Special forces ordered to stand down in Benghazi?

Nothing is that simple : BLackhawk down

That was another Benghazi style fuck up. The forces on the ground asked for equipment like tanks and armored cars, and the Clinton administration denied them. It doesn't prove your point. On the contrary, it shows that you're a moron.

anyone watching this?
see? these people admit their obsession with Democrats hating America and the military even though it was Reagan the right wing Marines and others who cut-and-ran in Lebanon after sacrificing the lives of hundreds of US Marines and others

Hey Dante how about shutting the fuck up

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I guess I should not be surprised there are umpteen topics on this already. And I expect there will be umpteen more.

The second rescue team was awaiting permission from the Libyan government to fly the C-130 in their airspace. That was the cause of the delay. The "stand down" order never existed. A stand down order, for those of you who are completely ignorant of all things military, means to stop all preparations and return to base and go back to sleep or whatever it was you were doing.

This was not a stand down order. It was a stand BY order. They were awaiting permission. They were not told to stand down. The "stand down" myth was created by Fox News and perpetuated by politicians who don't know shit from shinola when it comes to the military.

The stand by order came from their MILITARY superiors.

It was a State Department official who worked all night to finally get permission from the Libyans.

By the time they were allowed to leave, the second and last attack had already occurred.

Four people died. The ambassador and a computer information officer at the consulate in Benghazi during the first attack. Then two members of the first rescue team during the second attack which occurred at the annex seven and a half hours later.

G5 usually knows what he's talking about and if this hasn't been refuted yet then I'm not surprised they're caught again making up shit to be outraged about like Homeland buying all the Ammo, the Military persecuting Catholics and other TMZ style rumors they engage in

Hasn't been refuted yet?

I guess you missed the post where he stopped arguing they didn't have permission to enter Libya and started trying to argue that they did not have permission to get on a Libyan plane. Not to mention the part where the Pentagon actually admitted that the team was specifically told to stay in Tripoli.

Maybe you have a different definition of refuted.
President Obama did not do what others are saying he did? The military was told to stand down? By who, the military? :eusa_whistle:

I suspect it was Obama who gave the order. That's why we have this cover up.

This is crazy. This is why I waited to start this: http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...ger-validates-dante-s-thesis.html#post7217815

People need a thread where they can discuss what is actually going on. The right is often clueless to how they are manipulated because they have been manipulated for so long. It all started when they began to win a few elections. They went giddy and bonkers with delight and threw whatever principles they had out the window for the sake of winning

How else would you explain Reagan and GW Bush, and a GOP Congress at times in power doing what they'd spent years accusing Democrats of doing, and doing it at an exponentially rising rate?

Did you see Carney trying to blame the CIA?
The 3am call came in from Benghazi and the fucking amateur ignored it because he had a fund raiser in Vegas the next morning

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Funny it was Susan Rice who turned that campaign phrase back against Hillary in 2008. :eek:

Now you love Rice?
I suspect it was Obama who gave the order. That's why we have this cover up.

This is crazy. This is why I waited to start this: http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...ger-validates-dante-s-thesis.html#post7217815

People need a thread where they can discuss what is actually going on. The right is often clueless to how they are manipulated because they have been manipulated for so long. It all started when they began to win a few elections. They went giddy and bonkers with delight and threw whatever principles they had out the window for the sake of winning

How else would you explain Reagan and GW Bush, and a GOP Congress at times in power doing what they'd spent years accusing Democrats of doing, and doing it at an exponentially rising rate?

Did you see Carney trying to blame the CIA?

Is that what you saw happening?
That was another Benghazi style fuck up. The forces on the ground asked for equipment like tanks and armored cars, and the Clinton administration denied them. It doesn't prove your point. On the contrary, it shows that you're a moron.

anyone watching this?
see? these people admit their obsession with Democrats hating America and the military even though it was Reagan the right wing Marines and others who cut-and-ran in Lebanon after sacrificing the lives of hundreds of US Marines and others

Hey Dante how about shutting the fuck up

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Blow up your cheeks and swallow some arsenic with tap-atalk
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Obama didn't have to give an order......Islamic terrorism, mentions of Islamic terrorism or Islamic terrorists is an automatic and conditioned NO MENTION response from his administration.
Who would send their sons to serve the nation under such a CiC who would leave you out to die without sending reinforcements ?

