Special Counsel Demanded to Investigate Unethical, Illegal and Biased Behavior in The FBI and DOJ

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
It is coming, Leftards. You asked for it. You had to continue on with your lies and deceit. Trump gave you a chance to drop it after he won the election, but you just couldn't.

Gowdy, Goodlatte demand appointment of special counsel, citing FISA abuses

I can't even go in to how much Illegal, Unethical and Biased Behavior Occurred at The DOJ and FBI.

The list of names is long too.


Guccifer 2.0 said he hacked Hillary Clinton's Server and that she was engaged in Insider Trading, and Gun Running to Terrorists and Drug Dealers in Mexico and Afghanistan and also She was sharing Classified Intel with Unauthorized friends of hers. (Sid Blumenthal for one, who worked with the Russians to create the Fake Russian Dossier.)
See the Las Vegas Shooting & Benghazi, as well as Fast & Furious.
Guccifer 2.0 has disappeared never to be heard from again.

Meanwhile Julian Assange has never been wrong, in the 11 plus years he has ran WIKILEAKS and has stated Categorically that Podesta's emails came from Seth Rich.
He volunteered to testify under oath and to take a lie detector test.

Kim.com has also testified to this, because he helped Seth Rich upload the emails to Wikileaks. He volunteered to testify under oath and to take a lie detector test.

Robert Mueller refuses to INTERVIEW ALL THREE MEN.

Meanwhile THE FBI Obstructs Justice and files False Affidavits, They slow walk legally requested documents. They refused to tell THE FISA Court that the Fake Russian Dossier they paid Putin for was paid for with money from Clinton, Obama & The DNC, and was laundered through COIE Lawfirm, Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele to KGB agents.

Robert Mueller REFUSES to interview anyone involved in that.

Carter Page will be a Rich Man.

The Australian Ambassador who has ties to Hillary Clinton directly, personally arranged a donation of $25 Million Dollars to the Clinton Foundation. This same ambassador lied and perjured himself when he said he overheard a drunk Papadopoulis say he might be able to get some dirt on Hillary Clinton from a Russian Source. No dirt was ever given to him. Just another secret Espionage Warrant to spy on a guy, they were unable to pin anything on except for being tripped up one time, after 12 straight hours of interrogation.

Papadoupolis will be another Rich Man

Meanwhile at THE DNC, Schultz and Clinton hire a gang of Criminal Pakistani Hackers to break in to Congressional Files and steal dirt and dig dirt on everyone they could. Even after they get busted Schultz and Clinton take their remaining Prized Hacker to the Clinton Campaign and continue to have him work his dirt and pay him an exorbitant salary.

Problem with Pakistani Hackers is the same problem with Clinton...everything is for sale...including Podesta's Emails. It was an inside Job.

Mueller refuses to Interview anyone involved.

Mueller Refuses to Investigate the DNC server too.

Mueller cannot shut down his investigation even though he should, because the second he does, the walls will come crashing down on The Democrat Party....who actually have financial records to show that they solicited, paid for, and propagated Russian Propaganda, Committed Fraud, Treason, Attempted a COUP, Laundered money, and engaged in Espionage, in a desperate attempt to get a Drunken Old Hag and Putin Puppet installed in The Oval Office.

And let's also not forget the Illegal Unmasking and Leaking of Classified Intel, by Rice, Lynch, and James Comey and others.... The list goes on and on and on. Even the IRS got involved. And the two Criminal Investigations in to Clinton that were covered up and swept under a rug, would take at least 10 pages itself to cover.

Never in History has there been this level of Corruption in an election and within a Government except in places like Hitler's Nazi Germany, and Stalin's Soviet Union when both men rose to power by Illegitimate Means.

They conspired, to create an Insurance Policy based upon Skull Duggery and Collusion of their own with Russia to try to rig an election like they rigged their primary, but what they did instead was to dig their own graves when they insisted on continuing their malfeasance even after Trump won the election.

Had they dropped it, they would never be indicted in the upcoming year like is about to occur.

