Spielberg says next Indiana Jones should be played by a woman

Is she going to be played by someone who looks like they could pass the military requirements for infantry? Or is it going to be an little elf who punches someone and they fly into the air? How much you want to bet on a supermodel Barbie action hero?
Oh I will have to make sure I never see it. This is the dumbest idea he could dream up. The a.h. probably lost millions after he announced he was a Trump hater now he has to play into the hands of the radical leftist feminazis to make up for it LOL
Is she going to be played by someone who looks like they could pass the military requirements for infantry? Or is it going to be an little elf who punches someone and they fly into the air? How much you want to bet on a supermodel Barbie action hero?

I heard this woman was being considered for the part, but she can't seem to be reached for comment...

Is she going to be played by someone who looks like they could pass the military requirements for infantry? Or is it going to be an little elf who punches someone and they fly into the air? How much you want to bet on a supermodel Barbie action hero?

I heard this woman was being considered for the part, but she can't seem to be reached for comment...


You may be onto something. Studios are usually pretty secretive when at first casting people in big name roles, and she has been pretty silent for the past couple days.
Jesus Christ. This was a fun thread for a few minutes. Of course Tipsy had to come in....
One of IJ’s trademarks is the several days of beard growth. Wonder how that will work with a female Jones.
Why not grow a little original imagination and think of sonething new.

Something new has been tried already. Movie remakes with reassigned gender or racial roles usually go over like a loud fart in a crowded movie theater with a broken ventilation system and the emergency exit doors locked.
Why not grow a little original imagination and think of sonething new.

Something new has been tried already. Movie remakes with reassigned gender or racial roles usually go over like a loud fart in a crowded movie theater.
I have no problem with female lead action heroes. Love Tomb Raider and Resident Evil. I love watching a movie with a sexy babe kicking ass. However, once the sex of the action hero has been established, let’s keep it that way.
Why not grow a little original imagination and think of sonething new.

Something new has been tried already. Movie remakes with reassigned gender or racial roles usually go over like a loud fart in a crowded movie theater.
I have no problem with female lead action heroes. Love Tomb Raider and Resident Evil. I love watching a movie with a sexy babe kicking ass. However, once the sex of the action hero has been established, let’s keep it that way.

Why not grow a little original imagination and think of sonething new.

Something new has been tried already. Movie remakes with reassigned gender or racial roles usually go over like a loud fart in a crowded movie theater with a broken ventilation system and the emergency exit doors locked.

I'm a huge comic book fan, (if nobody could tell) and I have never minded the rebooting of comic book movies. It happens all the time in the comics themselves. But when I heard they were rebooting the Fantastic Four with a black Johnny Storm I was immediately turned off. Johnny Storm has been white for something like 70 years. I don't need a black Human Torch. You could create decades of great comic book movies without reassigning race/genders.
Why not grow a little original imagination and think of sonething new.

Something new has been tried already. Movie remakes with reassigned gender or racial roles usually go over like a loud fart in a crowded movie theater with a broken ventilation system and the emergency exit doors locked.

I'm a huge comic book fan, (if nobody could tell) and I have never minded the rebooting of comic book movies. It happens all the time in the comics themselves. But when I heard they were rebooting the Fantastic Four with a black Johnny Storm I was immediately turned off. Johnny Storm has been white for something like 70 years. I don't need a black Human Torch. You could create decades of great comic book movies without reassigning race/genders.

I heard somewhere that Disney is rebooting "The Rocketeer" with a black female lead.

How do they come up with ideas like that? Write them down on little pieces of paper and draw one out of a hat?
Why not grow a little original imagination and think of sonething new.

Something new has been tried already. Movie remakes with reassigned gender or racial roles usually go over like a loud fart in a crowded movie theater with a broken ventilation system and the emergency exit doors locked.

I'm a huge comic book fan, (if nobody could tell) and I have never minded the rebooting of comic book movies. It happens all the time in the comics themselves. But when I heard they were rebooting the Fantastic Four with a black Johnny Storm I was immediately turned off. Johnny Storm has been white for something like 70 years. I don't need a black Human Torch. You could create decades of great comic book movies without reassigning race/genders.

I heard somewhere that Disney is rebooting "The Rocketeer" with a black female lead.

How do they come up with ideas like that? Write them down on little pieces of paper and draw one out of a hat?
Next thing will be a transgendered Mickey Mouse.
How about "No"?

“We’d have to change the name from Jones to Joan,” he said. “And there would be nothing wrong with that...”

Steven Spielberg: Indiana Jones Should Be Played by a Woman
A female Indy would be unwatchable and the most massive flop in cinematic history since the female ghostbusters.

Spielberg probably does not care however since he had already ruined the franchise with the Kingdom of the crystal skull debacle.

And of course his career in general has been in a slump, not that he would care as he is rich enough to never make another movie.
She could be Dr Jones....Lord knows Jones Boys were trying to screw every woman they met.....

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