Special forces ordered to stand down in Benghazi?

The MOST TRANSPARENT Administration in the history of this country.. remember?

Hey Obama.. release ALL of the Benghazi emails..
Release ALL Fast N Furious documents..
Release your student records...

We know you're a BIG FAT LIAR.. YOU were busted, RED-HANDED.. What the fuck else are you lying about??

I agree that they should release all the documents related to Benghazi, and maybe even Fast and Furious. You lost me on the student records, though. Why is the right still so obsessed with his student records?

Speaking for myself.. I'm not obsessed with them.. I want to know why he hides them. If there's nothing to fucking hide, why all the secrecy?? It makes no sense. He's a proven liar.. So now his credibility is fucking shot.
And what the hell is a "deep background" meeting anyways? The definition given seems kinda ambiguous. The info given by the briefers can be reported, but the briefers can't be quoted? Transparency, my ass.
The MOST TRANSPARENT Administration in the history of this country.. remember?

Hey Obama.. release ALL of the Benghazi emails..
Release ALL Fast N Furious documents..
Release your student records...

We know you're a BIG FAT LIAR.. YOU were busted, RED-HANDED.. What the fuck else are you lying about??

I agree that they should release all the documents related to Benghazi, and maybe even Fast and Furious. You lost me on the student records, though. Why is the right still so obsessed with his student records?
There's a question about his honesty with respect to his residency status on his student application.
The MOST TRANSPARENT Administration in the history of this country.. remember?

Hey Obama.. release ALL of the Benghazi emails..
Release ALL Fast N Furious documents..
Release your student records...

We know you're a BIG FAT LIAR.. YOU were busted, RED-HANDED.. What the fuck else are you lying about??

I agree that they should release all the documents related to Benghazi, and maybe even Fast and Furious. You lost me on the student records, though. Why is the right still so obsessed with his student records?
There's a question about his honesty with respect to his residency status on his student application.

Hi Handsome and absofuckinglutely!
Hey! Welcome Lady!! Haven't seen you in a while!!

The libs are almost foaming at the mouth, they are scared shitless about these hearings....they know their lying leaders are in deep doodoo!

Now they'll come in here and tell me i'm just a crazy conservative that doesn't know shit about anything and start calling names and start crying about Bush.....you know the story! Lol! So predictable!
Hey! Welcome Lady!! Haven't seen you in a while!!

The libs are almost foaming at the mouth, they are scared shitless about these hearings....they know their lying leaders are in deep doodoo!

Now they'll come in here and tell me i'm just a crazy conservative that doesn't know shit about anything and start calling names and start crying about Bush.....you know the story! Lol! So predictable!

Hi Carol!! Missed you <hug>

Yea, I've been in a couple of threads where they're pissing their depends all over the fucking place. LOL
I'm sure they all thought Benghazi would just disapper and no one would question the lies told.

Nice to see you back Lady.

Hows things in NC??
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The MOST TRANSPARENT Administration in the history of this country.. remember?

Hey Obama.. release ALL of the Benghazi emails..
Release ALL Fast N Furious documents..
Release your student records...

We know you're a BIG FAT LIAR.. YOU were busted, RED-HANDED.. What the fuck else are you lying about??

So...how'd handling Obama's RE-Election going for you?
I'm sure they all thought Benghazi would just disapper and no one would question the lies told.

Nice to see you back Lady.

Hows things in NC??
Hi Claudette!

Nice to see you too.. Beautiful day here in the Outer Banks.. I've read the forum a little off line and read some of your posts.. As always, you're right on target!
The MOST TRANSPARENT Administration in the history of this country.. remember?

Hey Obama.. release ALL of the Benghazi emails..
Release ALL Fast N Furious documents..
Release your student records...

We know you're a BIG FAT LIAR.. YOU were busted, RED-HANDED.. What the fuck else are you lying about??

So...how'd handling Obama's RE-Election going for you?

As well as your fake Petey sock?
The MOST TRANSPARENT Administration in the history of this country.. remember?

Hey Obama.. release ALL of the Benghazi emails..
Release ALL Fast N Furious documents..
Release your student records...

We know you're a BIG FAT LIAR.. YOU were busted, RED-HANDED.. What the fuck else are you lying about??

So...how'd handling Obama's RE-Election going for you?

As well as your fake Petey sock?

You'd have to ask Amelia the Data-Miner about that one. She put a lot of work into it. I wonder what....uh....enticements she was offered and accepted.

Well.....you know how those things......go.
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Oh BRother.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Good Gawd. You just can't admitt that your hero, Barry Boys administration, screwed the pooch on Benghazi. Four good men died because State didn't beef up security or close the damned embassy.

You also can't admitt that Barry's minions went out and lied about it for three weeks.

You also can't admitt that if Bush were POTUS during Benghazi you'd be screaming like a stuck pig for answers.

As I said. Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Are you clueless or what?

First of all, when it came to security, it was Republicans who voted "no" to increasing funds for Security - so fail.
Second, even Republican/conservatives have been claiming that they know it had nothing to do with security, so you need to catch up with the latest.

Third, these types of attacks are not new - there were way more attacks on US Embassy's when Bush was President, so where's the "hearings" on those and why didn't Bushy stop them and prevent over 30 people being killed? And no, Democrats weren't screaming like the stuck pig Republicans.

Many embassies attacked during the Bush years before Benghazi

The point being that Republicans in Congress see 2016 approaching rapidly, know they don't have anyone in the Republican party that can even begin to compete with Hillary Clinton, and they are desperate to make stew out of pig's feet, and they have all these dumb followers cheering them on, over and over even after they keep making fools of themselves, wasting taxpayer's money holding these worthless hearings where nothing new or incriminating has been discovered. It's about time that the GOP gives it up, you got nothing - face it.
I suspect it was Obama who gave the order. That's why we have this cover up.

This is crazy. This is why I waited to start this: http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...ger-validates-dante-s-thesis.html#post7217815

People need a thread where they can discuss what is actually going on. The right is often clueless to how they are manipulated because they have been manipulated for so long. It all started when they began to win a few elections. They went giddy and bonkers with delight and threw whatever principles they had out the window for the sake of winning

How else would you explain Reagan and GW Bush, and a GOP Congress at times in power doing what they'd spent years accusing Democrats of doing, and doing it at an exponentially rising rate?

What does any of THAT nonsense have to do with the lies that the Obama Administration told us about what happened in Benghazi? Seriously, Dante...you're embarrassing yourself here.

What lies exactly did Obama Administration tell you?

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