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i do believe we're going to spend the rest of at least my own life investigating the other side.
So, the thread title is a lie and this thread represents an effort to promote fake news. OK.
"that “the public interest requires” the action." (from article above) HELL YEAH THE PUBLIC INTEREST REQUIRES THE ACTION, AND MORE!!!
i do believe we're going to spend the rest of at least my own life investigating the other side.

That we are, as long as the two party system stays in tact we will be in a perpetual state of trying to investigate the other side out of power.
It is coming, Leftards. You asked for it. You had to continue on with your lies and deceit. Trump gave you a chance to drop it after he won the election, but you just couldn't.

Gowdy, Goodlatte demand appointment of special counsel, citing FISA abuses

I can't even go in to how much Ilegal, Unethical and Biased Behavior Occurred at The DOJ and FBI.
The list of names is long too.


Guccifer 2.0 said he hacked Hillary Clinton's Server and that she was engaged in Insider Trading, and Gun Running to Terrorists and Drug Dealers in Mexico and Afghanistan and also She was sharing Classified Intel with Unauthorized friends of hers. (Sid Blumenthal for one, who worked with the Russians to create the Fake Russian Dossier.)
See the Las Vegas Shooting & Benghazi, as well as Fast & Furious.
Guccifer 2.0 has disappeared never to be heard from again.

Meanwhile Julian Assange has never been wrong, in the 11 plus years he has ran WIKILEAKS and has stated Categorically that Podesta's emails came from Seth Rich.
He volunteered to testify under oath and to take a lie detector test.

Kim.com has also testified to this, because he helped Seth Rich upload the emails to Wikileaks. He volunteered to testify under oath and to take a lie detector test.

Robert Mueller refuses to INTERVIEW ALL THREE MEN.

Meanwhile THE FBI Obstructs Justice and files False Affidavits, They slow walk legally requested documents. They refused to tell THE FISA Court that the Fake Russian Dossier they paid Putin for was paid for with money from Clinton, Obama & The DNC, and was laundered through COIE Lawfirm, Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele to KGB agents.

Robert Mueller REFUSES to interview anyone involved in that.

Carter Page will be a Rich Man.

The Australian Ambassador who has ties to Hillary Clinton directly, personally arranged a donation of $25 Million Dollars to the Clinton Foundation. This same ambassador lied and perjured himself when he said he overheard a drunk Papadopoulis say he might be able to get some dirt on Hillary Clinton from a Russian Source. No dirt was ever given to him. Just another secret Espionage Warrant to spy on a guy, they were unable to pin anything on except for being tripped up one time, after 12 straight hours of interrogation.

Papadoupolis will be another Rich Man

Meanwhile at THE DNC, Schultz and Clinton hire a gang of Criminal Pakistani Hackers to break in to Congressional Files and steal dirt and dig dirt on everyone they could. Even after they get busted Schultz and Clinton take their remaining Prized Hacker to the Clinton Campaign and continue to have him work his dirt and pay him an exorbitant salary.

Problem with Pakistani Hackers is the same problem with Clinton...everything is for sale...including Podesta's Emails. It was an inside Job.

Mueller refuses to Interview anyone involved.

Mueller Refuses to Investigate the DNC server too.

Mueller cannot shut down his investigation even though he should, because the second he does, the walls will come crashing down on The Democrat Party....who actually have financial records to show that they solicited, paid for, and propagated Russian Propaganda, Committed Fraud, Treason, Attempted a COUP, Laundered money, and engaged in Espionage, in a desperate attempt to get a Drunken Old Hag and Putin Puppet installed in The Oval Office.

And let's also not forget the Illegal Unmasking and Leaking of Classified Intel, by Rice, Lynch, and James Comey and others.... The list goes on and on and on. Even the IRS got involved.

They conspired, to create an Insurance Policy based upon Skull Duggery and Collusion of their own with Russia to try to rig an election like they rigged their primary, but what they did instead was to dig their own graves when they insisted on continuing their malfeasance even after Trump won the election. Had they dropped it, they would never be indicted in the upcoming year.

Spot on except for one thing.
Hillary and company had no choice but to attempt the coup because they knew that their crimes were going to be exposed when she lost.
It is coming, Leftards. You asked for it. You had to continue on with your lies and deceit. Trump gave you a chance to drop it after he won the election, but you just couldn't.

