Special forces ordered to stand down in Benghazi?

Who gave the order?

No one was told to stand down. The second rescue team was told to stand by. They had to wait for permission from the Libyans to fly their C-130 in Libyan airpace and that took time.

The "stand down" myth was started by Fox News and is perpetuated by politicians who don't know shit from shinola about the military and who like to sneak that "stand down order" into soundbites. You can tell this by reading the testimony.

The order to stand by was given by their military superiors until permission could be gained from the Libyans.

A State Department official worked all night to get that permission. By the time he got it, it was too late. By the time the second rescue team left, the second attack had occured and two people from the first rescue team had been killed.

You might want to read the OP

That's not what it says

Exactly, the plane the second team ws going on was a Libyan plane and had already been to Tripoli and back with our first team. It was stated permission for the US to fly within their airspace was never asked for.
Because to buy that story you would have to accept that there was not a single tanker to refuel any of our planes in that whole theater of operation...something that's quite frankly, laughable.
Because to buy that story you would have to accept that there was not a single tanker to refuel any of our planes in that whole theater of operation...something that's quite frankly, laughable.

If it weren't for those four dead men the administrations fuck ups would be laugable.
And what gets me is they stated it wasn't asked for as they couldn't get there in time. They had no idea how long things were going to last there.
I am sure they didn't want to create an international incident but I would have imagined that Libya was willing to give them permission and that would have been enough to keep that from happening, unless our relations with the new Libyan government weren't what they had been telling us they were. My gosh! How often do we use drones that could do just that?
Because to buy that story you would have to accept that there was not a single tanker to refuel any of our planes in that whole theater of operation...something that's quite frankly, laughable.

maybe they'd loaned it out to the French? :eusa_whistle:
Coalition refueling training enhances interoperability, partnerships, mission capabilities | United States Africa Command

"This was our maiden voyage working with the French," Hooper said. "The pilots are incredible and impressive."

According to French Air Force Capt. Christophe Dubois, French Fighter Squadron Dassault Mirage 2000-5 pilot, there is currently no permanent tanker available on the French side so this has been a huge asset and they appreciate the cooperation from the U.S.
Their storyline has become absolutely bizarre. None of it makes a lick of sense.
I guess I should not be surprised there are umpteen topics on this already. And I expect there will be umpteen more.

The second rescue team was awaiting permission from the Libyan government to fly the C-130 in their airspace. That was the cause of the delay. The "stand down" order never existed. A stand down order, for those of you who are completely ignorant of all things military, means to stop all preparations and return to base and go back to sleep or whatever it was you were doing.

This was not a stand down order. It was a stand BY order. They were awaiting permission. They were not told to stand down. The "stand down" myth was created by Fox News and perpetuated by politicians who don't know shit from shinola when it comes to the military.

The stand by order came from their MILITARY superiors.

It was a State Department official who worked all night to finally get permission from the Libyans.

By the time they were allowed to leave, the second and last attack had already occurred.

Four people died. The ambassador and a computer information officer at the consulate in Benghazi during the first attack. Then two members of the first rescue team during the second attack which occurred at the annex seven and a half hours later.

G5 usually knows what he's talking about and if this hasn't been refuted yet then I'm not surprised they're caught again making up shit to be outraged about like Homeland buying all the Ammo, the Military persecuting Catholics and other TMZ style rumors they engage in
According to the official story Obama gave the order to use whatever means necessary to keep everyone alive. Despite this order, the military was ordered to stand down, and the State Department refused to send FEST, yet Obama is not concerned that his orders were disobeyed.

Why is that?

President Obama did not do what others are saying he did? The military was told to stand down? By who, the military? :eusa_whistle:

I suspect it was Obama who gave the order. That's why we have this cover up.
You can suspect all you want, but no one in the GOP has been able to come up with proof, all they have done is make fools of themselves. It is time for them to :anj_stfu:
Please enlighten us about the "warnings" that Bush and Condi "totally ignored."

If you have to be enlightened it's only because you either were in denial when it was first aired, or you just won't admit it. So what's the point of bringing it to your attention again?

Oh, and another example of how Republicans didn't bother to investigate it to the point of "overkill" as they are doing with Benghazi - they simply turned a deaf ear to it.

Two Months Before 9/11, an Urgent Warning to Rice

I loved the Editor's note at the end where Clinton accused Bush and Republicans for ignoring Bin Laden in the months before the attack! Clinton had a chance, or 2, to get him also, what did he do???

And do you really think that if Bush had let them get Bin Laden in those few months before the attack that the attack wouldn't have still happened? He may have been the one that put the plan of attack together, but he wasn't here with them. If we'd taken him out, those planes STILL would have been flown into the towers. In fact, they'd be so pissed it probably would have happened sooner.

Now if Clinton had taken out Bin Laden back in, i believe 1997?, then the attacks most likely wouldn't have happened at all. Those plans were in place during the Clinton years, what did he do about it?
How much proof do you need about the lies there Tweety.

Hell. Rice and others from the administration came out and told the same lie for what, three weeks.

The bone of contention isn't the attack. Jihadists do what they do. The bone of contention is the lies that the administration, State Department and SOS told.

Get with the picture there Tweets. Your tail feathers are showing.
Please enlighten us about the "warnings" that Bush and Condi "totally ignored."

