Special forces ordered to stand down in Benghazi?

No matter what happened? We all know what happened. There was a terrorist attack, and 4 men got killed. Geez, that's not even close to the 9/11 scenario where Bush and Rice ignored warnings and more than 3000 people died, and I don't see Republicans hashing that over and over.

No the Dems did a fine job on their own. And still are look in a mirror lately??

Its not about the attack directly,its the lies that followed.

And Bush has no relevance what so ever.

The right's attempt to make something out of nothing is nothing new.

Fail, fail and fail again, what next? Obama had Chris Stevens shot? :eek:
Won't be surprised if that's next.

Our Ambassador and three other Americans slaughtered equates to "nothing" to you? You do realize that at some point we will be seeing subpoenas being issued and people will be testifying under oath? That's what happens when Government officials are caught telling lies. You put them under oath and see who wants to save their own asses by telling the truth and who's willing to go to prison instead.
No the Dems did a fine job on their own. And still are look in a mirror lately??

Its not about the attack directly,its the lies that followed.

And Bush has no relevance what so ever.

The right's attempt to make something out of nothing is nothing new.

Fail, fail and fail again, what next? Obama had Chris Stevens shot? :eek:
Won't be surprised if that's next.

Our Ambassador and three other Americans slaughtered equates to "nothing" to you? You do realize that at some point we will be seeing subpoenas being issued and people will be testifying under oath? That's what happens when Government officials are caught telling lies. You put them under oath and see who wants to save their own asses by telling the truth and who's willing to go to prison instead.

Our Ambassador is not more valuable or more important than the 3000 who lost their lives during 9/11, or the many others killed at the embassies that were attacked under the Presidency of George Bush. If they do subpoena anyone and they are caught lying, I'm fine with them being punished - we should have done that with George Bush/Dick Cheney, when they lied about WMDs.

But, I haven't seen any proof of any lying during the Benghazi hearings.
Republicans must be freaking out over Hillary's popularity! They've now switched their aim at Hillary. Before Nov 6, they were aiming at Obama, trying to put the Benghazi blame on him, but since that didn't work, he got re-elected, now they're freaking out over Hillary and have turned their aim at her.

What they have failed to provide is a motive for her to deceive Americans about what happened. What was she trying to "cover up"? So far all they can say is she was trying to cover up something, but they can't figure out what it was! Rep Schiff hit the nail on the head.

“This is the same political exercise as before, with just a different target in mind,” said Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.), a senior member of the Select Committee on Intelligence. “They’re no longer going after the White House, perhaps because the president’s not running for reelection, and they’re going after the former secretary of state, perhaps because she will be.”
Republican probe of Benghazi attacks turns to Hillary Clinton - Washington Post

Maybe we should have investigated Condi when embassies were attacked under her watch!

13 Benghazis Happened Under President Bush and Fox News Said Nothing
Republicans must be freaking out over Hillary's popularity! They've now switched their aim at Hillary. Before Nov 6, they were aiming at Obama, trying to put the Benghazi blame on him, but since that didn't work, he got re-elected, now they're freaking out over Hillary and have turned their aim at her.

What they have failed to provide is a motive for her to deceive Americans about what happened. What was she trying to "cover up"? So far all they can say is she was trying to cover up something, but they can't figure out what it was! Rep Schiff hit the nail on the head.

“This is the same political exercise as before, with just a different target in mind,” said Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.), a senior member of the Select Committee on Intelligence. “They’re no longer going after the White House, perhaps because the president’s not running for reelection, and they’re going after the former secretary of state, perhaps because she will be.”
Republican probe of Benghazi attacks turns to Hillary Clinton - Washington Post

Maybe we should have investigated Condi when embassies were attacked under her watch!

13 Benghazis Happened Under President Bush and Fox News Said Nothing

Gee, Representative Schiff...maybe they are trying to find out why so many people felt the need to lie to the American people about what really took place in Libya that day? The list of Obama Administration folks that DID lie range from Barack Obama himself...to his Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton...to his UN Ambassador, Susan Rice...to his Press Secretary Jay Carney. At this point it would be nice to know who IS trustworthy in this Administration. Between Timmy Geithner blaming his failure to pay the proper tax on not understanding TurboTax to Eric Holder declaring that he knew nothing about Fast & Furious? Is there ANYONE in this gang that can't shoot straight that isn't a bald faced liar?
Well, it beats the hell out of the Bush mafia.

What's amusing, Lakhota...is that the same people who used to rant and rave about all the supposed "lies" that W. told...now have a President who can't seem to TELL the truth. You look at a Jay Carney news briefing these days and he's like the little Dutch boy with his fingers in the dike...

The happiest guy in Washington these days is Robert Gibbs because he doesn't have to stand up there on that podium and explain the unexplainable.
Republicans must be freaking out over Hillary's popularity! They've now switched their aim at Hillary. Before Nov 6, they were aiming at Obama, trying to put the Benghazi blame on him, but since that didn't work, he got re-elected, now they're freaking out over Hillary and have turned their aim at her.

