi a waste of time and money. Then you must think Pelousy's investigation is the same. Right??

Behghazi, where Obama and Clinton arranged the kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens and left Stevens and 3 others to die?

Where Republicans seized on a terrorist attack for political gain.
Didn’t see Democrats do that after 9-11 did ya?
Benghazi! Where the Democrats abandoned a US AMBASSADOR and left him to be tortured to death...while the President prepared for a fund raiser...and the Secretary of State did NOTHING...and the Obubba Admin later claimed multiple times that it was a spontaneous uprising because of a video that offended their buddies, the Muslim murderers.
Can you show where Obama sent a terrorist mob to attack the US Embassy like Trump sent to attack the US Capitol?

Show where Trump sent a terrorist mob. Did any Trump supporter go and shoot up an open field of Democrat Congressional Reps? See Bernie Sanders.
No, they just tried to subvert our democracy to get the loser of the election to be declared the winner. Bunch of fucking fruitcakes. :cuckoo:
Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Well you considered Benghazi a waste of time and money. Then you must think Pelousy's investigation is the same. Right??

Behghazi, where Obama and Clinton arranged the kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens and left Stevens and 3 others to die?

Where Republicans seized on a terrorist attack for political gain.
Didn’t see Democrats do that after 9-11 did ya?
Benghazi! Where the Democrats abandoned a US AMBASSADOR and left him to be tortured to death...while the President prepared for a fund raiser...and the Secretary of State did NOTHING...and the Obubba Admin later claimed multiple times that it was a spontaneous uprising because of a video that offended their buddies, the Muslim murderers.
Can you show where Obama sent a terrorist mob to attack the US Embassy like Trump sent to attack the US Capitol?

Show where Trump sent a terrorist mob. Did any Trump supporter go and shoot up an open field of Democrat Congressional Reps? See Bernie Sanders.
No, they just tried to subvert our democracy to get the loser of the election to be declared the winner. Bunch of fucking fruitcakes. :cuckoo:
They did?


Maybe ask this guy to help you out.

Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Well you considered Benghazi a waste of time and money. Then you must think Pelousy's investigation is the same. Right??

Behghazi, where Obama and Clinton arranged the kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens and left Stevens and 3 others to die?

Where Republicans seized on a terrorist attack for political gain.
Didn’t see Democrats do that after 9-11 did ya?
Benghazi! Where the Democrats abandoned a US AMBASSADOR and left him to be tortured to death...while the President prepared for a fund raiser...and the Secretary of State did NOTHING...and the Obubba Admin later claimed multiple times that it was a spontaneous uprising because of a video that offended their buddies, the Muslim murderers.
Can you show where Obama sent a terrorist mob to attack the US Embassy like Trump sent to attack the US Capitol?

Show where Trump sent a terrorist mob. Did any Trump supporter go and shoot up an open field of Democrat Congressional Reps? See Bernie Sanders.
No, they just tried to subvert our democracy to get the loser of the election to be declared the winner. Bunch of fucking fruitcakes. :cuckoo:
It was a pretty pathetic attempt. What was even more pathetic was the lack of defense and reinforcements that could have been provided. That buck stops with Pelosi. Another chapter of failed leadership.
Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Well you considered Benghazi a waste of time and money. Then you must think Pelousy's investigation is the same. Right??

Behghazi, where Obama and Clinton arranged the kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens and left Stevens and 3 others to die?

Where Republicans seized on a terrorist attack for political gain.
Didn’t see Democrats do that after 9-11 did ya?
Benghazi! Where the Democrats abandoned a US AMBASSADOR and left him to be tortured to death...while the President prepared for a fund raiser...and the Secretary of State did NOTHING...and the Obubba Admin later claimed multiple times that it was a spontaneous uprising because of a video that offended their buddies, the Muslim murderers.
Can you show where Obama sent a terrorist mob to attack the US Embassy like Trump sent to attack the US Capitol?

Show where Trump sent a terrorist mob. Did any Trump supporter go and shoot up an open field of Democrat Congressional Reps? See Bernie Sanders.
No, they just tried to subvert our democracy to get the loser of the election to be declared the winner. Bunch of fucking fruitcakes. :cuckoo:
They did?


Maybe ask this guy to help you out.

View attachment 505229
Trump: We must stop the steal

Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Well you considered Benghazi a waste of time and money. Then you must think Pelousy's investigation is the same. Right??

Behghazi, where Obama and Clinton arranged the kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens and left Stevens and 3 others to die?

