Special Prosecutor ? Prosecute What ?

Wanna see something interesting about THE LAW ?
Check THIS out. >> Schools Negligent In Teaching Criminal Law
That does help explain why Hillary was too stupid to know she was breaking the law.
Fact: Donald J Trump is under criminal federal investigation.
So your response: Hillary Hillary Hilary Hillary Hillary Hillary Hillary Hillary Hillary.

You must have never gotten over our criminal President and his sheep chanting lock her up.
Cute......Let's just say it was a woman from Portugal or from Iceland.....Would these 3 morons working for the orange clown have shown up to discuss issues???.....................LOL
Who cares what they discussed ? Everyone who runs for office, is looking for dirt on their opponent. What else is new ?

This is new because this is coming from foreign entities a well known adversary and threat to USA. Russia aim is to destroy America they are not our friends.
Trump supports to Putin against his own intelligence and Americans is just outrageous and un acceptable.
You should ask yourself--------- WHY in the world that Trump is doing all these nonsense? What benefits does he gain by throwing his support to Putin? This is un American.
Since when this is acceptable?

You should ask yourself----------- Why there are so much secret contacts with the Russians? Then lied that they didn't have contacts. Several GOPs are even speaking up against Trump.

GOP Rep. Gowdy slams Trump team for 'amnesia' on Russia meetings

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) says it is time for members of President Trump's campaign to come clean about any meetings they had with Russian figures during the campaign.

Gowdy, who led the House's special investigation into the Benghazi terrorist attack, said he was troubled by Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer who promised damaging information on then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

He expressed frustration over the failure to disclose the meeting up until now, citing "the amnesia of people that are in the Trump orbit."

"Someone close to the president needs to get everyone connected with that campaign in a room and say: From the time you saw 'Doctor Zhivago' until the moment you drank vodka with a guy named Boris, you list every single one of those, and we are going to turn them over to the special counsel," Gowdy said during an interview Tuesday on "The Story with Martha MacCallum" on Fox News.

Russia aim is to destroy America they are not our friends.

So why was Obama always kissing Putin's butt?

You did not answer any of my questions. WHY?
Since when did Obama kissed Putin's butt?

We clearly witnessed how much Trump adore and love Putin. He even protects him against our own intelligence. You know why? Because he owed a big favor from Putin. Putin own Trump and a puppet.
Russia is a nothingburger.

after all the hysteria dies down, Republicans will build the wall and crush the Dems in 2018. this will be fun!
We already have proof Russia will be the demise of the Trump family.
I guess you were in a coma last week..

then why hasn't it happened yet?
what is it waiting for?

and actually i have been following the don jr thing closely, as i'm interested about everything that concerns our wonderful president, President Donald J Trump.

yeah, you're stupid.
This is new because this is coming from foreign entities a well known adversary and threat to USA. Russia aim is to destroy America they are not our friends.
Trump supports to Putin against his own intelligence and Americans is just outrageous and un acceptable.
You should ask yourself--------- WHY in the world that Trump is doing all these nonsense? What benefits does he gain by throwing his support to Putin? This is un American.
Since when this is acceptable?

You should ask yourself----------- Why there are so much secret contacts with the Russians? Then lied that they didn't have contacts. Several GOPs are even speaking up against Trump.

GOP Rep. Gowdy slams Trump team for 'amnesia' on Russia meetings

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) says it is time for members of President Trump's campaign to come clean about any meetings they had with Russian figures during the campaign.

Gowdy, who led the House's special investigation into the Benghazi terrorist attack, said he was troubled by Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer who promised damaging information on then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

He expressed frustration over the failure to disclose the meeting up until now, citing "the amnesia of people that are in the Trump orbit."

"Someone close to the president needs to get everyone connected with that campaign in a room and say: From the time you saw 'Doctor Zhivago' until the moment you drank vodka with a guy named Boris, you list every single one of those, and we are going to turn them over to the special counsel," Gowdy said during an interview Tuesday on "The Story with Martha MacCallum" on Fox News.

