Special forces ordered to stand down in Benghazi?

I'm not so sure that Faux News is not the one that is reviving this dead issue for die-hard Republicans that want to create problems for Hillary as they see the writing on the wall for 2016, because when you Google Benghazi, all you see is "FOX News" in most of the hits.

Obama pledges inquiry on Benghazi survivors' testimony | Fox News
6 days ago – Whistleblowers to testify at House hearing on Benghazi? ... to question survivors of the Benghazi attacks but pledged to investigate the issue.

How Bad Was Benghazi Botch? | Fox News
How Bad Was Benghazi Botch? | Fox News
4 days ago – 12, 2012 discussing the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, ... The press, mostly either cowed or uninterested on the subject, let the issue drop too. ... Given it all to do over again, Obama likely would repeat his ...

Benghazi-gate Cover-up: Fox News' Catherine Herridge Receives ...
Accuracy In Media › AIM Column*
Mar 20, 2013 – Catherine Herridge, longtime reporter for Fox News, received Accuracy in ... point where there's no other option” than to issue a subpoena to the survivors. ... Forget that “truth-teller” Felt denied over and over again that he was “Deep Throat. ... This whole can of worms that stirred the political pot in the early ...
State Department at Fault Over Benghazi Response | SOFREP
sofrep.com › Op-Ed*
4 days ago – The issue is all along that the State Department is at fault,” said ... @Txazz @ TKW406 Heard any leaks on where Magpul's new site is? .... Again, my limited experience as an alert unit on the conventional side was ..... that part of the problem in Benghazi was the JSOC operations stirring up the hornets nest.
FOX News - Opinion - Opinion Posts - Three key questions on the ...
FOX News - Opinion. Three key questions on the Benghazi scandal ... on Benghazi start up again this week, three key issues demand answers. ... finally stirred into action at 8 pm Washington time (4 am Benghazi time)-four hours into the fight.

I am not so sure you have a brain, the links I posted aren't from Fox.
I didn't say your links were from Faux, but your assumption should be reason enough for you to check to see if you have one. But the fact is that Faux News is the one that is pushing this non-issue to the limit.

The fact is that this is not coming from Fox, it is coming from Deputy Ambassador Hicks. You just want to pretend it is coming from Fox so you can pretend your god is still perfect.
Well, now that you mention it - that would be a nice "starting point" :clap2:
Considering that Bush and Condi were not even questioned when they totally ignored warnings re 9/11 and 3000+ were killed, and Reps/cons didn't seem to be bothered by it much, it's ludicrous to see all the hoopla devoted to this.

Geez guy....you take yourself waayyyy too seriously.
It's funny to see you guys trying to come up with anything new regarding Benghazi that can be considered alchemistic enough to create devastation for Obama and failing each time.

I'll say it again since it apparently didnt sink in the first time.
Obama was warned by the Russians and the Saudis about the Boston bombers but did nothing. And he had names and addresses and they were on a terrorist watch list.
You might want to shut the fuck up about the "warning" crap.
your beef should be with the FBI who did the actual investigation, not with Obama or his administration
I'll reserve judgement until all hearings and investigations have been completed and reported.
it will not matter to people like you what happened .the left will back Obama and Hillary no matter what happened.

No matter what happened? We all know what happened. There was a terrorist attack, and 4 men got killed. Geez, that's not even close to the 9/11 scenario where Bush and Rice ignored warnings and more than 3000 people died, and I don't see Republicans hashing that over and over.

Take that bullshit and shove it up your ass ace.

9-11 was years in the planning. Those years were under Clinton. His FBI dropped the ball despite Agent John O'Neal trying to tell his bosses that something was up. He didn't know where or when but he knew we were going to be attacked. His bosses didn't want to hear it. They apparantly forgot all about the first attack on the TT's or didn't think anyone could plan or execute another attack O'Neil was eventually forced out of the FBI. He became head of security for the Twin Towers and died in same on 9-11.

Bush was in office for 8 months and who knows if he even got O'Neils warning. Rightly or wrongly the buck stops at his desk and always will. Clinton was in office for 8 years. If your going to assign blame anywhere ya better look at bubbas FBI.

Me? I blame the dirtbags who planned it and the dirtbags who flew those planes.

They also had plenty of warning for Benghazi. They should have beefed up security or pulled our folks out like the Britts and the Red Cross. If they had those men would be alive and we wouldn't be discussing jack shit about Benghazi.