What they have failed to provide is a motive for her to deceive Americans about what happened. What was she trying to "cover up"? So far all they can say is she was trying to cover up something, but they can't figure out what it was! Rep Schiff hit the nail on the head.

“This is the same political exercise as before, with just a different target in mind,” said Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.), a senior member of the Select Committee on Intelligence. “They’re no longer going after the White House, perhaps because the president’s not running for reelection, and they’re going after the former secretary of state, perhaps because she will be.”
Republican probe of Benghazi attacks turns to Hillary Clinton - Washington Post

Maybe we should have investigated Condi when embassies were attacked under her watch!

13 Benghazis Happened Under President Bush and Fox News Said Nothing

And you know what jumps out at you from that second article about the "13 Benghazis"? Throughout ALL of those attacks we managed to keep the loss of American lives to a minimum. If you actually read those, it's apparent that someone was handling security at those locations that actually knew what they were doing. When you contrast it to what happened at Benghazi...especially at the Annex the difference between how Obama's people and Bush's people handled attacks is simply night and day.

(And I couldn't help but laugh out loud at one of the 13! A RPG fired into an EMPTY US consulate is another Benghazi? Really? :cuckoo:)
Well, it beats the hell out of the Bush mafia.

What's amusing, Lakhota...is that the same people who used to rant and rave about all the supposed "lies" that W. told...now have a President who can't seem to TELL the truth. You look at a Jay Carney news briefing these days and he's like the little Dutch boy with his fingers in the dike...

The happiest guy in Washington these days is Robert Gibbs because he doesn't have to stand up there on that podium and explain the unexplainable.

he is trying his best to convince

the media that 2+2 is 5 though

It is pretty funny. Sometimes Carney gets this wtf am I doing here look.
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Hey! Welcome Lady!! Haven't seen you in a while!!

The libs are almost foaming at the mouth, they are scared shitless about these hearings....they know their lying leaders are in deep doodoo!

Now they'll come in here and tell me i'm just a crazy conservative that doesn't know shit about anything and start calling names and start crying about Bush.....you know the story! Lol! So predictable!

No one is scared. You are beating a dead horse, just like the birth certificate, Muslim, Communist, Fast and Furious shit. You have a Black man as President, deal with it.

:muahaha: Sure.... Lol!
Why do you people ALWAYS bring up that he's black....are you racist or something?

Just stating what appears to be obvious.
W.H. holds off-the-record Benghazi briefing - POLITICO.com

ROFLMAO!! How many MSLSD butt sniffers attended??

So? Is this anything like the "not-under-oath" stuff of the last administration that was defended by the Right?

Cue the "they all do it" excuse. And the "BUSH" excuse.

No, this is different. The president distorting facts about a terrorist attack to gain personal political advantage. Bush didnt do that. The president ordering no response to support his narrative, a response that might have saved American lives. No, Bush didnt do that either.
No one is scared. You are beating a dead horse, just like the birth certificate, Muslim, Communist, Fast and Furious shit. You have a Black man as President, deal with it.

:muahaha: Sure.... Lol!
Why do you people ALWAYS bring up that he's black....are you racist or something?

Just stating what appears to be obvious.

Um, except he's not black. Another lie of the Democrats.
According to Obama, when he used to try to get a taxi he was as Black as any other Black person.

But he's not black. You understand that, right?

It is of mixed race, just as I am. How many people in America do not consider him Black?

Yes, OK. He is mixed race, white and black. That's the first honest thing you've posted here.
And it is irrelevant. He is a royal fuck up as president. He never should have been elected. He never should have been re-elected. And if he hadn't managed to convince rubes like you he was black he never would have been.
Now we see the results: scandal after scandal amid the worst economic perfomance since FDR while our foreign policy is in tatters.
Blowback. Get used to it America. There's gonna be a lot more of it in the future. This type of aggressive Foreign Interventionism always costs us. The only ones who profit from endless War, are the NWO Global Elites and Military Industrial Complex. The People always lose.
you people do know that this morning former Secretary Bill Gates: Only knows what was in media. Gates said he would have made same decisions as Panetta and others with reality of force structure...comments on absurd notion of scrambling planes over Benghazi? Crazy idea because of all the loose missiles in are.

Sending in special forces idea for rescue "cartoonish' image of US Forces.. US Forces known for 'planning and preparation' not cartoonish notions.

and David Brooks of the New York Times had an interesting take on all of this. He reminded us that the attacked facility in Benghazi was actually run by the CIA. Brooks says the fight revealed in the relevant emails after the attack tells him that the CIA was trying to push blame from themselves onto the State Department. And the State Department pushed back. Hardly the Watergate level scandal alleged by some.
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