Where Republicans seized on a terrorist attack for political gain.
Didn’t see Democrats do that after 9-11 did ya?
Benghazi! Where the Democrats abandoned a US AMBASSADOR and left him to be tortured to death...while the President prepared for a fund raiser...and the Secretary of State did NOTHING...and the Obubba Admin later claimed multiple times that it was a spontaneous uprising because of a video that offended their buddies, the Muslim murderers.
Can you show where Obama sent a terrorist mob to attack the US Embassy like Trump sent to attack the US Capitol?

Show where Trump sent a terrorist mob. Did any Trump supporter go and shoot up an open field of Democrat Congressional Reps? See Bernie Sanders.
No, they just tried to subvert our democracy to get the loser of the election to be declared the winner. Bunch of fucking fruitcakes. :cuckoo:
It was a pretty pathetic attempt. What was even more pathetic was the lack of defense and reinforcements that could have been provided. That buck stops with Pelosi. Another chapter of failed leadership.
No one ever accused rightards of being proficient.
Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Well you considered Benghazi a waste of time and money. Then you must think Pelousy's investigation is the same. Right??

Behghazi, where Obama and Clinton arranged the kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens and left Stevens and 3 others to die?

Where Republicans seized on a terrorist attack for political gain.
Didn’t see Democrats do that after 9-11 did ya?
Benghazi! Where the Democrats abandoned a US AMBASSADOR and left him to be tortured to death...while the President prepared for a fund raiser...and the Secretary of State did NOTHING...and the Obubba Admin later claimed multiple times that it was a spontaneous uprising because of a video that offended their buddies, the Muslim murderers.
Can you show where Obama sent a terrorist mob to attack the US Embassy like Trump sent to attack the US Capitol?

Show where Trump sent a terrorist mob. Did any Trump supporter go and shoot up an open field of Democrat Congressional Reps? See Bernie Sanders.
No, they just tried to subvert our democracy to get the loser of the election to be declared the winner. Bunch of fucking fruitcakes. :cuckoo:
They did?


Maybe ask this guy to help you out.

View attachment 505229
Trump: We must stop the steal

Nope. Not in there.

Try again.
Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Well you considered Benghazi a waste of time and money. Then you must think Pelousy's investigation is the same. Right??

Behghazi, where Obama and Clinton arranged the kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens and left Stevens and 3 others to die?

Where Republicans seized on a terrorist attack for political gain.
Didn’t see Democrats do that after 9-11 did ya?
Benghazi! Where the Democrats abandoned a US AMBASSADOR and left him to be tortured to death...while the President prepared for a fund raiser...and the Secretary of State did NOTHING...and the Obubba Admin later claimed multiple times that it was a spontaneous uprising because of a video that offended their buddies, the Muslim murderers.
Can you show where Obama sent a terrorist mob to attack the US Embassy like Trump sent to attack the US Capitol?

Show where Trump sent a terrorist mob. Did any Trump supporter go and shoot up an open field of Democrat Congressional Reps? See Bernie Sanders.
No, they just tried to subvert our democracy to get the loser of the election to be declared the winner. Bunch of fucking fruitcakes. :cuckoo:
They did?


Maybe ask this guy to help you out.

View attachment 505229
Trump: We must stop the steal

Nope. Not in there.

Try again.

No need to. Your ignorance isn't my problem.
Hell its been investigated to death. Pelousy is just looking to stick her nose in it to see what she can get out of it.

What an imbecile and a waster of tax dollars and time.
Well you considered Benghazi a waste of time and money. Then you must think Pelousy's investigation is the same. Right??

Behghazi, where Obama and Clinton arranged the kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens and left Stevens and 3 others to die?

Where Republicans seized on a terrorist attack for political gain.
Didn’t see Democrats do that after 9-11 did ya?
Benghazi! Where the Democrats abandoned a US AMBASSADOR and left him to be tortured to death...while the President prepared for a fund raiser...and the Secretary of State did NOTHING...and the Obubba Admin later claimed multiple times that it was a spontaneous uprising because of a video that offended their buddies, the Muslim murderers.
Can you show where Obama sent a terrorist mob to attack the US Embassy like Trump sent to attack the US Capitol?

Show where Trump sent a terrorist mob. Did any Trump supporter go and shoot up an open field of Democrat Congressional Reps? See Bernie Sanders.
No, they just tried to subvert our democracy to get the loser of the election to be declared the winner. Bunch of fucking fruitcakes. :cuckoo:
They did?


