Special forces ordered to stand down in Benghazi?

The MOST TRANSPARENT Administration in the history of this country.. remember?

Hey Obama.. release ALL of the Benghazi emails..
Release ALL Fast N Furious documents..
Release your student records...

We know you're a BIG FAT LIAR.. YOU were busted, RED-HANDED.. What the fuck else are you lying about??

So...how'd handling Obama's RE-Election going for you?

The real question is how's voting for everything you once claimed to hate working out for you? Must be hard falling into the same trap Republicans did for Bush.
I suspect it was Obama who gave the order. That's why we have this cover up.
You can suspect all you want, but no one in the GOP has been able to come up with proof, all they have done is make fools of themselves. It is time for them to :anj_stfu:

The truth is slowly but surely coming to light, Mert. The Obama Administration and its Democratic allies in the Congress are doing everything they can to stonewall the investigation but as people like Hicks testify it's becoming more and more obvious how we WERE lied to.
Nothing new has come to light, hearing after hearing. And Obama has done nothing to keep the hearings from happening, so I don't know how you figure that they are stonewalling the investigation. Hick's didn't uncover anything damaging or incriminating, just more of the same crap, he's a disgruntled employee but was not able to come up with anything new.

I know that you would like for this to just magically disappear because it's a disgrace what Obama's people DID but it's not going to happen.
What exactly did Obama's people do that was disgraceful? They provided as much information as they new at the time. As new information came to light, it was quickly given out. GOP is trying to find something and they keep coming up empty every time. It's embarrassing after so many attempts that they can't get any of the crap they are slinging at the wall to stick. Could it be they are trying to discredit Hillary because they are truly afraid of her? Hmmmmmmm that might be the whole reason for this nonsense.
The MOST TRANSPARENT Administration in the history of this country.. remember?

Hey Obama.. release ALL of the Benghazi emails..
Release ALL Fast N Furious documents..
Release your student records...

We know you're a BIG FAT LIAR.. YOU were busted, RED-HANDED.. What the fuck else are you lying about??

I agree that they should release all the documents related to Benghazi, and maybe even Fast and Furious. You lost me on the student records, though. Why is the right still so obsessed with his student records?

It would be interesting if he was enrolled as a foreign exchange student, wouldn't it?
Hey! Welcome Lady!! Haven't seen you in a while!!

The libs are almost foaming at the mouth, they are scared shitless about these hearings....they know their lying leaders are in deep doodoo!

Now they'll come in here and tell me i'm just a crazy conservative that doesn't know shit about anything and start calling names and start crying about Bush.....you know the story! Lol! So predictable!

Hi Carol!! Missed you <hug>

Yea, I've been in a couple of threads where they're pissing their depends all over the fucking place. LOL

Pampers. :cool:
The MOST TRANSPARENT Administration in the history of this country.. remember?

Hey Obama.. release ALL of the Benghazi emails..
Release ALL Fast N Furious documents..
Release your student records...

We know you're a BIG FAT LIAR.. YOU were busted, RED-HANDED.. What the fuck else are you lying about??

I agree that they should release all the documents related to Benghazi, and maybe even Fast and Furious. You lost me on the student records, though. Why is the right still so obsessed with his student records?

It would be interesting if he was enrolled as a foreign exchange student, wouldn't it?

That was the belief. He lied on his application and he's trying to cover it up.
sources familiar with the meeting

Which could be anyone talking about anything
So the WH has the CIA clean up the language so the WH doesn't look bad.
Then when the WH looks bad they claim they went with the report that the CIA gave them.....

I'll reserve judgement until all hearings and investigations have been completed and reported.
it will not matter to people like you what happened .the left will back Obama and Hillary no matter what happened.

No matter what happened? We all know what happened. There was a terrorist attack, and 4 men got killed. Geez, that's not even close to the 9/11 scenario where Bush and Rice ignored warnings and more than 3000 people died, and I don't see Republicans hashing that over and over.

No the Dems did a fine job on their own. And still are look in a mirror lately??

Its not about the attack directly,its the lies that followed.

And Bush has no relevance what so ever.
The MOST TRANSPARENT Administration in the history of this country.. remember?

Hey Obama.. release ALL of the Benghazi emails..
Release ALL Fast N Furious documents..
Release your student records...

We know you're a BIG FAT LIAR.. YOU were busted, RED-HANDED.. What the fuck else are you lying about??

I agree that they should release all the documents related to Benghazi, and maybe even Fast and Furious. You lost me on the student records, though. Why is the right still so obsessed with his student records?
There's a question about his honesty with respect to his residency status on his student application.

And there have been a number of people claiming he was an outstanding student. You'd think he'd want to publish the records to show how smart he was. I think for some it's a matter of him backing up those claims. Hey, if you're going to put forth the notion that you are smarter than most, a little proof is nice. His actions haven't exactly proven intelligence, so just wondering if college records would show he's at least book smart.
Q: I just wanted to ask, you mentioned permission from the Libyans. Why is that important? What did you mean by that?

A: Well, it's their country. And for an American military aircraft to fly over their country, we have to have permission from them to do so.

Q: So you had mentioned that the first team from Tripoli to Benghazi arrived at 1:15?

A: Right.

The two men killed at the annex were from this first rescue team.

Q: And was there a second team that was organized? Could you tell us about the second team?

A: Right. The second team -- the Defense Attache worked assiduously all night long to try to get the Libyan military to respond in some way. Early in the morning -- sorry, after we were formally notified by the Prime Minister, who called me, that Chris had passed, the Libyan military agreed to fly their C-130 to Benghazi and carry additional personnel to Benghazi as reinforcements. Because we at that time -- at that time, the third attack, the mortar attack at 5:15, had not yet occurred, if I remember correctly.

Q: So what time did the second rescue team ??

A: Well, again, they flew -- I think that flight took off sometime between 6:00 and 6:30 a.m.

The second attack was over by then. And notice he says the aircraft was the Libyan's aircraft. It was not ours.

Now I would like everyone to note that tinydancer said in the topic title that the second team was told "you can't go".

This feeds into the bullshit meme of a "stand down order".

However, here is what the guy actually said:

So Lieutenant Colonel Gibson, who is the SOCAFRICA commander, his team, you know, they were on their way to the vehicles to go to the airport to get on the C-130 when he got a phone call from SOCAFRICA which said, you can't go now, you don't have authority to go now. And so they missed the flight. And, of course, this meant that one of the ...

You can't go now. That is not a stand down order. That is a stand by order.

Permission was needed from the Libyans. It was their aircraft.

Fucking Obama fluffer why didn't your boy President call the Libyan and tell them were sending in troops to rescue our embassy

Fucking douchebag Obama Fluffer

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sources familiar with the meeting

Which could be anyone talking about anything

This is why I use real links like Fox or the Christian Science Monitor. And still, using them, my threads end up in the Badlands or Conspiracy theories. But at least I have the satisfaction of being both honest and right. They can call me names, but they can't prove me wrong. I like that.
The 3am call came in from Benghazi and the fucking amateur ignored it because he had a fund raiser in Vegas the next morning

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