Special forces ordered to stand down in Benghazi?

To recap the thread to this point:
Who gave the order to stand down?
Until there is a name attached to the order, the claim the order was given is not believable by people of normal intellect and emotional development.

Hicks is highly respected. He has yet to testify publicly; that will come tomorrow. We are only privy to portions of his testimony previously given.

That person's name who told them they were not authorized to go has not been released.

Hicks is a 22 year verteran of the foreign service. And he was Ambassador Stevens right hand man and Deputy.

Are you saying he's a liar?

These are my words:
Until a name is attached to the order, the claim such an order was given is not credible.
The language seems clear enough.
What it says is an absolute irrefutable fact.
LMAO, G now you are just a liar...but then we all knew that.

I guess I should not be surprised there are umpteen topics on this already. And I expect there will be umpteen more.

The second rescue team was awaiting permission from the Libyan government to fly the C-130 in their airspace. That was the cause of the delay. The "stand down" order never existed. A stand down order, for those of you who are completely ignorant of all things military, means to stop all preparations and return to base and go back to sleep or whatever it was you were doing.

This was not a stand down order. It was a stand BY order. They were awaiting permission. They were not told to stand down. The "stand down" myth was created by Fox News and perpetuated by politicians who don't know shit from shinola when it comes to the military.

The stand by order came from their MILITARY superiors.

It was a State Department official who worked all night to finally get permission from the Libyans.

By the time they were allowed to leave, the second and last attack had already occurred.

Four people died. The ambassador and a computer information officer at the consulate in Benghazi during the first attack. Then two members of the first rescue team during the second attack which occurred at the annex seven and a half hours later.
G is just making shit up a he goes, he is also trying to claim the article says things it doesn't.

I detest liars.

If the Fox claim is true, which is not likely but is possible, a person gave the order.

Until that person's name is out there, the story is not credible.

My point is that every notable military failure in modern history tracks back to a name.
Let's have the name or admit it is just more hot air from anti-American influences.

First and foremost this is not a claim made by FOX news. This testimony by Hicks is being reported by everyone.

I doubt that Gregory Hicks is anti American or a liar.

Hicks has put in 22 years as a foreign service diplomat and was Ambassador Stevens Deputy.

The only proven liars to date are the White House and Obama's administration for lying continually that it was a video that caused the raid on the Benghazi compound.

Here's an NBC link. I can give you many others if you need to have it proven to you that FOX didn't make up jack shit.


Gregory Hicks, then deputy chief of the U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya, told investigators for the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that U.S. officials had persuaded the Libyan government to allow the Special Forces operatives to board the rescue flight from Tripoli to Benghazi.

But an officer received a phone call telling them to stand down before they left for the airport, according to excerpts of his account made available to NBC News on Monday. That conversation occurred after the U.S. ambassador to Libya and another American had been killed in the initial attack, but hours before a second attack that killed two other Americans.

Official: US Special Forces team wasn't allowed to fly to Benghazi during attack - Open Channel
You are what is called a "useful idiot".

You have no idea what is going on because you aren't willing to find out.

You, like g and these others are simply willing to take the Administrations word for whatever happened.

Useful idiot.

If you have to be enlightened it's only because you either were in denial when it was first aired, or you just won't admit it. So what's the point of bringing it to your attention again?

Oh, and another example of how Republicans didn't bother to investigate it to the point of "overkill" as they are doing with Benghazi - they simply turned a deaf ear to it.

Two Months Before 9/11, an Urgent Warning to Rice

Good grief, did you even read this "article," or are you completely devoid of any critical thinking skills? The fact that some people thought Bin Laden was planning some sort of attack does not impose any culpability on Bush for not preventing a specific (and unprecedented) act of terrorism any more than Obama was culpable for not preventing Sandy Hook.

What? Surely you are not serious. Of course Bush and Rice should not have ignored it. Funny how Republican/conservatives want to pin Benghazi as some sort of failure on Obama's part, when nobody had any idea that it was going to happen, but you want to claim that a specific warning about a possible attack is not cause for further investigation.