EARTH TO CHARWIN: Russia is NOT "a well known adversary and threat to USA." They do NOT aim to "destroy America" You have been watchihng too much CNN & MSNBC. That stuff will drive you nuts.

There is a well known adversary and threat to USA, though. And this one is more than just a threat. It has already HARMED America immensely >> the traitorous Democratic Party.

When it comes to Obama, there are legitimate accusations needed to be made relating to his culpability as a jihadist, supporter of ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood (both devoted to destruction of America).

Unlike the empty accusations against Trump, Obama has a long, 8 year list of collusion with ISIS and the Brotherhood, with clear charges of treason.

1) Allowed Major Nidal Hasan to remain in place in Fort Hood despite his constant jihadist ranting, and requests from Army brass to dishonorably discharge him. > 13 soldiers killed, 38 wounded.

2) Troop pullout from Iraq in December 2011, despite military advice against it.

3) Pulled troops out of Afghanistan.

4) Called ISIS a “JV team”, despite much evidence to the contrary.

5) Blamed intelligence community for ISIS advance in Mosul (June 2014)

6) Cairo speech in 2009

7) Declared ISIS is not Islamic

8) Declared “We don’t have a strategy yet”

9) GAO report Nov. 2014) – Obama missed most of his daily intelligence briefings

10) In 2015, long after ISIS had established itself in Iraq, Obama sent 3000 troops to Iraq but in limited roles of training, being confined to HQ and training bases (not combat)

11) Did nothing regarding Comey statement that he was aware of only a dozen Americans who have joined ISIS, and “they’re entitled to come back to the US”

12) Took no action against lone “known” wolves

13) Prohibited investigations of radical mosques. Stopped undercover surveillance without evidence of criminal activity occurring.

14) Obama DOJ intervened in favor of mosques, against the will of the people, where local jurisdictions had opposed the opening of the mosques.

15) Sent an official to the Oklahoma City mosque Alton Nolan attended with a personal letter of thanks from Obama – to counter negative attention the mosque received after the beheading of Colleen Hufford.

16) Obama administration never seemed to decide if it was at war with ISIS or not. Called the fighting >> “Overseas Contingency Operation” and “Man Caused Disasters”

17) Treated jihadists like street criminals. Trying them in civilian courts, rather than military tribunals.

18) Proposed shutting down GITMO.

19) Refused to say “radical Islam, “jihad”, “Muslim terrorists”. Purged these words from FBI training manuals.

20) July 22, 2014, Obama cancelled commercial flights to Israel, giving a victory to Hamas.

21) Rewarded the Palestinian Authority with a $47 million aid package. Ted Cruz called it “in effect, $47 Million for Hamas.”

22) Spoke in favor of a Palestinian state (they already have one > Jordan).

23) Refused to acknowledge reason for Islamic terrorism > Islam (the Koran), and kept calling it “religion of peace”

24) Obama did not attend the Jan 11, 2014 Solidarity March Against Islamic Terrorism in Paris. 40 world leaders attended but no US official.

25) May 2013 speech at Natl Defense Univ. declared >> Global War on Terror was over.

26) Was silent on Egyptian president Abdel Fatah al-Sisi’s important speech Jan. 1, 2015, at al-Azhar Univ. to Egypt’s top Islamic authorities, about the need to reform Islam.

27) Suspended military aid to Egypt after al-Sisi smashed the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

28) Embraced Turkey, Iran, and Qatar, while exhibiting isolation and hostility to Israel and Egypt.

29) Bad Iran deal, and continued receptivity to Iran, and painting Iran as a responsible nation (despite every indication to the contrary). Suggested opening a US embassy in Iran.

30) Willing to allow Iran to control the war against ISIS.

31) Enacted bad Iran deal, and continued receptivity to Iran, and painting Iran as a responsible nation (despite every indication to the contrary). Suggested opening a US embassy in Iran.

32) Willing to allow Iran to control the war against ISIS.

