Special forces ordered to stand down in Benghazi?

you people do know that this morning former Secretary Bill Gates: Only knows what was in media. Gates said he would have made same decisions as Panetta and others with reality of force structure...comments on absurd notion of scrambling planes over Benghazi? Crazy idea because of all the loose missiles in are.

Sending in special forces idea for rescue "cartoonish' image of US Forces.. US Forces known for 'planning and preparation' not cartoonish notions.

and David Brooks of the New York Times had an interesting take on all of this. He reminded us that the attacked facility in Benghazi was actually run by the CIA. Brooks says the fight revealed in the relevant emails after the attack tells him that the CIA was trying to push blame from themselves onto the State Department. And the State Department pushed back. Hardly the Watergate level scandal alleged by some.

Using the world's most powerful air force to protect our diplomats is now an "absurd notion"? Now why would that be? We could have saved the lives of those men who died at the Annex if we had responded by sending air cover to Benghazi. One laser painted target being hit by a guided missile and those attackers at the Annex would have scattered like cockroaches. But that didn't happen because someone chose not to have it happen.

The idea that security for the Consulate was somehow the CIA's responsibility is laughable. Why doesn't it surprise me that the New York Times is carrying water to try and save Hilary Clinton's ass on this issue?
We've been bombing & killing around the World for the last 70yrs. straight. It's been continuous since WWII. Endless War is all Americans know now. But it's still shocking to me that most Americans are so shocked when vengeance is met out against their own Nation. What else can be expected, when you're around the World bombing & killing year after year? Of course many will seek revenge. Violence only begets more violence.
you people do know that this morning former Secretary Bill Gates: Only knows what was in media. Gates said he would have made same decisions as Panetta and others with reality of force structure...comments on absurd notion of scrambling planes over Benghazi? Crazy idea because of all the loose missiles in are.

Sending in special forces idea for rescue "cartoonish' image of US Forces.. US Forces known for 'planning and preparation' not cartoonish notions.

and David Brooks of the New York Times had an interesting take on all of this. He reminded us that the attacked facility in Benghazi was actually run by the CIA. Brooks says the fight revealed in the relevant emails after the attack tells him that the CIA was trying to push blame from themselves onto the State Department. And the State Department pushed back. Hardly the Watergate level scandal alleged by some.

Using the world's most powerful air force to protect our diplomats is now an "absurd notion"? Now why would that be? We could have saved the lives of those men who died at the Annex if we had responded by sending air cover to Benghazi. One laser painted target being hit by a guided missile and those attackers at the Annex would have scattered like cockroaches. But that didn't happen because someone chose not to have it happen.

The idea that security for the Consulate was somehow the CIA's responsibility is laughable. Why doesn't it surprise me that the New York Times is carrying water to try and save Hilary Clinton's ass on this issue?

A Secretary of Defense under both George W Bush and President Obama calls your image of US Forces and force structure 'cartoonish'. Gates said given same choices he would have made same calls as Panetta and others. Reality is often at odds with perceptions in Right Wing World

does it for me
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But he's not black. You understand that, right?

It is of mixed race, just as I am. How many people in America do not consider him Black?

Yes, OK. He is mixed race, white and black. That's the first honest thing you've posted here.
And it is irrelevant. He is a royal fuck up as president. He never should have been elected. He never should have been re-elected. And if he hadn't managed to convince rubes like you he was black he never would have been.
Now we see the results: scandal after scandal amid the worst economic perfomance since FDR while our foreign policy is in tatters.

There are no scandals except in the minds of right wing rubes such as yourself. And did you really think that we were going to vote for McCain or Romney? Get real here.
you people do know that this morning former Secretary Bill Gates: Only knows what was in media. Gates said he would have made same decisions as Panetta and others with reality of force structure...comments on absurd notion of scrambling planes over Benghazi? Crazy idea because of all the loose missiles in are.

Sending in special forces idea for rescue "cartoonish' image of US Forces.. US Forces known for 'planning and preparation' not cartoonish notions.

and David Brooks of the New York Times had an interesting take on all of this. He reminded us that the attacked facility in Benghazi was actually run by the CIA. Brooks says the fight revealed in the relevant emails after the attack tells him that the CIA was trying to push blame from themselves onto the State Department. And the State Department pushed back. Hardly the Watergate level scandal alleged by some.

Using the world's most powerful air force to protect our diplomats is now an "absurd notion"? Now why would that be? We could have saved the lives of those men who died at the Annex if we had responded by sending air cover to Benghazi. One laser painted target being hit by a guided missile and those attackers at the Annex would have scattered like cockroaches. But that didn't happen because someone chose not to have it happen.

The idea that security for the Consulate was somehow the CIA's responsibility is laughable. Why doesn't it surprise me that the New York Times is carrying water to try and save Hilary Clinton's ass on this issue?