Perhaps you are the one devoid of critical thinking skills.
I guess I should not be surprised there are umpteen topics on this already. And I expect there will be umpteen more.

The second rescue team was awaiting permission from the Libyan government to fly the C-130 in their airspace. That was the cause of the delay. The "stand down" order never existed. A stand down order, for those of you who are completely ignorant of all things military, means to stop all preparations and return to base and go back to sleep or whatever it was you were doing.

This was not a stand down order. It was a stand BY order. They were awaiting permission. They were not told to stand down. The "stand down" myth was created by Fox News and perpetuated by politicians who don't know shit from shinola when it comes to the military.

The stand by order came from their MILITARY superiors.

It was a State Department official who worked all night to finally get permission from the Libyans.

By the time they were allowed to leave, the second and last attack had already occurred.

Four people died. The ambassador and a computer information officer at the consulate in Benghazi during the first attack. Then two members of the first rescue team during the second attack which occurred at the annex seven and a half hours later.

You seriously expect me to believe they needed permission from the Government of Libya to enter Libya for a flight from Tripoli to Benghazi, both of which are in Libya? Keep in mind that this was the exact same flight that the State Department loaded a team on to fly to the rescue.

Perhaps you should take some time to read the links I provide before providing the same arguments you used months ago.

Read very slowly. The. Plane. Was. A. Libyan. Plane. Not. Ours.

That was the man's testimony. He plainly said it was a plane that belonged to the Libyans. He said they needed to get permission from the Libyan authorities to board THEIR plane. It was a Libyan plane. Got it? Say it with me: It was a Libyan plane.

The Libyan plane left before the SECOND rescue team got permission to board.

Perhaps you should take some time to learn the facts.

There was no stand down order. I defy you to find the man saying there was. Only a hack politician used those words. A lie invented by Fox News months ago, repeated by piss drinkers.
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No matter what happened? We all know what happened. There was a terrorist attack, and 4 men got killed. Geez, that's not even close to the 9/11 scenario where Bush and Rice ignored warnings and more than 3000 people died, and I don't see Republicans hashing that over and over.

Take that bullshit and shove it up your ass ace.

9-11 was years in the planning. Those years were under Clinton. His FBI dropped the ball despite Agent John O'Neal trying to tell his bosses that something was up. He didn't know where or when but he knew we were going to be attacked. His bosses didn't want to hear it. They apparantly forgot all about the first attack on the TT's or didn't think anyone could plan or execute another attack O'Neil was eventually forced out of the FBI. He became head of security for the Twin Towers and died in same on 9-11.

Bush was in office for 8 months and who knows if he even got O'Neils warning. Rightly or wrongly the buck stops at his desk and always will. Clinton was in office for 8 years. If your going to assign blame anywhere ya better look at bubbas FBI.

Me? I blame the dirtbags who planned it and the dirtbags who flew those planes.

They also had plenty of warning for Benghazi. They should have beefed up security or pulled our folks out like the Britts and the Red Cross. If they had those men would be alive and we wouldn't be discussing jack shit about Benghazi.

Benghazi was a fuck up by Barry's State Department. That bucks stops at Barry's desk.

Exactly. This whole Benghazi situation is a dog's breakfast.

One person's hide I'd like to see nailed to the wall over this fiasco is the man or woman who thought it was a swell and brilliant idea to hire Libya militias to guard the Ambassador and the Benghazi compound.

It's beyond my imagination that anyone in the State Department hired militia in a civil war torn country to guard fellow Americans. But that's for another day, another thread.

The only dog's breakfast is in your mind from eating your masters' bullshit.

Q: So you had mentioned that the first team from Tripoli to Benghazi arrived at 1:15?

A: Right.

So you see, there was a rescue team sent. You assholes lied every time you said there wasn't. In fact, it was this first team the last two men killed were from.

Moving on:

Q: And was there a second team that was organized? Could you tell us about the second team?