33) Reversed the policy against formal contacts with the Brotherhood;

33) Funded Hamas;

34) Continued funding Egypt even after the Brotherhood won the elections;

35) Dropped an investigation of Brotherhood organizations in the U.S. that were previously identified as co-conspirators in the case of the Holy Land Foundation financing Hamas;

36) Hosted Brotherhood delegations in the United States;

37) Issued a visa to a member of the Islamic Group (a designated terrorist organization) and hosted him in Washington because he is part of the Brotherhood’s parliamentary coalition in Egypt;

38) Announced that Israel should go back to its indefensible 1967 borders;

39) Excluded Israel, the world’s leading target of terrorism, from a counterterrorism forum in which the State Department sought to “partner” with Islamist governments that do not regard attacks on Israel as terrorism;

40) Pressured Egypt’s pro-American military government to surrender power to the anti-American Muslim Brotherhood parliament and president (Morsi), just elected by Egypt’s predominantly anti-American population.

You did not answer any of my questions but you are deflecting big time.
Even Rep. Sen. Gowdy blasted Trump.
What are those nonsense crap has anything to do with Mueller investigation? Stick with the issue dude.

Russia is not enemy? Then Trump should explain to you why we sent more US troops to Eastern Europe, heavy military equipments and fighter jets, military exercise Anaconda in Poland last year, just concluded a military exercise called Saber Strike 2027 in Latvia last month. To counter Putin aggression.
Try again.
Prove to us that junior has nothing to hide.
I don't have to prove that. Nothing came out of Jr talking to that lawyer woman. You prove that Obama didn't collude with Baghdadi. That's the real story connected to an enemy of America. Russia isn't an enemy. ISIS and the Democrats are.

Wrong answer again. Yes you do. You need to prove that junior has nothing to hide.
And this has nothing to do with Obama, democrats or ISIS. Try again.
Cute......Let's just say it was a woman from Portugal or from Iceland.....Would these 3 morons working for the orange clown have shown up to discuss issues???.....................LOL
Who cares what they discussed ? Everyone who runs for office, is looking for dirt on their opponent. What else is new ?

This is new because this is coming from foreign entities a well known adversary and threat to USA. Russia aim is to destroy America they are not our friends.
Trump supports to Putin against his own intelligence and Americans is just outrageous and un acceptable.
You should ask yourself--------- WHY in the world that Trump is doing all these nonsense? What benefits does he gain by throwing his support to Putin? This is un American.
Since when this is acceptable?

You should ask yourself----------- Why there are so much secret contacts with the Russians? Then lied that they didn't have contacts. Several GOPs are even speaking up against Trump.

GOP Rep. Gowdy slams Trump team for 'amnesia' on Russia meetings

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) says it is time for members of President Trump's campaign to come clean about any meetings they had with Russian figures during the campaign.

Gowdy, who led the House's special investigation into the Benghazi terrorist attack, said he was troubled by Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer who promised damaging information on then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

He expressed frustration over the failure to disclose the meeting up until now, citing "the amnesia of people that are in the Trump orbit."

"Someone close to the president needs to get everyone connected with that campaign in a room and say: From the time you saw 'Doctor Zhivago' until the moment you drank vodka with a guy named Boris, you list every single one of those, and we are going to turn them over to the special counsel," Gowdy said during an interview Tuesday on "The Story with Martha MacCallum" on Fox News.

Russia aim is to destroy America they are not our friends.

So why was Obama always kissing Putin's butt?

You did not answer any of my questions. WHY?
Since when did Obama kissed Putin's butt?

We clearly witnessed how much Trump adore and love Putin. He even protects him against our own intelligence. You know why? Because he owed a big favor from Putin. Putin own Trump and a puppet.

Since when did Obama kissed Putin's butt?

Since Obama took office.
Cute......Let's just say it was a woman from Portugal or from Iceland.....Would these 3 morons working for the orange clown have shown up to discuss issues???.....................LOL
Who cares what they discussed ? Everyone who runs for office, is looking for dirt on their opponent. What else is new ?