Gowdy, Goodlatte demand appointment of special counsel, citing FISA abuses

I can't even go in to how much Ilegal, Unethical and Biased Behavior Occurred at The DOJ and FBI.
The list of names is long too.


Guccifer 2.0 said he hacked Hillary Clinton's Server and that she was engaged in Insider Trading, and Gun Running to Terrorists and Drug Dealers in Mexico and Afghanistan and also She was sharing Classified Intel with Unauthorized friends of hers. (Sid Blumenthal for one, who worked with the Russians to create the Fake Russian Dossier.)
See the Las Vegas Shooting & Benghazi, as well as Fast & Furious.
Guccifer 2.0 has disappeared never to be heard from again.

Meanwhile Julian Assange has never been wrong, in the 11 plus years he has ran WIKILEAKS and has stated Categorically that Podesta's emails came from Seth Rich.
He volunteered to testify under oath and to take a lie detector test.

Kim.com has also testified to this, because he helped Seth Rich upload the emails to Wikileaks. He volunteered to testify under oath and to take a lie detector test.

Robert Mueller refuses to INTERVIEW ALL THREE MEN.

Meanwhile THE FBI Obstructs Justice and files False Affidavits, They slow walk legally requested documents. They refused to tell THE FISA Court that the Fake Russian Dossier they paid Putin for was paid for with money from Clinton, Obama & The DNC, and was laundered through COIE Lawfirm, Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele to KGB agents.

Robert Mueller REFUSES to interview anyone involved in that.

Carter Page will be a Rich Man.

The Australian Ambassador who has ties to Hillary Clinton directly, personally arranged a donation of $25 Million Dollars to the Clinton Foundation. This same ambassador lied and perjured himself when he said he overheard a drunk Papadopoulis say he might be able to get some dirt on Hillary Clinton from a Russian Source. No dirt was ever given to him. Just another secret Espionage Warrant to spy on a guy, they were unable to pin anything on except for being tripped up one time, after 12 straight hours of interrogation.

Papadoupolis will be another Rich Man

Meanwhile at THE DNC, Schultz and Clinton hire a gang of Criminal Pakistani Hackers to break in to Congressional Files and steal dirt and dig dirt on everyone they could. Even after they get busted Schultz and Clinton take their remaining Prized Hacker to the Clinton Campaign and continue to have him work his dirt and pay him an exorbitant salary.

Problem with Pakistani Hackers is the same problem with Clinton...everything is for sale...including Podesta's Emails. It was an inside Job.

Mueller refuses to Interview anyone involved.

Mueller Refuses to Investigate the DNC server too.

Mueller cannot shut down his investigation even though he should, because the second he does, the walls will come crashing down on The Democrat Party....who actually have financial records to show that they solicited, paid for, and propagated Russian Propaganda, Committed Fraud, Treason, Attempted a COUP, Laundered money, and engaged in Espionage, in a desperate attempt to get a Drunken Old Hag and Putin Puppet installed in The Oval Office.

And let's also not forget the Illegal Unmasking and Leaking of Classified Intel, by Rice, Lynch, and James Comey and others.... The list goes on and on and on. Even the IRS got involved.

They conspired, to create an Insurance Policy based upon Skull Duggery and Collusion of their own with Russia to try to rig an election like they rigged their primary, but what they did instead was to dig their own graves when they insisted on continuing their malfeasance even after Trump won the election. Had they dropped it, they would never be indicted in the upcoming year.

Spot on except for one thing.
Hillary and company had no choice but to attempt the coup because they knew that their crimes were going to be exposed when she lost.

I absolutely agree with that, but so many things were done by so many people....that it was really piling on to say that, when it's obvious. They went all in even knowing it was a lie, even knowing they lost, because their only chance from not being discovered was to attempt to physically remove Trump from The Oval Office by any means necessary.

They'll continue to try to do that until people start going to jail for this. It's also incidentally why this place is crawling with Russian-Obama-Clinton Trolls.

Rats know when they are cornered.....and they'll attack an animal 10 times their size just at one chance to survive the impending doom about to beset them.
It is coming, Leftards. You asked for it. You had to continue on with your lies and deceit. Trump gave you a chance to drop it after he won the election, but you just couldn't.

