Special forces ordered to stand down in Benghazi?

What a sucky time to be a lib and have to play defense for your team. My condolences.:D
Why would the state dept. tell them to stand down? What possible reason could they have for NOT permitting rescue of our own Americans?

Good question Jerry. We do know that, the White House has said from the beginning that there were no forces available to assist Americans in Benghazi on Sept. 11.
I found this little ditty you may be interested in:

AFRICOM Commander GEN Carter Ham relieved of duty for wanting to help our Ambassador to Libya.

October 28, 2012

The information I heard today was that General [Carter] Ham as head of Africom received the same e-mails the White House received requesting help/support as the attack was taking place. General Ham immediately had a rapid response unit ready and communicated to the Pentagon that he had a unit ready.
General Ham then received the order to stand down. His response was to screw it, he was going to help anyhow.
Within 30 seconds to a minute after making the move to respond, his second in command apprehended General Ham and told him that he was now relieved of his command.
The story continues that now General Rodiguez would take General Ham’s place as the head of Africom.

Sure enough Obama nominated Gen. David Rodriguez to replace Gen. Carter Ham as commander of U.S. Africa Command.

AFRICOM Commander GEN Carter Ham relieved of duty for wanting to help our Ambassador to Libya.
If the Fox claim is true, which is not likely but is possible, a person gave the order.

Until that person's name is out there, the story is not credible.

My point is that every notable military failure in modern history tracks back to a name.
Let's have the name or admit it is just more hot air from anti-American influences.


This is not based on anything from Fox News, it is a direct quote from the number 2 State Department man in Libya, and he even cited who the order came from. Just because Obama is your personal god does not mean that he is perfect.
Why would the state dept. tell them to stand down? What possible reason could they have for NOT permitting rescue of our own Americans?

Indeed. What COULD have been the reason? C10 was ready to roll and ordered to stand down.

Kind of makes you wonder, doesn't it??
Despite all the obfuscation and word mincing, we all know what was going on: Save the President's reelection at all costs. A little collateral damage was a small price to pay for maintaining the bogus narrative of spontaneous demonstrations against an obscure six month old video. And yet none dare call it treason...
Despite all the obfuscation and word mincing, we all know what was going on: Save the President's reelection at all costs. A little collateral damage was a small price to pay for maintaining the bogus narrative of spontaneous demonstrations against an obscure six month old video. And yet none dare call it treason...

Well, I do find it rather telling that as soon as he got his minions out, spreading the word that it was merely a "protest" over some video - he jumped on Da Plane and headed for Vegas - to tell the world what a badass he is....killed Bin Laden single-handedly, had the Tailban on the run and, for the most part, the "war on terror" was over.

Obama doesn't give a hoot in hell for ANYONE but Barry Obama. Once you understand that, everything else falls into place.
If the Fox claim is true, which is not likely but is possible, a person gave the order.

Until that person's name is out there, the story is not credible.

My point is that every notable military failure in modern history tracks back to a name.
Let's have the name or admit it is just more hot air from anti-American influences.

First and foremost this is not a claim made by FOX news. This testimony by Hicks is being reported by everyone.

I doubt that Gregory Hicks is anti American or a liar.

Hicks has put in 22 years as a foreign service diplomat and was Ambassador Stevens Deputy.

The only proven liars to date are the White House and Obama's administration for lying continually that it was a video that caused the raid on the Benghazi compound.

Here's an NBC link. I can give you many others if you need to have it proven to you that FOX didn't make up jack shit.


Gregory Hicks, then deputy chief of the U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya, told investigators for the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that U.S. officials had persuaded the Libyan government to allow the Special Forces operatives to board the rescue flight from Tripoli to Benghazi.

But an officer received a phone call telling them to stand down before they left for the airport, according to excerpts of his account made available to NBC News on Monday. That conversation occurred after the U.S. ambassador to Libya and another American had been killed in the initial attack, but hours before a second attack that killed two other Americans.