This is new because this is coming from foreign entities a well known adversary and threat to USA. Russia aim is to destroy America they are not our friends.
Trump supports to Putin against his own intelligence and Americans is just outrageous and un acceptable.
You should ask yourself--------- WHY in the world that Trump is doing all these nonsense? What benefits does he gain by throwing his support to Putin? This is un American.
Since when this is acceptable?

You should ask yourself----------- Why there are so much secret contacts with the Russians? Then lied that they didn't have contacts. Several GOPs are even speaking up against Trump.

GOP Rep. Gowdy slams Trump team for 'amnesia' on Russia meetings

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) says it is time for members of President Trump's campaign to come clean about any meetings they had with Russian figures during the campaign.

Gowdy, who led the House's special investigation into the Benghazi terrorist attack, said he was troubled by Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer who promised damaging information on then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

He expressed frustration over the failure to disclose the meeting up until now, citing "the amnesia of people that are in the Trump orbit."

"Someone close to the president needs to get everyone connected with that campaign in a room and say: From the time you saw 'Doctor Zhivago' until the moment you drank vodka with a guy named Boris, you list every single one of those, and we are going to turn them over to the special counsel," Gowdy said during an interview Tuesday on "The Story with Martha MacCallum" on Fox News.

Russia aim is to destroy America they are not our friends.

So why was Obama always kissing Putin's butt?

You did not answer any of my questions. WHY?
Since when did Obama kissed Putin's butt?

We clearly witnessed how much Trump adore and love Putin. He even protects him against our own intelligence. You know why? Because he owed a big favor from Putin. Putin own Trump and a puppet.

Since when did Obama kissed Putin's butt?

Since Obama took office.


Didn't you see how Trump is so excited and glow of love when he saw Putin?
Handshakes------- Thank you buddy, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Then touch him on the back like giving him a massage. Thank you buddy, thank you, thank you, thank you.
With all the controversies going on that are being watch around the world showing that kind of affection is quite demoralizing and disgusting.
Who cares what they discussed ? Everyone who runs for office, is looking for dirt on their opponent. What else is new ?

This is new because this is coming from foreign entities a well known adversary and threat to USA. Russia aim is to destroy America they are not our friends.
Trump supports to Putin against his own intelligence and Americans is just outrageous and un acceptable.
You should ask yourself--------- WHY in the world that Trump is doing all these nonsense? What benefits does he gain by throwing his support to Putin? This is un American.
Since when this is acceptable?

You should ask yourself----------- Why there are so much secret contacts with the Russians? Then lied that they didn't have contacts. Several GOPs are even speaking up against Trump.

GOP Rep. Gowdy slams Trump team for 'amnesia' on Russia meetings

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) says it is time for members of President Trump's campaign to come clean about any meetings they had with Russian figures during the campaign.

Gowdy, who led the House's special investigation into the Benghazi terrorist attack, said he was troubled by Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer who promised damaging information on then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

He expressed frustration over the failure to disclose the meeting up until now, citing "the amnesia of people that are in the Trump orbit."

"Someone close to the president needs to get everyone connected with that campaign in a room and say: From the time you saw 'Doctor Zhivago' until the moment you drank vodka with a guy named Boris, you list every single one of those, and we are going to turn them over to the special counsel," Gowdy said during an interview Tuesday on "The Story with Martha MacCallum" on Fox News.

Russia aim is to destroy America they are not our friends.

So why was Obama always kissing Putin's butt?

You did not answer any of my questions. WHY?
Since when did Obama kissed Putin's butt?

We clearly witnessed how much Trump adore and love Putin. He even protects him against our own intelligence. You know why? Because he owed a big favor from Putin. Putin own Trump and a puppet.

Since when did Obama kissed Putin's butt?

Since Obama took office.


Didn't you see how Trump is so excited and glow of love when he saw Putin?
Handshakes------- Thank you buddy, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Then touch him on the back like giving him a massage. Thank you buddy, thank you, thank you, thank you.
With all the controversies going on that are being watch around the world showing that kind of affection is quite demoralizing and disgusting.