Gowdy, Goodlatte demand appointment of special counsel, citing FISA abuses

I can't even go in to how much Ilegal, Unethical and Biased Behavior Occurred at The DOJ and FBI.
The list of names is long too.


Guccifer 2.0 said he hacked Hillary Clinton's Server and that she was engaged in Insider Trading, and Gun Running to Terrorists and Drug Dealers in Mexico and Afghanistan and also She was sharing Classified Intel with Unauthorized friends of hers. (Sid Blumenthal for one, who worked with the Russians to create the Fake Russian Dossier.)
See the Las Vegas Shooting & Benghazi, as well as Fast & Furious.
Guccifer 2.0 has disappeared never to be heard from again.

Meanwhile Julian Assange has never been wrong, in the 11 plus years he has ran WIKILEAKS and has stated Categorically that Podesta's emails came from Seth Rich.
He volunteered to testify under oath and to take a lie detector test.

Kim.com has also testified to this, because he helped Seth Rich upload the emails to Wikileaks. He volunteered to testify under oath and to take a lie detector test.

Robert Mueller refuses to INTERVIEW ALL THREE MEN.

Meanwhile THE FBI Obstructs Justice and files False Affidavits, They slow walk legally requested documents. They refused to tell THE FISA Court that the Fake Russian Dossier they paid Putin for was paid for with money from Clinton, Obama & The DNC, and was laundered through COIE Lawfirm, Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele to KGB agents.

Robert Mueller REFUSES to interview anyone involved in that.

Carter Page will be a Rich Man.

The Australian Ambassador who has ties to Hillary Clinton directly, personally arranged a donation of $25 Million Dollars to the Clinton Foundation. This same ambassador lied and perjured himself when he said he overheard a drunk Papadopoulis say he might be able to get some dirt on Hillary Clinton from a Russian Source. No dirt was ever given to him. Just another secret Espionage Warrant to spy on a guy, they were unable to pin anything on except for being tripped up one time, after 12 straight hours of interrogation.

Papadoupolis will be another Rich Man

Meanwhile at THE DNC, Schultz and Clinton hire a gang of Criminal Pakistani Hackers to break in to Congressional Files and steal dirt and dig dirt on everyone they could. Even after they get busted Schultz and Clinton take their remaining Prized Hacker to the Clinton Campaign and continue to have him work his dirt and pay him an exorbitant salary.

Problem with Pakistani Hackers is the same problem with Clinton...everything is for sale...including Podesta's Emails. It was an inside Job.

Mueller refuses to Interview anyone involved.

Mueller Refuses to Investigate the DNC server too.

Mueller cannot shut down his investigation even though he should, because the second he does, the walls will come crashing down on The Democrat Party....who actually have financial records to show that they solicited, paid for, and propagated Russian Propaganda, Committed Fraud, Treason, Attempted a COUP, Laundered money, and engaged in Espionage, in a desperate attempt to get a Drunken Old Hag and Putin Puppet installed in The Oval Office.

And let's also not forget the Illegal Unmasking and Leaking of Classified Intel, by Rice, Lynch, and James Comey and others.... The list goes on and on and on. Even the IRS got involved.

They conspired, to create an Insurance Policy based upon Skull Duggery and Collusion of their own with Russia to try to rig an election like they rigged their primary, but what they did instead was to dig their own graves when they insisted on continuing their malfeasance even after Trump won the election. Had they dropped it, they would never be indicted in the upcoming year.

Spot on except for one thing.
Hillary and company had no choice but to attempt the coup because they knew that their crimes were going to be exposed when she lost.

I absolutely agree with that, but so many things were done by so many people....that it was really piling on to say that, when it's obvious. They went all in even knowing it was a lie, even knowing they lost, because their only chance from not being discovered was to attempt to physically remove Trump from The Oval Office by any means necessary.

They'll continue to try to do that until people start going to jail for this.

