Special forces ordered to stand down in Benghazi?

To this day, it is not known what role President Richard Nixon played in the break-in at the Watergate Hotel, but the tape recordings from the White House confirm he and Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman discussed using the CIA to slow down the FBI investigation.

It was the cover-up, as history records, that eventually brought about Nixon’s resignation in disgrace.

Now, Congress is investigating an alleged cover-up of the terrorist attack Sept. 11, 2012, on the U.S. foreign service facility in Benghazi, Libya, amid predictions from prominent voices that the scandal will bring down the Obama administration.

Former Arkansas governor and onetime presidential candidate Mike Huckabee made the bold prediction this week, ahead of a House hearing Wednesday that will feature witnesses of the attack.

“I believe that before it’s all over, this president will not fill out his full term,” he said. “I know that puts me on a limb. But this is not minor. It wasn’t minor when Richard Nixon lied to the American people and worked with those in his administration to cover up what really happened in Watergate.

“But, I remind you – as bad as Watergate was, because it broke the trust between the president and the people, no one died. This is more serious because four Americans did in fact die.”

Benghazi buzz: Obama predicted to leave office
Here is the liberal media saying the same thing. That tells us how bad the situation is when the left has no choice but to address it. They will sugar coat things as much as possible, but I am surprised they are being this blunt.

There is no question that the administration lied initially and that will be hard to explain away. They still haven't cooperated after all this time and that is really bad. It certainly gives one the impression that there is something they don't want revealed.

MSNBC Stunner: Benghazi Cover-up 'Clintonian,' Talks of Impeachment
MSNBC Stunner: Benghazi Cover-up 'Clintonian,' Talks of Impeachment | Independent Journal Review
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Wanna bet on it? I didn't get any takers last time someone claimed Obama would be shamed into leaving. Hell I'll even give you impeachment. :cool:
More people are coming forward who want to be heard too. By the time this is over, hopefully, obama will be dragged from the white house in handcuffs and leg irons.

I like that visual. Thank you! :wink_2:

So you're saying Bush should have been dragged from the White House in handcuffs for letting 13 embassies and consulates get attacked while he was in office?

Or is it different now because it's Obama and he's black and that makes you uncomfortable?
I left the "13 embassies got attacked while Bush was in office" alone since that line of moral equivalency has already been easily debunked awhile ago Liberals Use Grossly Misleading Graphic And List To Compare Benghazi To Other Embassy Attacks Under Bush
What is really sad is that you just had to play the race card which even more illustrates how vacuous and shallow your "argument" actually is.
It will never, ever, happen. The press in the end will protect Obama. Obama will pull a Clinton and refuse to be shamed out of office and Congress will fail to impeach/convict him because they are afraid of being called racists for impeaching the "first black President."
Frankly we would have to have a Kenyan birth certificate along with supporting docs from his education showing he was never an American citizen to have some chance at impeachment. And that won't happen.
“But, I remind you – as bad as Watergate was, because it broke the trust between the president and the people, no one died. This is more serious because four Americans did in fact die.”

Huckabee is a moron just like you and the rest of the right wingers.

4,000+ US troops died because of the biggest lie ever told,...

"They have WMD's and we know where they are"

Why aren't these right wing morons going after W and his cabinet? Oh that's right, It's A-OK just as long as an (R) does it :eusa_hand:

Yea, I'm used to the blatant libtard lies. We had barely even stepped foot in Iraq when they started claiming 100K civilian deaths. It wasn't even a specious argument (nor was this). Libtards are brazen fools.
Interpol and TheOldSchool; I could spend time deconstructing your lies; but its clear that you want to have your own farcical versions of the truth.

TheGreatGasby; I could spend time deconstructing your lies; but its clear that you want to go on believing that Obama goes out of his way to murder Americans.

Good thing we both get to save time. :cool:
Interpol and TheOldSchool; I could spend time deconstructing your lies; but its clear that you want to have your own farcical versions of the truth.

TheGreatGasby; I could spend time deconstructing your lies; but its clear that you want to go on believing that Obama goes out of his way to murder Americans.

Good thing we both get to save time. :cool:

I challenge you to find one lie that I've said.
So Republicans aren't politicizing 4 people's deaths?

I have no doubt that Republicans have their political motivations. Why are you trying to distract from Hillary's actions? It's sad that you would not want to hold her accountable. Very sad indeed.

Pretty sure it was libyan terrorists and not Hillary who killed those people. But Republicans do love their circuses :cool:

You do realize that calling the attackers in Benghazi "terrorists" like you just did means you think the white house was lying about the incident. Right?
I have no doubt that Republicans have their political motivations. Why are you trying to distract from Hillary's actions? It's sad that you would not want to hold her accountable. Very sad indeed.

Pretty sure it was libyan terrorists and not Hillary who killed those people. But Republicans do love their circuses :cool:

You do realize that calling the attackers in Benghazi "terrorists" like you just did means you think the white house was lying about the incident. Right?

He's too stupid to realize it. And if he did, he'd lie about it. He should heed Dean Wormer's advice; "fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son."
Interpol and TheOldSchool; I could spend time deconstructing your lies; but its clear that you want to have your own farcical versions of the truth.

