Special forces ordered to stand down in Benghazi?

What really happened in Benghazi and who's responsible for the lies that were told in it's aftermath will only be known when a committee with subpoena powers is formed. Right now all we're getting from this Administration are stall tactics and more lies from Jay Carney. Watching him squirm during press briefings is fun but gets us no closer to the truth.
Just keep on drinking that wingnut Kool-Aid...

ThinkProgress talked to more than one staffer.

Think Progress could say that they talked to a hundred staffers, Lakhota because they say that their source is anonymous. The truth is that Think Progress is one of the most biased sites on the internet...a site that repeatedly has been caught telling falsehoods. So you've got one group of people who are willing to testify in front of the cameras and be grilled on their testimony...and you've got another group of people who wish to remain anonymous while they slander someone. Who do you REALLY believe? Duh?

they should call hillary back under oath this time

Does it being under oath really mean anything to a Clinton?
Think Progress could say that they talked to a hundred staffers, Lakhota because they say that their source is anonymous. The truth is that Think Progress is one of the most biased sites on the internet...a site that repeatedly has been caught telling falsehoods. So you've got one group of people who are willing to testify in front of the cameras and be grilled on their testimony...and you've got another group of people who wish to remain anonymous while they slander someone. Who do you REALLY believe? Duh?

they should call hillary back under oath this time

Does it being under oath really mean anything to a Clinton?

Oh, it sure does...before Slick Willie was under oath he lied through his teeth. Once he was he was reduced to parsing the meaning of the word "is". It's what happens when there are consequences for telling lies.
This is only the beginning of the awful Blowback that'll be blowing our way for many years to come. We're currently funding elements in Libya that have close ties with Al Qaeda. It's Afghanistan all over again. We're doing the same damn thing in Egypt & Syria as well. We will pay a hefty price. It's very sad.
Hey! Welcome Lady!! Haven't seen you in a while!!

The libs are almost foaming at the mouth, they are scared shitless about these hearings....they know their lying leaders are in deep doodoo!

Now they'll come in here and tell me i'm just a crazy conservative that doesn't know shit about anything and start calling names and start crying about Bush.....you know the story! Lol! So predictable!

No one is scared. You are beating a dead horse, just like the birth certificate, Muslim, Communist, Fast and Furious shit. You have a Black man as President, deal with it.

:muahaha: Sure.... Lol!
Why do you people ALWAYS bring up that he's black....are you racist or something?
Wait, why am I supposed to be outraged about "deep background" meetings?

The White House said the meeting was "off the record," why wouldn't you be offended?

No, they didn't. Read the correction at the bottom of the page.
Correction: An earlier version of this post incorrectly referred to the meeting as "off the record." Though the existence of the meeting was off the record, it was conducted on "deep background."

It's a deep background meeting. There's nothing offensive or outrageous about deep background sources. It's standard operating procedure.
Wait, why am I supposed to be outraged about "deep background" meetings?

The White House said the meeting was "off the record," why wouldn't you be offended?

No, they didn't. Read the correction at the bottom of the page.
Correction: An earlier version of this post incorrectly referred to the meeting as "off the record." Though the existence of the meeting was off the record, it was conducted on "deep background."
It's a deep background meeting. There's nothing offensive or outrageous about deep background sources. It's standard operating procedure.

I guess you cannot read your own post.

I will, however, admit I did not read the link before my first post. That does not change the fact that any press briefing, which this was, should be on the record and open to all members of the press, even if it is a deep background briefing where they cannot actually name the sources.
The White House said the meeting was "off the record," why wouldn't you be offended?

No, they didn't. Read the correction at the bottom of the page.
Correction: An earlier version of this post incorrectly referred to the meeting as "off the record." Though the existence of the meeting was off the record, it was conducted on "deep background."
It's a deep background meeting. There's nothing offensive or outrageous about deep background sources. It's standard operating procedure.

I guess you cannot read your own post.

I will, however, admit I did not read the link before my first post. That does not change the fact that any press briefing, which this was, should be on the record and open to all members of the press, even if it is a deep background briefing where they cannot actually name the sources.


What's wrong with "off the record"?
No, they didn't. Read the correction at the bottom of the page.
It's a deep background meeting. There's nothing offensive or outrageous about deep background sources. It's standard operating procedure.

I guess you cannot read your own post.

I will, however, admit I did not read the link before my first post. That does not change the fact that any press briefing, which this was, should be on the record and open to all members of the press, even if it is a deep background briefing where they cannot actually name the sources.


What's wrong with "off the record"?

Come back when you understand what off the record actually means in terms of ethics for real reporters, not the imaginary ones that live in your head.
I guess you cannot read your own post.

I will, however, admit I did not read the link before my first post. That does not change the fact that any press briefing, which this was, should be on the record and open to all members of the press, even if it is a deep background briefing where they cannot actually name the sources.


What's wrong with "off the record"?

Come back when you understand what off the record actually means in terms of ethics for real reporters, not the imaginary ones that live in your head.

I'm fully aware of what "off the record" "actually" means in terms of ethics. I ask again:

What's wrong with "off the record"?

I'm asking you to explain your point of view, because I'm interested as to where you're going with it. I don't have firm views on the matter, and I'm asking you to elaborate.

Not every conversation is a fight.
I agree that they should release all the documents related to Benghazi, and maybe even Fast and Furious. You lost me on the student records, though. Why is the right still so obsessed with his student records?

It would be interesting if he was enrolled as a foreign exchange student, wouldn't it?

That was the belief. He lied on his application and he's trying to cover it up.

He lied and said he was American? Or he lied and said he was Kenyan to get more money for school? I really don't believe he was born in Kenya because of the clip in the paper regarding his birth. But if he lied and said he was Kenyan to get better financial aid, that is significant. That is fraud, punishable by imprisonment, and an impeachable offense.
it will not matter to people like you what happened .the left will back Obama and Hillary no matter what happened.

No matter what happened? We all know what happened. There was a terrorist attack, and 4 men got killed. Geez, that's not even close to the 9/11 scenario where Bush and Rice ignored warnings and more than 3000 people died, and I don't see Republicans hashing that over and over.

No the Dems did a fine job on their own. And still are look in a mirror lately??

Its not about the attack directly,its the lies that followed.

And Bush has no relevance what so ever.

The right's attempt to make something out of nothing is nothing new.

Fail, fail and fail again, what next? Obama had Chris Stevens shot? :eek:
Won't be surprised if that's next.
As Liar in Chief, Obama knew that the embassy was located in an extremely unstable and dangerous area, but failed to provide the necessary security. Thus, the blood of those who were killed is on the hands on Obama.

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