Sure makes the so called fact checkers claim that hillary never said "You better do something about this shit or we're all going to hang!!" seem less and less believable.
Clean, strong speech from men who sound like they mean business! Yet still this is not enough. The losers on the list above and others needed to be grilled with the same intensity if not more than the Trump team. the double standard- you get immunity and a pass but, they get suspicions is outrageous.
from Gowdy, Goodlatte demand appointment of special counsel, citing FISA abuses -
Gowdy, R-S.C., and Goodlatte, R-Va., penned a letter Tuesday to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

“Matters have arisen—both recently and otherwise—which necessitate the appointment of a Special Counsel. We do not make this observation and attendant request lightly,” Gowdy and Goodlatte wrote.

They pointed, specifically, toward the use of the infamous anti-Trump dossier used in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to obtain a warrant to spy on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

“There is evidence of bias, trending toward animus, among those charged with investigating serious cases,” they wrote. “There is evidence political opposition research was used in court filings. There is evidence this political opposition research was neither vetted before it was used nor fully revealed to the relevant tribunal.”
Doesn't it seem strange how many former Obama-era FBI officials have suddenly retired, quit, or have been fired the last couple months?
There is evidence that the Clinton camp destroyed important computer evidence over and over again...
And in Violation of Two Federal Court Orders to Preserve ALL Data on those servers, and this DATA was allowed to be destroyed BY JAMES COMEY who knew about Both Court Orders, and who KNEW and ALLOWED CLINTON to Bleach Bit her server before turning it over.

30,000 emails about YOGA pants? Who in the Fuck believes that?
She had one device? Yet she destroyed 17 with a hammer, and removed all the SIM Cards?

And the FBI was like...... Nothing to see here folks?



They granted IMMUNITY TO EVERYONE, EXONERATED EVERYONE Months before Interviewing anyone!
And then the Coup De Grace, they violated every FBI procedure and policy when they

1.) Made NO NOTES, and NO RECORDINGS, and

2.) Allowed other witnesses being Investigated to Witness the Testimony of each other Witness.

3.) Everyone was Under Immunity, yet no one was Under Oath!

And don't even get me started about Loretta Lynch...


So everyone could get their story straight! And there would be no contradictory or recorded testimony to refute it.

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It is coming, Leftards. You asked for it. You had to continue on with your lies and deceit. Trump gave you a chance to drop it after he won the election, but you just couldn't.

Gowdy, Goodlatte demand appointment of special counsel, citing FISA abuses

I can't even go in to how much Ilegal, Unethical and Biased Behavior Occurred at The DOJ and FBI.
The list of names is long too.


Guccifer 2.0 said he hacked Hillary Clinton's Server and that she was engaged in Insider Trading, and Gun Running to Terrorists and Drug Dealers in Mexico and Afghanistan and also She was sharing Classified Intel with Unauthorized friends of hers. (Sid Blumenthal for one, who worked with the Russians to create the Fake Russian Dossier.)
See the Las Vegas Shooting & Benghazi, as well as Fast & Furious.
Guccifer 2.0 has disappeared never to be heard from again.

Meanwhile Julian Assange has never been wrong, in the 11 plus years he has ran WIKILEAKS and has stated Categorically that Podesta's emails came from Seth Rich.
He volunteered to testify under oath and to take a lie detector test.

Kim.com has also testified to this, because he helped Seth Rich upload the emails to Wikileaks. He volunteered to testify under oath and to take a lie detector test.

Robert Mueller refuses to INTERVIEW ALL THREE MEN.

Meanwhile THE FBI Obstructs Justice and files False Affidavits, They slow walk legally requested documents. They refused to tell THE FISA Court that the Fake Russian Dossier they paid Putin for was paid for with money from Clinton, Obama & The DNC, and was laundered through COIE Lawfirm, Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele to KGB agents.

Robert Mueller REFUSES to interview anyone involved in that.

Carter Page will be a Rich Man.

The Australian Ambassador who has ties to Hillary Clinton directly, personally arranged a donation of $25 Million Dollars to the Clinton Foundation. This same ambassador lied and perjured himself when he said he overheard a drunk Papadopoulis say he might be able to get some dirt on Hillary Clinton from a Russian Source. No dirt was ever given to him. Just another secret Espionage Warrant to spy on a guy, they were unable to pin anything on except for being tripped up one time, after 12 straight hours of interrogation.