Official: US Special Forces team wasn't allowed to fly to Benghazi during attack - Open Channel

I'm not so sure that Faux News is not the one that is reviving this dead issue for die-hard Republicans that want to create problems for Hillary as they see the writing on the wall for 2016, because when you Google Benghazi, all you see is "FOX News" in most of the hits.

Obama pledges inquiry on Benghazi survivors' testimony | Fox News
6 days ago – Whistleblowers to testify at House hearing on Benghazi? ... to question survivors of the Benghazi attacks but pledged to investigate the issue.

How Bad Was Benghazi Botch? | Fox News
How Bad Was Benghazi Botch? | Fox News
4 days ago – 12, 2012 discussing the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, ... The press, mostly either cowed or uninterested on the subject, let the issue drop too. ... Given it all to do over again, Obama likely would repeat his ...

Benghazi-gate Cover-up: Fox News' Catherine Herridge Receives ...
Accuracy In Media › AIM Column*
Mar 20, 2013 – Catherine Herridge, longtime reporter for Fox News, received Accuracy in ... point where there's no other option” than to issue a subpoena to the survivors. ... Forget that “truth-teller” Felt denied over and over again that he was “Deep Throat. ... This whole can of worms that stirred the political pot in the early ...
State Department at Fault Over Benghazi Response | SOFREP
sofrep.com › Op-Ed*
4 days ago – The issue is all along that the State Department is at fault,” said ... @Txazz @ TKW406 Heard any leaks on where Magpul's new site is? .... Again, my limited experience as an alert unit on the conventional side was ..... that part of the problem in Benghazi was the JSOC operations stirring up the hornets nest.
FOX News - Opinion - Opinion Posts - Three key questions on the ...
FOX News - Opinion. Three key questions on the Benghazi scandal ... on Benghazi start up again this week, three key issues demand answers. ... finally stirred into action at 8 pm Washington time (4 am Benghazi time)-four hours into the fight.
I'll reserve judgement until all hearings and investigations have been completed and reported.
it will not matter to people like you what happened .the left will back Obama and Hillary no matter what happened.

No matter what happened? We all know what happened. There was a terrorist attack, and 4 men got killed. Geez, that's not even close to the 9/11 scenario where Bush and Rice ignored warnings and more than 3000 people died, and I don't see Republicans hashing that over and over.
Benghazi Benghazi you little nutter's will kiss Queen Hillary's ass for 8 fucking years & love it . lmfao Benghazi Benghazi.

at least we'll have the brains to know it wasn't a damn video that started this thing.
And that four died for a myriad of reasons other than what the axis of obama, cutter , and assholerod lied about
I'll reserve judgement until all hearings and investigations have been completed and reported.

I thought it had already been done. Some Republicans won't be satisfied until Susan Rice is hanged in front of the Lincoln Memorial for saying that it was due to a video! :eek:
I'll reserve judgement until all hearings and investigations have been completed and reported.

I thought it had already been done. Some Republicans won't be satisfied until Susan Rice is hanged in front of the Lincoln Memorial for saying that it was due to a video! :eek:

Well, now that you mention it - that would be a nice "starting point" :clap2:

Geez guy....you take yourself waayyyy too seriously.
This is one of the biggest scandals in American history: The President's stooges sitting on their hands and making up political cover stories while watching Americans being murdered on live video. Ironically, our profoundly ignorant "Marine Corpse" President probably wasn't aware of what was going on (although he would have been frozen with indecision even if he was). But I have a feeling that Hillary has blood on her hands...ask Vince Foster.
I'll reserve judgement until all hearings and investigations have been completed and reported.
it will not matter to people like you what happened .the left will back Obama and Hillary no matter what happened.

No matter what happened? We all know what happened. There was a terrorist attack, and 4 men got killed. Geez, that's not even close to the 9/11 scenario where Bush and Rice ignored warnings and more than 3000 people died, and I don't see Republicans hashing that over and over.