A: Right. The second team -- the Defense Attache worked assiduously all night long to try to get the Libyan military to respond in some way. Early in the morning -- sorry, after we were formally notified by the Prime Minister, who called me, that Chris had passed, the Libyan military agreed to fly their C-130 to Benghazi and carry additional personnel to Benghazi as reinforcements. Because we at that time -- at that time, the third attack, the mortar attack at 5:15, had not yet occurred, if I remember correctly.

Q: So what time did the second rescue team ??

A: Well, again, they flew -- I think that flight took off sometime between 6:00 and 6:30 a.m.

Q: At that point, you are the Chief of Mission?

The second team left over an hour after the second attack which killed the members of the first rescue team.

The delay was on the party of the Libyans.

Not Obama.

Keep trying.

A: They were told not to board the flight, so they missed it. So, anyway, and yeah. I still remember Colonel Gibson, he said, "I have never been so embarrassed in my life that a State Department officer has bigger balls than somebody in the military." A nice compliment.

Now I know you guys will run and start a whole new Benghazi topic because that is what you have been doing for days every time you have been kicked in the balls with the FACTS.

Your months and months of eating bullshit lies are catching up to you.

The facts are coming out, and your lies are exposed. And there is no impeachment of Obama in your future. So eat that!

"Obama watched as the Ambassador died". A LIE!

"No rescue team was sent". A LIE!

"The three men testifying are Benghazi survivors". A LIE!

"Stand down order". A LIE!

You don't want the truth. Like the man said, you can't handle the truth.
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They were told they COULDN'T board G, why must you lie so boldly?

The Ambassador is very clear but poor G thinks HE knows more than Mr. Hicks who was there.

Too funny.

I guess I should not be surprised there are umpteen topics on this already. And I expect there will be umpteen more.

The second rescue team was awaiting permission from the Libyan government to fly the C-130 in their airspace. That was the cause of the delay. The "stand down" order never existed. A stand down order, for those of you who are completely ignorant of all things military, means to stop all preparations and return to base and go back to sleep or whatever it was you were doing.

This was not a stand down order. It was a stand BY order. They were awaiting permission. They were not told to stand down. The "stand down" myth was created by Fox News and perpetuated by politicians who don't know shit from shinola when it comes to the military.

The stand by order came from their MILITARY superiors.

It was a State Department official who worked all night to finally get permission from the Libyans.

By the time they were allowed to leave, the second and last attack had already occurred.

Four people died. The ambassador and a computer information officer at the consulate in Benghazi during the first attack. Then two members of the first rescue team during the second attack which occurred at the annex seven and a half hours later.

You seriously expect me to believe they needed permission from the Government of Libya to enter Libya for a flight from Tripoli to Benghazi, both of which are in Libya? Keep in mind that this was the exact same flight that the State Department loaded a team on to fly to the rescue.

Perhaps you should take some time to read the links I provide before providing the same arguments you used months ago.

Read very slowly. The. Plane. Was. A. Libyan. Plane. Not. Ours.

That was the man's testimony. He plainly said it was a plane that belonged to the Libyans. He said they needed to get permission from the Libyan authorities to board THEIR plane. It was a Libyan plane. Got it? Say it with me: It was a Libyan plane.

The Libyan plane left before the SECOND rescue team got permission to board.

Perhaps you should take some time to learn the facts.

There was no stand down order. I defy you to find the man saying there was. Only a hack politician used those words. A lie invented by Fox News months ago, repeated by piss drinkers.
I have never voted for a Republican, or a Democrat, for president because I don't think anyone that has the support of either major party is qualified for the job.

What would be your opinion of "qualified"?

First thing is not having the support of a political machine that is only interested in preserving its own power at the expense of my freedom.

Well, there isn't ever going to be anyone that will win an election that isn't part of either party, and the two parties definitely have different agendas.

What "freedom" do you feel that you have lost, or are losing?
Poor G, the two seals were not a "rescue team", you are just a liar.

The two former SEALS, Tyrone Woods, 41, and Glen Doherty, 42, were not employed by the State Department diplomatic security office and instead were what is known as personal service contractors who had other duties related to security, the officials said.