Maybe ask this guy to help you out.

View attachment 505229
Trump: We must stop the steal

Nope. Not in there.

Try again.

No need to. Your ignorance isn't my problem.

I accept your concession.

Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

I want her to go to the bitter end and make you repigs suffer. It was the greatest blight on American democracy and you treasonous redneck supported it. Home of the brave my ass.
You don't even respect democracy but call yourselves patriots. Hypocrites is more accurate.
Fuck you. Keep this shit up and there will be no more "America" as we know it.

And fuck you. You were relentless when persecuting Obama and Clinton so no we it's my turn.
The America as we know it is a cesspool of rotten corrupt repigs controlling all the wealth and stating blacks into poverty and racism.
If your were a true patriot you would condemn the riots because it was republicans who did it and you know w it. But no, by saying nothing and objecting to an inquiry, you are showing your support for it. And your call yourself a patriot, home of the brave etc.
You capitalist red neck fascist.
Plain and simple: the FBI is handling it, which means Pelosi is wasting tax dollars for political weaponization of her unecessary process. She'd have to recuse herself as well as any member who has ties to her/friendship, because she is part of that investigation, having had responsibilities and acts in that event. If not, she'd/they'd be obstructing the investigation and it would be even more illegitimate.
Many various points of abuse of power involved here, therefore report this abuse of congress and the speaker to the O.C.E.
Their online web site has a section to report these abuses. Enough people including lawyers can challenge Pelosi's misappropriation of funds to abuse her position to manipulate the midterms with tax payers dollars against campaign finance laws as well.
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Republicans were offered a chance to participate equally in the investigation

They seem to prefer that Nancy Pelosi handle it
Because it is not an investigation and everyone damn well knows it. There is absolutely nothing for congress to actually investigate, the facts are already known and there is no process that needs to be reviewed like there was on 9-11. This is a partisan move to extend the narrative for as long as humanly possible.

Moronic but it is how Washington now operates,
Plenty to investigate

Who contacted the Trump mob
Was there any leadership
What was their intent once they breached the Capitol
Why wasn’t it better defended
What was Trump doing once the attack began
Who was advising the President
What were they going to do if they captured a Congressman
Why did Trump attack Mike Pence while he was in jeopardy
Who contacted the Trump mob
That is the job of the FBI

Was there any leadership
Again, the job of the FBI. And they have done a lot of legwork in this area getting all the records across social media that was used to organize those that had violent intentions.

What was their intent once they breached the Capitol
Again, FBI. It is almost as though you do not know what congress' role in investigating actually is.

Why wasn’t it better defended
Already known. Security was offered and turned down. Likely because the optics. If congress is trying to determine the motives of... congress than consider my trust in that 'investigation' at zero.

What was Trump doing once the attack began
Irrelevant no matter how much you hate Trump.

Who was advising the President
Irrelevant no matter how much you hate Trump.

What were they going to do if they captured a Congressman
Irrelevant to congress as, once again, this is the job of the FBI and does not effect process in any way.

Why did Trump attack Mike Pence while he was in jeopardy
More simple hatred of Trump.

Essentially, all you want is partisan talking points. Well, at least you did get the actual intent of the 'investigation.' Nothing but partisan talking points.

Congress is supposed to investigate with the intent of actually doing something. The information required for legislative action is already known - that there was a substandard response in security. The potential attack was known, the information communicated and congress or the executive branch failed to act. An investigation is useless, they can actually address the substandard response OR they can go on a partisan witch hunt to help them in the next election. We of course know what action they are going to take.

As I said before, asinine but it is how Washington operates.

Congress was the one attacked. The FBI can investigate all they want and support Congress

There are a lot of unanswered questions. We need witnesses subpoenaed to testify.
So, no, you do not actually know what the purpose of a congressional investigation is or even what the FBI does.

Be sure to tell the cops if you are ever assaulted that they should not do an investigation, YOU were the one attacked so clearly that should be your job.

Do you even think before putting up drivel like that?
The Trumpsters loved Benghazi and the fraudit, but investigating the attack on our nation's Capitol is over the line.

The DOJ is investigating it already, Dumbass.

several trespassing charges have been filed.
Two different types of investigations, Einstein.

Tough shit. You guys could have participated.

You could have proven it was the FBI or BLM or Antifa!

One legit, one farce.
Hey, tell me: This was your big chance to prove that this was the FBI or BLM or Antifa, and you ran.

Why did you do that? That would have been HUGE, HISTORIC NEWS!