I'm glad Putin was "out of office" when Obama promised to be all flexible.
If they had met that day, Obama might have dropped to his knees.
This is new because this is coming from foreign entities a well known adversary and threat to USA. Russia aim is to destroy America they are not our friends.
Trump supports to Putin against his own intelligence and Americans is just outrageous and un acceptable.
You should ask yourself--------- WHY in the world that Trump is doing all these nonsense? What benefits does he gain by throwing his support to Putin? This is un American.
Since when this is acceptable?

You should ask yourself----------- Why there are so much secret contacts with the Russians? Then lied that they didn't have contacts. Several GOPs are even speaking up against Trump.

GOP Rep. Gowdy slams Trump team for 'amnesia' on Russia meetings

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) says it is time for members of President Trump's campaign to come clean about any meetings they had with Russian figures during the campaign.

Gowdy, who led the House's special investigation into the Benghazi terrorist attack, said he was troubled by Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer who promised damaging information on then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

He expressed frustration over the failure to disclose the meeting up until now, citing "the amnesia of people that are in the Trump orbit."

"Someone close to the president needs to get everyone connected with that campaign in a room and say: From the time you saw 'Doctor Zhivago' until the moment you drank vodka with a guy named Boris, you list every single one of those, and we are going to turn them over to the special counsel," Gowdy said during an interview Tuesday on "The Story with Martha MacCallum" on Fox News.

Russia aim is to destroy America they are not our friends.

So why was Obama always kissing Putin's butt?

You did not answer any of my questions. WHY?
Since when did Obama kissed Putin's butt?

We clearly witnessed how much Trump adore and love Putin. He even protects him against our own intelligence. You know why? Because he owed a big favor from Putin. Putin own Trump and a puppet.

Since when did Obama kissed Putin's butt?

Since Obama took office.


Didn't you see how Trump is so excited and glow of love when he saw Putin?
Handshakes------- Thank you buddy, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Then touch him on the back like giving him a massage. Thank you buddy, thank you, thank you, thank you.
With all the controversies going on that are being watch around the world showing that kind of affection is quite demoralizing and disgusting.

I'm glad Putin was "out of office" when Obama promised to be all flexible.
If they had met that day, Obama might have dropped to his knees.

That is quite a big difference to what is Trump showing to the whole world. If there are any merit it's only one time.

BUT Trump is defending Putin everyday, every day, all the secret meetings, republicans investigating Trump----- etc etc etc etc.
YET he is displaying his love and affection to Putin in public. He is out of control dude.
Russia aim is to destroy America they are not our friends.

So why was Obama always kissing Putin's butt?

You did not answer any of my questions. WHY?
Since when did Obama kissed Putin's butt?

We clearly witnessed how much Trump adore and love Putin. He even protects him against our own intelligence. You know why? Because he owed a big favor from Putin. Putin own Trump and a puppet.

Since when did Obama kissed Putin's butt?

Since Obama took office.


Didn't you see how Trump is so excited and glow of love when he saw Putin?
Handshakes------- Thank you buddy, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Then touch him on the back like giving him a massage. Thank you buddy, thank you, thank you, thank you.
With all the controversies going on that are being watch around the world showing that kind of affection is quite demoralizing and disgusting.

I'm glad Putin was "out of office" when Obama promised to be all flexible.
If they had met that day, Obama might have dropped to his knees.

That is quite a big difference to what is Trump showing to the whole world. If there are any merit it's only one time.

BUT Trump is defending Putin everyday, every day, all the secret meetings, republicans investigating Trump----- etc etc etc etc.
YET he is displaying his love and affection to Putin in public. He is out of control dude.

Sounds awful! Did he give him a reset button yet?
You did not answer any of my questions. WHY?
Since when did Obama kissed Putin's butt?