They stepped into action, however, when Stevens became separated from the small security detail normally assigned to protect him when he traveled from the more fortified embassy in Tripoli to Benghazi, the officials said.

The two ex-Seals and others engaged in a lengthy firefight with the extremists who attacked the compound, a fight that stretched from the inner area of the consulate to an outside annex and a nearby safe house -- a location that the insurgents appeared to know about, the officials said.

U.S. officials clarify administration description of two heroes in Libya attack | Washington Guardian

They took it upon themselves to go help, something a mangina like you would never do.
G allow me to give you the benefit of the doubt, you've not earned it...but I will.

Is it your contention that a rescue team was deployed to help the Ambassador?
No matter what happened? We all know what happened. There was a terrorist attack, and 4 men got killed. Geez, that's not even close to the 9/11 scenario where Bush and Rice ignored warnings and more than 3000 people died, and I don't see Republicans hashing that over and over.

Take that bullshit and shove it up your ass ace.

9-11 was years in the planning. Those years were under Clinton. His FBI dropped the ball despite Agent John O'Neal trying to tell his bosses that something was up. He didn't know where or when but he knew we were going to be attacked. His bosses didn't want to hear it. They apparantly forgot all about the first attack on the TT's or didn't think anyone could plan or execute another attack O'Neil was eventually forced out of the FBI. He became head of security for the Twin Towers and died in same on 9-11.

Bush was in office for 8 months and who knows if he even got O'Neils warning. Rightly or wrongly the buck stops at his desk and always will. Clinton was in office for 8 years. If your going to assign blame anywhere ya better look at bubbas FBI.

Me? I blame the dirtbags who planned it and the dirtbags who flew those planes.

They also had plenty of warning for Benghazi. They should have beefed up security or pulled our folks out like the Britts and the Red Cross. If they had those men would be alive and we wouldn't be discussing jack shit about Benghazi.

Benghazi was a fuck up by Barry's State Department. That bucks stops at Barry's desk.

Exactly. This whole Benghazi situation is a dog's breakfast.

One person's hide I'd like to see nailed to the wall over this fiasco is the man or woman who thought it was a swell and brilliant idea to hire Libya militias to guard the Ambassador and the Benghazi compound.

It's beyond my imagination that anyone in the State Department hired militia in a civil war torn country to guard fellow Americans. But that's for another day, another thread.

That would be a person that actually ran against Obama in 2008, the one that made that 3 AM phone call ad.
To recap the thread to this point:
Who gave the order to stand down?
Until there is a name attached to the order, the claim the order was given is not believable by people of normal intellect and emotional development.

Hicks is highly respected. He has yet to testify publicly; that will come tomorrow. We are only privy to portions of his testimony previously given.

That person's name who told them they were not authorized to go has not been released.

Hicks is a 22 year verteran of the foreign service. And he was Ambassador Stevens right hand man and Deputy.

Are you saying he's a liar?

These are my words:
Until a name is attached to the order, the claim such an order was given is not credible.
The language seems clear enough.
What it says is an absolute irrefutable fact.

My response is that the order could only have come from one person.
You are what is called a "useful idiot".

You have no idea what is going on because you aren't willing to find out.

You, like g and these others are simply willing to take the Administrations word for whatever happened.

Useful idiot.

Good grief, did you even read this "article," or are you completely devoid of any critical thinking skills? The fact that some people thought Bin Laden was planning some sort of attack does not impose any culpability on Bush for not preventing a specific (and unprecedented) act of terrorism any more than Obama was culpable for not preventing Sandy Hook.

What? Surely you are not serious. Of course Bush and Rice should not have ignored it. Funny how Republican/conservatives want to pin Benghazi as some sort of failure on Obama's part, when nobody had any idea that it was going to happen, but you want to claim that a specific warning about a possible attack is not cause for further investigation.

Perhaps you are the one devoid of critical thinking skills.

The useful idiots are the ones that keep rehashing the same shit over and over and expecting it turn into gold.