Okay, just kidding, I know why.
I ran?

Where? When?

Oh, I must have gotten it wrong then.

So you supported the bipartisan idea and were disappointed when the GOP refused to participate.

You must have posted many complaints and criticisms here about how the GOP ran and hid, like cowards.

No need to post examples. I can tell you're a really honest person.
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Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

Except among the most stanch Leftists this is losing it's punch by the day. Americans are concerned about inflation, the economy, gas prices, increasing crime, and the border. They are NOT concerned about a few people who busted into the Capitol, sat at Nancy's desk and took selfies--and more importantly, the hyperbolic wailing from the Left about it.

The ONLY reason the Left continues to wail about is they have nothing else. THEY ARE LOSING on every other single issue. Every. One. They are losing steam on the "insurrection" too, but what else do they have? Nothing. They are even losing the culture.
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

I want her to go to the bitter end and make you repigs suffer. It was the greatest blight on American democracy and you treasonous redneck supported it. Home of the brave my ass.
You don't even respect democracy but call yourselves patriots. Hypocrites is more accurate.
Fuck you. Keep this shit up and there will be no more "America" as we know it.

And fuck you. You were relentless when persecuting Obama and Clinton so no we it's my turn.
The America as we know it is a cesspool of rotten corrupt repigs controlling all the wealth and stating blacks into poverty and racism.
If your were a true patriot you would condemn the riots because it was republicans who did it and you know w it. But no, by saying nothing and objecting to an inquiry, you are showing your support for it. And your call yourself a patriot, home of the brave etc.
You capitalist red neck fascist.
If you use anything from a capitalist way then you are a fraud. You must be totally self sufficient.
They've already begun making veiled accusations about Republican members of Congress being part of a conspiracy to cause this riot they bleat constantly about. They're sowing the wind...

Unfortunately the bipartisan committee has already released its report, so if Pelosi goes off on a partisan tangent and comes up with something wildly, partisanly different it will be dismissed by all but the fake news media and TDS-suffering sheep.
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

You nitwits had your chance for a bipartisan investigation.

You turned it down.

You don't get to whine about it now.

Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

You nitwits had your chance for a bipartisan investigation.

You turned it down.

You don't get to whine about it now.

Why don't you read the entire thread before posting your idiocy? See reply #116.

We don't need another investigation...especially one with an outcome controlled by the bitch that caused the problem of LACK OF SUFFICIENT SECURITY. Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands.
Again, you had your chance.
Princess Nancy just can't relent. She will likely generate press on this issue from now through 2024 with her select (partisan Democrat) committee to investigate the Jan 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol Building. This perpetually smiling, senile, holier-than-thou, partisan hag is the epitome of wasted time and money. Our country would improve exponentially with her demise.

I want her to go to the bitter end and make you repigs suffer. It was the greatest blight on American democracy and you treasonous redneck supported it. Home of the brave my ass.
You don't even respect democracy but call yourselves patriots. Hypocrites is more accurate.
Fuck you. Keep this shit up and there will be no more "America" as we know it.

And fuck you. You were relentless when persecuting Obama and Clinton so no we it's my turn.
The America as we know it is a cesspool of rotten corrupt repigs controlling all the wealth and stating blacks into poverty and racism.
If your were a true patriot you would condemn the riots because it was republicans who did it and you know w it. But no, by saying nothing and objecting to an inquiry, you are showing your support for it. And your call yourself a patriot, home of the brave etc.
You capitalist red neck fascist.
You mad?
The Trumpsters loved Benghazi and the fraudit, but investigating the attack on our nation's Capitol is over the line.

The DOJ is investigating it already, Dumbass.

several trespassing charges have been filed.
Two different types of investigations, Einstein.

Tough shit. You guys could have participated.

You could have proven it was the FBI or BLM or Antifa!

One legit, one farce.
Hey, tell me: This was your big chance to prove that this was the FBI or BLM or Antifa, and you ran.

Why did you do that? That would have been HUGE, HISTORIC NEWS!

Okay, just kidding, I know why.
I ran?

Where? When?

Oh, I must have gotten it wrong then.

So you supported the bipartisan idea and were disappointed when the GOP refused to participate.

You must have posted many complaints and criticisms here about how the GOP ran and hid, like cowards.

No need to post examples. I can tell you're a really honest person.
They ran and hid?


Refusing to participate in a sham run by the witch who turned down extra security for Jan 6 when it was offered isn't running and hiding. It is refusing to participate in a circus.

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