We clearly witnessed how much Trump adore and love Putin. He even protects him against our own intelligence. You know why? Because he owed a big favor from Putin. Putin own Trump and a puppet.

Since when did Obama kissed Putin's butt?

Since Obama took office.


Didn't you see how Trump is so excited and glow of love when he saw Putin?
Handshakes------- Thank you buddy, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Then touch him on the back like giving him a massage. Thank you buddy, thank you, thank you, thank you.
With all the controversies going on that are being watch around the world showing that kind of affection is quite demoralizing and disgusting.

I'm glad Putin was "out of office" when Obama promised to be all flexible.
If they had met that day, Obama might have dropped to his knees.

That is quite a big difference to what is Trump showing to the whole world. If there are any merit it's only one time.

BUT Trump is defending Putin everyday, every day, all the secret meetings, republicans investigating Trump----- etc etc etc etc.
YET he is displaying his love and affection to Putin in public. He is out of control dude.

Sounds awful! Did he give him a reset button yet?

No but he should stop showing his love and affection to Putin.
Link? Didn't you see how Trump is so excited and glow of love when he saw Putin?
Handshakes------- Thank you buddy, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Then touch him on the back like giving him a massage. Thank you buddy, thank you, thank you, thank you.
With all the controversies going on that are being watch around the world showing that kind of affection is quite demoralizing and disgusting.
WHAT controversies ? (not including fabricated bullshit, like the Russian collusion scam)

And having Russia as an ally is a good idea >> Reckless Democrats Just Ruined US-International Relations
Link? Didn't you see how Trump is so excited and glow of love when he saw Putin?
Handshakes------- Thank you buddy, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Then touch him on the back like giving him a massage. Thank you buddy, thank you, thank you, thank you.
With all the controversies going on that are being watch around the world showing that kind of affection is quite demoralizing and disgusting.
WHAT controversies ? (not including fabricated bullshit, like the Russian collusion scam)

And having Russia as an ally is a good idea >> Reckless Democrats Just Ruined US-International Relations

Fabricated? Since you know so much maybe you can update us?
Where's your link?
Cute......Let's just say it was a woman from Portugal or from Iceland.....Would these 3 morons working for the orange clown have shown up to discuss issues???.....................LOL
Who cares what they discussed ? Everyone who runs for office, is looking for dirt on their opponent. What else is new ?

This is new because this is coming from foreign entities a well known adversary and threat to USA. Russia aim is to destroy America they are not our friends.
Trump supports to Putin against his own intelligence and Americans is just outrageous and un acceptable.
You should ask yourself--------- WHY in the world that Trump is doing all these nonsense? What benefits does he gain by throwing his support to Putin? This is un American.
Since when this is acceptable?

You should ask yourself----------- Why there are so much secret contacts with the Russians? Then lied that they didn't have contacts. Several GOPs are even speaking up against Trump.

GOP Rep. Gowdy slams Trump team for 'amnesia' on Russia meetings

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) says it is time for members of President Trump's campaign to come clean about any meetings they had with Russian figures during the campaign.

Gowdy, who led the House's special investigation into the Benghazi terrorist attack, said he was troubled by Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer who promised damaging information on then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

He expressed frustration over the failure to disclose the meeting up until now, citing "the amnesia of people that are in the Trump orbit."

"Someone close to the president needs to get everyone connected with that campaign in a room and say: From the time you saw 'Doctor Zhivago' until the moment you drank vodka with a guy named Boris, you list every single one of those, and we are going to turn them over to the special counsel," Gowdy said during an interview Tuesday on "The Story with Martha MacCallum" on Fox News.

Russia aim is to destroy America they are not our friends.

So why was Obama always kissing Putin's butt?

You did not answer any of my questions. WHY?
Since when did Obama kissed Putin's butt?

We clearly witnessed how much Trump adore and love Putin. He even protects him against our own intelligence. You know why? Because he owed a big favor from Putin. Putin own Trump and a puppet.

Since when did Obama kissed Putin's butt?

Since Obama took office.

putin obama_thumb[1].jpg

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