If you have to be enlightened it's only because you either were in denial when it was first aired, or you just won't admit it. So what's the point of bringing it to your attention again?

Oh, and another example of how Republicans didn't bother to investigate it to the point of "overkill" as they are doing with Benghazi - they simply turned a deaf ear to it.

Two Months Before 9/11, an Urgent Warning to Rice

I loved the Editor's note at the end where Clinton accused Bush and Republicans for ignoring Bin Laden in the months before the attack! Clinton had a chance, or 2, to get him also, what did he do???

And do you really think that if Bush had let them get Bin Laden in those few months before the attack that the attack wouldn't have still happened? He may have been the one that put the plan of attack together, but he wasn't here with them. If we'd taken him out, those planes STILL would have been flown into the towers. In fact, they'd be so pissed it probably would have happened sooner.

Now if Clinton had taken out Bin Laden back in, i believe 1997?, then the attacks most likely wouldn't have happened at all. Those plans were in place during the Clinton years, what did he do about it?

President Clinton should have told the Israelis and Palestinians to solve their own problems and implemeted the war plan against Taliban and al Queda on Oct 13 2001. My not have stopped 9-11. IMHO.
President Obama did not do what others are saying he did? The military was told to stand down? By who, the military? :eusa_whistle:

I suspect it was Obama who gave the order. That's why we have this cover up.
You can suspect all you want, but no one in the GOP has been able to come up with proof, all they have done is make fools of themselves. It is time for them to :anj_stfu:

The truth is slowly but surely coming to light, Mert. The Obama Administration and its Democratic allies in the Congress are doing everything they can to stonewall the investigation but as people like Hicks testify it's becoming more and more obvious how we WERE lied to.

I know that you would like for this to just magically disappear because it's a disgrace what Obama's people DID but it's not going to happen.
According to the official story Obama gave the order to use whatever means necessary to keep everyone alive. Despite this order, the military was ordered to stand down, and the State Department refused to send FEST, yet Obama is not concerned that his orders were disobeyed.

Why is that?

President Obama did not do what others are saying he did? The military was told to stand down? By who, the military? :eusa_whistle:

I suspect it was Obama who gave the order. That's why we have this cover up.

This is crazy. This is why I waited to start this: http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...ger-validates-dante-s-thesis.html#post7217815

People need a thread where they can discuss what is actually going on. The right is often clueless to how they are manipulated because they have been manipulated for so long. It all started when they began to win a few elections. They went giddy and bonkers with delight and threw whatever principles they had out the window for the sake of winning

How else would you explain Reagan and GW Bush, and a GOP Congress at times in power doing what they'd spent years accusing Democrats of doing, and doing it at an exponentially rising rate?
Are you really buying the story that we couldn't put an F-16 over Benghazi in a space of SEVEN HOURS? It that your contention, Dante? Yes or no?

Nothing is that simple : BLackhawk down

That was another Benghazi style fuck up. The forces on the ground asked for equipment like tanks and armored cars, and the Clinton administration denied them. It doesn't prove your point. On the contrary, it shows that you're a moron.

anyone watching this?
see? these people admit their obsession with Democrats hating America and the military even though it was Reagan the right wing Marines and others who cut-and-ran in Lebanon after sacrificing the lives of hundreds of US Marines and others
Oh BRother.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Good Gawd. You just can't admitt that your hero, Barry Boys administration, screwed the pooch on Benghazi. Four good men died because State didn't beef up security or close the damned embassy.

You also can't admitt that Barry's minions went out and lied about it for three weeks.

You also can't admitt that if Bush were POTUS during Benghazi you'd be screaming like a stuck pig for answers.

As I said. Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.
President Obama did not do what others are saying he did? The military was told to stand down? By who, the military? :eusa_whistle:

I suspect it was Obama who gave the order. That's why we have this cover up.

This is crazy. This is why I waited to start this: http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...ger-validates-dante-s-thesis.html#post7217815

People need a thread where they can discuss what is actually going on. The right is often clueless to how they are manipulated because they have been manipulated for so long. It all started when they began to win a few elections. They went giddy and bonkers with delight and threw whatever principles they had out the window for the sake of winning

How else would you explain Reagan and GW Bush, and a GOP Congress at times in power doing what they'd spent years accusing Democrats of doing, and doing it at an exponentially rising rate?

What does any of THAT nonsense have to do with the lies that the Obama Administration told us about what happened in Benghazi? Seriously, Dante...you're embarrassing yourself here.
The MOST TRANSPARENT Administration in the history of this country.. remember?

Hey Obama.. release ALL of the Benghazi emails..
Release ALL Fast N Furious documents..
Release your student records...

We know you're a BIG FAT LIAR.. YOU were busted, RED-HANDED.. What the fuck else are you lying about??
The MOST TRANSPARENT Administration in the history of this country.. remember?

Hey Obama.. release ALL of the Benghazi emails..
Release ALL Fast N Furious documents..
Release your student records...

We know you're a BIG FAT LIAR.. YOU were busted, RED-HANDED.. What the fuck else are you lying about??

I agree that they should release all the documents related to Benghazi, and maybe even Fast and Furious. You lost me on the student records, though. Why is the right still so obsessed with his student records?

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