A Secretary of Defense under both George W Bush and President Obama calls your image of US Forces and force structure 'cartoonish'. Gates said given same choices he would have made same calls as Panetta and others. Reality is often at odds with perceptions in Right Wing World

does it for me

What is "at odds" with reality is the new excuse now being floated by the Obama Administration that they couldn't supply air support to Benghazi because they couldn't get any jets to that location in time. And why is that? Because there wasn't a SINGLE tanker plane (of the 460 tanker planes the military operates) in the entire region even though fighters without tankers to refuel them are virtually useless. You buying that nonsense, Dante? It's right up there with "the check is in the mail" for truthfulness.
The problem with the Obama White House's continuing attempts to lie their way out of this debacle...is that every lie they concoct to cover for a previous lie eventually gets show for what it is...total bullshit...and then we're treated to yet another "version" of the "truth" from a group of people who don't seem to even understand what the word means.

What's wrong with "off the record"?

Come back when you understand what off the record actually means in terms of ethics for real reporters, not the imaginary ones that live in your head.

I'm fully aware of what "off the record" "actually" means in terms of ethics. I ask again:

What's wrong with "off the record"?

I'm asking you to explain your point of view, because I'm interested as to where you're going with it. I don't have firm views on the matter, and I'm asking you to elaborate.

Not every conversation is a fight.

Why did the White House try to keep the very existence of the briefing secret?

That is my problem.
you people do know that this morning former Secretary Bill Gates: Only knows what was in media. Gates said he would have made same decisions as Panetta and others with reality of force structure...comments on absurd notion of scrambling planes over Benghazi? Crazy idea because of all the loose missiles in are.

Sending in special forces idea for rescue "cartoonish' image of US Forces.. US Forces known for 'planning and preparation' not cartoonish notions.

and David Brooks of the New York Times had an interesting take on all of this. He reminded us that the attacked facility in Benghazi was actually run by the CIA. Brooks says the fight revealed in the relevant emails after the attack tells him that the CIA was trying to push blame from themselves onto the State Department. And the State Department pushed back. Hardly the Watergate level scandal alleged by some.

You do now that the point here is not that they made the right decisions based on after the fact information, it is that they did not make any effort to tell the truth about what happened and why they made the decisions they did. The lost communications with the people on the ground, and just pretended it was a video protest.

Keep in mind that this is the same administration that thinks we need to do whatever it takes to make sure no more kids are killed in schools. even if we know it won't work.

Just a side not, the facility that was attacked was actually run by the State Department, which is why the Ambassador was staying there. The second attack is the one that went after the safe house, which may, or may not, have been the responsibility of the CIA.
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you people do know that this morning former Secretary Bill Gates: Only knows what was in media. Gates said he would have made same decisions as Panetta and others with reality of force structure...comments on absurd notion of scrambling planes over Benghazi? Crazy idea because of all the loose missiles in are.

Sending in special forces idea for rescue "cartoonish' image of US Forces.. US Forces known for 'planning and preparation' not cartoonish notions.

and David Brooks of the New York Times had an interesting take on all of this. He reminded us that the attacked facility in Benghazi was actually run by the CIA. Brooks says the fight revealed in the relevant emails after the attack tells him that the CIA was trying to push blame from themselves onto the State Department. And the State Department pushed back. Hardly the Watergate level scandal alleged by some.

Using the world's most powerful air force to protect our diplomats is now an "absurd notion"? Now why would that be? We could have saved the lives of those men who died at the Annex if we had responded by sending air cover to Benghazi. One laser painted target being hit by a guided missile and those attackers at the Annex would have scattered like cockroaches. But that didn't happen because someone chose not to have it happen.

The idea that security for the Consulate was somehow the CIA's responsibility is laughable. Why doesn't it surprise me that the New York Times is carrying water to try and save Hilary Clinton's ass on this issue?

A Secretary of Defense under both George W Bush and President Obama calls your image of US Forces and force structure 'cartoonish'. Gates said given same choices he would have made same calls as Panetta and others. Reality is often at odds with perceptions in Right Wing World

does it for me

Mocking your critics is a very presidential way of handling things. :eusa_whistle:
The left keeps repeatiing this "No scandal" nonsense.

Back when Bush was Prez everything was a scandal. Even peeling paint.

With Obama no matter how bad the issue is these numbnuts refuse to admit anything wrong happened.
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you people do know that this morning former Secretary Bill Gates: Only knows what was in media. Gates said he would have made same decisions as Panetta and others with reality of force structure...comments on absurd notion of scrambling planes over Benghazi? Crazy idea because of all the loose missiles in are.

Sending in special forces idea for rescue "cartoonish' image of US Forces.. US Forces known for 'planning and preparation' not cartoonish notions.

and David Brooks of the New York Times had an interesting take on all of this. He reminded us that the attacked facility in Benghazi was actually run by the CIA. Brooks says the fight revealed in the relevant emails after the attack tells him that the CIA was trying to push blame from themselves onto the State Department. And the State Department pushed back. Hardly the Watergate level scandal alleged by some.