Benghazi was a fuck up by Barry's State Department. That bucks stops at Barry's desk.
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What? Surely you are not serious. Of course Bush and Rice should not have ignored it. Funny how Republican/conservatives want to pin Benghazi as some sort of failure on Obama's part, when nobody had any idea that it was going to happen, but you want to claim that a specific warning about a possible attack is not cause for further investigation.

Perhaps you are the one devoid of critical thinking skills.

Hey Merde.
I posted two links debunking your claim that obama knew nothing about the boston bombers. So are you just going to ignore them?
You are a partisan hack of the highest order.

You shouldn't believe everything your right-wing sources tell you. And don't project your own "partisan hackiness" onto others.

A DHS official denied, however, that the agency received any such warning from Saudi intelligence about Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
Saudi Arabia 'warned the United States IN WRITING on bomber | Drudge Retort

Of course they deny it. And lets say for the sake of argument the Saudis didnt warn them.
What about the Russians warning?
Considering that Bush and Condi were not even questioned when they totally ignored warnings re 9/11 and 3000+ were killed, and Reps/cons didn't seem to be bothered by it much, it's ludicrous to see all the hoopla devoted to this.

It's funny to see you guys trying to come up with anything new regarding Benghazi that can be considered alchemistic enough to create devastation for Obama and failing each time.

I'll say it again since it apparently didnt sink in the first time.
Obama was warned by the Russians and the Saudis about the Boston bombers but did nothing. And he had names and addresses and they were on a terrorist watch list.
You might want to shut the fuck up about the "warning" crap.
your beef should be with the FBI who did the actual investigation, not with Obama or his administration

My beef is with ICE, which let him back into the country even though he was on a watch list.
Delusional again?

The interesting thing is the blind support for an incompetent doofus simply because he is a Democrat.

That coming from someone that probably voted to elect the #1 Doofus, not once but twice, whose ineptness put the country in the crapper is truly laughable. Obama has not only cleaned up the crappy mess left by the Republican moron who couldn't speak his way out of a paper bag, but has managed to do more good in spite of the enormous opposition from the party of "NO".

I have never voted for a Republican, or a Democrat, for president because I don't think anyone that has the support of either major party is qualified for the job.

What would be your opinion of "qualified"?
That coming from someone that probably voted to elect the #1 Doofus, not once but twice, whose ineptness put the country in the crapper is truly laughable. Obama has not only cleaned up the crappy mess left by the Republican moron who couldn't speak his way out of a paper bag, but has managed to do more good in spite of the enormous opposition from the party of "NO".

I have never voted for a Republican, or a Democrat, for president because I don't think anyone that has the support of either major party is qualified for the job.

What would be your opinion of "qualified"?

First thing is not having the support of a political machine that is only interested in preserving its own power at the expense of my freedom.
Someone needs to comprehend the difference between not authorized and stand down.
Why would the state dept. tell them to stand down? What possible reason could they have for NOT permitting rescue of our own Americans?
Hmm..., was it the State Dept., or the Pentagon? Was it Panetta and Dempsey following orders by the CIC. We do know that the commanding General Carter Ham of AFRICOM was relieved of duty within minutes of ordering that SF team to respond. Then there's the commander of the USS Stennis carrier group that ordered the scrambling of an F-18 to respond also relieved of duty.
Early retirement? Trumped up charges on a Rear Admiral? Hmm..?
I am not so sure you have a brain, the links I posted aren't from Fox.
I didn't say your links were from Faux, but your assumption should be reason enough for you to check to see if you have one. But the fact is that Faux News is the one that is pushing this non-issue to the limit.

The fact is that this is not coming from Fox, it is coming from Deputy Ambassador Hicks. You just want to pretend it is coming from Fox so you can pretend your god is still perfect.

I notice you didn't say much about the cheap payoff to the JournOlists of the W.H. press corps with donuts today.
To recap the thread to this point:
Who gave the order to stand down?
Until there is a name attached to the order, the claim the order was given is not believable by people of normal intellect and emotional development.
On hannitys radio show today the guy who operated one of the drones over the consulate called in and said they provided real time video of the attack. Oops...

Yeah, right :lol:

This is all an attempt by the right to cook up a scandal for Obama, and also to smear Hillary in advance of her likely run for the presidency in 2016. Sorry, but it's not going to work. First of all, it's cooked up bullshit; second, Americans just aren't that interested in it.
it will not matter to people like you what happened .the left will back Obama and Hillary no matter what happened.

No matter what happened? We all know what happened. There was a terrorist attack, and 4 men got killed. Geez, that's not even close to the 9/11 scenario where Bush and Rice ignored warnings and more than 3000 people died, and I don't see Republicans hashing that over and over.

