Speech raises concerns about Trump’s cognitive decline , as he claimed he beat Obama

Yes the whole steele dossier was unverified bullshit
Trump wears Russian suits. Cheap, ill fitting
Though it’s inconvenient for the revisionists’ narrative, the Russian government really did intervene in the 2016 election by hacking leading Democrats’ emails and having them leaked. Much of the coverage of the scandal now derided as “Russiagate” was about the investigation into whether anyone associated with Trump was involved in that Russian effort, treating this as an open question to which we simply didn’t yet know the answer.

Much of what the critics are arguing here is less about the facts of the scandal and more about the larger narrative around it. Should the media have treated Trump-Russia as the biggest political story in the country? Did the overall amount and tone of the coverage leave a false impression of his guilt? How does it compare to scandal coverage of other politicians, like Hillary Clinton?

Get a new tin foil hat collusion cultist
Come on lefties, do you think this Alinsky stuff will fly? How in the world can you accuse Trump of a "cognitive decline" when you ignore the fact that Biden can't even put an unscripted sentence together?
They're both doddering old fucks. Happy?

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