TheGreatGasby; I could spend time deconstructing your lies; but its clear that you want to go on believing that Obama goes out of his way to murder Americans.

Good thing we both get to save time. :cool:

I challenge you to find one lie that I've said.

The only fact you've claimed is that Obama, Rice, and Hillary refused to save those people.

That's a hope, not the truth :cool:
I have no doubt that Republicans have their political motivations. Why are you trying to distract from Hillary's actions? It's sad that you would not want to hold her accountable. Very sad indeed.

Pretty sure it was libyan terrorists and not Hillary who killed those people. But Republicans do love their circuses :cool:

You do realize that calling the attackers in Benghazi "terrorists" like you just did means you think the white house was lying about the incident. Right?

I think the White House was going about its business and they used the information they had. It's Republicans who think that translates to murder. :cool:
TheGreatGasby; I could spend time deconstructing your lies; but its clear that you want to go on believing that Obama goes out of his way to murder Americans.

Good thing we both get to save time. :cool:

I challenge you to find one lie that I've said.

The only fact you've claimed is that Obama, Rice, and Hillary refused to save those people.

That's a hope, not the truth :cool:

Pretty sure it was Hillary/Obama/Rice who did not send back-up troops while fighting those terrorists. And it was them who tried to deny that this was a terrorist attack all along. So in other words, you refuse to hold people accountable while lives are lost. That would make you a coward.

Technically, Rice didn't have a role in whether troops were saved. She just sold a phony narrative after the fact.

We know that the embassy sent out various forms of communications and that none of our resources were deployed to help them. We know that they sold a phony story after the fact. We can speculate about the reasons. But those are undeniable facts.
I will bet anybody on this. Whether he resigns or is impeached. Either one happens, I will leave this board forever. If not, you leave this board forever. Any takers?
To this day, it is not known what role President Richard Nixon played in the break-in at the Watergate Hotel, but the tape recordings from the White House confirm he and Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman discussed using the CIA to slow down the FBI investigation.

It was the cover-up, as history records, that eventually brought about Nixon’s resignation in disgrace.

Now, Congress is investigating an alleged cover-up of the terrorist attack Sept. 11, 2012, on the U.S. foreign service facility in Benghazi, Libya, amid predictions from prominent voices that the scandal will bring down the Obama administration.

Former Arkansas governor and onetime presidential candidate Mike Huckabee made the bold prediction this week, ahead of a House hearing Wednesday that will feature witnesses of the attack.

“I believe that before it’s all over, this president will not fill out his full term,” he said. “I know that puts me on a limb. But this is not minor. It wasn’t minor when Richard Nixon lied to the American people and worked with those in his administration to cover up what really happened in Watergate.

“But, I remind you – as bad as Watergate was, because it broke the trust between the president and the people, no one died. This is more serious because four Americans did in fact die.”

Benghazi buzz: Obama predicted to leave office
As far as aim concerned the moron has never been "in office"...he is the ultimate pretender.
To this day, it is not known what role President Richard Nixon played in the break-in at the Watergate Hotel, but the tape recordings from the White House confirm he and Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman discussed using the CIA to slow down the FBI investigation.

It was the cover-up, as history records, that eventually brought about Nixon’s resignation in disgrace.

Now, Congress is investigating an alleged cover-up of the terrorist attack Sept. 11, 2012, on the U.S. foreign service facility in Benghazi, Libya, amid predictions from prominent voices that the scandal will bring down the Obama administration.

Former Arkansas governor and onetime presidential candidate Mike Huckabee made the bold prediction this week, ahead of a House hearing Wednesday that will feature witnesses of the attack.

“I believe that before it’s all over, this president will not fill out his full term,” he said. “I know that puts me on a limb. But this is not minor. It wasn’t minor when Richard Nixon lied to the American people and worked with those in his administration to cover up what really happened in Watergate.

“But, I remind you – as bad as Watergate was, because it broke the trust between the president and the people, no one died. This is more serious because four Americans did in fact die.”

Benghazi buzz: Obama predicted to leave office

Here's the biggest difference, sparky. Nixon was involved in the coverup of a crime. In this faux-scandal, not only is Obama not involved, but no crime has been committed.
The biggest story in Hillary's role is not even being discussed by anyone.

Hillary screamed during her Congressional hearings, "what difference does it make at this point" about responsibility and what went wrong. She then followed that up with "our job is to fix what went wrong".

Uh.....ok? How do you fix what the problem is if you refuse to dig for the root cause and place blame where it belongs? :cuckoo:

It was a MAJOR fuck-up on her part, and nearly no one caught it.

People caught it, alright and they are talking now. More will be speaking that were too timid or downright scared to speak up before. It takes balls to come forward and possible put your career and future in jeopardy. Many would like to see they are not alone when they cross that line.

Hillary thought her acting could pull it off and it almost happened. But some are brave enough to stand up for what is right. The truth. We'll have to see where it takes us now.
Sorry to say.......he wont be going anywhere. One finger in the air will catch the wind on the policital realities........we have limpwristed people in Congress like McCain and the rest of the Rhino assholes.

Anyway......expect some event to be coming.....and soon. Manufactured and engineered, it will blow Benghazi back to page 40 of any paper and right off the TV news.

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