Take that bullshit and shove it up your ass ace.

9-11 was years in the planning. Those years were under Clinton. His FBI dropped the ball despite Agent John O'Neal trying to tell his bosses that something was up. He didn't know where or when but he knew we were going to be attacked. His bosses didn't want to hear it. They apparantly forgot all about the first attack on the TT's or didn't think anyone could plan or execute another attack O'Neil was eventually forced out of the FBI. He became head of security for the Twin Towers and died in same on 9-11.

Bush was in office for 8 months and who knows if he even got O'Neils warning. Rightly or wrongly the buck stops at his desk and always will. Clinton was in office for 8 years. If your going to assign blame anywhere ya better look at bubbas FBI.

Me? I blame the dirtbags who planned it and the dirtbags who flew those planes.

They also had plenty of warning for Benghazi. They should have beefed up security or pulled our folks out like the Britts and the Red Cross. If they had those men would be alive and we wouldn't be discussing jack shit about Benghazi.

Benghazi was a fuck up by Barry's State Department. That bucks stops at Barry's desk.

Exactly. This whole Benghazi situation is a dog's breakfast.

One person's hide I'd like to see nailed to the wall over this fiasco is the man or woman who thought it was a swell and brilliant idea to hire Libya militias to guard the Ambassador and the Benghazi compound.

It's beyond my imagination that anyone in the State Department hired militia in a civil war torn country to guard fellow Americans. But that's for another day, another thread.
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To recap the thread to this point:
Who gave the order to stand down?
Until there is a name attached to the order, the claim the order was given is not believable by people of normal intellect and emotional development.

Hicks is highly respected. He has yet to testify publicly; that will come tomorrow. We are only privy to portions of his testimony previously given.

That person's name who told them they were not authorized to go has not been released.

Hicks is a 22 year verteran of the foreign service. And he was Ambassador Stevens right hand man and Deputy.

Are you saying he's a liar?
To recap the thread to this point:
Who gave the order to stand down?
Until there is a name attached to the order, the claim the order was given is not believable by people of normal intellect and emotional development.

Hicks is highly respected. He has yet to testify publicly; that will come tomorrow. We are only privy to portions of his testimony previously given.

That person's name who told them they were not authorized to go has not been released.

Hicks is a 22 year verteran of the foreign service. And he was Ambassador Stevens right hand man and Deputy.

Are you saying he's a liar?

apparently the order came from the state dept-------and the secretary of state was Hillary CLinton, and the Secstate reports to ------------ BHO. Soooooo, it appears that the buck stops at the buck----------LOL
To recap the thread to this point:
Who gave the order to stand down?
Until there is a name attached to the order, the claim the order was given is not believable by people of normal intellect and emotional development.

Hicks is highly respected. He has yet to testify publicly; that will come tomorrow. We are only privy to portions of his testimony previously given.

That person's name who told them they were not authorized to go has not been released.

Hicks is a 22 year verteran of the foreign service. And he was Ambassador Stevens right hand man and Deputy.

Are you saying he's a liar?

apparently the order came from the state dept-------and the secretary of state was Hillary CLinton, and the Secstate reports to ------------ BHO. Soooooo, it appears that the buck stops at the buck----------LOL

What's truly amazing is witnessing libs dance around any other version of events other than that of their "dear leader's" imagination.

That the video caused a protest and the protest gone wild is the one absolutely proven beyond a shadow of a doubt freaking lie.

There was no protest; the WH knew it but blatantly came out and lied repeatedly.

But yet liberals question anyone else's version of events. They love their Liar in Chief.
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Hicks is highly respected. He has yet to testify publicly; that will come tomorrow. We are only privy to portions of his testimony previously given.

That person's name who told them they were not authorized to go has not been released.

Hicks is a 22 year verteran of the foreign service. And he was Ambassador Stevens right hand man and Deputy.

Are you saying he's a liar?

apparently the order came from the state dept-------and the secretary of state was Hillary CLinton, and the Secstate reports to ------------ BHO. Soooooo, it appears that the buck stops at the buck----------LOL

What's truly amazing is witnessing libs dance around any other version of events other than that of their "dear leader"s" imagination.

That the video caused a protest and the protest gone wild is the one absolutely proven beyond a shadow of a doubt freaking lie.

There was no protest' the WH knew it but blatantly came out and lied repeatedly.

But yet liberals question anyone else's version of events. They love their Liar in Chief.

the defective liberal gene is very powerful. It blocks rational logical thinking.

there is no explanation other than insanity.

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