Using the world's most powerful air force to protect our diplomats is now an "absurd notion"? Now why would that be? We could have saved the lives of those men who died at the Annex if we had responded by sending air cover to Benghazi. One laser painted target being hit by a guided missile and those attackers at the Annex would have scattered like cockroaches. But that didn't happen because someone chose not to have it happen.

The idea that security for the Consulate was somehow the CIA's responsibility is laughable. Why doesn't it surprise me that the New York Times is carrying water to try and save Hilary Clinton's ass on this issue?

A Secretary of Defense under both George W Bush and President Obama calls your image of US Forces and force structure 'cartoonish'. Gates said given same choices he would have made same calls as Panetta and others. Reality is often at odds with perceptions in Right Wing World

does it for me

He is not calling my image of them cartoonish, he is calling the media's image of them cartoonish. I understand that it would take time to deply the forces, and that the attack would have been over before they got there unless they were a lot closer than we have been told. That is not the point, the point is that they made this decision, and then lied by claiming this was believed to be a simple protest over a video.

By the way, this actually proves that Brooks, who you quoted earlier, is lying about the facility being run by the CIA. Why would a street protest over a video occur outside a CIA facility? Do you think the CIA advertises their presence with an American flag over the compound?
The problem with the Obama White House's continuing attempts to lie their way out of this debacle...is that every lie they concoct to cover for a previous lie eventually gets show for what it is...total bullshit...and then we're treated to yet another "version" of the "truth" from a group of people who don't seem to even understand what the word means.

Yeah, that's buggin me too. I know it would have been hard, and that they wouldn't be able to carry a lot of armament, but it could be done, they just decided it wasn't worth the effort.
The left keeps repeatiing this "No scandal" nonsense.

Back when Bush was Prez everything was a scandal. Even peeling paint.

With Obama no matter how bad the issue is these numbnuts refuse to admit anything wrong happened.

It's really as simple as the fact that Obama's base KNOWS his administration LIED, but they view the advancement of their ideology as being far more important. They will do everything in their power to protect them (O admin.) because they have no morals, and their ideological goals accept deceptions and lies as being a normal part of doing business.
The problem with the Obama White House's continuing attempts to lie their way out of this debacle...is that every lie they concoct to cover for a previous lie eventually gets show for what it is...total bullshit...and then we're treated to yet another "version" of the "truth" from a group of people who don't seem to even understand what the word means.

Yeah, that's buggin me too. I know it would have been hard, and that they wouldn't be able to carry a lot of armament, but it could be done, they just decided it wasn't worth the effort.

Who is "they" ? We were given a full disclosure how the Bin Laden mission went down. Apparently the buck doesn't stop anywhere on this one.
It is of mixed race, just as I am. How many people in America do not consider him Black?

Yes, OK. He is mixed race, white and black. That's the first honest thing you've posted here.
And it is irrelevant. He is a royal fuck up as president. He never should have been elected. He never should have been re-elected. And if he hadn't managed to convince rubes like you he was black he never would have been.
Now we see the results: scandal after scandal amid the worst economic perfomance since FDR while our foreign policy is in tatters.

There are no scandals except in the minds of right wing rubes such as yourself. And did you really think that we were going to vote for McCain or Romney? Get real here.

Refused to prosecute voter fraud? Not a scandal.
Ran guns illegally into Mexico that were later used to kill U.S. gov't employees? Not a scandal.
Approved questionable loans to companies controlled by cronies? Not a scandal.
Lied about its actions in Benghazi deliberately? Not a scandal.
Used the IRS for political purposes to intimidate its enemies? Not a scandal.

So just what would constitute a scandal to the left? I know...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzgOS8dbF64]Obama Kills Fly During Interview - YouTube[/ame]
There's a question about his honesty with respect to his residency status on his student application.

And there have been a number of people claiming he was an outstanding student. You'd think he'd want to publish the records to show how smart he was. I think for some it's a matter of him backing up those claims. Hey, if you're going to put forth the notion that you are smarter than most, a little proof is nice. His actions haven't exactly proven intelligence, so just wondering if college records would show he's at least book smart.

I have heard this reasoning before, but never understood it. Others say he is smart, so he himself has to prove it? He may come across as arrogant at times, but I have yet to see him brag about his own intelligence. What others say about him means nothing. There was a recent topic by The Boss about Sarah Palin where people on the right claimed she is smart. Where is the call for her student records? Oh yeah... nobody on the left cares....

Plenty of folks on the left did:

Sarah Palin's college daze. - Slate Magazine

Sarah Palin's High-School Grades?
Once again, we see that the left has no shame. Hillary Clinton politicized the four American heroes' deaths and she is still their 2016 anointed one.

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