Benghazi violates the ultimate service credo of never leaving your troops behind.
Obama didn't have to give an order......Islamic terrorism, mentions of Islamic terrorism or Islamic terrorists is an automatic and conditioned NO MENTION response from his administration.

I'm not sure if that made sense to anyone else, but it didn't make sense to me. Can you rewrite that? If you are saying, that an automatic response in is order to a terror attack, apparently you are partially right, until someone stopped the order. The order to "Stand down" took over and the are looking into who made that order.
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Obama didn't have to give an order......Islamic terrorism, mentions of Islamic terrorism or Islamic terrorists is an automatic and conditioned NO MENTION response from his administration.

I'm not sure if that made sense to anyone else, but it didn't make sense to me. Can you rewrite that? If you are saying, that an automatic response in is order to a terror attack, apparently you are partially right, until someone stopped the order. The order to "Stand down" took over and the are looking into who made that order.

Obama's staff knew the drill and spin without Obama giving the specific order.

He was in Vegas. Staff was scrubbing agency communications/documents.
I agree that they should release all the documents related to Benghazi, and maybe even Fast and Furious. You lost me on the student records, though. Why is the right still so obsessed with his student records?
There's a question about his honesty with respect to his residency status on his student application.

And there have been a number of people claiming he was an outstanding student. You'd think he'd want to publish the records to show how smart he was. I think for some it's a matter of him backing up those claims. Hey, if you're going to put forth the notion that you are smarter than most, a little proof is nice. His actions haven't exactly proven intelligence, so just wondering if college records would show he's at least book smart.

I have heard this reasoning before, but never understood it. Others say he is smart, so he himself has to prove it? He may come across as arrogant at times, but I have yet to see him brag about his own intelligence. What others say about him means nothing. There was a recent topic by The Boss about Sarah Palin where people on the right claimed she is smart. Where is the call for her student records? Oh yeah... nobody on the left cares....
Funny things I see in this thread

Like most threads, the mindless can't defend Barry without crying about Bush

The mindless must not watch anything but MSNBC if they have to ask questions like "what lies?"

the point is not whether jets could have been there in time, it's about the orders to stand down, the lies afterwards, and the cover-up once they were exposed

Consulate in Flames?

Under Attack?

I'm going to Vegas Baby!
This is crazy. This is why I waited to start this: http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...ger-validates-dante-s-thesis.html#post7217815

People need a thread where they can discuss what is actually going on. The right is often clueless to how they are manipulated because they have been manipulated for so long. It all started when they began to win a few elections. They went giddy and bonkers with delight and threw whatever principles they had out the window for the sake of winning

How else would you explain Reagan and GW Bush, and a GOP Congress at times in power doing what they'd spent years accusing Democrats of doing, and doing it at an exponentially rising rate?

What does any of THAT nonsense have to do with the lies that the Obama Administration told us about what happened in Benghazi? Seriously, Dante...you're embarrassing yourself here.

What lies exactly did Obama Administration tell you?

Are you serious? The biggest lie they told me is that the attack on the Consulate was prompted by a mob protesting the YouTube video. The Obama White House had access to both video streams that showed no mob protesting prior to the attack and real time intelligence coming from both people in the Consulate as well as drones circling over head. The "YouTube mob gone wild" narrative that the Obama people put out after altering the intelligence talking points to eliminate mention of terrorists and Al Queda was a TOTAL LIE.
The next biggest lie was from Barack Obama when he said that he did everything that he could to help those people under attack as soon as he was briefed on the situation. That's a bold faced lie. If he'd actually DONE that then those men at the Annex would have had air support to help fight off the attacking terrorists SEVEN HOURS after the first attack started at the Consulate. As Barry is prone to do...he talked about doing something when in fact he did NOTHING.
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Then there is the complete and total lie that it was Republican budget cuts that weakened embassy security. Hilary and Jay Carney both shoveled that Grade A Bullshit and both were shown to be liars when Charlene Lamb testified.

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