Admit it, the GOP is desperate for something that will give them hope, (because 2016 is fast approaching and so far they have not come up with anyone with an IQ over 15 that they can throw into the ring) and right now they are batting zero - so they have to hang on to Benghazi, because there's got to be something there, if they keep rehashing it, eventually, something will turn up, right?

Wrong - and this new "breaking news/whistleblowers crap" is nothing new, they'll just be rehashing the same crap over and over. What a waste of manpower and taxpayer's money, and from the side that claims it wants to cut spending! :cuckoo:
Read very slowly. The. Plane. Was. A. Libyan. Plane. Not. Ours.

I am not the one with the reading problem.

Your claim was that they did not have permission to enter Libya.

They were in Libya.

Your claim was that it took the State Department all night to get permission to enter Libya.

They were in Libya.

You were wrong because they were in Libya.

That was the man's testimony. He plainly said it was a plane that belonged to the Libyans. He said they needed to get permission from the Libyan authorities to board THEIR plane. It was a Libyan plane. Got it? Say it with me: It was a Libyan plane.

That was not hwat you said before, you said they were not even in the country because you dismissed this as something made up by Fox News.

They were in Libya, and the State department put an armed rescue team on what you know claim was a Libyan plane that they needed permission to board.

Who, exactly, did they need permission from? Give exact names because the testimony is that they were ordered to stand down and not fly to Benghazi, even though they were in Libya.

The Libyan plane left before the SECOND rescue team got permission to board.

Yes, because they received an order to stand down.

Tell me something, if they had actually received orders from POTUS, the CIC, to use any means necessary to get out people help, why would they have to wait for permission to board a plane? Do you know what the military does when they are told to use "any means necessary?"

Perhaps you should take some time to learn the facts.

Coming from a guy that insisted they were not even in Libya earlier in this thread that is a laughable piece of advice.

There was no stand down order. I defy you to find the man saying there was. Only a hack politician used those words. A lie invented by Fox News months ago, repeated by piss drinkers.

Go read my OP and follow the links I provided, he clearly said they were ordered to stand down, and that the order came through Special Operations Command, Africa. Feel free to keep pretending that he didn't say it though, just like you were pretending they were not even in Libya earlier.
What would be your opinion of "qualified"?

First thing is not having the support of a political machine that is only interested in preserving its own power at the expense of my freedom.

Well, there isn't ever going to be anyone that will win an election that isn't part of either party, and the two parties definitely have different agendas.

What "freedom" do you feel that you have lost, or are losing?

The two parties have different agendas? Can you point out to me, exactly, how the agenda has changed now that Obama is in office? I want specifics, not your imagination and delusions.
Hicks is highly respected. He has yet to testify publicly; that will come tomorrow. We are only privy to portions of his testimony previously given.

That person's name who told them they were not authorized to go has not been released.

Hicks is a 22 year verteran of the foreign service. And he was Ambassador Stevens right hand man and Deputy.

Are you saying he's a liar?

These are my words:
Until a name is attached to the order, the claim such an order was given is not credible.
The language seems clear enough.
What it says is an absolute irrefutable fact.

My response is that the order could only have come from one person.

Could that person be Petreaus? Of course Hicks will have to provide proof, whoever he names, if he will even do that. I have a feeling that it is all hoopla and these 3 Amigos won't be providing anything we haven't heard already.
First thing is not having the support of a political machine that is only interested in preserving its own power at the expense of my freedom.

Well, there isn't ever going to be anyone that will win an election that isn't part of either party, and the two parties definitely have different agendas.

What "freedom" do you feel that you have lost, or are losing?

The two parties have different agendas? Can you point out to me, exactly, how the agenda has changed now that Obama is in office? I want specifics, not your imagination and delusions.

Oh come on, don't tell me that you don't know that the GOP's agenda is to keep the wealthy from paying more taxes while stabbing the middle-class and below in the back, while the Democratic agenda is to end all the subsidies to the rich/corporations and save the programs that help the middle-class and the poor.

And, I didn't say the agenda has changed now that Obama is in office, so you must be seeing things that are not there.

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