Papadoupolis will be another Rich Man

Meanwhile at THE DNC, Schultz and Clinton hire a gang of Criminal Pakistani Hackers to break in to Congressional Files and steal dirt and dig dirt on everyone they could. Even after they get busted Schultz and Clinton take their remaining Prized Hacker to the Clinton Campaign and continue to have him work his dirt and pay him an exorbitant salary.

Problem with Pakistani Hackers is the same problem with Clinton...everything is for sale...including Podesta's Emails. It was an inside Job.

Mueller refuses to Interview anyone involved.

Mueller Refuses to Investigate the DNC server too.

Mueller cannot shut down his investigation even though he should, because the second he does, the walls will come crashing down on The Democrat Party....who actually have financial records to show that they solicited, paid for, and propagated Russian Propaganda, Committed Fraud, Treason, Attempted a COUP, Laundered money, and engaged in Espionage, in a desperate attempt to get a Drunken Old Hag and Putin Puppet installed in The Oval Office.

And let's also not forget the Illegal Unmasking and Leaking of Classified Intel, by Rice, Lynch, and James Comey and others.... The list goes on and on and on. Even the IRS got involved. And the two Criminal Investigations in to Clinton that were covered up and swept under a rug, would take at least 10 pages itself to cover.

Never in History has their been this level of Corruption in an election and within a Government except in places like Hitler's Nazi Germany, and Stalin's Soviet Union when both men rose to power by Illegitimate Means.

They conspired, to create an Insurance Policy based upon Skull Duggery and Collusion of their own with Russia to try to rig an election like they rigged their primary, but what they did instead was to dig their own graves when they insisted on continuing their malfeasance even after Trump won the election. Had they dropped it, they would never be indicted in the upcoming year.

It's like a frickin' broken record with you people.

There's nothing there.

Trump is garbage and going down soon.

Just get used to saying President Pence and sit down.
and...what is incredibly scary is that then the Clinton camp made strange choices regarding the DNC servers by never turning those in to federal law enforcement and what is understood is that there is no report from government about the technical aspects of the DNC servers besides what the DNC allowed. And everyone was on the "same page" including Comey again. A phishing scheme or a leak is not a hack. a Romanian is not a Russian.

The FBI Relied on a Private Firm’s Investigation of the DNC Hack—Which Makes the Agency Harder to Trust
By Josephine Wolff

... Why wouldn’t the Democratic National Committee allow the FBI to check their servers during the investigation of the DNC breaches during the 2016 election?

The DNC maintains there’s a simple answer to this question: According to the group, the FBI never asked to see their servers. But FBI Director James Comey told the Senate Intelligence Committee back in January that the FBI did, in fact, issue “multiple requests at different levels” to the DNC to gain direct access to their computer systems and conduct their own forensic analysis.

Instead, whether because they were denied access or simply never asked for it, the FBI instead used the analysis of the DNC breach conducted by security firm CrowdStrike as the basis for its investigation. Regardless of who is telling the truth about what really happened, perhaps the most astonishing thing about this probe is that a private firm’s investigation and attribution was deemed sufficient by both the DNC and the FBI.

That’s not meant as an insult to CrowdStrike, which is, undoubtedly, a first-rate security firm that does extremely sophisticated and reliable investigative work. Calling in CrowdStrike was a good move on the part of the DNC. I’ve even argued that the DNC should have been relying more heavily on private tech firms to provide its email services and security from the outset. But it’s one thing to trust tech companies to provide email servers and cloud storage and quite another to rely exclusively on them to collect and analyze evidence of a major security incident attributed to a foreign national government.
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So, the thread title is a lie and this thread represents an effort to promote fake news. OK.

Nope, it's coming but hey, if they're innocent there is nothing for you to worry abut.
Crowd Strike had to retract a majority of their findings.....of course AFTER THE FACT....just like the FISA Judge had to recuse himself from anything at all to do with Flynn......AFTER THE FACT.

If you want to smell Rotten Fish, well, there is a big heaping stinking plate of it right there.

The DNC & FBI didn't need Crowd Strike. You had Julian Assange and Kim.com willing to testify under oath exactly where the Podesta Emails came from.

Seth Rich.

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