You're a fucken idiot. And either have no grasp of the situation or are a shameless apologist for the obama administration.
I would say both.

And I wouldnt be so quick to start talking about warnings when the obama admin was warned by both the Saudis and the Russians about the Boston bombers.
You truly are pathetic.
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I'll reserve judgement until all hearings and investigations have been completed and reported.
it will not matter to people like you what happened .the left will back Obama and Hillary no matter what happened.

No matter what happened? We all know what happened. There was a terrorist attack, and 4 men got killed. Geez, that's not even close to the 9/11 scenario where Bush and Rice ignored warnings and more than 3000 people died, and I don't see Republicans hashing that over and over.

It always has to be Bush's fault, that record is broken, burned and not playable anymore...

Tweedy Bird, you're an imbecile...
I'll reserve judgement until all hearings and investigations have been completed and reported.
it will not matter to people like you what happened .the left will back Obama and Hillary no matter what happened.

No matter what happened? We all know what happened. There was a terrorist attack, and 4 men got killed. Geez, that's not even close to the 9/11 scenario where Bush and Rice ignored warnings and more than 3000 people died, and I don't see Republicans hashing that over and over.

Your response is completely nonsensical:

1. If we all know it was a terrorist attack, why did the White House claim otherwise?

2. Even if Bush and Rice ignored warnings(?), they didn't sit on their hands and make up excuses while they were watching the airplanes being hijacked.
I'll reserve judgement until all hearings and investigations have been completed and reported.

I thought it had already been done. Some Republicans won't be satisfied until Susan Rice is hanged in front of the Lincoln Memorial for saying that it was due to a video! :eek:

Well, now that you mention it - that would be a nice "starting point" :clap2:
Considering that Bush and Condi were not even questioned when they totally ignored warnings re 9/11 and 3000+ were killed, and Reps/cons didn't seem to be bothered by it much, it's ludicrous to see all the hoopla devoted to this.

Geez guy....you take yourself waayyyy too seriously.
It's funny to see you guys trying to come up with anything new regarding Benghazi that can be considered alchemistic enough to create devastation for Obama and failing each time.
Please enlighten us about the "warnings" that Bush and Condi "totally ignored."
Please enlighten us about the "warnings" that Bush and Condi "totally ignored."

If you have to be enlightened it's only because you either were in denial when it was first aired, or you just won't admit it. So what's the point of bringing it to your attention again?

Oh, and another example of how Republicans didn't bother to investigate it to the point of "overkill" as they are doing with Benghazi - they simply turned a deaf ear to it.

Two Months Before 9/11, an Urgent Warning to Rice
I thought it had already been done. Some Republicans won't be satisfied until Susan Rice is hanged in front of the Lincoln Memorial for saying that it was due to a video! :eek:

Well, now that you mention it - that would be a nice "starting point" :clap2:
Considering that Bush and Condi were not even questioned when they totally ignored warnings re 9/11 and 3000+ were killed, and Reps/cons didn't seem to be bothered by it much, it's ludicrous to see all the hoopla devoted to this.

Geez guy....you take yourself waayyyy too seriously.
It's funny to see you guys trying to come up with anything new regarding Benghazi that can be considered alchemistic enough to create devastation for Obama and failing each time.

I'll say it again since it apparently didnt sink in the first time.
Obama was warned by the Russians and the Saudis about the Boston bombers but did nothing. And he had names and addresses and they were on a terrorist watch list.
You might want to shut the fuck up about the "warning" crap.
it will not matter to people like you what happened .the left will back Obama and Hillary no matter what happened.

No matter what happened? We all know what happened. There was a terrorist attack, and 4 men got killed. Geez, that's not even close to the 9/11 scenario where Bush and Rice ignored warnings and more than 3000 people died, and I don't see Republicans hashing that over and over.

It always has to be Bush's fault, that record is broken, burned and not playable anymore...

Tweedy Bird, you're an imbecile...

It's Tweety, not tweedy, dweeb.

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